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Review on the Performance

of Fiber Reinforced Concrete

In a recent developing years a technology termed “Fiber-Reinforced
concrete(FRC)” has become very popular in field of the constructions. The desired
working strength of the FRC depends on the materials used especially which are
locally available and alternate materials. As concrete being the most common
building materials is been subjected to a lot of cracks due to plastic and shrinkage.
It is been seen that by the introduction of the fibers the formation and the
propagation of the cracks can be counteracted. A part from that the use of fibers
has also seen to alter the mechanical, physical, and other durability related features.
Despite of too much increase in the use of an FRC in then concrete structures, it
still possess some doubts regarding its effect on its various properties. This
literature review aim to provide an comperative study of the compressive strength,
flexural strength, tensile strength, mechanism of crack formation and its
propagation. Generally is has been seen that the FRC has improved mechanical
property especially flexural strength, tensile strength, and compressive strength.
Furthermore, the use of fibre in an concrete result in decrease in shrinkage and
creep formation. However, the use of fiber in concrete also have some negative
effects like workability, which reduced in case of using an steel fiber.

Keywords: Fibers, types of fibers, mechanical properties (flexural strength,

tensile strength, and compressive strength).

Concrete is being widely used material in the construction, because of its nature
and specialty of being cast into any desire shapes and size. And due to its extensive
usage may researchers have determined its various properties. Plain concrete being
weak in tension and having very little resistance to the crack formation and its
propagation [1].

Some of the development in the new types of concrete like high strength concrete
(HSC), high-performance concrete (HPC) and high-performance fiber-reinforced
concrete (HPFRC) has increase the various properties of the concrete . “High
Performance Concrete is concrete that have an special performance and
requirements that can’t be achieved routinely by using any conventional materials
and normal mixing, placing and curing practices.” HPC can be designed to have
higher workability, higher mechanical properties, and improved durability
compared to those of the traditional concrete [2].

Fiber is being an reinforcing material. Fibers are of small pieces of reinforcing

material that enhances the various properties of the concrete such as flexural and
tensile strength. Fibers increases the structural integrity of the concrete, it is mainly
used to control the cracking due to the plastic and the drying shrinkage. The
concept of using fiber as an reinforcement is not new, in the ancient times the
horsehair were used as an reinforcement, but its use was discourage due to the risk
of an health.

Fibers are categorized as either metallic, polymeric, or natural. They are mainly
names as Steel Fiber Reinforced Concrete (SFRC), Glass Fiber Reinforced
Concrete (GFRC), Synthetic Fiber Reinforced Concrete (SFRC), Natural Fiber
Reinforced Concrete (NFRC).

Out of all the various fiber available steel fiber (metallic) is the most commonly
used for the structural and non-structural works. The main reason is because of its
economics, manufacturing facilities, reinforcing effects, and resistance to harsh
environmental conditions [3].

The efficiency of fiber depends mainly upon the properties such as volume matrix,
volume of fiber inclusion, types of an fiber, and its geometry. Metallic fiber are
Table-1 . Summary of previous review papers in the field of fiber-reinforced concrete

Authors Year of Contributions


S.H. Alsayed et al. 2010 This paper reviewed

[9] the performance of the
glass fiber reinforced
plastic bar as an
reinforcing material. It
also reviewed the
flexural capacity of
concrete reinforced
with GFRP. It shows
that GFRP have low
modulas of elasticity.
Chandramouli et al. 2010 This paper reviewed
[10] the various percentage
increase of the
compressive strength
of various grades of
glass fiber. The 28
days of compressive
strength was found to
be 20 to 25%. The
flexural and split
tensile strength
observed has increase
of 15 to 20% in 28
Kavita Kene et al. 2012 This paper
[7] experimentally shows
the behavior of the
steel and glass fiber
reinforced concrete.
The study conducted
of FRC with the steel
fiber of 0% and 0.5%
volume fractions and
alkali glass fiber
containing 0% and
0.5% by weight of
SrivinasoRao et al. 2012 This paper shows the
[8] durability of concrete
by adding the AR
glass fiber in concrete,
its shows no effects of
sulphates on concrete.
Chloride permeability
of this concrete also
shows less
permeability of
chloride when
compared to another
Yogesh Murthy et al. 2012 This paper reviewed
[10] the study of glass
fiber. It shows that the
glass fiber not only
improve the properties
of the concrete and
costing, but also make
it easier to dispose and
make it an
mainly made up of stainless steel, having an tensile strength of an range of 200-
2600MPa [4].

