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10 2010 Forgotten Books I



Kn w Your Magnetic Field

By William E. Gray

10 2010 Forgotten Books


First published 1947

R published 2008 by Forgotten Books """'"' .forgo tte nbooks. org

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About the Book

"One of the mainstays of Ne Thought has been the concept that diseases can be healed sing mental abilities inherent in everyone. This short book des ribes one view of the mechanics of this in simple terms. This s far outside what conventional medicine believes to be effect ve, and obviously using this as a first resort would be unwise. However, it is today possible to find practicioners of this met od, or something similar, in the phone book in most large citi s. At the worst, the techniques described here appear to be h rmless."

(Quote from sacred-texts. com)

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10 2010 Forgotten Books I




Know Your Magnetic Field

THEtheOI)l presented in this book is new only n the sense that it has been revitalized of recent date. It s, in fact, as old as the world. Those who have seen the r suits of this theory in practice have called it miraculous. Othe who have yet to see and learn and understand have called it fa ery.

I have taken upon myself the task of trving to give s complete and accurate a picture of a person working with t is theory as my ability permits. To understand him and interpret him for you is what I am trying to do. He thinks and acts from unshakable knowledge through a Source which most of s are only beginning to recognize dimly. The way in which the Source works through him will have to be understood for u to accept.

With my first grasp of this work I suggested that this understanding belongs to the people. He agreed and aid he had known for some time that he should try to explain his perception of human energy.

This wisdom was present from his birth but its ap lication and growth came about through experiment and exper ence to the highly developed talent it is today. Endless discussions, arguments and bewilderment went into my education. Revolutionary ideas were hard to accept at first bu repetitious proof left me no choice but to accept and beli ve. I found explanations for conditions that until now had no e planations. The accomplishment of restored health through t e revitalization of nervous systems I have witnessed for over a ear now.

10 2010 Forgotten Books I



I rememb r well a conversation we had when I first tried to comprehe d his ability.

"This is al so startling and new that I wonder whether the people are ready for you. The trend is in this direction but do you think e have had enough preparation?"

"Why is t is new and startling?" was his reply. "That is a misunde anding. It is actually a lost art. Doesn't the Bible explain th t some of the people, in ancient days, had the understan ing and wisdom of healing through the laying on of hands? Do 't you think the laying on of hands was their method of distribu ing human energy? My opinion is that it was the common a d accepted practice of healing at that time. We have come to ook upon it as miraculous only because of lost knowledge and its usage down through the centuries. Knowledge and power must have been deliberately kept from the people an retained by a few to exert control over the masses. The Powe that goes through me is in everyone. Only the wisdom of ts application is necessary."

This perso is an average appearing man, pleasant, jovial and likable. Bu after a little while in his presence you are aware of a quality an a force behind him that are indefinable, a something that elude you. He seems to treat his ability as a joke on himself. Hi favorite expression is, "It's crazy, isn't it?" And it does see so. He talks like a combination mechanic and electrician until you begin to wonder what you are made of, flesh and b ood or wires and switches.

He works y placing his fingers over nerves and nerve relay centers an this transmits human energizing current into the body. One is first conscious of mild vibration at the point of his touch. The the vibrations start to move in through one, chase around all ver and turn up in the most startling spots on one's

10 2010 Forgotten Books


Know Your Magnetic Field


body. This is followed by a sensation of warmth-comforting mild heat penetrating every part-the ra id cessation of pain and then the complete relaxation of the e ire body and a surge of increased energy and vitality throughou .

By the time he has finished "tuning" yo r heart, opened the switches, strengthened the magnetic fie d to let the energy current through, burned out the rust and iled a few joints, you depart in a state of bewilderment but elieved of pain and feeling assured you can be helped and lif made attractive and livable again. I've been through it; I know. ut I was not satisfied alone with results. I wanted to know how a d why.

"No one can deny the results you get. Aim st everyone feels the energy-almost everyone gets better. hat is this energy current?" I inquired.

"It is life ray-human energy on individual wave lengths. To my knowledge there are thirty-six differe frequencies. Each individual operates on three waves at ifferent frequencies making numerous combinations of magn ic field control. One must complement the energy frequency 0 the magnetic field of the individual being worked upon."

·'That doesn't make sense to me. I have never heard of such things. I have seen miracles occur here in your office and I would like to have some explanation. All can say-all anyone can say is, 'It is a gift.' When did you first k ow ofthis Power?"

"This knowledge has been with me from y earliest memory," he said. "As a youngster a lot of my time w s spent on the shore of a lake fishing, quiet and alone. At that ime by tuning in, the instructions and explanations would come a me."

10 2010 Forgotten Books I




"Tuning in?" I questioned. "Explanations? What ex lanations?" "Why-things, people, life, the world. What is n the world, what we are made of and why people do the thing they do and get into the d ifficu Ities they fi nd the mse Ives in."

"But how do you tune in'?" I persisted.

"If you must know," he went on, "it is similar to t e action of a radio receiving set. You might say that after tun ng in on the waves the a nswers and explanations come."

The theory of electricity as the life force and bod activity is as old as the ages and there are many well versed i this ancient wisdom to whom most of this is known. This per on's medium of operation is universal wisdom. This world e live in is composed of gases and electricity. Plant, animal a d human life are the result of certain electric energy waves a ing upon the gases. Plants, animals and human beings hav their own individual energy frequencies to establish and aintain life, growth and development.

"In this great universe of earth and sky"-spac is the great universe but within it are many more universes. e are familiar with the solar system of our own universe, but there are two more with corresponding solar systems in direct i fluence upon our planet, earth, and there may be many more in operation. The power, maintenance and law of life come d rectly I from these three systems, uniting or blending to bee me the one, understood as Trinity or Power of Powers. The co bined action of these three forces is our own energy current f m the three universes-one wave length from each of the rul ng solar suns on a frequency.

At birth the first breath of life is our direct suppl , our life line with the universal power-life itself. As this fore is electric in

10 2010 Forgotten Books


Know Your Mag etlc Freid


nature, so t en we live, move and have our being through electric ener y. So long as this energy is established and flows through with ut obstruction we are in tune with the universal supply of lif . When our magnetic field is able to maintain ample contac we receive knowledge, wisdom and contentment with the abili to achieve success.

In the lower bdomen, the pelvis, is an intricate system forming the magneti field, the grouping together of the main trunk nerves and their branches and relay systems extending throughout t e entire body. The lungs draw the energy in but the magnetic field must draw the energy from the lungs in order to radiate it hrough the body. We are no stronger than our magnetic fiel .

