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Module 1, Lesson 1
Courses That Convert
The Course Creation Roadmap

Hey there, welcome to Module 1, Lesson 1, The Course Creation Roadmap.

What You Will Discover

! What it means to create a course that converts

! Your “getting started” course decisions
! Why most people don’t get to the course completion finish line
! The 60-Day Course Planner

I’m going to give you the roadmap to get you all the way through creating your course
from start to finish.

What does it mean to create course that CONVERTS?

In my opinion, two things need to happen.

! Your course sells like hotcakes to your perfect, ideal audience.

! Your students get tremendous results

If you’re selling like hotcakes and your students tell you all about their big success
stories then we know we have a homerun. This course was designed with these two
outcomes in mind.

Module 1 - Mapping Our Your First Course

Let me walk you through the modules so you know what to expect on your course
creation journey. In Module 1 we are going to map out your entire course. We do that
with a 60-day planner. I want you to know what to expect on your journey to create
your course.

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In addition to that, we are going to validate your idea. I’m going to help you make sure
that what you are creating is exactly what your perfect, ideal potential students want.

Module 2 – Developing Your Course

This is where we will dive into your positioning, content outline, the pricing of your
course, and the entire offer. We are going to make sure you are incredibly clear about
what you actually are creating.

Module 3 – Designing Your Course Content

We are going to design your course content. Specifically, we are going to get it
recorded, edited, and you will also make some decisions in terms of how you want to
teach inside your course.

Module 4 – Building Your Members Site

You are going to learn how to lay out your entire course inside a Members’ Site. This is
where the technology can get a little sticky. But don’t worry, I have an entire tech
library to walk you through the entire process.

Module 5 – Optimizing Student Success

Here you are going to learn how to beta test once your course is complete (if that’s
something you want to do). I am also going to show you how to write a new member
onboarding sequence to insure that your new members are insanely supported every
step of the way.

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Once you complete all five modules I have some bonuses for you that focus on how to
launch your course once you’re ready. First, I want you to go through all five modules
and then the bonuses will be waiting for you when you’re ready.

Getting Started – Course Creation Decisions

You don’t have to make all of these decisions right now but I at least want you to start
thinking about these important topics.

Who are you selling to? I want you to get insanely clear about your avatar, your
ideal, potential student. I want you to know who they are, what they need, what they
want, and I want you to be very clear about their challenges, what they have done in
the past to get results, what hasn’t worked for them, and what they truly need from

We will dive into all of that in your validation exercises coming up in the next lesson.
But right now I want you to start thinking about who is perfect for your course.

What is their challenge? Most of us that are creating online training courses are
going to do so because our potential student has a problem or a challenge. Or, maybe
it’s just a really deep desire. You want to get very clear about what that is.

The validation exercises that are coming up in the next lessons will help you do just

What results are you promising? Once you get clear about who your potential
student is and what their challenge or problem or desire is, from there you want to
decide what kind of results you are going to get for your students. What results do they
genuinely need and want?

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Will you start with an introductory course or are you going big right out of
the gate? When you do some validation exercises you will start to get a clear picture
about which route you want to go but this lesson is all about just starting to get those
wheels turning a bit so you begin to think about what would be best for you and your
students right now.

Your Signature Product

I thought it would be helpful to explore what a signature product looks like and what an
introductory product looks like as well.

! The work you are MOST excited to dive into with your students.
! It’s specific and detailed, but usually involves multiple layers.
! It’s NOT a jumping off point for your students, but instead an entire
framework (from start to finish) that leads to a transformation.

Courses That Convert would be considered one of my signature products. It is definitely

a framework from start to finish. The goal is to end with an actual valuable, highly
profitable asset in your business. That’s the transformation. It’s also specific and
detailed and has many layers to it. That’s typically what a signature product looks like.
It tends to have a premium price point to it; not always, but usually.