Many of the current applications of an fibers involve the use of 1% by volume of

concrete. Recents development made it possible of incorporate the use of more
percentage of steel, glass, and synthetic fibers in concrete. Its been observe that the
inclusion of fibers decreases the workability of an fresh concrete, and also affect
the inverted slump and the cone time [5]. The glass fiber can be incorporated into
matrix either into the continuous or in the discontinuous (chopped) form [6]. This
review paper aims to contribute in better understanding of the fibers through an
comprehensive it provides on an different properties.

Mechanical property of FRC

It has been concluded that the design parameter of an fiber such as its length, type,
and content affect the various properties of an fiber reinforced concrete. Therefore
it is very necessary to understand the influence of all this various factors. In this
review paper the affect of an fiber can be significantly understood.

Compressive, Flexural, and Split tensile strength

Chandramouli K et.all (200 0) [12] investigated the test of compressive strength

for 28, 56, 90 and 180 days he concluded that the percentage increase of
compressive strength of various grades of glass fiber concrete mixes compared
with 28 days compressive strength is observed from 20 to 25% . The percentage
increase of flexural and split tensile strength of various grades of glass fiber
concrete mixes compared with 28 days is observed from 15 to 20%. He also
observed the reduction in the bleeding in addition of an glass fiber. The result that
were obtained are shown in Table 2.

Manjunatha G et.all (2016) [13] has investigated an test on glass and

polypropylene, and it was found that in compared to the pure propoylene there is
an improvement in strength with Glass Fiber Reinforced PP.The Ultimate Tensile
Strength is high with 25% GF reinforcement as compared to 50% GF. Impact
strength is improved with 50%GF compared to 25% GF reinforcement. The results
are shown in Table 3.
Table-2 . Compressive, flexural and split tensile strength for M40 grades of concrete mix.

Grade No. Compressiv Compressiv Flexura Flexura Split Split

of of e e l l tensile tensile
concret day Strength Strength Strengt strength Strengt Strengt
2 2 2
e s (N/mm ) (N/mm ) h (N/mm h h
2 2 2
without GF with GF (N/mm ) (N/mm (N/mm
) without ) )
without GF without without
28 47.92 57.50 4.72 5.52 4.78 5.59
M4O 56 52.24 60.60 5.28 6.18 5.35 6.15
90 56.67 66.87 5.42 6.40 5.68 6.55
180 58.05 69.66 5.91 6.95 5.94 6.98

Table-3 . Result of Tensile strength and Impact strength

Sl. Composition Ultimate Tensile Impact Strength

No (GF+PP) Strength J/m
1 Pure PP 294.506 30
2 25% GF + 50% PP 329.478 39
3 25% GF + 50% PP 326.033 56

V.M. Sounthararajan et.all (2010) [14] has evaluated the role of an polypropylene
fibre as reinforcement in concrete . The inclusions of different percentage of
polypropylene fibers from 0% to 0.3% and fly ash replacement levels at 25% ,
50% of fly ash were investigated. It has been found that the maximum increase in
compressive strength was observed to be around 23.33% with the use of
polypropylene fibers compared to the reference concrete. The maximum increase
in split tensile strength was around 6.09% at 28 days with the use of polypropylene
fibers compared to the reference concrete. The maximum increase in flexural
strength was found to be around 64.12 % at 28 days (M2P2) and the role of
polypropylene fibers in delaying the crack formation were realized.
Fig 1. Compressive strength of concrete for different mixture proportions at w/c 0.3

Fig 2. Flexural strength of concrete for different mixture proportions at w/c 0.3

Physical property of FRC

In this section the various physical properties of an FRC is been discussed.

