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Nombre _______________________________________________ Fecha ____________________ Período ______

Present Progressive

A. Look at the pictures and use the present progressive (ESTAR + pp) to tell what each of them is doing.

1. Yo __________________ 2. Mis padres y yo ______________ 3. Mis amigos __________________

__________________________. ___________________________. ___________________________.

4. Maria _____________________ 3. Ustedes_ ___________________ 4. Tú _____________________

__________________________. _____________________________. ____________________________.

B. Now think about what your friends and/or family members are doing right now. You may also look around
the classroom and write about what your classmates and teacher are doing while you are taking this quiz. You
need to write 4 sentences minimum using the present progressive (ESTAR + pp). Don’t use any verb from
Activity A. You must use 4 different verbs.

1. ________________________________________________________________________________________

2. ________________________________________________________________________________________

3. ________________________________________________________________________________________

4. ________________________________________________________________________________________

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