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Survey the Opinion of the Hon'ble Committee Members of Parliamentary Standing Committee on the Ministry of
Environment and Forest, Bangladesh Parliament (7th, 8th & 9th) on its functioning.
[The purpose of this research is to measure the activities and to identify the problems encountered by the parliamentary
standing committee on environment and forest during performing its functions. It also aims to explore the perception of the
committee members on the environment and sustainability and to what extent it performs oversight functions mandated by
the RoP to protect environment of the country. Therefore we are requesting that you give us your views as well as opinion by
filling in the questionnaire. The questionnaire is anonymous. The data/information is collected through this survey will solely
be used for academic purposes.]
Committee Functions

1. Please mention whether you have given option for Parliamentary Standing Committee on Ministry of Environment &
Forest? a) Yes b) No

2. In addition to above committee, ware or are you member of other committees in the same Parliament?
a) Yes b) No
If yes, Please give the name:

3. Would you agree that minister should not be a member of the Standing Committee for Ministries (SCM)?
a) Agree b) Not agree
Please give reasons:

4. Have you ever faced any difficulty to discuss and to make recommendations on issues regarding ministry’s irregularities in
the committee meetings in presence of the minister? a) Yes b) No

5. Would you please mention that whether minister/ministry has influenced to set agenda for the committee meetings?

a) Yes b) No
If yes, how they influenced: …………………………………….

6. Have committee members played any role to set agenda or have chairman consulted with the committee members to set
agenda of the committee meetings?
a) Yes b) No
7. Could you specify the nature of working paper submitted by ministry to the committee meetings from below:
a) Well prepared b) Too long c) Too short d) Specific & relevant c) Others:……………….

8. Could you mention the reasons why committee sometimes had not met once in a month as per RoP?

9. From previous experience, it is observed that committee meetings also suffered from quorum crisis. Could you give the
reasons why some members were reluctant to be present in the committee meetings?
a) Lack of interest b) Busy with other profession c) Others, Pls. specify..............................

10. Was or is there any control from the political party to the committee members on how to act in the committee?
a) Yes b) No
If yes, pls. give some evidence:
11. Please mention whether you have satisfied with the time given to scrutinize the bills in the committees?
a) Yes b) No c) No comments

12. Would you please mention that how often ministry complied with the committee recommendations?
a) Very often b) Often c) Reluctant d) Not complied e) Other, specify--------

13. Do you think that committees should report to the Parliament at least yearly on their recommendations and actions have
taken on it by the ministry? a) Yes b) No
If no, please give reasons:...............................................................................................
Perception of Environment
14. Please state your major training/orientation on Parliament or environment:

15. Please specify the reasons of environmental degradation from the below:
a) Pollution b) Climate change c) Global warming d) Deforestation e) Loss of Biodiversity
f) Poverty and population growth g) All h) Others, pls. specify: ..............................
16. Please put forward your suggestions to protect environment & forest of our country:
a) Strictly control pollution b) Introduce eco tax c) Control population growth d) afforestation
e) Protect biodiversity & wildlife f) Reduce poverty g) Punish polluters or officials concerned h) All
i) Others, pls. specify: ..............................
17. Please give your valuable thought to achieve sustainable development with conserving environment?

18. Please mention whether parliament library has relevant books on environment & development:
a) Enough b) Not enough c) Very few d) No comments
19. Could you tell us how often you visit the parliament library for study or collect books?
a) Once in a week b) Once in a month c) Once in 3 months d) Others: …………….

20. Have you ever asked the librarian to make a write up for you on environment? a) Yes b) No
If yes, did they provide? a) Yes b) No

21. Would you think that concerned committee section were or are well-equipped to support this committee?
a) Yes b) No
If no, please mention how to equipped them:…………………………………………
Capability of Ministry
22.Please mention whether ministry of environment & forest has sufficient resources in terms of personnel and logistics:
a) Sufficient b) Not sufficient d) Others, specify........................
If not sufficient, do you think environment ministry can able to protect our environment alone with this insufficient resource?
a ) Yes b) No c) No comments
23. If environment ministry alone not be able to protect our country's environment & forest, would you recommend involving
local government to protect their environment & forest? a) Yes b) No c) No comments
Effectiveness of Committee
24. Please specify to what extent parliamentary committee on environment & forest are effective to protect our environment?

a) Most effective b) Effective c) Less effective d) Not effective e) Other, mention:……...............

25. Please recommend some suggestions to improve the oversight functioning of this committee with a view to
environmental sustainability of our country?

26. Since environmental issues deal with more than one ministry (e.g., water, land, industries, fisheries & livestock,
agriculture, etc.). Environment ministry or parliamentary committee on environment is not able to protect our environment
alone. It is argued that it needs a parliamentary joint committee on environment which will include all concerned ministries to
address all the issues of environment. Do you agree with this view?
a) Agree b) No agree c) No comment
[Thank you for your kind cooperation. Your cooperation and help to fill up this questionnaire are valuable to our research.
We expressed our sincere gratitude to you]

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