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25/04/2018 Alexia Chellun | info@alexiachellun.


Alexia Chellun

I’m back !!


Hey everyone

It has been six months since I’ve wri en in this blog. It’s good to be back. So much has
happened. It feels like years have passed and also just minutes. I would like to share with you
my musical journey. Towards the end of last year I found myself drifting away from singing
mantras. It was a feeling, followed by a conscious decision to start singing what I really felt
like singing in that moment. I was simply following my heart’s desire. Turns out that it was
leading me away from mantras and more and more in the direction of singing the songs that I
have wri en, of writing more songs and of learning the songs of some of the greatest
musicians in the world. I feel so blessed to be able to share this with you now.

I had been singing mantras for years. And every moment I sang with them I absolutely loved
and sang from my deepest heart. I feel that all the experiences I’ve had sharing mantras with
you has inspired and lifted me to a place where I can now share my words with you. An
insight perhaps, into my thoughts and feelings of life. Words, songs, ideas – inspired by my
journey and all my experiences over the years. Now I find myself falling out of my yoga
clothes and into my ripped jeans and t-shirts feeling so comfortable and happy. I feel really
lucky that the people who listen to my music are supporting my journey. I really am grateful
to you. Thank you as I change. Thank you as I evolve. Thank you as I bloom. Thank you for
listening. Thank you for your patience. Thank you for your love. Thank you for your
kindness. Thank you for your ears.

For me writing a song is like writing in my diary. It’s a creative place for me to express myself
and allow what I’m feeling to come out in sound form. And if I like it. Well then I repeat. I
practice. I learn the chords. I remember the words. I record them. I share them. And then from
that moment on they take on a whole different life and journey. They are now yours. A
journey for you to travel with. What they are, what they mean to you is a whole other story. I
love hearing your stories.

Writing songs is so fun. It’s something that makes me so happy. Every now and then I get a
feeling that I’m going to pick up the guitar and I think yeah I’m going to write a song now so I
get my phone out, press the voice recorder bu on and start blaring out random chords and 1/10
25/04/2018 Alexia Chellun |

words. Sometimes they become amazing songs. Sometimes they are simply an expression of
the moment.

I have been writing so many new songs recently. They are being created, worked on,
practiced, experimented with and I look forward to having the opportunity to record them
soon and share with you.

The start of 2015 has been great for me. I’m back in Barcelona and enjoying a different view of
the music scene. I feel so new in this city that feels so new. And surrounded by so much
creativity. Meeting with other singer-songwriters, musicians, recording engineers, DJs,
instrumentalists, artists, dancers and so many other creative people. I’m happy to be meeting
such people and sharing with them. I’ve been gigging in and around Barcelona my original
material. I am really enjoying these moments. Also another simple funny thing I have been
enjoying is singing whilst si ing on a chair and not the floor. It is a really different and new
sensation I am experimenting with. Loving it !! It has been quite a few years since I have either
performed si ing on a chair or standing. Standing performance is my next mission (now that
my ankle is healed hihi !!!

Life is full of mystery. And is continuously changing. And so I change with it. I follow my
heart, my heart sings to me and I listen. My heart guides me, sings for me. I just let it pass
through me and feel happy and thankful as it does.

This year I was happy to release my first music video for ‘Together we Roam. I would like to
share with you some insight about the song. You can find the lyrics from my web so I won’t
go into the English part. I would like however to explain the foreign languages within that

At some point in the second half of the song I switch to French

“On va rejoindre ensemble pour danser. On va rejoindre ensemble pour embrasser”

Meaning – “We will join together to dance. We will join together to hug”

Now the one Spanish words of the song,

“Amor Amor Amor Amor”

Meaning of course – “Love love love love”

Then come some Creole words. Mauritian Creole to be precise (there are many many)

“Ala nou la Ala nou la

Nou pé zoin en paix

Ala nou la Ala nou la

Nou pé tap la main”

Meaning – “Here we are here we are

We are meeting in peace

Here we are here we are

We are clapping our hands” 2/10
25/04/2018 Alexia Chellun |

Then the final word sung twice is in Greek (my mothers first language)