Physical sym toms, apparent shortness of breath, nervousness, restlessness, irritability, pain, illness, dysfunction are some of the first indic tions that insufficient energy is being distributed. Their intensit is in accordance with the degree of depletion and spasm of the magnetic field. When the depletion of the magnetic fie I conti n ues the nerves are pa rtla lIy sta rved for their fuel or nergy, creating spasm or nerve tension through the body. Thi depletion develops into many serious ailments.

The solar ray give us life unconditionally but the position of the planets at th time of our birth makes us the individuals we are. Characteristi s and personality occur at conception but individuality ccurs at birth with the first breath taken. Your individuality is governed by your set sign or so-called soul, establishing your magnetic field, which consists of three different fre uencies derived from the Power of Powers, making your t sign of life which is thereafter influenced by the vibrations of II the planets ofthis universe.

10 2010 Forgotten Books

of u ti'lere are m ny whose 113''' e eu rre nt j a

comp ITKmt 0 r mate to eu r s n or !!nf! r,gy. 0 of tha mat g e"e rg es reprss nts the posit" elsm ent and 0 e the negati e.

Fo r mp lata f nrtl on w@ mu tI1 I! flow bot". u r

being be Lin tifu I n all res pe ers, rovided for th ls n th e mat ing of man nd '!NOma ,

Th@ isdom, a n its expla natio '5 as hI! gaY@' m book e h as u~ d, but by fait ful adbe re nee t its c:I ire ctlo it has u.g nt h I today to t poo;ltion of s -ca lied Mira Ie

Hea Ie . Tnev a miracles to us beca use at jght tf1 ey d

@xpl.a .atia n to ond ition s of I Th@ Sou rt:@ of Wi~d m world th rough thi ma n ena b Ie s im not on Iv to know IN nat has brought ttl ese ccn dit Ions a bo but a 1$0, (I e r i:l"d a ove aU t iso, to know w erein Ii e rna ny the fa u Its a d

t rib ul ion s of condit ion n@

specl e ea Lise wh iell he ha s ,

dale frig"t ned ma. inrtrLl ions. j q

en the most nee of my life In some i nsta n of I nfonrrati ., at a time th of nis s red-u p k nowl

i!!!n I had ti to d i,cest an d

e"§:tioned, • Wh are VOLl?"

mandous i3I d s it has bee a wou Id lite Ily e that al

hy do yo~ as -, I a m on Iy n W!!!r operate through, I of m If do nothi g. the work. Actu Ily I a m only a echan it, •

nisned giv i ng e the ex pia na

know dge as h unde rsta nds - • I '5tilllf!h confu iorr. Ene v. match ing nergy, fire s1,s

mat I n sign.,; a n fueling OiIJ r n new t me. Th pa rt t ney pi

u nd th e a n-s-we to the 4, why' so m ny qUi!!!stic n k a ut lifi!!! an d ho to ret::ognize ;jJ

r m isla kes h rough the com ge ne rat ions.

10k me th ro h the exp a reh ing and t he d1 ed:i agai" and aga i n ne aecu ra wisd rn, W hen h h ad fi ni d taken all y ea re Ily a.c;qu ire d kn owled ge and teach ing-;, h uffled the m Ii e

a d of cards a had left e to 'SO rt out an rearm nge the

urse I have bee n tam i a r wit h ma ny c

hlf-O leal. a II h v 1"8 .a nse n from rna ladj ust ent or incom ~ • n sex, ma riage and erns life. Patie" s, atqu ainu n s

ie nds m@ to m witt! t keir '51:0 ie s, Be ing in t s

n I wa'S ab tc we igh ne ag.ain'St th e ot her .and fou

a II '" 1m IIG r i nat ure, Fiends wltn gro ing, q uestic ni g n have co e to me fo advice. To be b tter informed n

t:t1!! s bject of sex u cation I ad@ it a point

boo k . They all ere fun da entally ali ke b due s to why ttl ng witt1 rna

none gave a " m arriag5, Wh t

II t hroL.l,g h th e ct ion of .0 ur lie '" IMluence~ a d I t1a\le work d a n to explore hen on my fri@ ds and aeq ua i r f.a cts met me a every tu rn,

qu estion t e i"flue"oo of t e moon en tid

V"er dis puts t ke mova nt of the su n ;iI nd the pia ne

cant II ing the ch nges of th pt the magne c

e Ie d: ka I field g rni n.g pia




skepti that lt1 e sun a nd pi eta ry movemerru. j fluente (I u r parsn .d ity an d i~, S c ra {] nly an ot f!r form of

treat w ny she Id they n gulate or affect us, -,

S a swdent nurse, in m stood a rou nd in a rna z n LI rses a nd medica I stu pa 13 nee, It WG'5 d1 e n afore ign un i I I tOU lei listen intelli,ge ntly a

u n i ng to t his: person a s he a imdar sensation. He tl as

1'1 an ita I and eleetrtea I te rms to sad in for good maasura, W@ nave d· us'§;ions on some of his le s, I weu kI ".;t nd and inte rpret nis e>: plan ben of 3 te ms wh lie he "itruggled to co pre hend ica I defin ition, We nave een su rprts er fi n;(lily th at we we re ta ing ;(I bout tn

of his: mort freq ue nt e)! pre s lens ls • Wh II Thi~ i"J tlis. guide. I have s n hlm many ., e n vi brano ns and feel are tI eJCpe rime t:@nt:!!1""i wt1!!:n workinG 0

is fa ce eha nge'S. he ..,ettles I

ed ttl e energy into a spe cif

is rking th re I.I8h him,

h ap~ h r.; pi rs ewe5 t he signal. he will go into action su cessfu I resuln. To h imJ th use of th 00 sta nt and i31S ura I as b r@.a h ing,

0201 F~~~


10 ..... *:-.

'- .. ~-

chair in th person '!!ie€: seems also e:-::periencin to the vibr tension .an spasm, Ho t his a biljty?

