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Assessment as defined by Wikipedia is the systematic process of

documenting and using empirical data on the knowledge, skills, attitudes and
beliefs to refine programs and improve student learning. The Glossary of
Education Reform states that Assessment in education, refers to the wide
variety of methods or tools that educators use to evaluate, measure, and
document the academic readiness, learning, progress, skill acquisition, or
educational needs of the students. The word assessment comes from the
Latin assidere, which means “to sit beside.” When we assess, we’re simply
gaining information about what a student knows and can do. We need to
ensure that our methods for gaining that information are as valid and reliable
as possible, which means we must be clear about what we expect students
to know and be able to do, and we have to be certain that the tools we’re
using don’t prevent students from really showing us that.
As we go through the field and conduct an Assessment personally, I
have come to my own definition of Assessment. Assessment has a big role
in building oneself physically, emotionally and mentally. It can either break
or make a student. It is very detrimental that if conducted wrong, it can be a
long term defect on the student but if conducted right, the effect will be the
productivity of the student in the school or in the community. By relying on
the three domains of learning which is the cognitive, affective and
psychomotor as a tool throughout this process was such a big help for us. It
was hard but worth it nonetheless.

Firstly, I would like to acknowledge our Almighty God for without Him,
I wouldn’t be in this very world in the first place, and I wouldn’t have the
strength and wellbeing that were necessary to complete this activity.
Second, my professor and mentor, Dr. Sulpicio M. Tanay for the immense
knowledge and guidance throughout this process.
Third, I would like to thank the school, Nabua National Highschool
and the faculties and staffs specially the Grade 8-Opal and their teacher,
Mrs. Ellen Kachiri Priela for letting me to conduct an assessment. It was
such a success and it wouldn’t be made possible through their cooperation,
efforts and time they lend to finish this activity. Fourth, I would like to
acknowledge my parents for their financial support, love and
encouragement, and my siblings for their creativity support in making this
showcase. They’ve been my backbone from the very start. Lastly, my
deepest thank you to my classmates and friends for their support and shared
knowledge to make this accurate as it is.
Their kind gestures was deeply appreciated. I am forever grateful.

Being able to study methods of teaching and having the opportunity to

gain practical knowledge in the field of education, we are required to make a
portfolio showcase about Educational Assessment on a certain group of
students with the help of their respective teachers. I’ve been able to conduct
my assessment at Nabua National Highschool with the Grade 8-Opal class
under the advisory of Mrs. Ellen Kachiri P. Inting. The objective behind doing
this activity is to gain knowledge and experience on conducting an
assessment to the students.
Doing this activity in the field helped us to enhance our knowledge
regarding on how to build a learning strategies for the students and also for
the teacher. Making this possible really helped us to have an idea of what
we will be doing in the near future. Through this report, I learned about the
importance of connecting with the students.
Grateful acknowledgment is here made to those who helped this
activity to be accomplished. This work would not have reached its present
form without their invaluable help.
At the end of this activity, the student will be able to;
1. Familiarize the South-East Asian Music and Art.
2. Differentiate the Skill Related and Health Related Components.
3. Familiarize the Family Health Fitness.
Observation for Quiz 1
(Matching Type)

Matching type is an objective test consisting of two sets of items to be

matched with each other for a specified attribute. A “recognition” and
“structured-response” type of test .The matching type may be considered as
modified multiple choice type items where the choices progressively reduce
as one successfully matches the items on the left with the items on the right.
It has two columns with each concept in the one column being matched with
a concept in the other column. It measures the ability to identify the
relationship between a set of similar items, each of which has two
components, such as words and their definitions, symbols and their
meanings, dates and events, causes and effects, people and their
accomplishments, problems and solutions, etc.
I decided to conduct an assessment on one of my sister’s class which
is the last section in grade 8, 8 – Opal because it’ll be more easier to
communicate with someone you already know. I decided to do an
assessment on her subject which is Music, Arts, Physical Education and
Health (MAPEH), instead on a subject that is related to my course because
it’ll be more convenient to get in the phase with the students academics.
MAPEH has 4 scopes of learning and I thought that it will be hard but it turns
out with such a relief and enjoyment. I started my assessment on August 3,
2018. I introduced myself in front of the class and explain my purpose of
being there. The class becomes frantic of my existence, maybe because the
students think that I am extra burden to their everyday struggle in school.
The teacher discussed about South-East Asian Art and base on my
observation in the class, there are students who are not paying attention
specially the group of boys at the back so the teacher separate them with
each other and then proceed with the discussion. I also observed that these
students are destructed by their surroundings and most of them are really
not listening. After that, I also listened to the teacher and at the same time
jotting down some questions for the quiz. My first type of tests was Matching
Type. After the discussion, the teacher called me to conduct my quiz. I told
them to get a ¼ sheet of paper and then I wrote the questions on the board.
It is 1-10 test item. After that, the students started to answer and some of
them are cooperating with each other so I announced to stop communicating
with each other. After the quiz, I told them to exchange their papers to their
seatmates for checking. After checking, I collected the papers, and thanked
the class for cooperating properly. For the results, the scores were low. The
highest was 8 and the lowest was 0.
Observation for Quiz 2
(Multiple Choice)

