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Neuroanatomy – Diencephalon -1- Pawadee: MED 06 - 30114

DIENCEPHALON It is a free surface formed (anterior to

Inferior posterior) by the optic chiasma, tube
 Beneath the corpus callosum cinereum, and mamillary body
 Parts: Lateral Internal capsule

1. Hypothalamus Medial 3rd ventricle (between the diencephalon)

2. Subthalamus
3. Epithalamus o Divisions:
4. Thalamus Proper  weight = 5 gram of brain tissue
 longitudinal section divides into 2 zones
EPITHALAMUS 1. longitudinal zones
Parts: a. lateral longitudinal zone –

Habenular o Serves as an olfactor-visceral & abundant in fibres, few nerves &

ganglion olfactor-somatic correlation centre neurons

o Elaborates melatonin (induces b. medial longitudinal zone – many
sleep) neurons forming nuclei which are
o Elaborates a substance that inhibits divided into transverse (coronal
development of the gonads e.g. zones)
ovaries & testis (produced
Pineal body
abundantly from birth to puberty 2. transverse zones (an medial longitudinal
and reduced from puberty zone)
onwards) a. supraoptic zone
o Source of serotonin (potent o supraoptic nucleus
vasoconstrictor) o paraventricular nucleus
o Connects homologous parts of the
b. tuberal zone
Posterior  connects the two pretectal
 ventromedial nucleus
commissure nuclei
 connects the two superior  dorsomedial nucleus

colliculi  dorsal hypothalamic nucleus

c. mamillary body
 mamillary nucleus
o Boundaries:
 posterior hypothalamic
imaginary line connecting the base
of the foramen of Monro to the optic
o Functions (needed for life):
 Controls body temperature (by PREOPTIC
Imaginary line connecting the superior
nucleus though it is not included in
Posterior border of superior colliculus to the caudal
hypothalamus  it is thermo – regulating
border of mamillary body
Hypothalamic sulcus centre) = heat loss mechanism, heat –
conserved mechanism
Neuroanatomy – Diencephalon -2- Pawadee: MED 06 - 30114

 Controls water & electrolytes balance (60% of  Controls appetite by VENTROMEDIAL nucleus,
body weight is water) by SUPRAOPTIC serving as satiety centre
nucleus  sensitive to osmotic pressure of the  Aggressive behaviour
fluid within the body.  Pleasure centre at DORSAL HYPOTHALAMIC
1. If dehydration occurs  osmotic pressure nucleus
rises  body’s fluid is concentrated   Centre for sex drive by POSTERIOR
hyperosmotic condition HYPOTHALAMIC nucleus
2. If it is hypo osmotic  diluted fluid  less  Mamillary nucleus connects to limbic lobe
ADH and more urination  Controls ANS
 PARAVENTRICULAR nucleus =  Controls endocrine glands / system
neurosecretory of PITOCIN (OXYTOCIN)   Controls the wake & sleep mechanism by
useful during delivery as it occurs uterine LATERAL longitudinal zone
contraction to expel the baby
Neuroanatomy – Diencephalon -3- Pawadee: MED 06 - 30114

Thalamic nuclei
 Anterior nucleus
 Pulvinar thalami

o dorsomedial nucleus

o ventromedial nucleus / Centrum

medianum / intralaminar nucleus 

THALAMUS Medial part the ONLY nucleus that doesn’t
transmit specific impulses; rather, it
receives impulses from other
thalamic nuclei (afferent)
o Dorsal lateral nucleus
o Posterior lateral nucleus
o Ventral nucleus – dividing into 3
- Anterior ventral nucleus (AVn)
Lateral part - Lateral ventral nucleus (LVn)
- Posterior ventral nucleus (PVn)
1. Posterolateral ventral
nucleus (PLVn)
Stratum Zonale 2. Posteromedial ventral
 lies in between the lateral and medial part of the nucleus (PMVn)
Thalamus  Lateral geniculate body
 2 lamina: external & internal medullary lamina  Medial geniculate body
 Internal medullary lamina divides thalamus into 2
big parts: Above these are dorsal lateral nucleus & Posterior Ventral
posterior lateral nucleus
- lateral part
- medial part

Neuroanatomy – Diencephalon -4- Pawadee: MED 06 - 30114


Thalamus serves as a giant (the largest of diencephalon)

relay centre for all sensory impulses, destined to the Clinical Correlation:
cerebral cortex, except perhaps OLFACTION (sense of If there’s a tumour in the right hemisphere and the
smell). It does the followings: cortex is removed, the patient is still conscious but in at
1. collects & correlates sensory impulses a decreased degree. In contrast, if the reticular
2. sorts out such impulses formation of brainstem is destroyed, there will be loss of
3. sends to all areas of the brain for consciousness.
CONSCIOUSNESS or to specific areas of the cortex
e.g. If thalamus is destroyed, there will loss of sensation of
 Area 3, the opposite side, which is called thalamic syndrome.
1,2 – for pain & temperature sensation
 Area 17
for vision SUBTHALAMUS
 Area 41
for audition
Impulses to thalamus are sent via afferent fibres and
from thalamus to cortex via efferent fibres.

Ventromedial nucleus & Thalamus, together, function for

o wakefulness
o alertness
o attention

If both are destroyed, one would be unconscious. If it is

severe, COMA would occur.

A structure that holds brain stem and diencephalon is Parts:

‘Reticular formation’ which connects to: 1. rostral continuation of red nucleus

 Thalamus 2. rostral continuation of substantia nigra

 Ventromedial nucleus 3. subthalamic nucleus (of Luys)

4. zona incerta

It is found at the level of:

1. Pons – Pars tegmentaris Function

2. Midbrain – tegtum It serves an important role Extrapyramidal motor system,

for correct movement & muscle tone. If it dysfunctions,

It is supplied by the basilar artery in the pons. When this there is movement disorder e.g. Parkinson’s disease, of

artery is blocked by cholesterol or etc., brainstem stroke which rigid muscles and increased muscle tone are

occurs, causing COMA. observed as a result of destruction of the basal ganglia.

Neuroanatomy – Diencephalon -5- Pawadee: MED 06 - 30114

If one subthalamic nucleus is destroyed, this will cause

Hemiballismus, observed in the opposite side.

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