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Chapter 5: Social Computing

Task: Answering Questions

Lecturer Name: Lypengleang Seang
Student Name: Vanna Ly

Questions and Answers

1. Let show at least 3 of any platforms happening in Cambodia.
 Sabay: Sabay company focus on entertainment. They have Sabay news, Sabay
Novels, Sabay Games. They also have app which you can download and link to
different social media.
 Khmer24: Khmer24 is a website mainly allow user to sell or buy stuff. People can
search many different things in Khmer24 like house, jobs, transportation,
technologies and etc. They also have their own app.
 Passapp: developed a mobile app that allows customers with smart-phones to
submit a trip request that is then sent to Passapp drivers who use their own
tricycle to go and pick them up. It becoming popular in Cambodia nowadays. It
fast and reliable.
2. Compare Web 1.0 VS Web 2.0 and list 3 companies that are using web 2.0 technologies
in Cambodia.
Web 1.0
It is the “readable” phrase of the World Wide Web with flat data. In Web 1.0, there is
only limited interaction between sites and web users. Web 1.0 is simply an information
portal where users passively receive information without being given the opportunity to
post reviews, comments, and feedback.
Web 2.0
It is the “writable” phrase of the World Wide Web with interactive data. Unlike Web 1.0,
Web 2.0 facilitates interaction between web users and sites, so it allows users to interact
more freely with each other. Web 2.0 encourages participation, collaboration, and
information sharing. Examples of Web 2.0 applications are Youtube, Wiki, Flickr,
Facebook, and so on.
3 companies that are using web 2.0 technologies in Cambodia.
 Phnom Penh Post
 Kohsantepheap
 Camhr
3. Let list diverse companies in the collaborative consumption market at least 3 applying in
 Grab
 Myphsar
 Passapp
4. In order to particularly be useful for two marketing processes such as advertising and
market research, what will you include in the website?
We need to include:
 Home Page (First Page): his is your “sales” page and should provide information
about what you can do for your customers.
 Products / Services
 Contact Us
 Pricing
 Testimonials / Product Reviews / Before & After
 Frequently Asked Questions
 Response form such as “Subscribe” or “Enquiry” form
 About Us
 Guarantee
 Survey
 Links
 Media Information
5. How can we make Social Computing help the customers to trust our Business Shopping?
To make Social Computing help the customers to trust our Business Shopping, they need
to provide:
 Professional Web Design
 Brand Humanization Elements Such as a Comprehensive "About Us" Page
 Contact Information
 Privacy Policy
 Fix Broken Links
 Certified Seal
 Showcase Social Media Stats
 Testimonials
 Money-Back Guarantee
 Secure Checkout
 Frequently Updated Blog (With Great Content)
6. Why are advertisers, marketers or human resource managers so interested in social
Advertisers, marketers or human resource managers so interested in social networks
because social network helps them to connect with the customers, increase awareness
about brand, and boost leads and sales. Here are another reasons:
 Build Awareness: If people don’t know about your business, they can’t become
your customers. Social network boosts your visibility among potential customers,
letting you reach a wide audience by using a large amount of time and effort.
 Communicate authority: Customers are increasingly savvier and more discerning
about which businesses they support. Before making a decision, they’ll do a quick
search to browse your website and social media.
 Encourage engagement: Social network evolve, constantly releasing new features,
and this rapidly changing environment can be intimidating for some business
 Provide support: Social network have successfully broken down barriers between
companies and their customers. Now, instead of calling a customer service line,
many people turn to Facebook or Twitter to solve problems or find information.
 Grow affordably: Marketing costs add up, and not every business can afford huge
campaigns. But you can get a lot of value for your dollar with social media

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