“Sagabo sagabo”

Meaning – “I love you. I love you”

So in this song I sing all the languages I can kind of speak, some be er than others of course

Well I am coming to the end of this blog. Thanks for reading. I hope that you are well and

Much love



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Eclipse Reflection

25/04/2018 Alexia Chellun |

The ever-changing dance of stars in the sky showers with infinite possibilities. The speed of
light is only but a fraction compared to the speed of love. All whom dwell in the magic break
free from the limits of the physical body and the mind. The nodes of the moon align with
planets to reveal reflective energies on earth. Let the planets spin, let the moon eclipse, let the
raging fires burn the unwanted. Let the blue moon cool it down. Buildings and plants all lit up
in view of the sun’s sidekick.
I can hear the automatic night sprinkler come on to water the green prickly grass. The candle
flickers and lights up my words as my heart expands through the mysteries of form, and onto
paper I begin to express but a piece of that what I feel. As within each word is a box, a
description, a label, limiting itself all that I write. May the reader’s heart connect anyway and
know that love has no limits. It travels effortlessly through time and space, spreading to all
forms of life, seen and unseen, known and unknown, discovered and undiscovered. It pulses
through the oceans of bliss leaving trails of forgo en kisses and tumbled bed sheets.
I re-adjust my pillow now to support my heavy head as it lays itself, rambling a million
thoughts faster than my fingers can move this pencil to write. The whispering moon blesses
the water. I am water. The shadows of a thousand bicycles pave the road with drunken
pa erns and the volleyball bounces from double arm to double arm creating smiles and
A deep breathe could blow this candle out and defy me from writing more midnight
imaginings. For now I resist and continue on my line creating process. The purple bed sheet,
upon the soft ma ress, upon the wooden bed, upon the concrete building, upon the golden
earth cradles me now. It remind me of who I am. A horizontal creation, writing with a drop of
hope that this might ease the challenges of being human. I take a deep breathe and remember
my lungs.
My very own trees.
Expanding me with life and relaxation. I resist the temptation to write anything safe and
predictable and choose instead to write my destiny. In any which magical way I like.
Oh this blessed pillow is so comfy! I am grateful for that. The endless moments merging of
evolution reminds me that sometimes I forget. And that is OK.
The pencil in my hand waits patiently for a sign from my heart to scribble more figures and
sizes of meaning in this particular realm. Let the song of the night sing it’s glory to the
passions and let the morning bird sing it’s own version.
Once upon a time when the walls of resistance crumbled, there lived a li le girl playing in the
sand. Drawing shapes with her tiny fingers and splashing around in the water. She is free.


Spanish Autumn


Dear blog

Haha !!! Oh how times have changed. It used to be Dear Diary

It’s been a while since I’ve wri en a blog. Well in fact I have wri en many on sleepless nights
with paper and pen. I just never got round to typing it out. Well what can I say. Where do I
start. The theme recently has been death. Learning about it as a process, experiencing close
loved ones pass away, singing about it. It has been a few month of that really. Riding the flow
of life that is giving and taken so easily. Learning to appreciate what is, learn, create, realise, 4/10
25/04/2018 g g y Alexia Chellun
g |
cry, laugh, hug, share, sing on the top of my lungs as I let all the energy release. I suppose at
then end of what could be books worth of writing comes down to a simple thing. We are all
born. We all die.

Right now I lie on a zebra pa erned blanket spread over a double bed. The sliding doors are
open, the night is cool and tender, the hammock that takes up most of the balcony awaits my
body. The Spanish seaside Autumn is slowing welcomed. I am listening on the iPod to ‘James
Taylor’ – ‘Something in the Way She Moves’. It’s way past midnight. What are clocks anyway.
I follow my heart. I follow my instinct.

I’ve been writing many new songs lately. I really like them. I sang them today after spending a
week away from my guitar. I loved singing them. I love playing them. I’ve also been listening
to Po’girl lately. One of the greatest bands. Learning and remembering the chords and words.
What a blessing ! Great people. Great friends.