'rhere are witl10ut te e:-::plain ttl und@rstooo forth the Ie ngths;. I k 'Spec ified kl


M@nult@1 for 'SOme rle nee. But t e fu lfillment

a universe


groom, w.a Ik nto tne in na r room .a n th is cogn i:ze his 1''11: roll ing e ne rgv cu rren . He the '5t ress, p In and emotion the patl nt is en pia ces his a rover the thest and Ii te ns t ha haa rt, Tn y r@gi5:t@r the badV .a nd te to hi m til nerve.a nd nerve ce

a nalyze .a nd ea k d own into sim pie

h ing~ in our rid today that we a ce pt u nde rsra nd ing. Some people kn ow an ca n u even the e:w:p nation is not always. c ea rty , for !!x.a mpls. .ad io, I know vibrations sand es into the mO'Sp he re on stated ave cau se I nave ben told. I tu rn the d i.a to a and haar a pro and LIt I accept t h



wit h ;iI rece iv g set, I had mea nt be

time I a pp lie tile com p.a nsen but t my Itto be se.

nd psyr::t1 ic phe orna na are Wf!11 kn own e:.c:p hea ble h a pe ning'S "We Ie now and xpere not phe no en a. Thev a re the In ev ble

rsa I wisdom i aetien - Being co ntl"Ol by

n iv@ rsal wisdom, !!!ve send if'lg an d recelvl I'I!!:

s are seemingly more n"enc@ psychic wi~om r a few r It is a wi'sdom r@ of, but the wisdom i o Iv for our devel opme nt,


not a gift n we t1 a\I"e

tnree energy eu rrent ,

q u cl s, wnit: h dele rmi n@ the n

zo tae I vision'S, wittl their 0; Llbd iv in§;, consi'Sti

t1 ma nerg les wt1 ic h make ny differen

bi at ns and controllffe as a h le, To rabul ha spasms and fee.d t sed bV him in hi§; we rk


di nc. that "SOu nds im pm 't e §;§;ed the use of these e

ri nee eir sen saticn s, I don't

Ia n ti n helps mu en. Attord i rre.qu@nc:,,! from tha s fi n~e r tips.

pe int I wou Id reply J III an d sxpect them to u

t diHerent are tw"@iv@ of t hirty-o; ix

frequency the nerves, @rgy, m!!!'5@

svnch ron lze

Ie until und e rgy c urre n Ileve even to him, t1

.and expeis; pe f'S,.CI n' s draws the narates it

up. I can't possibly teU

rsta nd, let n~ bi!!! liev@

looked a Ittt Ie pun led an little "urt-

d so simple that a nvon

a ma flY pee pl~ wh 0 ha

n for hea ling ttl at Cit n be fu

to under-

CLI rrent of he replied.

u ..... *:-.

'- .. ~-



I that i5 raqu ire:d is p - nts iiu,d wor1re rs c"ou


went on. the ene and are child usu

parents .a ccneeptlo •

moth er's i.g ne rYes;

fueling. H

I"IIOU S sys.te m an d is a ost of his Irfe.

and auto who is be the ener.g

d u I with a s ro 8 h ea IthV nervous ~ m ge., rates

I t to mainta in his own J"eqt.l i

strong su rplas. H@ i the rso n

L H ~ could be instru ed to i reet .a nd feed nerves and erve nergy current that bl nds w h nis


0., all t he time on I tt is s Idom '11 t ke a

bility to k! to,go

e" be

. Seve ra I che.,ts will

• rebx and reli~@ pa i .

I days or a week witn ut nrly r!!lieve d. Others y asseuse. ThO5€' who r a nd bV massage are fe

cu rrent a nd nerve en

no LI8 h u ndar her own

ur.;.etf, a nu rse, Ttl e re 'Success in 1'1 a"d ling

re f su h cases I usus I we.,t to

vera I d ays..11

n NOLis 'S)I"Stem,· he sa id, ompnible wa Ie ngttl letiol" in you. II

III know, never havi ttl e tni n.g~ I wa nted t

it ie nt ~ nergy t

. From

r ttl e nervous em is

ad iatin&

(I- 201 0 F~~ B-o-ob


14 ..... *:-.

'- .. ~-

id ual will be a fire, ea rth d ~te rmlnes or est I ishe-i the - d ua Iltv of one b~t it I", i flueneed in othe rs of different wave


TI'1 positio n of the pia nets t k~ influencl!!! exe ned upon ruli g '501(1 r 5U ns. The combi su n at d iffure nt freq ua nci as,

At ne mome nt of bi rth the pa

re .3 re compatible wave e ergies, neutr I

n !\Ie wave en erg le sand t 0A;e wave", CI r e ergy OJ r enact

in 0 ur field si m ilarly to hose of met nically g ner

i [ity in @1@Clric .a ppl i.a n r matt: h g .ave

en rgi~s together ge ne rate t energy cur ts a'S req ire to

ma netic: fue L It is the conta of the two e e ic h

ble tis the posit ive .a.,d ne r:gy .a nd cha rge'§. the h u rna

patib Ie walle e nerg le sa, as a gen er I nJ Ie, in

t1 with ea rt h, fi re wit h fi e. air wit!' a i , ter w· h

id i ng the ind ivid u.a Is a m h ins. freq uen CV, a !thou t he different planeta rv PO'" It"

of ;iI d iff@re t birth m nth but n'S ca n a; LI by

Ne tive wav@ @nl!!!rgi@s a r (re I tiv~1y 5 pea ki ng, Lin 1e5'S kn n) i.e, eardl with air. fi a cti n ea uses a de p letio" of t1 e magnetit f e it t losa its d r3wing pO"Nf! r 11.1 5,

d iff@ren b nds

ry pos· 'on'!t a re , Their c mb ned there b eau ing y take n i by the



Two waves energies

fi H!. etc., wh n the in d iv du als dare not feed rs, Tney, 0 in ari a fual, ThE!:Y nd ;iI nd act as one bra nd They type an d wi I set up a fue starvatlc n in th

depletion I n magnetic ftel the pro

taken in and tl1-e ne


gradations is cur individ with proper butthis is n

gs nera I prl nci les, There nap plied ind· id ua Ity, to I ion, Eacn Wa\I'@ !!n@ fCentage s or rope rtion

he time nor pi to go int ttl es

Distri button from the e part la ltv in flu ce t he field of every pe

wit h (Ind. in i e rna n ner, th

If au r own g erat ion is 5it ro g ttl e eros en e h av@ little (] r o affeet on 0 r n@ 1"'Ln!!§. d ~pleted. rea ion is; Ii kely to t up in th

n ~1"Vt! s must period tl is n weakened a

emp has i:-ed n pe 1"50n , I n tha grow i g ch ikJ tha n@!!d!! me by radiat' n from his YiClC 1: strength ned e child's nerg fathsr or mot @r. ha wi II be so contact with 1: at pa re nt, he re i ng between he child a d t nat

02 10F~~


@ in h .a not and

usly we

s in the this;

Ui ',_ -;