A multiple-choice test usually has dozens of questions or "items." For

each question, the test- taker is supposed to select the "best" choice among
a set of four or five options. Most standardized tests, including state exams
and most commercial achievement tests, are made up primarily of multiple-
choice items. A standardized multiple-choice test may point to some broad
areas that need improvement. For example, a test may show that students
in a school or district need to improve on double-digit multiplication.
However, the tests do not provide information that will help teachers do a
better job of teaching double-digit multiplication because they do not show
why the class generally did not do well.
August 6, 2018, I proceed with the test and since I am done with the
quiz in Art, I decided to talk with the teacher and ask her to discuss a topic
in Music, for me to cover a quiz on all the scopes in MAPEH. The teacher
accepted it and she discussed about the South-East Asian Music. While the
teacher is discussing the topic, I am jotting down questions again for the quiz.
I decided to do a multiple choice type of tests. Again, there are some boys
who are not paying attention carefully and some are just talking with each
other. The teacher called the attention of those people and told them to listen
on the discussion because after that they will have a quiz. But there are
people who are not really interested. I also observed that there are some
people who has attitude problems and that they don’t really care who’s in
front of them. After the discussion, the teacher allowed me to conduct a quiz
and instead of writing it in the board, I ask the questions orally since it is a
multiple choice. The test items are 1-10. After the quiz, I told the class to
exchange their paper with their seatmates for checking. After checking, I
collected the papers. For the results, the highest was 9 and the lowest was
Observation for Quiz 3
(True or False Test)

With True/False questions, students choose true or false in response

to a statement question. True-False questions may use words called
“absolutes” or “qualifies”. Absolute words imply there are no exceptions to
the facts stated in the question. Examples of such words are never, none,
always, all, every, only. These words tend to make a statement false (but not
always). Qualifiers such as some, few, often, many, frequently limit meaning,
thus allowing exceptions and possibilities that can make a question true (but
not always)
August 7, 2018, I came back to the room and the teacher was
discussing about Family Health. As the teacher discusses, I can see that the
students are very interactive on the discussion. Being with them in three days
helps me gain more confidence in interacting with them and communicating
with them naturally, there are some students who’s not shy on expressing
themselves to me which make me comfortable because they now appreciate
me being there and it comes naturally for me and for them. I again observed
that when the teacher asks a question, there are people who just answer
without racing their hands. As the discussion proceeds, I am again jotting
down the questions for the quiz. I decided to have a binary test with a twist.
They will identify if the questions that I will be stated is a Fact or Fiction. With
an underlined words, if it is fiction, they will write the correct answer for the
question. The class becomes stressed at first but I explained to them
thoroughly the mechanics and they agreed to it after. I wrote the questions
on the board and the class starts to answer. After that quiz, I told them again
to have an exchange papers with their seatmates for checking and after
checking, I collected the papers. For the results, all the scores were high.
The highest was 9 and the lowest was 5.
Observation for Quiz 4

The essay tests are still commonly used tools of evaluation, despite
the increasingly wider applicability of the short answer and objective type
questions. There are certain outcomes of learning (e.g., organizing,
summarizing, integrating ideas and expressing in one’s own way) which
cannot be satisfactorily measured through objective type tests. The
importance of essay tests lies in the measurement of such instructional
August 8, 2018, the teacher was out for a meeting and she decided
that I should conduct again a test that is related to yesterday’s discussion. I
approved to it and decided to have an Essay type of test. It is only 1 item
because I am not that prepared. I call the attention of class and told them to
have a ¼ sheet of paper. The class does not have much questions because
the teacher told them what we will be doing before she leaves the classroom.
I wrote on the board the question and the class starts to write a short essay.
But before that, the class complained that they want to answer the essay in
Tagalog. At first, I objected because the question is in English form and it is
only one item so it can be easily answered by the students. But there are
students who’s hard headed and that they will not answer it unless I agree
with their condition. I don’t want to have more conflicts with the students, so
I agree with their wants and they start answering the essay. When they are
finished, I told them to exchange their papers with their seatmates for
checking and after checking, I collected their papers. The results were good
and they’ve been able to express their thoughts well.
Observation for Quiz 5

An enumeration is a complete, ordered listing of all the items in a

collection. The term is commonly used in mathematics and computer
science to refer to a listing of all of the elements of a set. The precise
requirements for an enumeration (for example, whether the set must
be finite, or whether the list is allowed to contain repetitions) depend on the
discipline of study and the context of a given problem.
August 8, 2018. The teacher discussed about Physical Education
which is the Family Health Fitness and the students are surprisingly attentive
on the teacher and they are also cooperating with discussion. I don’t have
much problem about the boys at the back who’s always noisy before
because they are listening to the teacher. I focused on writing the quiz and
after the discussion, I told the students to get a ¼ sheet of paper. I wrote the
questions on the board and the students starts to answer. After the quiz, I
told them to exchange their papers for the checking and after that,
surprisingly again, half of the students got a perfect score on the quiz. I am
so glad because this is the first time I’ve seen the students being serious
about studying.
Observation 6
(Quarterly Examination)

Exams are the way to test our knowledge. Without conducting the
exams and test students don't concentrate in their studies and learn their
lessons properly. Exams are necessary in schools and colleges to find out
the real skills, talents and knowledge of the students. All students are
studying their lesson properly to get good marks in the test and exams, each
and every student is interested in getting good marks in the exam and study
hard to achieve it, without exam there is no chance to express about our
knowledge, skills as well as our studying activity.
For the exam, I collaborated with the teacher to create an exam for the
students that is related to my quizzes. On the day of exam, the teacher
announced that there should be no kind of papers and cellphones on their
desk and that they should keep it in their bags before giving them the exam.
I am the one who gave them the test papers and at the same time I served
as a spy for those who will cheat. I find people who’s talking to each other so
I called their attention and give them a warning. The exam was peaceful up
until the end and I’m very thankful that I finished my activity with the help of
the students and the teacher’s effort. I showed them how deeply grateful I
am for their cooperation’s and assistance for making this activity possible.
After that, I came back to the school a week after the exam to collect the test
papers from the teacher. For the results, the exams was below quota. 30
was the highest score over 50 and 12 was the lowest.
Recommendations and Suggestions
(Quiz 1 Matching Type)

