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Rawipol Prasertboon Matt

Liver Enzyme Lab

In this lab we tested the catalase in the different temperature and PH. We used the
pork liver as the enzyme and hydrogen peroxide as the substrates. The result of this chemical
reaction were energy and the oxygen in the form of bubble. We put the enzyme in 3 different
temperature which were below 0 Celsius, above 100 Celsius and the room temperature. In the
freezing condition, the enzymes only react with the substrates within a very short amount of
time and did not produced the product which is the bubble very much. This is because
temperature could be one of the factors that affecting the enzyme. In this case the enzyme is
cold, then it will slower the reaction down according to the result of the lab. For the next
condition is the boiling temperature which the enzyme did not have an effect on the
substrates at all, there was no product produced because the temperature of the enzyme might
get too hot. Next is the normal room temperature, this temperature has the most reaction with
the substrate, which mean it can produce the most product in the very long time. Because of
the temperature of the room which is warm, the enzyme will react with the fastest. Base on
the result of the lab, the room temperature conditions work better than the cold and the hot
one which can be say that the hotter it is, the faster the enzyme can be. On the other hand, if
the enzyme gets too hot, the reaction will not be occurred. So, it can be said that the cold one
would have the middle rate of the bubble and did not last for the very long. The hot one did
not have the reaction at all which leads to the room temperature which have the highest rate
of the bubble and last for the longest. After the temperature test we then will be doing the
different rate of PH test. We used the acidified and the basified for testing the reaction of the
enzyme. For the basified the product was produce the fastest and the longest because it is in
the range of optimized range. For the acidified the enzyme did not react to the substrate at all.
Which can be say that the enzyme will works better at the base range in PH, and the enzyme
won’t react if the PH is acid according to the result of the lab. So, the result according to the
data table from the lab, the basified will have the most rate of bubble and last the longest, so
as the acidified will have no effect on the substrates.
In this experiment there were some mistake which might cause the changing of the
result of the lab. One of the mistakes was the amount of the enzyme which is the pork liver
that we put into the substrate is not the same. Another mistake is the rate of time of the
enzyme, we are supposed to push the enzyme to touch the substrate until the reaction stop.
Instead we stop the time when the H2O2 pushes the pork liver up, which could cause the
change of the time in the experiment.
In the conclusion it can be say that the result of this experiment does not
support my hypothesis which state that the hot liver will react with the substrates the most.

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