(nilel w n e k i nsti nctively t .d S poss ble When the W.i3Ye nerveu ne s an d friction be

wittl her as pposition r ttl nd p.a rent- If oth @ possib i lity of a

, h rtNng an hls


ill select h is own he is drawn

• whidl is~ -

n't find t matching f lay alone, perha P!!i h ~ til he start d schocl biIJt

n to improve. rec@ il.rl g t @i r rnue h needed uel


e ne rgy t ne probl m rojonged conta to be nervous

Is oppo~ed t the a use of the e osa r

up a"d C@ the 10 g@ r ra lat ions i p in

i"d ividu al rna rri e ttl jfu, Marria.ce to.a pe: fe ~d a nd restore the

pattern is the n more 0 Ie ss n of cor cd,,! mated @ @rgy epleted n !\IeS and il'l few will have t ken place. H will omplete c: a"8e in pers "alj· m his p rospe of ma rrles one fan f COiIJ rse, he contra ry. itt Ie Id is pa rti Ily depleted a d as


is sta rvat on

s. In su d1 cases this di'5.00 nte ntrnant,

ave his mother in an consta nt re Iationsh ip i ng e nerg ttl nJ ~ upon him la sts n ee, in t ose depe"dent yea rs, the ni!!!fV

ho u Id be mpatibje ossi b Ie, If ct, then t erlod of cI contact. nergy is the greatest ." ivi nc. u nder t @ ha p piast

o pia n. if po~'_" ble, to ra ble condit ions. They to both pa rents, if ca Lise of the gre.ate r o on e cf s com patib Ie i"g a hei:llthy body and b Ie clrcu msta nees,

02 OF~~


l' -. .. ::

Th@ rna n !ttie fi@kJ through he nerves The bra receives; control Ii s centers retu m in nerve ehs one of t e importa 'iwi't:t:hb incomin message a

and s oed de'5tin

I nave 8 a"d wire I Wires is t e

produce in kind. We are rod UC@. but ths tas k of

e r th rough the itive

!"ea-s;ing the ~ gth of

nd minds to the nigt,e~t

he hea n, are i eans of human .ilil pa rts of th rs a nd their b nches, • d Irtnbute~ I to.a II pu tse ba d< a I ng the ed rt to me, t he bra in is the body, simil r to an

i ~ wh ich rece the

h the wi re to its prope r trave Is; u pwa rei nto the i"telligent. ecer i nated

l"£I'I"j-.tllnce to nerves s cords ptio n. He de mo strated ody .1 nd mcrea n.g the trun k at a ti I had r function of t e area . Sometim s it w.a s my ip. my she ulde my I~ or y h art, I'i.ilst nished but convi ced,





H@ laughed, "A ual th rough those

t at i'5. all w@ a r!! .a nd rgy

r tes us."

A:s. is k"own r t:t1 rough the air passed a nd as menes -cha nge. 0 r c syste m requ i res and e @ n@fgy force, 0 r ow created th roug the x mated wave en rgies, W magnetic field y a L

t rs take in

nds a greater su p P 'S the mat ing @ n@ rgy. latio nsh ip with one ich is; natu re's metho

dolE!'scen body req g the ne of the ny


r\I'@ on,

One of the main fue Ii fi elcl i" wornen s the cf rls ner;re - Th i'& n er;re i impo rta

t:t1!! magnetic f h abilitat i ng an d vita I i n.g it th

n atu ra I sex I iff!. uS na ling it to dr.a IN s:uffic· m .a re d in its rue

est of th ~ ha zards C.3 be e lim in a ompat Ible en e rgy w - h ble nds "8 from t nese rna rrlag

20 ..... *:-. FCII'IO
'- .. ~-
t ne at mos phere lungs j
other org.a ns will n ofen~rgy,
Wh@ n th~ dim (
t he fuel to the
magnetic: field as
e"ergy and na
defin it@ ~ mpto
shortness of b
ecze rna, aile rgl e
pa in and stiHn
put u njust Iv in th
t he ail ments w hic
These compl itat i
sy'5t@m ot ths h u oil n ins uffic ie nt a
hi'!i required ne i s n e rve u'S 5 y-;te
to react fro m sta . Ten ,,-,ion and i
e nome th roug
st im ulated nerv
A"-' a ru Ie '!NO ma lowe to an i
st im I,dated, she tieally s n gen e rating, r,
she must r@c@w@ um from him, H
have 1: he wisdo rgy to her in
complete the rev gnetlt field"",
'She be ing more a Ily cease ge ne
him and accept t
F uelin.g of the
op posing e ne rgie
bien ded, there II
which many p~o ed othe r nerve-s. a injury a nd p n t:t1 !! s@ t:t1 in g wis:dom. P remedvand

re ikefy to be of a panial derma ncy of

fi Id."" is derma is SU;iJ Ily C;iJ used by shock (] r

r ri ne rve susta n d ring the fi rst sex act, Th i s

e- t lack of knowle-dgE!: of the ur h alth.

Wn@n it is re plen ish i n.s tl1 at forte i

hav@ m through u ntion I"

ce 0 t1 imself and to h is wrre, ry to .avoid shoe k and inju ry the cl ito ri§: is a roused all the an t 1'S-'S-ue"S- are receptive, and ss ry, Nature provided for all n d rstood and misused ou r ending is: alwavo; 1: he be §;1 I te ctl ing ou r ch lid ron.

it can be fo d emonstrate aU contacts radiation,

p r pose of ro habitat ion is d i the ne NO ... S: '!tystemr th en . Tee nergy t bus ge nerated th mac" irlery I1,j ns smooth tv rna ched wave @n@rg.ies th is is 0; LI es it!; P roper place an d. in he r t he reeding goes on by

ng couple, tl1 e I r prog r the tl1 eo ry of the eonse u ne s of opposi d erma ncy t e gnet ic fie I energy and s e wa an earth w t1 e had co crltiea ltv ill normal.

ba d a nd wife . a nd watch ed tli d. They we re a n exa mple energies, wtth a partial oth. He- w.a-s a fire: wave

e rgV. Eight months before n ut today t1 e is, well and

0201 ~~~




ega n taking hese tre atmen s, I just ar. I had .i! d back and tie rt, Eve h me. I na been sooi"g (I do I"S@. H@ cou Id 't '5@@m to do

a s taking '§:h tw ice a we k. ttl e n ~very evel)' day btl continually ker. I t where I co Id n It eat or sls

athe more ee piV. II

fill rna up. I hOI qu it kly. After aek t1 ome ent but I went ba

n't mi ssd a ~ th i rlJ vis:it I Iv wei after (I" tl1-e - ob at

ad .a s id;; da sin ceo I broug t my u p j List having .a few t reatm nts for good

ory Wh@D h ene field a ea . His; '1{ ls In the

ield, a wi d heart a"d

fi rst ram@ to tra attn nt he nerve s:p.a s:m nd a t u bteme co I'IId ition ow-de leted a d had migra i e nead d1 es. er at any ti m@ has s ha had a urin,s'Se1l: relatlcns, ac rding to her. er clito s wa!; b Ie d epleti r'II of the mag etic fie and hea rt strai . There was ry little if any



current boetwe e han they .i3 re ra ha ilit:ilti!!!d ttl e i r d ifficu tties f r some

ion or feeding of t h etic fi@lds ju 5t sh bably be reliev @ t"~ ar@ bath

ing to mea n naving my i", •. the husba nd sa id earn tty. II e has bee n in be a good of the time. Wit h th ree I II! ch Id ran it has besn h rd. My

ily r walj n't a ble to I p h e r a Ithough he to lei ~ what

s th er with both of s J use s you did. He e:< plai ed it .a

e d ntly th an yo u d but e sa id ttl ere was ot ni"g

a bo u Id do a bout it. T @ d ors appa rent." den t know

for people lik~ U$ I am oing to take my w in to en we go back. ave h m cned< her an dell tl im rk. I tn in k he wil be ve i nte restad - II