On my first day of my assessment, I observed that there are boys who

are really not listening to the teacher so I suggest that these people should
be given some attention for them to have interest in the discussion. There
are people who’s really not interested so these people should be giving some
motivation to listen. This is the last section in grade 8 so of all sections, these
are the students who needs an extra assistance for learnings, values
personal development, motivation and guidance. I observed that the teacher
are struggling to discuss because of the student’s attitude so these student’s
really need some guidance and sense of direction and purpose.
Recommendations and Suggestions
(Quiz 2 Multiple Choice)

On the second day, as the teacher is discussing the topic in Music, the
same group of boys at the back are keep talking to each other and they don’t
listen to the teacher. The teacher called their attention and separated them
with each other. The teacher preached and scolded them about their attitude
and their manners. I think it is just right to for the teacher to do that because
these student’s doesn’t seem to care of who’s in front and who’s talking. I
suggest that these students also have to know the sense of superiority in the
class and respect for the teacher. Students this days really don’t have the
idea of the importance of education in their lives and I think that’s pitiful to
Recommendations and Suggestions
(Quiz 3 Binary Test)

On my 3rd day, It is a good thing that there are students who are
approachable and easy to communicate with because that’s giving me more
confidence to connect with them. I think being with them, makes me realize
and have an ideas of what my future will be. As the teacher discusses, there
are lesser people whose destructed but most of them are now eager to listen.
Maybe because of the scolding that happened the day before, but I think it
is efficient because they have to be more attentive for them to learn. As I
observed, when the teacher asks a question, they are answering all at once
and for that, the teacher didn’t understand what they’re saying. So I
recommended to just raise their hand if they wanted to answer for the teacher
to understand it also. When the teacher asks a question again, there are no
students who raised their hand maybe because they are afraid to answer or
just shy but the teacher told them to speak their minds and there are students
who did race their hands.
Recommendations and Suggestions
(Quiz 4 Essay)

On the 4th day, we don’t have a discussion but I made a quiz and that
is one item essay. I thought that it will be easier for them to answer but the
students complained that they will write the answer in Tagalog. I object in the
first but let it slip away because I don’t want to have a conflict with them
anymore. I suggested that next time, they should be more confident and not
scared of constructing a paragraph in English form because they will always
encounter a problem and questions like this and they will not be able to
answer it in Tagalog form. These student’s should have more practice in
constructing words because at the end of the day, learning is more important
than getting away with it.
Recommendations and Suggestions
(Quiz 5 Enumeration)

On the 5th day of my visit, I was surprised by the student’s performance

because they are attentive and cooperating well with the discussion about
family health fitness. I think that being attentive is very important when
studying because you can actually learn by just listening and also being
curious about anything and being able to have a discussion can also improve
learning because we are able to share some different point of views and
perceptions that will surely help for the understanding of one another. I don’t
have much of recommendations and suggestions because the students
performed well and I just hoped for them to keep it consistent because that
will surely help them.
Recommendations and Suggestions
(Quarterly Exam)

On my last day which is their exam, I gave them their test papers and
the teacher announced that no papers should be on their desk and
cellphones too, so the students removed them. I think it is still odd to just
keep their things right beside them because it is a high risk for the students
to cheat so I recommended to the teacher that their things should be in front
of the board so that the risk of cheating will be lessen. The exam starts and
as it proceeds, there are noise that are coming from the students so I
announced that they should be quite because they might disturb the others
who are also taking the exam. After that, nothing bad happened and that they
finished the exam with such an ease.
Assessment in wholistic really helps the students to have such a
personal development and direction for learning if done right. We all know
that the students have different gifts, talents, skills and strengths so
assessing them properly can make them more productive for their future.
Being back at school and observe, have given me such familiar
feelings because I, too was a student and it makes me realize that having a
successful assessment on my part has made me such a productive person.
Being able to conduct one have giving me anxiety because I am scared to
fail and led such bad impacts on the students but doing it successfully can
make a good change. In this activity, I realized that it is really hard to teach
and I appreciate those teachers who do not give up on their students even if
they are treated wrong because they only want them to learn. Conducting an
assessment on a last section class gave me such a hard time because these
people needs some extra attention and a lot of patience because I observed
that these students has no ideas of the importance of learnings and
education in their lives, and I think that there mind sets are more on just
passing the subject than learning it. I thinks that’s the saddest reality a
teacher could think of. Also some of the students has personality problems,
poor values and manners that is really critical for their personal development.
I admit that we have our different perceptions, we have a different
personalities and such but putting it aside for education I think is very
important. Because in this state, we are earning new ideas, new facts, new
perceptions that will truly help us to survive in this world. So being able to
guide them in a right way can be helpful.
I am thankful because I’ve done my part properly and I hope and I pray
that the students in this generation never forgets the importance of education
in their lives. I want them to realize that education is a powerful weapon
which they can use to change the world.
Nabua, Camarines Sur
SY 2018-2019



Topics Time Wt. No. Item Category Item

Frame in of Location
% Items
K An S E
Music 10 22 11 C A
I. 3
I.1,7,8, I.2,4,5,6 Multiple
9,10, Choice
Arts 26 13 II.19,20, II.12,13, Matching
21, 14, type
22,23, 15,16,
24,25 Enumerat

Fact or
P. E 20 10 III.26-35 Fiction

10 IV. 36,37, IV.

38, 41,
Health 32 16 39,40,42, 43

Total 32 17
No. of
Total 50 29 2 0 9 10
No. of
% of 100 58 4 18 20

Difficulty Level Discriminating Level Action

Not Discriminating Discard

Moderately Discriminating May Need Revision
Discriminating Accept

Not Discriminating Needs Revision

Moderately Difficult
Moderately Discriminating May Need Revision
Discriminating Accept