I’m back from a hammock session. Songs on random played ‘Sia’, ‘Lucas Masciano’ and now
‘David Ghe a’ – ‘Lovers on the Sun’. What a tune! “Let’s enjoy the ride”

The night crickets outside were singing their nightly song.

Now the music that is on the player is one of my songs ‘Des Milliers D’anges’. I’ve not
released it yet. All in good time, so many of my old songs are coming alive.

I love writing in pencil. There is something so simple and enjoyable about it.
Hula hooping has become great new hobby for me. It’s so fun. I put on some fun music and
get hula hooping. James Taylor is back on with ‘Fire and Rain’. This is such a beautiful song. It
reminds me of the fantastic kitchen dancing scene in the movie, ‘Running on Empty’.

And now I talk of love. Well. Love is everything. I realise more and more how love expands.
As does the universe so does my heart. In and through experiences of life and death. I have
come to realise that loving is one of the things that I do best (amongst loads of other things too
of course
I am happy for that.

Goodnight for now


A new Era in me


2014 in the early hours of Sunday morning, 5th January. With a cup of delicious English tea. I
think that a good ol’ cuppa tea is one of my most favourite drinks in the world. It just

I think that this is the first piece of writing I am doing since the turn of the year. I realise that I
had stopped myself from writing anything as I wanted it to be special, amazing, inspiring
etc… All the newness that I’ve been dreaming and thinking about. Now I know that all I ever
need to do is just write how I feel. There is no right or wrong, because it is how I feel. 5/10
25/04/2018 Alexia Chellun |

I feel I’m on a new page. Literally. A new moment. And I realise more and more that it is a
link and flow of moments that make up the joy of life. The perfect moment does not exist,
neither do the perfect words. Words and just words. I remember a Po’girl song with those
lyrics, ‘Words and just words”.

I choose to be me now and reveal me. Not who I think that I should be. Not who others expect
of me. Not even to what I expect of me. Release the pressure. In terms of music for example, I
realise that I have so many sides and facets. One part of me revels in the bliss of singing
mantras and the other side of me delights in staying up all night dancing to hip hop. The more
I open my heart, the more everything is as it is meant to be, as it is with love, awareness and
the truth that resonates for me.

Last year I did the first part of 4 part training in Shamanism. From Peru and the Q’ero. It is
incredible. It has filled in all the gaps that I have learnt so far in my life and has also made my
understand things that I just did not before. In addition to my Kundalini Yoga training , it has
brought further light to my path, illuminating the light and dark that I have met along the

Also banish from my vocabulary the words, “should” and ‘have to”…..

The quiet of the middle of the night is beautiful.


Argentina after thoughts


Life is incredible. It opens up to all in ways showing us we are the master of us. We have the
key and we receive both love and fear through our own projection. I have just returned from a
month’s trip in beautiful central Argentina. The land where it is made up mainly of rose
quar and Mica. It is beautiful and sparkling in the sun. Mica is like paper thin mirror and so
when it is crushed it’s like fairy dust. I had an amazing trip si ing on the back of a truck on a
deck chair and as the wheels lifted the earths dust off the ground, it sparkled and gli ered in
the sun.

I learnt many things on this journey. Both light and dark. Both positive and negative. I have
learnt patience and forces that are beyond human intervention. I realise once again that I am
the creator of the vibration in which I resonate and I can therefore chose a life of blessings,
love and miracle or of fear, darkness and despair.



I listened to a talk with Wayne Dyer and Eckhart Tolle the other day and a phase stayed with
me is “Don’t just do something. Stand there”

I think back also to the time I spend in Central Argentina and I share with you these thoughts. 6/10
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The land shining in the sun, wild horses, eagles, bird sounds I had never heard before,
gathering wood, freezing nights by the fire and hot days in the river, listening to people speak
the way they do, challenging times, breathing deep, reading 1Q84, a gorgeous and cute baby
boy laughing and growling, shops that remind me of Mauritius, go karting, city buses, village
buses, rooftop sunsets, drinking maté, eating doulce de leche, natural river swimming pool,
frogs and bats, pictures and maps, singing and yoga, si ing on top of silence, carts being
pulled by horses, day trips, smooth rocks shaped by the rivers, walks, talks, mosquito bites,
snowflakes, full moon and star filled skies, grateful and beautiful times.


