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Projects in the building sector, benefit or corruption?

As we know Colombia is a country very affected for corruption and one of the problems

which Colombians can see it, is on the incomplete constructions around many cities. As

according to UNDP, Colombia is the third country with the most unequal distribution after

Angola and Haiti. “White Elephants” is one of the reasons, the fascination is that white

elephants are big and bold and so capture the attention as citizens as politicians. Those

projects to absorb a big quantity of resources and seem to produce very high benefits. Even

thought, there is nothing more profitable to engage citizens to improve their social status. It

doesn’t justify, propose to people changes in the road infrastructure, health and educational

buildings with the latest technology and even more expensive to obtain an own benefit and

left environmental, economic and security damage. It is done without any consideration by

the relationship between cost-benefit.

At the length and breadth of our country there clear examples of corruption in the

construction sector, such as irregularities in public works, dozens of projects with delays of

years, even decades. Deadlock errors planning, drawbacks of force majeure as climate

issues, lack of foresight in obtaining licenses and even obstacles caused by other entities. A

clear example is the megaproject Route of the Sun, intended to connect and facilitate

transit between the Colombian Caribbean and Bogotá has several points in arrears, in

addition to the decade it took adjudication. Sectors 2 and 3 of the route have been the most

delayed on account of environmental and forestry permits, and other geological conditions

made for this year, where the delivery of this important route planner, not becomes in
reality. If the initial schedule Tunnel Line, which runs through the central mountains

would have been fulfilled today transporters and tourists would enjoy the mega-project.

But the reality is quite different. Paralysis environmental licenses; geological faults; works

without hiring; and poor contractual structuring initiative marked a path delays.

These are some of the works, which despite being quite ambitious, even today have not

been able to conclusion, so violating deadlines, and thereby, extending even more the prices

for the completion of these works.

These cases and many others that have not have been mentioned; also cause significant

impacts as environmental as social, such as the deterioration of works abandoned by

vandals and homeless people, pollution of green space with debris and building materials

etc. A clear example of this was a case that lived the capital of the republic during the

construction of a route Transmilenio to Soacha, where about two years ago four seasons

were built to the area of San Mateo (Soacha), but were destroyed by vandals that used its

desertion. Closer to our region, the construction of the Maternal Infant Unit, now

abandoned, has served for vandals take refuge there, and homeless people make mischief in

this place, creating an atmosphere of insecurity in the neighborhood areas. These are just

some examples of constructions that were contracted by the official sector, which have not

been implemented and processes of inquiry to establish responsibilities, administrative,

fiscal and criminal, is still in forgetting.

And the question that Colombians ask is why happens that kind of things? Perhaps poor

contract management, inappropriate management of contractors and also the institutions,

lack of adequate field studies, lack of economic planning, poor project management by
construction companies, generating financial deficit, or simply by misuses of financial

funds for the execution of works.

Whether the one or the other, the country has been the victim of corruption in the

construction sector, and refer to "country", it means every one of those people who habit

this territory, each individual who pay taxes and provide the resources for the improvement

of the city.

To conclude the white elephants is a micro problem what encloses one more overall

“corruption”. the two go hand in hand, and if one doesn't stop the other will not either. As

Elizabeth Ungar (Executive Director of Transparency for Colombia) says. "It is believed

that if others commit acts of corruption and make a profit, why can’t I do it? It is a problem

that not only comes from birth, but also a justice system that doesn't work, a system where

people do things to accomplished merit... while not fight impunity, while corruption is not

effective, timely and effectively sanctioned, it will be hard to fight it”. conclude saying

how is be aware of our moral value as a citizens and make our taxes a good investment.
La cuenta del número de escándalos de corrupción sigue creciendo.
Hoy está de moda hablar de ‘carruseles’, ‘pulpos’, ‘carteles’,
‘mafias’, ‘venas rotas’ y ‘ollas podridas’. El de la salud, el de las
pensiones, el del polémico programa Agro Ingreso Seguro, por solo
nombrar algunos, cada caso es más grave que el anterior. Ahora el
turno es para la Dirección de Impuestos y Aduanas Nacionales

1. nivel, nacional, datos, cifras

2. nivel regional


4. impactos sociales y ambientales

5. Mecanismos de control

Conclusion final

Instituciones débiles
Se consultó la reciente Ley de infraestructura, la 1682/ 2013

Tres peligros principales impiden que muchas veces las regalías se

materialicen en beneficios para los ciudadanos, sobre todo para los
más pobres: la corrupción, los elefantes blancos y la subinversión
en sectores de alta rentabilidad social, como la educación. Los
peligros de la corrupción en esta materia son muy conocidos y ya
hay bastante conciencia sobre algunas de las medidas requeridas
para combatirla. Pero se habla mucho menos de los peligros de los
elefantes blancos y la subinversión en sectores de alta rentabilidad
social y económica.
Por elefantes blancos se entienden aquellos proyectos que
absorben gran cantidad de recursos y producen muy pocos
beneficios. Infortunadamente, hay razones de economía política
que predisponen a los políticos para apoyar los elefantes blancos.
La razón más obvia para esta fascinación es que los elefantes
blancos son grandes y llamativos y por eso captan la imaginación de
los votantes. Nadie seduce a los electores diciendo que se
compromete a que habrá un adecuado mantenimiento de las
carreteras. No, lo que hay que proponer es un ferrocarril que una a
todas las capitales de la región y ojalá que sea con un tren de alta
velocidad. Por supuesto, que ello se hace sin ninguna consideración
por la relación costo-beneficio. Precisamente, eso fue lo que
propusieron ante el Departamento Nacional de Planeación los
gobernadores del Caribe que terminan su mandato el próximo 31
de diciembre. Para su primer tramo, Santa Marta-Cartagena,
propusieron que se invirtieran, óigase bien, 3’000.000 de millones
de pesos. Los expertos en transporte sostienen que no hay ningún
escenario en el cual ese ferrocarril podría ser rentable. ¿Qué
ganaron los gobernadores con esa propuesta? Por los menos
algunos aparecieron como líderes con visión estratégica ante sus
potenciales electores. Es decir, un poco de teatro, pero no del
griego clásico sino del contemporáneo.
Lo grave es que por estar hablando de elefantes blancos se
descuidan proyectos de enorme relevancia, por ejemplo, los de
educación. Los proyectos de inversión en esa materia a menudo no
resultan atractivos para los políticos, porque sus beneficios más
evidentes se cosechan en un horizonte temporal muy largo. Por
ejemplo, si ahora mejoramos la atención a la primera infancia sus
efectos sobre el rendimiento escolar sólo se podrán observar en
unos años.

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