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Build Your Own City!

Your Objective: Urban sprawl is the growth of low-density development on the edges of
cities or towns. In Quito, urban sprawl has spread northwards, almost reaching
Guallabamba, southwards towards Tambillo, and eastwards, incorporating Tumbaco and
Cumbaya into the city. There are many disadvantages to urban sprawl. Every year in the US,
400,000 acres are used to build residential and commercial centers, which means that this
land is lost as habitat for animals and vegetation. Another disadvantage is run-off from city streets that carries
pollutants into waterways, degrading water quality and habitats. Often urban sprawl is unplanned, meaning fewer
green areas, insufficient services for the growing population and transport problems. Urban sprawl often forces
people to commute from long distances to reach their work place, thus adding pollution into the air.

In this activity, you will work to design a community that is environmentally aware (an ecocity/green city).
Depending on population, some non-essential services may be added, but all must be justified and minimal
environmental impact should occur.

Learning Objectives
1. To understand the effects of urban sprawl on the environment
2. To use that data and information on urban sprawl to create an “ideal” community

• Rulers • Pencils • A4 white paper • Colored pencils

Part One Brainstorm: Define and identify common problems that might come with building new homes, shopping
malls, etc. Add your ideas to the Blog Padlet.

Part Two: Class Discussion: Record in the space below, all possible common problems that were shared on the

Part Three: Introduction to Urban Sprawl. What is urban sprawl? Why is unlimited community expansion without
developmental control causing problems? Read pages 114 – 124 of your Digital Textbook, Environmental Science.

Part Four: City Building, Requirements

Your city name: ____________________________
Population size: 50,000 people
Location: Pichincha, east of Quito, an airport city.
Elevation: 2,000 metres above sea level
Median annual Income of Population: $20,000 (Think about this carefully!)

-Develop an ideal community while keeping the following essential ideas in mind:
• A community should have services that meet the educational, health, occupational, safety, and recreational needs
of the people who live there.
• Care should be taken to minimize environmental impact and maintain existing ecosystems. Specific concepts
learned in class and from the reading should be used here.
• Interactions between residential areas and business areas should be minimal, though all areas should be easily
• All community plans should include one major highway, a mass transport system, and a river or lake. In addition,
you may want to consider drawing a buffer zone between residential and commercial areas.
For your city design, use A4 paper and draw your city from a birds-eye view, meaning you are looking down onto your
community. Create a legend if needed to simplify the design.
Part Five: Reflection
You must write a typed reflection. Follow the prompts below using complete sentences in an essay-like fashion.

Paragraph One: Justifications

Why did you place your city components in the resulting locations? What was the purpose?

Paragraph Two: Comparison

How does your community compare to other communities in Ecuador?

Paragraph Three: Environment

What effect will the changes that occur as a result of building a community have on the different species
that live in that environment?

Paragraph Four: Urban Sprawl

Why is it necessary for people to plan communities instead of just building houses, businesses, and services
as they are needed?

Ecocity Project Rubric for Design and Reflection

Presentation Points Possible Points Earned Notes
Educational Needs of 1 point
City Addressed?
Health Needs of City 1 point
Occupational Needs of 1 point
City Addressed?
Safety Needs of City 1 point
Recreational Needs of 1 point
City Addressed?
At least 4 strategies / 8 points
techniques are used in
the city to minimize
environmental impact
One major highway, a 1 points
mass transit system, and
a river or lake are
included in your city.
8”x11” paper is colorful 2 points
and easy to follow
(legend if necessary)
City is well-designed, 4 points
creative, and unique

Total: ________________________________ out of 20 points

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