5 owed her ill ness: he I ked frai I a nd ne rv us, Her rt as wild. "' I put my fin ers 0 her pulse. It was fa Id and

ul r a d ne r breath i ng 'S fa'5it nd sha II ow,

ild now to tun e. F r a day o be revttali:red. T en he r

r heart.

ingers 0 n her pu Is and e e wnat ha ppsns, M he to Id fing@~ on n@ r ri5t an"!!: put his fing@r!i rst on he bad:: of her n e k a nd he n betw~en he r r s nea r

of her pu I5f! cha ged fi . It baca I'IlE!: stron ar a nd rrne r LI neer my fi ge rs, he n grad ua Ily it b ga n to

d wn and tne vol~me i pro the beat growing egular,



In ab rkytt1

i:l"d t Iace.

minute .i3 nd rats, har r splratlo n look of stra in a tI app re


eati ng at a erma I n d beca I'TK! as erased

At ttl e end of ten vls It s s he was dif'fe nt a ppearing young

an d '&ted Iookin They

~ She ~ ou lei go on im p r lng and g ronge r, i, tn I~ ersen

e. "t ne !me rgy e rrent t h r field will

for 'SOme time. I t ha n!!: struct ras wi II r@[.@- @ t hair

e ne rgy now th.a the- spas is; re I sed from he he-a rt.

e field agai n bee es dep ed, It on't give her rou ble e time. Under t" se ecndi ions h of them ca go on d ifficu Ity u nti I th ir magn ic fie: Id need revita liz n.c but from ti e to t e because f t hei r

mi~ma d wave freq uen ies, He wr. th aren't apt get In

t nat r n-dow" (and ition ga in for erne ti

ms, but he ca u tic field ;)"d s s ms from

wttn one young oman here su h wa$ the ca e. Her was spectat ul r a ",d rt: has (0 d her, Sn@ told @ all her ympto 5 and n@ r '5@ n:h for

rsrns mbe r "ow rna ny d !! gave ma .a dl t roubl bee au se I had ha Whe n I had an attack ha rei Iy hreat ne - Every do or I saw wa nted to operate a

ors I a ua Ily censu ia n. I t ught I had iM in V stomach to n swe ed out u "'til

ne wa "ted to ope r for

;iI n operatilon beca e matte r witn rne-

diffuren reas n. I uldn't agree !!y kn w wkat W.i3S

'FOr the past ye ar I ave h d seve pa in egs, Four mo nths ag I had n anac k I., get a rou nd. I saw a d

rse so I stop pad t @ trea rnants, n!!i

is form of treatme n . She ad great onf e to try tt. I tl ad ached ttl e pol n wh ore beea U5e I ha d

alped rna. I carna to his pe acUy swollen that da r hard I

!!n ha said to me.

Imo~ feU out

s ,gon e I It 'Wa-S mira ulcus It j ust s n't

ain .a nd could braa @ d!!@ tv for th fi he n I got outside ju"it ocd aw i Ie .3 reaths of the fre$h a r.

'I th ink th is work is nde I. I'v@ n n my life. I rtill can't get .oV r what

e ~welll"8 was Ii ke

atments and in t t ti I had

atme nt and ttalffl Y Sf! rif!s of treatman s a nd f@~ I j ust

(I- (I10F~~~


in th back of my cc i wa'S- tort ure me ut I just got bcr t Id me about nee i it and LI rgea

I di n't tare any and one of the m yst!1f. I

tha n toe" secc nd s ch?'

che ir. he swe Iii n.g ere at aU, I was flat t tu@!! 'fI!:iI rs,

toe great. de ep

yt nin& Ii k@ it . Why. aU I had five e fjrst Or1oe rni ng it w.a s long. I have he r the fi rst h rough witt1

Tl'1is again is j st another man in s s

lac k of their uired matmg uel, T e d@pleted mOle. eti &1 aHected the erve su pplV to the st mach and intes "-e - Th

spasm of th n@ IVf!S Cf@.n d.a alloon i n.g t th

prod ucing a II he pa in an d d ress he compla ned treatments s e t1 ad from d erers Id not rei se t e '5ipa-s.m fu Ily a d the re was no match g energy urre n t

and fe@d the magn@tic: f i@ ld and n rvous 'S'tJ h person U d th correct matin fuel trough his t he magn ene I eld, the spa,.,. re lea

a"d t"-e abd ina I swelling isa ppe

ma.gk. With t @ spasm .a nd t nsic n

de€! ply. bring fu II su pp Iy of her n wave i

fie Id. bien d - with t he cerr ct ene y being

re 0 ut over he

@n@r:gy had p l@ted its fu II

The magnetic tv wea ke"-ed ma.gnilltic fial • th us ca using

'She had W~ re the resu It of retain t he e fEY, but tt1 e After the first rei ease of tne uti DC. ths ne current.


I am eon in ua Ily rna z:ed nd at a css r words to attempt to xp in t n@ rssuhs h i"S P n g s with hearts, H@ do n't ave a y word to tie actlv. He just does:

tl1 ings ttl m u ntl they a e righ. m lea I d lagnesis, as to

th e typ of e art t bl e ttl patie as. ea ns not" i"g to him,

H@ only kno wni1t the hea vib ns te I him.

wing in eeere in at ion m lished wit ni" a Ie w h 0'5@ in side begin to defeated. Each set s fi na ltV acce pt the coo rd i nated control I!!riod iCi3Il1y until the should. This may go



18 ..... *:-.