Not Discriminating Discard

Moderately Discriminating May Need Revision
Discriminating Need Revision

Range of
Range Of Difficulty Interpretation Discrimination Interpretation

.00 – 0.20 Very Difficult Item -1.00 - - 0.60 Questionable Item

0.21- 0.40 Difficult Item -0-59 - -0.20 Not Discriminating

Moderately Moderately
0.41- 0.60 Difficult item -0.19 - 0.20 Discriminating

0.61- 0.80 Easy Item 0.21 – 0.60 Discriminating

0.81- Above Very Easy Item 0.61 – 1.00 Very Discriminating

Upper And Lower Test Result

I. Multiple Choice
Option Total No. of Students who
Number of Item’s A B C D
got the Correct
Upper 10 0 6 0 16 10
1 Lower 3 1 12 0 16 3
Upper 5 7 4 0 16 4
2 Lower 3 8 4 1 16 4
Upper 7 2 7 0 16 7
3 Lower 11 0 5 0 16 11
Upper 4 3 7 1 16 4
4 Lower 4 4 5 2 16 4
Upper 8 1 6 1 16 8
5 Lower 4 1 6 5 16 4
Upper 0 9 1 5 16 9
6 Lower 1 5 3 7 16 5
Upper 2 10 1 3 16 10
7 Lower 1 10 4 1 16 10
8 Upper 3 4 6 3 16 6
Lower 1 5 4 6 16 4
Upper 6 6 1 3 16 6
9 Lower 2 3 7 3 16 2
Upper 1 9 6 0 16 9
10 Lower 0 4 12 0 16 4
Upper 3 5 4 4 16 5
11 Lower 3 7 3 3 16 7


Option Total No. of Students who
Number of Item’s Fact Fiction
got the Correct
Upper 14 2 16 14
36 Lower 16 0 16 16
Upper 13 3 16 13
37 Lower 9 7 16 9
Upper 13 3 16 3
38 Lower 12 4 16 4
Upper 11 5 16 11
Lower 12 4 16 12
Upper 12 4 16 12
40 Lower 12 4 16 12
Upper 8 8 16 8
41 Lower 7 9 16 9
Upper 16 0 16 16
42 Lower 10 6 16 10
43 Upper 12 4 16 4
Lower 9 7 16 7
Upper 12 4 16 4
44 Lower 11 5 16 5
Upper 13 3 16 13
45 Lower 8 8 16 8
Name Score Transmuted Rank
Grade CN
1. Alfea Lorien A. Marpuri 30 80 1 1
2. Trisha Mae A. Astibe 29 79 2 2
3. Jeward Dale B. Namquil 27 77 3 4
4. Windel Jay Ll. Dacles 27 77 4 4
5. Hannah Mae B. Orasa 27 77 5 4
6. Angel Sophia O. Folloso 26 76 6 6
7. Ana Marie S. Balbuena 25 75 7 9
8. Gwyneth P. Pimnetel 25 75 8 9
9. Mary Joy N. Balandia 25 75 9 9
10. Metch Bersabe 25 75 10 9
11. Cristine Joy V. Sistoso 25 75 11 9
12. John Mar B. Rances 24 74 12 14
13. Kayla Jean B. Lamud 24 74 13 14
14. Jasmin France R. Celestino 24 74 14 14
15. John Harold Trillanes 24 74 15 14
16. Hannah Izrafiel Cabredo 24 74 16 14
17. John Christian Saluna 23 73 17 17.5
18. May B. Abonal 23 73 18 17.5
19.Joseph Ryan V. Peñaflor 22 72 19 21.5
20. Peter Audrei R. Tibayan 22 72 20 21.5
21. Christine Joy V. Sandrino 22 72 21 21.5
22. Kimberly V. Abitan 22 72 22 21.5
23. Jerzel S. Aguila 22 72 23 21.5
24.John Kenneth I. Pandes 22 72 24 21.5
25. Ma. Kristina Cassandra Mamaed 21 71 25 27
26. Hanna Grace C. Rabusa 21 71 26 27
27. Antonette F. Escobal 21 71 27 27
28. Melden Angel M. Delatorre 21 71 28 27
29. Charlene P. Alina 21 71 29 27
30. Andrew G. Acabado 20 70 30 32.5
31. Ana Marie C. Buequiz 20 70 31 32.5
32. Vhon Evion Gutoman 20 70 32 32.5
33. John Carl L. Pili 20 70 33 32.5
34.Kristine L. Tombado 20 70 34 32.5
35. Hanna Faith S. Paristre 20 70 35 32.5
36. John Patrick B. Baldon 19 69 36 38
37. ReynalitaMae Z. Fajardo 19 69 37 38
38. Bengie L. Figuracion 19 69 38 38
39. Maria Tiresa R. Lanzuela 18 68 39 41.5
40. Harl Zendric D. Mota 18 68 40 41.5
41. John Revier O. Borja 18 68 41 41.5
42. Jacky Lou D. Iraola 18 68 42 41.5
43. Mary Jane N. Quimpo 18 68 43 41.5
44. Mark Kenneth C. Illorde 18 68 44 41.5
45. Cate Justine Pearly O. Oide 17 67 45 48
46. Alexis Mae A. Belen 17 67 46 48
47. Jhon Laurence V. Braga 17 67 47 48
48. Jureah Vina Lienette O. Malaya 17 67 48 48
49.Ma. Melchie P. Reginales 17 67 49 48
50. Lyanne Grace I. Beteruo 17 67 50 48
51.Jade V. Nacario 17 67 51 48
52. Maria Janele A. Reyes 16 66 52 54
53. Francia B. Junlo 16 66 53 54
54. Kent Iruin G. Lagrimas 16 66 54 54
55. Jeric D. Alcomendas 16 66 55 54
56. Marinel R. Delos Angeles 16 66 56 54
57. Leajoy I. Moran 15 65 57 57
58. Jhon Edrian P. Afante 12 62 58 58

