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EDUHSDFA Rep Council Meeting

Monday, March 4th, 2019 - 4pm

Ponderosa High School - room F15

Executive Board members present:​ Jina Jumper, Stephanie Davis, David Conrad, ​ ​Angela
Brown, Tobias Gautschi
Site Reps present: ​Jeff Zeller, Natalie Fletterick, Eric Moeller, Jennifer Tomei, Eric Larsen,
Amanda Speake, Evie Taylor, Rich Kientz, Mike Eisenhart
Absent: ​Jon Owens, Britta Fletcher, Lance Gunnersen, Brigid Bourque, Ross Wold
Bargaining Team Members present:​ Erin Arthur
Guests: ​none

1. Call to order
a. Stephanie calls the meeting to order at 4:05pm
2. Officers’ Reports
a. Presidents:
i. Six-week summer school at EDHS and Ponderosa; teachers will be
hired at hourly rate
ii. Safety Task force: need training for buckets
iii. AP Coordinator: job description; have one more meeting to finalize
recommendations on support money, ‘term limits’
iv. Meeting with Ron postponed until Wednesday
b. Secretary
i. Review of minutes from 2-11-19 meeting. David moves that we
approve the minutes as amended. Minutes approved
c. Treasurer
i. Operating statement distributed
ii. Angela attended meeting to discuss addition of AVID coordinator
d. Membership Chair
i. Discussion of dues issue (individuals with local but no CTA dues
ii. Review of non-members
3. New Business
a. Negotiations Update
i. Discussion of status, strategies, and next steps
ii. Next Mediation session: April 3rd
iii. Next Board meeting: March 12th
b. Know Your Contract: Article 13 (Evaluation)
i. Review of 13.3: Evaluation Procedure
c. Site Rep Hourly Rate
i. Jeff moves that we table the discussion until next month’s meeting.
Motion approved
4. Old Business
a. Social
i. Next social at Solid Ground: Friday, March 8th, 3:30pm
ii. Food! Raffle!
b. Questions / Training Needs
i. Information request
c. Election timelines
i. April 1st through 12th nomination window
ii. April 29-May 3 Election window
iii. Votes counted at May 6th Rep Council meeting
d. Year-end Social (May 10th)
i. Hosted by El Dorado at Jack Russell Brewery
5. Site Rep Reports
a. Independence
i. Security camera issue
b. El Dorado
i. Discussion of cheating scenario
c. Ponderosa
i. CTA rep working with member on issue
d. Oak Ridge
i. Discussion of member rights
1. Ex: respond in writing within 10 days
e. Union Mine
i. Theater access issue
f. Virtual Academy
i. No report (absent)
6. Talking Points
a. Member Involvement Opportunities
i. Bargaining Team
1. Submit letters of interest
ii. Organizing Committee Chair
b. Remind
c. LCAP/Bargaining workshop Thursday, March 7th
i. At Oak Ridge High School room H1 - 4pm
7. Adjournment
a. Stephanie adjourns the meeting at 6:37pm

Respectfully submitted by:

Your humble servant - David Conrad

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