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District Policies and Procedures Reflection

The first thing I noticed about the policies regarding nutrition, health and safety at the

district level is that they are all easily available on the district website and under the tab for

parents. To me this shows their priority of it and want to make sure that parents know their

child is being well taken care of.

I touched first on nutrition. They discuss how their food program is set up and all the

people that are involved in the process. There are many people and many roles. From what it

sounds like, they have been recently adapting to meet new Idaho requirements and provide

healthier meal options for students. Something I don’t think I realized when I was in public

schools is that students have the option to receive breakfast at school. I have seen many

teachers send students down to breakfast because they need it badly. Parents can opt in to

emails to see the account of their child and get notifications if their money is running low. This

allows parents to easily replenish funds and make sure their child is receiving the meals they


Safety was the other main thing touched on. It was clear that the page was geared

towards parents. It explained what staff and students practice in the schools as safety

procedures and why. It was not an empty explanation with no reasoning. I think in this day and

age, parents are a lot more concerned for their child’s safety and this can give them comfort

and reassurance of it. The other part of the page explains what parents can do. From talking to

their student about these emergencies to how to handle the situation themselves if one were

to occur. The biggest encouragement is for parents to stay calm and patient. Information will
come as it is available and only trust reliable sources. Contacting their student is not the best

option in some the scenarios that can arise.

Many of the things mentioned on the two pages are helpful and comforting for parents.

I just hope that they are taking the time to look them over and become aware of what they

have available to them and their student.

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