Transmuted Grade = ------------------------------ x 50 + 50
Total Number of Items
I. Matching Type (ART)

1. A sculpture/ mascot that personifies A. Delang

Singapore. It is known as a mythical creature. B. Ramayana
2. _____ Indonesia-May; Sihun: Vietnam C. Sihor
3. A cap widely wore in Indonesia, D. Wau
Malaysia, the Muslim and southern part E. Sunken Relief
of the Philippines. F. Shin
4. _____ : Malaysia; Sky Lantern: Thailand. G. Ebony Satire
5. Relief sculpture in Malaysia where H. Merlion
an image is carved into the surface rather I. Dye
than out of it. J. Batik
6. Wayang: Shadow; Kulit:________. K. Sky Lantern
7. Popular Vietnamese fabrics are L. Sorgliok
slantung terfetta, bergeline weave and_________. M. Wayang golek
8. Hand woven long shirt of Lao Women. N. Cengal
9. A sobstance used to color materials.
10. A puppet master of Wayang Kulit.

II. Multiple Choice (MUSIC)

1. A female singer who sings with the Gamelan?

A. Persindren B. Irama C. Karawitan D. Oneat

2. Is the traditional music ensemble of Indonesia?

A. Kertok B. Pinpeat C. Gamelan D. Mahori

3. Is the traditional Myanmar’s folk Music Emsemble?

A. Dai Nhac B. Piphat C. Nha Nhac D. Hsaing Waing

4. What is the signature of Rasa Sayang song?

A. 6/8 B. ¾ C. 2/2 D. 4/4

5. Indonesia is to Gamelan ensemble while Cambodia has?

A. Hsaing Waing B. Pinpeat C. Piphat D. Kyi Waing

6. The traditional court ensemble that is found in Thailand.

A. Mahori B. Nha Nhac C. Piphat D. Khmer

7. This country defies classification of court versus vernacular because traditions cross
over more than in other countries.

A. Vietnam B. Cambodia C. Thailand D. Indonesia

8. A Vietnamese fiddle similar to the Chinese ernu?

A. Si B. Danbau C. Aspara D. Dan nhi

9. A need aerophore in saing waing ensemble?

A. Hne B. Pwe C. Patt Waing D. Kyi Waing

10. Rasa sayang comes from which country?

A. Indonesia B. Philippines C. Thailand D. Vietnam

III. Binary Test/Fact or Fiction (Health)

Instructions: Write Fact if the statement is correct and change the underlined words if its

___________ 1. Physical Self is the way you look as a man or woman.

___________ 2. People who get sexually transmitted infections have only one sex
___________ 3. Sex is a major aspect of personality.
___________ 4. The purpose of gender and human sexuality education is to promote
early pregnancy among young teens.
___________ 5. Communication builds better choices that are healthy and responsible
to everyone.
___________ 6. Self Centered is one of the characteristics of Healthy Sexuality
___________ 7. Self pity is one of the characteristics of Healthy Sexuality
___________ 8. Self consideration is one of the characteristics of Healthy Sexuality
___________ 9. Self worth is one of the characteristics of Healthy Sexuality
___________ 10.Self discipline is one of the characteristics of Healthy Sexuality

IV. Essay (Health)

1. How will you apply selflove in choosing your lifetime partner?

V. Enumeration(Physical Education)

1-6. Enumerate the 6 skill-related components.

7-10. Enumerate the 4 health-related components.
I. Matching Type (Art)
1. H
2. J
3. L
4. D
5. E
6. F
7. G
8. C
9. I
10. A

II. Multiple Choice (Music)

1. A
2. C.
3. D
4. B
5. B
6. C
7. A
8. D
9. A
10. C

III. Binary Test/ Fact or Fiction

1. Fact
2. 2
3. Fact
4. Bonus
5. Fact
6. Self love
7. Self respect
8. Self knowledge
9. Self expression
10. Self confidence

V. Enumeration
Skill-related Components

1. Agility
2. Balance
3. Power
4. Speed
5. Coordination
6. Reaction time

Health- related components

7. Cardio vascular fitness

8. Muscular Strength and Endurance
9. Body composition
10. Flexibility
Table for Interpreting Index of
Difficulty and Discrimination
ITEM D Interpretation P Interpretation Action Table
1 0.44 Discriminating 0.48 Moderately Difficult Accept
2 0 Moderately 0.24 Difficult Item May need revision
3 -0.25 Not Discriminating 0.45 Moderately Difficult Needs Revision
4 0 Moderately 0.22 Difficult Item May need revision
5 0.25 Discriminating 0.36 Difficult Item Accept
6 0.25 Discriminating 0.52 Moderately Difficult Accept
7 0 Moderately 0.52 Moderately Difficult May needs revision
Discriminating Item
8 0.13 Moderately 0.24 Difficult Item May needs revision
9 0.25 Discriminating 0.29 Difficult Item Accept
10 0.31 Discriminating 0.62 Easy Item
11 -0.13 Moderately 0.24 Difficult Item May needs revision
12 0.06 Moderately 0.14 Very Difficult Item May needs revision
13 0.25 Discriminating 0.16 Very Difficult Item May needs revision
14 0.13 Moderately 0.10 Very Difficult Item May needs revision
15 -0.13 Moderately 0.19 Very Difficult Item May needs revision
16 0.31 Discriminating 0.19 Very Difficult Item May needs revision
17 0.19 Moderately 0.16 Very Difficult Item May needs revision
18 0.13 Moderately 0.14 Very Difficult Item May needs revision
19 0.06 Moderately 0.02 Very Difficult Item May needs revision
20 -0.13 Moderately 0.12 Very Difficult Item May needs revision
23 0.19 Moderately 0.29 Difficult Item May needs revision
24 0.19 Moderately 0.21 Difficult Item May needs revision
25 -0.13 Moderately 0.05 Very Difficult Item May needs revision
36 -0.13 Moderately 0.91 Easy Item Needs Revision
37 0.25 Discriminating 0.72 Easy Item
38 -0.06 Moderately 0.21 Difficult Item May needs revision
39 -0.06 Moderately 0.79 Easy Item Needs Revision
40 0 Moderately 0.71 Easy Item May needs revision
41 -0.06 Moderately 0.48 Moderately Difficult May needs revision
Discriminating Item
42 0.38 Discriminating 0.79 Easy Item
43 -0.19 Moderately 0.28 Difficult Item May needs revision
44 -0.06 Moderately 0.29 Difficult Item May needs revision
45 0.31 Discriminating 0.69 Easy Item
Nabua, Camarines Sur
s/y 2018-2019