Courses That Convert was a $1,000 program and that would be considered premium

Introductory Course

! An introductory course is usually the “getting started” point for your

! It is often hyper focused (Example: Just About Facebook) My first
product was an introductory course, not that I think you have to start with an
introductory course, but I am sharing a little bit about what my business has

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looked liked. I started out with a Facebook 101 course. It was $97 and it was
definitely a “getting started” type of program.
! It’s packed with value, but does not unveil the entire framework from
start to finish. An introductory course does not mean it’s not highly valuable.
In fact, you might have just as many modules and lessons in an introductory
course as you would in a signature course. But, again, it’s at what level of depth
you are going to be teaching.
! The price point is usually on the lower end. I think the most popular price
point for an introductory course is $97. That is not a hard and fast rule. We will
talk about product pricing in an upcoming module. But for the sake of this lesson
I just wanted you to start thinking about how deep you want to go with your
course creation. There is no right or wrong answer here so I want you to go with
what will work best for you and your students right now.

What kind of course will you create? To help you start thinking about what would
be best for you and your business, here are a few things to think about.

The level of understanding of your potential students’ need and wants – The
more you understand your students the easier it is to dive deep into a course with
multiple levels to help them with the transformation.

Your depth of knowledge on your course topic. – You always need to make sure
you are one step ahead of those you are teaching. It’s important to look at how much
you know about the topic and how deep you can go. That will help you understand if
you want to start with an introductory course or with more of a signature type product.

Your confidence in teaching what you know (Your ability to get results!) –
You will learn in an upcoming lesson there is a difference between knowing something
and having the ability to teach it. I am going to help you learn how to teach inside of an
online course. The more confident you are with teaching what you know, the bigger
results you will get for your students.

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Usually bigger results lend themselves to more of a signature course; not always, these
are not hard and fast rules, but I’m here to help you start thinking about what will work
best for you and your students.

Your understanding of your students’ situation (Where are they right now in
their journey?) – For example, if I were to come out with a product that was
incredibly sophisticated about Infusionsoft funnels and all of the different funnels you
can create in infusion soft with tons of layers all about different campaigns and different
targeting and different segmenting and all that good stuff, I would probably be laughed
at by my core audience.

Right now my core audience is not ready for super sophisticated Infusionsoft funnels.
Instead, they are right where you are right now, creating their online course, and
usually using webinars to create their first successful launch. I know where my
audience is so that helps me decide what type of product I want to create for them. AS
you go through the validation exercises you will start to get a really clear picture about
where your students are in their journey. That will help you decide what type of course
you want to create.

Your revenue goals and expectations – Let’s be honest, if you’re selling a $97
course you need to sell a whole heck of a lot of them to get to a million dollars if that is
your goal. If your goal is to make a million dollars in a year with your course you are
selling a lot of courses if it is a $97 course.

If you were to create your signature product and you sold it for $1,000 or $2,000 you
will get to a million dollars a whole lot quicker. You need to look at where you’re going
in terms of your goals for revenue and the goals and expectations for your business.
That should play a part in what type of product you’re going to create.

Don’t worry if you don’t have this all figured out just yet. We’re going to get into all of
this even deeper in Module 2 so I have you covered. Don’t you worry. I just want you
to start thinking about these things now as we get going.

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What Sells?

One thing that’s really helpful to understand when we are about online courses is what
sells. I am going to tell you right now.

! Systems
! Step-by-Step
! Processes
! Blueprints
! Plans

If you put it into a framework so that people can follow along with you step by step and
you have organized it and taken out all of the fluff and only put the must-have content
into your course to help your students get results as fast as humanly possible, you will
have an extremely sexy course, a course that converts! There is no doubt about it,
systems sell.

What Does Not Sell?

! Random tips and strategies

! Ambiguous promises
! General ideas

These do not sell. Be very careful that you don’t just compile a bunch of stuff that you
have had on a blog and throw it into a course. I don’t think that’s your style anyway.
You just invested in a program to teach you how to do it right. So I think we’re on the
same page here. I probably don’t need to worry about you creating anything
ambiguous or too general.