'- .. ~-

Watching -convinced

cease, a nd again th re may yth m is est;] blishe:d. Fun"!!! r until a normal hsa is the

on 10 r sev ra I avs un il tt1 e spas be 0 nly t" stru II!!! an d tl1e

'WOrk bu il a feed the ne rv


an crdjna never bee in rp r first lmen to t chest of t p

1m wo rk nd li~ten i to him ea I k. I ha boo n

h at ne he I"5i ma ny de i ate sou nds and m he-oar. If 50, the 'SOu 'S h.ave arts to work on an ne he pia c I ng his rlgnt ea on the seconds ne can ide tify the ow he does it; .,@ j U hears

e kn ew exa ctly wni h nerve , tn@ vib ration'S just okl m!!!

down to a more specifjc

~Funda @ach pi! or spasm n brain. Th

. It is the nerve s sms in @ pull may be in 1 he feet legs 0 r released and d1 at re liews e nsio., is gon e the h yin the n@rve-s; t he r; that is. by a nc d 'SO ttl at It ea n car

h.ave ring it. on the

to sound ba'&ic con

ro LlJ!:h me s a meeha nit. tu nes

It. tt the n c reases the '!,II tta l-

ea rt wtl ic is the m~ netic fie J th IJS

021 F~~~



to t:t1 row off flush ing of the

0'5 through th!!! r selie ral days, I


r the resujts u get r~l~a'§;ing tight in

eras Ie st ttl ing I ever s w or hes rei but I tl ~ do it a nd it time. I theug he rts nd k!g.'5 'W@re

offende r;.. he ield r creati"g tn

!!! he-a rt. Unti I th 5

s regLilated, the- pat' an d stairs cause'S st upply to ttle he n.

'5@V!!!r@ he-a rt 51 rain it is better for hi 't a'S: mu I'll stra in on the-

" din pe-op e- taka longe r t I th.a n they shoo I . A @ r th ~p sms re ta ken cut th y fee I p ~ttv good, The-n h go

an do s me sere of wor and 'Set the ne s off

the d iffe re-nt ki d of he a

s don t mea n anyth i g to me Th ~y' re j u'it a II p.a ms on th hea It. There is a d iffere ce In sou nd in a II he

wh ha s had rne malic f r ... sua Ily has va s haar ,gu rgles a d 5wis h s that you don't hea in

is: .3 ve-rv defi 'teo SOLI n a pee Lilia r clue in he

hen t ne re I'S te nslo fro m eo bra in, Ellery age of

(I- (I10F~~~



wo nisto rieo'$ of typi I

, h d an ina. He said, "~ have ha en 't ha d any nelp. glyce rine to kill the

Ie sed tha mind 5i!!!@ s e ad to be held d

ery I it'de a bout t

he Ie el of the p ul k!! when ;iI nyone 5 oir.,s on inside. I d dent upon n Itrog • p1ays in th e re lief

vy I could not lift t:t1!! ore severe. I had h n I came here fl Ie ta b1ets a day. I h nd d !!dd@d to try t t could breathe 'lie

r.a ic n'50 in his heart, H lie little energy goi In . Energy had to

(I- 2010 F[)ft~ ~

I r I

i~ his ea , rt put up (I fi~t. It nt rol th 5 Cl5 fM. before he cou Id

es icely n ,H is hea r1 is a nehe red

quit fight. g. H@ is. a litrle low on !!n!! rgy

fie Id ha s to bu i It nt it ls stronger.

y breath in whe n I • '8a do ng u again,

u d, "I was very mudl ;i takin.g 1@"S'5 a nd 1e:55 of pi I and now it hao; been n rvously upset t ne pa In y a nd breath e dee ply

gra ndda ughte r, He r activ@ .a nd make m@ a ay or get 3W.ay from sted t hat I try _going

gr.a ndda ... gh1:~ r IN i II p?'

and I am so much by the tlme I g~ here. h st but t he treat ment p in to speak of and rrrv . Befoll! I began ta kinG d all night. sreat hing

o that I 'INC uld nave to

02 10F~~


!ill '.::".

- .. ~

get up ery once in t kin k, 'G I!!!SS I'll h.ave i:l"d get (I little rest. im pm'll!! • I 1e!!1 V!!ry g

tak@ Old Reli.ilble Now I -slee p a II efu l as I have

ake a pill I greatly

Mr. M. :<perienced a remarkable recov t nis pe n, H ere is tl1 story of h is ill nes to me. It doesn't see IOGic.il1 that t1!! [.a

but he is I have slnce come acq uai nte d

and eve find tt ha to believe he w

destribe •

ungster." Mr. M. hem, At,_. n I had Brlgiu.'s just a mild e se of sea rtati na, Th t kin 01 nd @ I'VCUS. I wa n@v@r.any sccou nt (;.01'1 ce rn d. When I as twenty-on e I we Igned ninety-five ou nds- ju~ s kin 'Some ya work in tn vi neyard b IJt "0 slaw .a nd @asy I was p w~1I but I wa'§. or n.J n. I I wa ILed fa I got pain a rOll n go.n.g to rtop.

Ie to w.illk fu'5t 'i he rt a d scme-

~I had riods of up a d down. When I

old I fe bette r an d stro nger for a ti in the wi n rand ~pring getti when my 0 rk was fi" ished a WhE!:n I ar

might rest nd re lax me and th a nd we t to bed ea rly tha o'clock I ot an awful n in mv heart, I got out bed onto th floo r. My hea rt p we nt bl d::. I W3§; fa i n.s out .3 nd it felt stopping

a 5W!!! the poi~ ns cut. I Ignt. Abo t eleven as if I we dyi"C- I dad nd a rytt1 ing if V h art were



":Ii for

d~ns, I r scho

and have give t

pu lied 0 t nat

floor to g my he art.. i!!! family g ma into a 1'10 bat and I

fy, My tl e rt sett led d n bu I still

be l had

to sta rt it bating i1 came out ttle

ttl ought t a d'

n !!VoE!: r .aI S strc nge-r. put my d the room

chi Is b~t little! P and air I., went o the

"In a II tho V@.ars i3I d fo 0111 those sp lis I h.a d see n .afte r doctor, I 't rem mbe the numaer I saw but I n er h d any tl elp from t em. I ou lei 0 t tuoug h c ed;:~up$- b 10

tl ean,:W:· s, ph cal Ka minations everyt" i"g,

did find n hiag rong wit h I1l@ no did th@y hel me, I w.a 5 th rough 'h docto . It eemed u se to try to fin any u re. I we nt on itl1 hose attacks, I ju'St never e pe d any kind of h

"When I gradilJally better.

one I ma rried, an had:it P€'ri

i m roved and bega" eati., a ate r

I sn't 01 b Ie to @at sp icy too '5. I in !!d

tc 1 7 pou nds, th best I eve r re ch e

!l4 ..... ~

I. _

reason spells down

over the ch iUs b~t I did n 't get over be ing co of tha time. hen I w.a s Iyin,g do n i

uld peu nd .a nd th mp. It we Llld vibrate an

At fl my wife dl n't reallze that tt wa

uld feel ttl e be s na ki"g a nd thought drumming 0 r p ping my fingers.

o do for that,

er that we we t north, In tl1 e hetel I wa d. The one wh ffi com mended it tl ad h is we rk very h igh Iy. 5h plOwer in h ls h an d'S j n. I saw him work, ha idee!: to have a treat

-The ti tr davs, I exha ,_. I had n desi

ment I had from hi p LIt me to bed for re . I wa." 'SCI re lax d I COli len 't get out of be d

-He di I bega down

his fi ge rs 0 n me m re th an two mloutes .,., sweat pc ured out from my a rms an i"to puddles. on th floor, It was the stra

i'A11 the yea yellowish bu d¥ aftar eve ryt hing a weak and I already sta rt around the p c

gather a little stre days before ~ c t t1 ome I felt wo

thing I ever e h e days t

to get out of th bed a n sta rt back to ne ra nch, lui.