NAME:________________________________GRADE & SECTION:______________

TEST 1. Multiple Choice. Read the questions carefully. Encircle the correct answer.

1. Cambodia is to pinpeat ensemble while Indonesia has

a. Gamelan b. Kertok c. Piphat d. Hsaing waing
2.Which of the following is the characteristic of Javanese Gamelan?
a. Used for sacred music
b. Consists of metallophone and mostly gongs
c. Used for court music
d. Sounds are very bright and brilliant
3. Which ensembles is referred to in the given description?
i. Used for court
ii. Percussion dominated
iii Style of playing gives solemn character
4. Which of the following is the characteristics of folk song?
a. The category is extremely diverse.
b. It is performed in honor of the gods and scholars
c. It is performed in religious rituals or at funerals
d. It was performed as chamber music for the king
5. Which of the following is the traditional music ensemble of Indonesia?
a. Gamelan b. Kertok c. Piphat d. Pinpeat
6. Which of the following is the Myanmar’s traditional folk music ensemble?
a. Pinpheat b. Hsaing waing c. Piphat d. Mahori
7. The following are the Imperial court music of Vietnam EXCEPT?
a. Nha Nhac b. Kihn c. Dai nhac d. Tieu Nhac

8. The following are the musical instruments used in the pinpeat ensemble EXCEPT?
a. Sampor b. Oneat c. Saung Gauk d. Ching
9. This refers to a female solois singer who sings with the Gamelan.
a. Pesindhen b. Gerong c. Irama d. Karawitan
10. What is the signature/beat of the Rasa Sayang song?
a. 2/4 b. ¾ c. 4/4 d. 6/8
11. Why the mahori instruments historically small?
a. Because it is traditionally played by young women
b. Because it is traditionally played by children
c. Because it is traditionally played by elders
d. Because it is traditionally played by women

TEST II. Matching Type. Read the questions carefully. Match column A to column B.
Write your answer on the space provided.

______12. The center of the silk industry in Thailand. A. Ebony satin

______13. The most common fabric in Malaysia and Singapore B. Sihn
______14. This is a type of cap from brunei which is made from C. Khorat
Velvet. D. Takeo
______15. Malaysian kite wherein its wings are similar to Arabic E. Batik
letter. F. Flying lantern
______16. Made up of rice paper with bamboo frame which G. Wau
contains a fuel cell or small candle. H. Songkok
______17. Type of sculpture has been both passion and a I. Stone carving
livelihood for many Cambodian. J. bronze carving
______18. This is the preferred wood for building houses K. Cengal
and boats in Malaysia. L. Vietnam
______19. Batik:Indonesian – Malay;_______: Vietnam M. Laos
______20. Ankle long skirt by the Lao women. N. Singapore
______21. Kettledrum: Vitnam; Wat pho:_______. O. Sunken relief
______23.Handicraft: Cambodia; Silk painting______.
______24. Image that is carved into the surface rather than out
of it.
______25. The Sri Mariaman Hindu Temple is as old as______.

TEST III. ENUMERATION. Enumerate the following.


28. 33.
29. 34.

TEST IV. FACT OR FICTION. Write the word fact of the statement is correct and write
FICTION if the statement is wrong. Write your answer on the space provided.

_________36. Sex is a major aspect of personality.

_________37. The purpose of the gender and human sexuality education is to promote
wholesome family and interpersonal relationships.
_________38. Mental self is the way you look as a man or a woman.
_________39. Communicating effectively helps in making choices that are healthy and
_________40. Parental consent is needed before you are treated for a sexually
transmitted disease if you are under 18 years of age.
_________41. Most sexually transmitted infections can be treated and cured without
medical attention.
_________42. Gender is a social concept on how men and women should think, feel and
_________43. Gender role permits man and woman equal enjoyment of human rights.
_________44. Your sex role should limit your interests.
_________45. People who get sexually transmitted infections have a lot of sex partners.


Healthy sexuality encompasses the following characteristics.

46. 47. 48. 49. 50.


1. A
2. C
3. A
4. A
5. A
6. B
7. B
8. C
9. A
10. B
11. D


12. C
13. E
14. H
15. G
16. F
17. I
18. K
19. A
20. B
21. Bonus
23. M
24. O
25. N


26. Flexibility
27. Body composition
28. Cardio Vascular fitness
29. Muscular strength and Endurance
30. Agility
31. Balance
32. Power
33. Speed
34. Coordination
35. Reaction time.



