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Research Question: Why is art education important?

Throughout the weeks we have been starting this project, we did research
and we interviewed many adults that interact with the arts. I interviewed many
fellow adults that have been connected to the arts. The adults I interviewed said
many things about how they defined art as, speaking languages, how people
communicate is a form of the arts and everyone's background. The way people
look at the form of the arts is viewing cities with graffiti and minerals around the
world. Actually, acting class is way to form art as expressing your emotions and to
let their emotions out. Arts is important because they are used in many academic
classes and to improve students skills and how they view other things in the real
world. Most of the people I interviewed were interesting in the arts because is
how powerful it is and how creative art can be used. Learning arts in school goes
beyond creating more successful students in schools. Also, art makes you have
self confident because you go to concerts and communicate with others that do
the arts too and makes you feel like you can do anything without being judged by
others. Furthermore, art makes you have a better reading ability and verbal
memory. Lastly, art is important because it connects to many academics activities.

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