5 very bad, a ys looked ill, S

"ten days; la same tning h a hot Gil ke, scmethlng. I get up, I had 0 51 re to and gave me co plete r 141 t:t1!! ra nch f@@ in wo nda ul talked about al day 10

nd treatment an ga in, He id me 01.1 t flatter u ld i«!:@p I'IlE!: in bed was d in& in bed b t now I didn't wa to r He took II the starch out 0 me

i'My fore ma n W S ;(II sick longer, I f@ It s n:!! this sent him up nd paid his was more of t1 as ha If the v I

treat I'll@: oou Id help nim t at I se s. Afte the first treat me he as He i a -wen man today and " up fort atment:

"I had ta Iled with j~st an the ranch a tr@at: I"Il@ nts,

didn"t think I

knew th t I wou Id get no lace

ent: so I rra nged my affa I .at

take a 'Series of ccnsac tive d wit h th regu l.a r treatme ts I

with the . I was '5ick I tell u. I

a b yo~ had better not put th in,

02(1 OF~~


at gallons as a II that flu - • that of my skin."

This P help h heart causin n@rve-


~Hew was IiI-:"


on @ xplained th vib rat ion'S indi t goi n.g about 1 S a sl ushv sou net !!rgi@s h ad to ba in

and kid nevs, h he ne rves th at

n Mr. M. cama to him sm of t he mag netic fi

s@d to force tn@ pOi'5.0 ns t mug h he ~.a Iv~~ had to be gro nd by them.

how I was goi n.c to go when I fett I could n 't k

Mr'S-. M. took eve r t he sto . II He ne-rvous brea kdown. He- would • 'I ca n't sta nd a I t is It's too much. H!! must c dow n a few treatme n . e eesn 't rea lize h ow slck I m and a n.d it. I'll tell en he co mes that he m se eut

·Ve'S. I member that."

him IN n he arrived bu a 'S 'WOuld el better. I eeu I f

from h would

resu med. "I was a II rea d n as ne walked into the om I the stre "gth an d power ad iaw 4) uld sta rt to work on m .a nd I

.and I took it i ve-r'Say a word.

ugh to get up I felt as if I lNere a kdown. Tnin&s bothers mv nerves were let dow . I fe It t he hotel an cI the fi m

moving th "85. It k as my h art we.

Ii ~1oJe the r'I e us tensl

en I went ( ht 'Straight building

ck to the ran h I got rig t ti me. I did 1 get tired _ I didn It

o beca U5@ of th d iffi t:u ltv g@ttin

e the place a nama zed e rybodv a nd a wa Ire n d fres nand relaKed

pou nd s. erybo

color an the ap en in a 10 time ut me imp oved. even my e d expected get stro., ead fine p

cf1ang@ i skin. Okl Everyth I n a glas-ses a to. Right and neve

one we-e~

to re he COLJ Id LIp. He told in one week I

Idst of t ning~

rry and t nere rkers than. I ate well a nd I In four or five spoke of the aran[@ of my

IV knew me. • I nad worn

r nd stronger a I tt1 e time. I go up 0 asien ally for a kaap rny"i@ in I ina. h is person ha 5 s given m he.alt h ever had and He has a g at hea j g power and I s to be giv n out t ne wortd and

(I- 201 0 F~~ ~ 'INW'rN. r~~jJ(I~-II'i-


ANV paralyre role r .a nd .a

intere~ wh n r th s pe

or leg back to I ire. In a ma r hea 1m ier colo r tenera d wit mv t@!!! I the warmth firrt react ion is the t he finger tip'-" of t flowing of a river. a

haW' told rna the sa

is retu rning bQod or r

(hilll ng. and t ne hea

I com me nted 0., th i blood to sta rt ei reu to g~ wa rm .again '1

~ Why. II he said, "it' n the electric ene rgy i

Here we go agaln I h button a nd ttl e ligl'1t


V !'a 5 an un hea tthv n@ s, I wat[:hed with I) brought a para Iy.zed in utes the "5kin took

@vid@ n(.@ of improVo!! nt

m consta nt coldness and ttl e afflicted area.

at do you do to cau the

ra Iyz:ed a rm or leg in

c reu lati ng ttl at does it, It is u.g the- "ewes- 41

yo~ just pre ss the ight

mor in my re mark. 1 Th@ n flow of energy and he-n t e rves the area beco es


0210 ~~~

1 1

ht it was a body k~ .. t am, the all sorts of tempera-

that the nerves u non ttl at W.i3'S n p rts I Why. isn It b od, that k@'@~ y heat t he blood

colcr, It is; t 15 always rm it for a

(@ followed ani nte n'Sf! d tscosslo . I got out an ehec ked on w I had been ta u ht. j n return e ighte ni n.g Ion hums n electr ca I e ngjn ee n

hl e:w: plan atie n lied to the tl u ma body-

II pa ra tyzed is ead wh i:t~ or eve

to the tou 1'1 nd the patient c mpla I ns tha a nd heavy 81 nkats or neati"g applia"oos r @ wh ill:!: but it oes not stay W rm. H ow co an hi ng th e m tt with the mecha ;cs of the ci tt1 blood I~ th reo cue ttl at leg and he vein'S; an b ed just like n rd i na ry leg. Ca n a patie nt bl m a par.a IyZ!! I just as e disily as f m one that

ase he has worke on, the ene gnetie field (I nd ti'lere is a g l.av distributing cent@ r. H~

ch rge to th emit field;i ito; en ~rgy.