42. FACT
45. FACT
30 1 30
29 1 29
27 3 81
26 1 26
25 5 125
24 5 120
23 2 46
22 6 132
21 5 105
20 6 120
19 3 57
18 6 108
17 7 119
16 5 80
15 1 15
12 1 12
F= 58 FX= 1,205

Mean = -------------------------------
Number of Students

Mean = ----------------

Mean = 20.77586206896552

Performance Level

Performance Level = ------------------------------------ x 100%
Number of Items

Performance Level = -------------------------------- x 100%

Performance Level = 41.55


Score X Tallies F
30 – 32 I 1
27 – 29 IIIII 5
24 – 26 IIIII -IIIII 10
21 – 23 IIIII – IIIII – III 13
18 – 20 IIIII – IIIII – IIIII 15
15 -17 IIIII – IIIII – III 13
12 – 14 I 1
N = 58


Range = High Score – Lower Score

Range = 30 – 12

Range = 18

Class Interval

Class Interval = ------------------------------------------------
Desired Number of Class

Class Interval = ---------

Class Interval = 2.57 ≈ 3


Score X F CF
30 - 32 1 58
27 – 29 5 57
24 – 26 10 52
21 – 23 13 42
18 – 20 15 29
15 -17 13 14
12 - 14 1 1
i=3 N = 58

1st Quartile 5th Decile

N/4 - fb 5N/10 - fb
Q1 = LLQ1 + -------------------- i D5 = LLD5 + --------------------- i
fw fw

58/4 – 1 5(58)/10 - 14
Q1 = 15.5 + ------------------ 3 D5 = 17.5 + -------------------- 3
13 15

Q1 = 15.5 + 3.11… D5 = 17.5 + 3

Q1 = 18. 62 D5 = 20.5

7th Percentile

75N/100 - fb
P75 = LLP75 + ------------------- i

75(58)/100 - 29
P75 = 20.5 + ---------------------- 3

P75 = 20.5 + 3.35…

P75 = 23.85
X Tallies F CF M CB FM
30 – 32 I 1 58 31 29.5 – 32.5 31
27 – 29 IIIII 5 57 28 26.5 – 29.5 140
24 – 26 IIIII -IIIII 10 52 25 23.5 – 26.5 250
21 – 23 IIIII – IIIII 13 42 22 20.5 – 23.5 286
18 – 20 IIIII – IIIII 15 29 19 17.5 – 20.5 285
15 -17 IIIII – IIIII 13 14 16 14.5 – 17.5 208
12 – 14 I 1 1 13 11.5 – 14.5 13
i=3 N=58 ∑fixi=

Mean Median

∑fixi n/2 – fm - 1
Mean = --------------- Median = Lm + ------------------- i
N fm

Mean = ------------ 58/2 - 14
58 Median = 17.5 + ----------------- 3

Mean = 20. 91 Median = 17.5 + 3

Median = 20.5


Mode = 3Median – 2Mean

Mode = 3(20.5) – 2(20.91)

Mode = 61.5 – 41.82

Mode = 19.68

16 15

14 13 13



6 5

2 1 1

12 - 14 15 - 17 18 - 20 21 - 23 24 - 26 27 - 29 30 - 32

Line Graph
13 13

10 10


1 1
12 - 14 15 - 17 18 - 20 21 - 23 24 - 26 27 - 29 30 - 32
(Multiple Choice)
Option Total No. of Students who
Number of Item’s A B C D
got the Correct
Upper 12 0 1 0 13 12
1 Lower 6 2 5 0 13 6
Upper 3 4 5 1 13 5
2 Lower 5 8 0 0 13 0
Upper 2 2 0 9 13 9
3 Lower 7 2 3 1 13 1
Upper 0 6 6 1 13 6
4 Lower 0 1 7 5 13 1
Upper 4 4 0 6 13 4
5 Lower 0 2 1 10 13 2
Upper 2 1 9 1 13 9
6 Lower 1 4 3 5 13 3
Upper 5 6 0 2 13 5
7 Lower 1 4 7 1 13 1
8 Upper 1 2 3 7 13 7
Lower 1 4 7 1 13 1
Upper 12 0 0 1 13 12
9 Lower 5 2 0 6 13 5
Upper 4 3 3 3 13 4
10 Lower 0 7 3 3 13 0
Option Total No. of Students who
Number of Item’s Fact Fiction
got the Correct
(Right Answer)
Upper 15 0 15 15
1 Lower 9 6 15 9
Upper 4 11 15 11
2 Lower 12 3 15 3
Upper 15 0 15 15
3 Lower 12 3 15 12
Upper 15 0 15 15
4 Lower 13 2 15 13
Upper 15 0 15 15
5 Lower 13 2 15 13
Upper 0 15 15 15
6 Lower 4 11 15 11
Upper 2 13 15 13
7 Lower 1 14 15 14
8 Upper 1 14 15 14
Lower 5 10 15 10
Upper 0 15 15 15
9 Lower 7 8 15 8
Upper 1 14 15 14
10 Lower 11 4 15 4

I. Matching Type
ITEM D Interpretation P Interpretation Action Table
1 0.63 Very Discriminating 0.71 Easy Item Needs Revision
2 0.63 Very Discriminating 0.21 Difficult Item Accept
3 0 Moderately 0.02 Very Difficult Item May Need Revision
4 0.63 Very Discriminating 0.17 Very Difficult Item Accept
5 0.73 Very Discriminating 0.57 Moderately Difficult May Need Revision
6 0.63 Very Discriminating 0.90 Very Easy Item
7 0.73 Very Discriminating 0.47 Easy Item
8 0.55 Discriminating 0.33 Moderately Difficult May Need Revision
9 0.45 Discriminating 0.01 Moderately Difficult May Need Revision
10 0.27 Discriminating 0.21 Difficult Item Accept