I still wanted to bring it up because you want to get very specific, very detailed, and
very hyper focused on exactly what it is you are going to create as your course offer.
Getting clear about what you’re selling is half the battle.

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I’m going to walk you through a process in an upcoming lesson so you know exactly
what is going into your course. We’ll get there. Remember, steps, processes, and
systems sell. There is no doubt about it.

The Course Creation Roadmap

The usual challenge with online courses is not that people create them and they don’t
sell, it is that people get started with courses and never finish them. Let me tell you a
little secret about why most courses never get completed.

! It’s not because of a lack of passion or commitment

! It’s not because of a poor idea
! It’s not because the market is not interested
! It’s not because of a lack of resources

Do you want to know what it is? Most entrepreneurs don’t treat their course creation as
a project. In order for you to not make that mistake inside of this course I’m going to
give you a project plan.

60-Day Project Plan – Course Creation Planner

This will be your course creation planner. You will find this PDF download directly
underneath this video. I want to take a minute to walk you through what you’re going
to find inside your planner so you know how to use it.

First, I want you to print it. Yes, I know that’s a little old school but I think it will be
helpful to print it out and have it near you as you work through all of the modules.

This is what it looks like (see slide deck). I have broken things down week by week. As
you go through the course you will see that an action item will pop up in one of the
lessons and you will see it here in your planner.

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To make it incredibly easy to follow along, I give you the action item and then I tell you
which module and which lesson I talk about that action item so that if you want to
know more about it you just have to make sure you have watched that lesson.

I am hoping you are going through each module and lesson step by step and are not
skipping around. If you don’t skip around the planner will work out perfectly for you.

I have given you a little bit of detail for each of the main action items and if you want
to write some notes you can do so as well. As you can see, Week 1 is all about
validation: The Course Calls and the Validation Blitz. You will learn more about that in
the next lesson.

From there, Week 2 is all about creating your course masterpiece and getting clear on
your offer and positioning and pricing. Week 2 is a heavy week and I tell you so when
you go through that module. Just know this is probably going to be the heaviest week
you have inside the course.

In Week 3 you will decide on your delivery and your slide decks and graphics and
assets. There are a lot of decisions that are going to be made in Week 3 but you don’t
have to do tons and tons of work. You get a little bit of a breather.

In Week 4 you are going to build out your slide decks with all of your course content. I
gave you a full week to really focus on taking all of the content in your outline and
putting it into slide decks much like I have done here in this lesson.

Weeks 5 and 6 are all about recording and editing your course. You will get super
focused on making sure you get your lessons completed.

Weeks 7 and 8 are all about building your Members’ Site. I teach you how to do so
inside the tech library so we have you covered in that respect. But this is where you will
be making some decisions and moving forward on getting your Members’ Site up and

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There are a few extra things you can do as well. I will mention that some areas are
optional and I really want you to do other areas. For example, the new customer
onboarding sequence, I’ll teach you how to do that in an upcoming lesson so don’t
worry. You don’t have to guess on how to do anything, it’s all included in this course.

Some of you might be saying this is a lot to get done in 60 days because you have a
full-time job or two kids and a really busy life. Don’t worry, I also created a 90-day
project plan for those of you who want to take a slow and steady approach but are
really committed to getting it done.

I have slowed things down a little bit giving you a little extra time for some of the most
important pieces. So, you also have a 90-day project plan. You should do whichever
plan works best for you, depending on your lifestyle, your workload, and just how busy
you are and how committed you are to getting it done.

Some of you have entered this course and plan to get it done in 30 days. Well, if you go
for full immersion that is totally possible. But I know many of you are running
businesses right now. You need to make money while you’re creating your course. The
60-day planner, or for some of you, the 90-day planner will be perfect to get it done.

My goal is that you reach the finish line in this course so I have done everything I can
to help you get there. Again, you can download these planners right below this video.

