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  Y​ou use neither before a singular noun, with a singular verb  • ​Don’t use another negative word 
We use no directly before nouns     
You use neither of before a plural noun or pronoun.  You use none of before a plural noun or pronoun and a 
  singular verb 
​In formal speech ​and in writing, you use a singular    
Verb: Neither of the answers is right​.  1. None of us is able to escape the consequences of 
  our actions. 
2. None of my friends phones me anymore 


is used before a singular noun with  You use every with a singular noun and a singular verb  You use both before a plural noun 
a singular verb  Don’t use every with a plural noun.  ✗Don’t say: the both women | her both parents• You use 
    both after a pronoun: 
Each can also be used before ‘of’  Every player did his best.  You use both after the first auxiliary verb:We have both 
and a plural noun. The verb should  worked there. 
still be singular   
Both is not usually used in negative clauses 

• You use ​all the​ or ​all of the​ when talking about every one of a particular group of people or things:​All the​ students have gone home.​All of the ​students have 
gone home.​• You use ​all​ directly before a plural noun to mean every person or thing of a particular type 

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