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What is love? It is something that motivates and inspire each human and in a
moment of our live we will have to experiment; on the other hand, love disappoint
too, when it isn`t appropriate or when it isn’t what we were expecting. Nevertheless,
love will never have a certain meaning or something that can explain what’s
happening in our mind when we feel love.

There are many kinds of love, each one, is felt by the person since a child. There is
the family love: that mom’s affection, in which, she could give her life for her child;
the pet love: despite everything, they protect us, and their love is the most loyal that
we can find; the love of a friend: the affection of a true friend, that always be there to
support us in moments when we feel alone; a love of a relationship: in which is in a
way more romantic, and often is where people express “to be in love”; what we do:
is the love for what you like to do, for the well done work and which we always be
happy, without reproach the effort that we make to get what we want.

Love is essential for the live of each person. Love makes us look things in another
way, with other perspective; makes us feel happy, it motivates us to do new things,
it makes us know more, it gives to us good influences. LOVE MAKES US FEEL
ALIVE. But, it has cons; love can disappoint us, it put us on test, as an example:
when a close family member or a pet die; when who we say is the love of our live,
brake up with us; when a friendship over or just decide not to talk anymore; when
the work that you are doing become in monotony and stop liking…This things often
happen and we have to deal with it, but, how can we get prepared this kind of things?
Since children they taught how to love, but they didn’t teach us how to react against
the disappoint that can cause the love.

Love is not always going to be good, but in its moment, we should live and take
advantage of it. Being in love, no just meaning that we are in love with our couple,
you can love your family as much as you love your couple and even more, even your
pet; we can leave this away, just because of your dream’s work and which you love,
it doesn’t let you be with your family or been in a relationship. All the interpersonal
relations are connected to each other, giving a full life y full of happiness, that, if you
know how to manage, it would be plenty of love.

We can find love everywhere. All people have been in love in a moment of their live,
some by the religious way, other just in the personal way but, all people have been
in love or will love till the end of their live.

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