Busting the Fear

Before we jump into any more of the lessons, there are two things I think are going to
come up for you right away. You may be asking, “What if someone already created
what I want to create?” I call that competition. You know what I think of competition?
It is really, really a good thing.

Think about my business for a second. I create programs around Facebook and list
building and course creation and webinars. They have all been done before, and by

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some really big names. But I have still been able to build a multi-million dollar business.
Why is that?

Every single one of us is coming to the table with unique gifts. No one can teach our
content the way we teach it. No one thinks like we think. In this course I am going to
teach you how to put your own personal style to what you teach. I’m also going to
teach you how to stand out from the competition by building an insanely valuable
course that people will not stop talking about.

You have a unique opportunity. We all do. The question is, are you going to continue to
move forward, no matter what, get your course created, and get it out into the world?
Most people never get to the finish line. That, my friend, is not going to be you.

Don’t worry about the competition. It’s actually a great thing. I’ll talk more about that in
the validation exercises. I also always say to put your head down, keep moving
forward, do your own thing and you can definitely reap the rewards.

Another question that might come up is around live workshops. Live workshops are
courses that you create and deliver live week by week to your students who paid for
the course. I talk about this in my Webinars That Convert program because if you don’t
already have an online training course created and ready to go you could deliver your
content live to your students.

I am not teaching that inside this program. Live courses are a great idea if you don’t yet
know how to create an online training course. But you are in this program to learn how
to create an online training course that you record and then you deliver inside a
Members’ Site.

How you deliver your content in terms of direct to camera or slide decks and audio
(how I do it) or how you drip your content (when people get the content, how often
they get the content) will be discussed in this course. I’m not going to focus on
delivering your content live because, to me, you will have a more valuable asset in your

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business if it’s something that you record in advance. That way you can sell it over and
over again whenever you want. That is a pretty amazing thing to add to your business.

Final Thought

Before we jump into the validation exercises I want to encourage you to create your
entire course before you do anything else. First, create your course and then market it.
That way when you’re ready to market it, the promotional phase gets your full
attention. One of the most stressful things you can do to you and your team is to try to
create a course while you’re trying to market it or to try to create a course while you’re
building up a launch cycle of that course.

Doing both things together is incredibly stressful. Believe me, I’ve been there and done
that. It’s not something I ever want to do again. I always allow myself 60 days to
create the brand new course and then I can move into promoting it with webinars and
videos and all that good stuff.

I will tell you and show you how I launch my online courses. That is in your bonuses.
For now, let’s just focus on getting your course created. Remember, you’ve got your
60-day course creation project plan and your 90-day course creation project plan
located directly underneath this video.

I want you to print it out and make it your own.

Do The Work – Make It Real

Let’s have a little fun! Choose a completion date for your course and mark it down on
your calendar. I want you to get out a calendar right now, look at the dates and decide
that you are going to finish your course by “this” date. Maybe it’s 60 days from now or
90 days from now. But I want you to get it on your calendar.

Then, I want you to jump inside our private Facebook group and tell us all the date that
you are committed to finishing your course and what you will do to celebrate.

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When I first started creating courses I was on a very, very tight budget. I would
promise myself that I would celebrate each time I would finish a course. In those early
days it might have been a fancy dinner out with my husband or a massage or
something fun like that. As I have gotten more successful in my business I have made
those little celebrations a little bit more elaborate.

Once I’m finished with this course, my husband and I are going to go on a little tropical
vacation. It’s just for four nights so it’s nothing too elaborate. But we are going to steal
away and have some fun just the two of us because creating a course is a lot of work.
It might mean some extra long days or extra long nights. And it’s not easy, I’ll be the
first to tell you.

However, all of this hard work will pay off beyond any of your wildest dreams when you
do it right. So put in the work now and then plan to celebrate when you get done.
Hopefully we will all get to cheer you along every step of the way inside the private
Facebook group. So, go do that right now. Jump inside there, tell us the date you’re
going to complete your course, and what you’re going to do to celebrate.

I can’t wait to hear all about it! I will see you in the next lesson. Bye for now.

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