II. Multiple Choice

ITEM D Interpretation P Interpretation Action Table
1 0.46 Discriminating 0.72 Easy Item
2 0.38 Discriminating 0.21 Difficult Item Accept
3 0.62 Very Discriminating 0.47 Moderately Difficult Accept
4 0.38 Discriminating 0.21 Difficult Item Accept
5 0.15 Not Discriminating 0.17 Very Difficult Item Improbable
6 0.46 Discriminating 0.47 Moderately Difficult Accept
7 0.31 Discriminating 0.23 Difficult Item Accept
8 0.46 Discriminating 0.28 Difficult Item Accept
9 0.54 Discriminating 0.57 Moderately Difficult Accept
10 0.31 Discriminating 0.19 Very Difficult Item Accept

III. Fact and Fiction

ITEM D Interpretation P Interpretation Action Table
1 0.4 Not Discriminating 0.70 Easy Item Discard
2 0.53 Discriminating 0.35 Difficult Item Accept
3 0.2 Moderately 0.83 Very Easy Item Needs Revision
4 0.13 Moderately 0.96 Very Easy Item Needs Revision
5 0.13 Moderately 0.93 Very Easy Item Needs Revision
6 0.27 Discriminating 0.91 Very Easy Item
7 -0.07 Moderately 0.93 Very Easy Item Needs Revision
8 0.27 Discriminating 0.89 Very Easy Item
9 0.47 Discriminating 0.85 Very Easy Item
10 0.67 Very Discriminating 0.74 Easy Item

This study was designed to determine and evaluate

the student’s capacity and capability to understand the given subject and
also being able to learn assessment by applying it in the field. This covers
the 1st Grading period of the students and by also having an interpretation
to it. The respondents in this study was the Grade 8- Opal students of Nabua
National Highschool Under the advisory of Mrs. Ellen Kachiri P. Inting. In
gathering those data, we prepared 5 types of test in a quiz and 1 Quarterly
The following statements was illustrated for the findings that was given and
collected. The following are the Sypnosis;
1. In the Ranking Scores, I found out that the student who got the Highest
score was Alfea Lorien A. Marpuri with the score of 30 out of 50 items. The
lowest score was 12 out of 50 who got by Jhon Adrian Afante. There are also
a lot of students who got the same scores such as, 27, 24, 23, 22, 21, 19,18,
17 and 16.
2. In getting the Performance Level, the calculated PL was 41.45 out of 50
item questions and 58 examinees. The result of the student’s performance
was 71.47.
In the Item Analysis;
3. In the frequency distribution, my desired class interval was 7 and the class
interval was 3 as computed.
4. For the Action Table of the Index of Difficulty and discrimination, the test
questions for the exam was almost reciprocal to the quizzes yet I have
different results. On the quiz, almost all my test questions has “Accept”
results while my exams has many “May needs revision” results.
5. In the Histogram presented, the highest frequency was 15 with the 18-20
interval while the lowest was 1 with the 30-32 interval and 12-14. As you
noticed, the results that was gathered was not bad because nobody got zero
and majority of the students got the correct answer due to the fact that they
have the same frequency.
6. In the Measures of Central Tendency, the mean was 20.91. The median
was 20.5 and the mode was 19.68. All the results that computed was in
between the median 20.5.
7. In the Measures of Central Location or Point measures, the result for the
1st Quartile was 18.62. For 5th Decile, 20.5 and 23.85 for 7th Percentile. As
you can see, the D5 result is equivalent to the Median and this only imply that
the results we’ve got was correct most specifically on the 5th Decile.
8. On the Average Deviation, the computed value is 3.47, which means that
the distances from each score are homogenous. For Quartile Deviation, The
value Q=2.62 shows that Q1 and Q3 are 2.62 away from the median of the

Classes f x Fx Ix - x̄I FIx. x̄I

30 – 32 1 31 31 10.09 10.09
27 – 29 5 28 140 7.09 35.45
24 – 26 10 25 250 4.09 40.9
21 – 23 13 22 286 1.09 14.17
18 – 20 15 19 285 1.91 28.65
15 -17 13 16 208 4.91 63.83
12 – 14 1 13 13 7.91 7.91
i=3 N=∑f = 58 ∑fx = 1,213 ∑f Ix - x̄I = 201

Average Deviation Quartile Deviation

∑f Ix - x̄I (3N/4) - fb
AD = ------------------ Q3 = LLQ3 + ----------------- i
N fw
AD = ---------------- (3(58)/4 - 29
58 Q3 = 20.5 + ------------------- 3
AD = 3.47

Q3 = 23.85

Quartile Deviation

Q3 – Q1
Q = ---------------

23.85 – 18.62
Q = ---------------------

Q = 2.62
The results of the performance level of the students was quite poor
because it didn’t reach the 75% passing rate on the exam. The item analysis
that was done on the quizzes and exam has a different results even if the
questions was almost reciprocal to the other. The results gathered in quizzes
in terms of the decision table for interpreting index of difficulty and index of
discrimination, was “Accept” while in the exams, the results were, “May
needs revision. In conclusion to this, I think that the students didn’t study well
or they forgot what they learned when the exam approaches because each
quizzes was done every after discussion, that’s why the student’s has a fresh
knowledge when the quizzes takes over, than the exam that was done
The results that was gathered also states that the item questions that
was given to the students were not actually discriminating because the
quizzes and exams has different interpretation which means the problem
was not on the questions but on the students. Another, the group of students
where I conducted an assessment was in the last section. Which means,
most of these people doesn’t have the drive to study well but just to socialize
or In my opinion, the lesson was effectively discussed to the students but
the student’s didn’t give importance to the topic and forgot it easily that’s why
the results were different.
Moreover, these students should be given a brainstorming about the
importance of education in their lives and also motivation to not just pass the
test but to learn. I think being able to motivate and inspire them about the
benefits and positive outcomes of education can turn the tables.
Kyrie I.
E 8-

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