Considering their importance and their effect this paper aimed to discussed the
various effects.

The effectiveness of all fiber is mainly depend upon the accomplishment of a

homogeneous spreading of the fibers in the concrete. Adding more percentage of
an small diameter of fibers affects the workability of an concrete . They have an
deteriorating effect on the workability of concrete and results in the requirement
for changes in mix design. Its mainly due to small fibers have an more combine
surface area [16].

Peng Zhang and Qing-fu Li (2013) concluded that workability of concrete

consisting of silica fumes and fly ash, decreases with addition of polypropylene
fibers [17]. It also been observed that the fluidity of fresh concrete decreases and
the cohesiveness of fresh concrete composite increases with increase in fiber
volume fraction. Atis and O. Karahan (2009) observed that the workability of mix
reduces with addition of steel fiber content [18].

Chandramouli K. et.all (2012) observed that the inclusion of fibres decreases the
workability of fresh concrete and this effect is more pronounced for fibres with
higher aspect ratios. The effects of fibre type on fresh mix workability, as
represented both subjectively and by the inverted slump and cone time, seem to be
insignificant [ ].


Concrete is a brittle material and usually have no substantial post-cracking

ductility. Addition of fiber is generally considered to increase the ductility of the
material. S. Spadea et al (2015) found that the inclusion of recycled fibers to the
mix resulted in improvement of ductility properties of concrete and mortar [19]. D.
Foti (2013) studied that high volume fraction of fibers enhances ductile behavior of
concrete [20].

Patil Shweta and RupaliKavilkar (2014) studied thatductile behavior of concrete

improves by increasing the fiber volume fraction [21].


Toughness is the amount of energy per unit volume that a material can absorb
before rupturing. S. Spadea et al (2015) concluded that the inclusion of recycled
fibers to the mix resulted in enhancement of toughness properties of concrete and
mortar [22]. D.A. silva et al (2005) observed that presence of PET fibers increases
the toughness of mortar [23]. However, decrease in toughness with the age of fiber
reinforced specimen was also reported.

Fatigue Behavior

Fatigue may be defined as a process of progressive, permanent internal structural

changes in a material subjected to repeated loading. Fatigue failure strength is
defined as the ultimate flexural fatigue stress at which the beam can withstand two
million cycles of non-reversed fatigue loading [24]. T. Brandshaug (1978) and R.F
zollo (1975) concluded that the flexure fatigue strength of the concrete increases
with increase in steel fiber volume in concrete [25-26]. Cachim et al (2002) studied
fatigue life of concrete reinforced with steel fibers of 30 mm and 60 mm in length
[44]. Fatigue life was observed to increase for 30 mm fiber concrete, while it
reduced for 60 mm fiber concrete. J. Zhang, H. Stang (1998) concluded that
inclusion of steel fiber substantially improved the bending fatigue performance of
concrete [27].

Fire Resistance

Fire resistance is the ability of concrete to effectively perform its function of load
bearing and fireseparating during fire exposure. Explosive spalling and other
unique behavior is shown by HSC under elevated temperatures. This behavior has
been credited to dense concrete structure of High strength concrete. Chen and Liu
(2004) experimentally investigated specimen at 20oC, 200oC, 400oC, 600oC and
800oC and examined that explosive spalling is present for ordinary high strength
concrete [28]. Strength left in the concrete (residual strength) is merely 10% of
original strength at 800oC. It was observed that delay in time when spalling occurs
can be increased by addition of steel and carbon fibers in high strength concrete.
When temperature ranged 400oC-600oC,no substantial decrease in strength was
observed but when temperature exceeds 600oC and reaches 800oC, its residual
strength was still 30% of original strength.

Summary and Conclusion

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