Midnight Basketball and Summer Solstice


It was exactly midnight when I stepped onto the basketball pitch. The night before summer
solstice. The sun had set about an hour ago and twilight was in full glory. The almost full
moon made it exceptional. And so I started to play. There was only one basketball net and I
bathed in the fun that reminded me so much of playing basketball as a kid. Soon enough I was
joined by some other midnight wonderers as we embarked on a 2 on 2 game. It was quite a
mission as although we could see the basket we could hardly see the ball as we ran and
laughed and had such fun. The sensations and reminder pouring in of playing outside as a
child until the last possible moment before night fall.

Here I was spending a few days in Latvia at a beautiful Yoga Festival in the middle of
stunning nature and huge forest, where the mosquitoes thrived and ate us alive.

It was the weekend of the shortest night of the year. The following night after basketball fun
was to be the shortest night. Summer solstice, a national festival in Latvia and I was so happy
and grateful that it is a tradition is still well celebrated. In the UK only a few connected and
growing minority know and celebrate this night. May Latvia inspire us to relight this
celebration. Memories on this night of the sun hi ing a stunning field of tall grass and multi-
coloured flowers, where women and children spread throughout it picking flowers and grass
as they made their own head garlands.The beauty of it brought tears to my eyes as the
stunning voice of Carrie Tree was the soundtrack for such a sight. I humbly joined them to
learn how to make my own. Soon all the women’s head were decorated with flower garland
and the men with Oak tree-leaved garlands.

As the sun lowered more, dances round the fire, singing round the fire, playing, praying and
laughing round the fire. Jumping over the fire and fire floating on the lake. All night singing
of beautiful Latvian songs that mixed into the stunning sky which did not get very dark. It
held a deep twilight glow until the sun was on it’s way up again.

All nighters. All dreamers. All lighters.

25/04/2018 Alexia Chellun |

Alexia Chellun


Happy in the Recording Studio


Birthday Blog


08.08am and I lay here with a lemon honey tea as this day begins and the birds bursting with
song. 34 years ago I decided that this was the day to make my entrance onto this magical and
beautiful earth. Years of growing, learning, failing, succeeding, learning again, growing,
sharing, loving…..
I am really grateful. Really I am. I count my blessings every morning and pray each night.
Mum and dad, I love you.
Today I feel again so grateful that over the years I’ve been able to carve my way into my
destiny. SINGING!!!!
This week has been amazing so far recording an album. Music that I’ll be sharing with you 8/10
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soon. Music of love and light and challenges and loss and gain. All the dances and colours of
life dressed in songs. I hope that you all have a wonderful day on my birthday ;D
Thank you always for your love and support


Talk about magic


Wow !!!!

What a few days it’s been already in the studio. I have to be honest yesterday was tough. I
think I put so much pressure on myself for the whole project and something just wasn’t
flowing. Having come home last night really tired and disappointed I spoke to the right
people who said the right things that helped me relax. Of course deep breathing is always a
winner too….. Anyway I slept well and woke up brand new. Today in the studio was
incredible. We were all really flowing, had a few friends comes to visit which also lightened
the morning and generally all of us were more relaxed and we worked well together.

I’m amazed at how different 2 days days can be in the same studio, same people, same
songs….Magic is in the air today, that thing that can’t be held …it just happened when it
wants and it is felt.

It’s like an invisible thread of stardust that sprinkles upon your soul when you least expect
and want it.

Flow and be flown



In the studio


I am si ing in the studio ready to start. Thoughts and love and feelings and fears and
excitement and joy all pulsing through my veins. I breathe deep and remember the truth I
know within. Love light and relaxation. Bring it into the moment, delivering everything from
the deepest and lightest part of my heart and soul, then leaving the rest up to the unknown
forces of the universe…. and the sound man

25/04/2018 Alexia Chellun |

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