distribute he energy to all pa s of tne b

ge erate5i the e e to the spe crFie

f ttl I:!: aftl icte d @nf@"S by in .of the ene rt!:i an P Lrtting th

up those nerves ttl haven 't

I~ p.a rtially r shutoH sends .a Lis eaa b Ii ng

• an d ttl en . He must asing the gh a healJY n -working

heat they fe I i'S the inc reas 'Vol ume of h e hu man

e rgy. The hu a energy current s ~Imllar to V electrical

40 ..... *:-. FCII'IO fl
.- .. ~-
curre nt an d freq ue cv. tt acts only on
ve~. Ttle body i5 ot gi!!!.i3 red to ta
eleetri cal currents, The ., erves will n
on Iv as sh oe k,
Eve n tho~gh t he re ts pa r-al~js the .,
e"e rgy is '5ieepi n8 rough to kee p it a I
proper @n@ r:cv to e pan. When ttl
t lssu P::! die and g.a ng ne set in?
Whe n he re lea ses ne pa ralys,is an d
eire uit, m@ pat i@ nt :ay gillt the great
BLit it do~'Sn 't a Iw ys; last, The n e
aga I., • .a Itho~gtl U~ any not to t he sa
tie nt ene rgy flowi g th rougn t ne m,
t kern @i3Ich time ntil the w!!:.a kn@ s - out
con cI uctlng the ene smoothly and en This. to him is th @Iectri[ cu rrsnt, Tn the magn ~j.c fie Id blood stream pia tel los. a re the e lectr

be y tl eat, th

n@1V@' wi ras :a nd ne r@lay [@

re the controls; nd u ing life en

a depe ndent rel to hem. The 5- Eactl tell ea rrie its e asu re of Ie ri

and d aposns it in (1 rgan s a nd tissu s, han the [i

va nou s pa rts .a re 5 h t off. the electri co tent of th e is. I nsufflcient to pr uce norma I body ea The blood ea n on Iv rna intain t e tl ealtn of ttl e ne e t ssues,

I h ave watched th pri ncip Ie work f r '" .a rs but I g y

t nought as such. A ne w be rn baby is col • the h uma told blooded. (I nd ta kes some time aft binh for t e heat rl!!!GU lati nG t:@ tar to asta blish, I th n urst! ry w watch th e b.a bie'§;' t m perat ures const nt tCI kee p the

Whe n a ba by wa co Id .a nd not go co lor



'INW'rN. ~~jJ(I~_II'i-



ad yelled awhile and filled its was W.i!rmer.

~im lung

With the f brea h the

n@ first cha rg.@ of the ban@ry. the ke of the electric 0.1 rre nt magneti2:-

ct r energy ta ken into the lu ngs by e magnetic field by rnag"etic he lungs to the magnetic field are nd ct th e en ~ rgy th rough, With the reath the mag eti f Id ts magn etired insta nttv to on e' s e leem eu r t. is own 'Spec ific wave lengt h, and

e full inta Ia! of h is .aYe' with ea ch braath tha re.aft@ r

Llppli t he fuel ha ge e rated into ne Ne energy.

gn le fietdr not be ing a b Ie to dra w gs. gives the te@ling of she rtage

i~ the e rg t e mag netic fi~ld th at a I lows the

ke a d ep b ea h, seemingly way down to the e fi I"5t t e i ee t ne origin al de pletion or spasm g ing th rough the so-ea lied n !!rv@

i .31 muscles e :.::pa nd an d co ntract ,T e air p.a ssage fee 1$ open a II the -_·..-Ir a the patie Itt e")!presw'5- it. The he incomi ng @ If!ctric or !!n!! rgy gh h e body ma i nta in ing body heat.

.Ill ..... *:-.

'- .. ~-

A we a ke ned mag netic fiel nerve tue I ttl mug" out. Tn '5U p ply. Tne i r activity baee sy'5t@m slews down. All bo Y fu

Pa ra Iysi~ from a stroke is. precess with m ueh the body. Pf:!:op I@ corne in wit

natu ra I wa nnth there. E 'S a

compjai n of t Ig M ness and adl s [l"d legs. Thev have "0


quata fuel appen the

plet" n I~ a

Ivi" tne e tire

H@ c ha rges t ha I'I\iIGn@t ic t he de pleted or sta Ned ne notices rs, wa rmt h, wh I cI"I I~ he he waves going t" rough a II ten

heat by the pat ie nt, begin c herds and the patient g 0;

Whe n the nerve bu lid ing t here is norma I color to th has fed and bu ilt tne m.a

fuel, and the magnet lc fi is n

heat is- mainta Ined and he


Whe n the nat Lira I mating a craving. ,., ey seek to

ald with t e co @Ct nerati g n 0. .ally. tem p leks up it

ceive rom '5oU of @n rgy . .aIle r i es to oed




re place tne n atu ra I mati ng eurra a'".aY n&1

I ha I! watchE!d the n!oovery of rna ny of t sa types

d e P lelion. f\J p::!1 a nd e nergv sta ion. The

ery iSi Interesting -Interesting to th n looker b t

ggravating te the 'Sufferer, In caws nerve

n s, wh!!! n the patient is coming out his cond it a II the

oms of h ts ill ness and c:lep leti 0 n r peat the 0; 5, in



nervous system is slu.ggi'5.h .a nd i

mi re of the e ne rt!:i c urre nt is: th e n

fl eld As the energy cu rre nt begl ns to tra th e react. The sen sitivity is restored a t:t1 I! &I!S that t n@y went th rough wh!!! n of t eir slow starvation. The physica I 0; s accept the ene rgy current an d a maintaj"ed, 111 ese a re the disc nt finds it ha rd@ r to be lie-vI! that he isn't getting better. He feels hs, one yea r, two yea rs ago.

In t @'5.@ ca sas r@m'lll!ry is slow. Tr!!!atm!!! tim . slowly bu i Id i noS tI'I e whole ne NO LJ~ ~re gth and vttality b~tJ w hen ttl at 5t svm oms have gra d ua Ily faded cut a!"lld I of f ling at laast ten years younger.

ThiSi pe rson h.a s told me that he has wa

ave a period of yea rs, Wtl en the nerv t:t1 I! ody fi nds its own l!!Ve L Th@ rnajo .

ga in and those who .3 re blo.ated lose wit ut di~ting.



'INW'rN. ~~jJ(I~_II'iI II I

proper nerve energy leve I is mata 001 ~m ;jJ ra norma lIy ragulat d.

Ou r bod las ara oom piet@ un i I"!i s, con cI uct a nd contra I ou rse Iveos in e pe

reqiIJ i reme nts or rest rictions. Tne k to t

of energy - Co"d uet ion of the bu a fu nction and hea Is or pre'lt!!: nts it ail

wave from the nJ ling sola r su s i I svstem or magnetic fie Id.

In t.a Iking .a be ut gi!!!n eratio n of en r:gy sa id, "The know ledge on the 'S-.J bjp::!ct is s rp. 's;in . In d isC\J s;s;i n.g ge., e ra~on most people look at e enti blan k, And in the world a II a bout the m, In a im Is it s nat\! ra I, Peop

@v@ry day and do not s:e@m to hat t n@y s@'@. n

.an imal IJfe it fu ncnens n erma II estkated .a n m

$U bje ct to the affliction", of eM Ilzatio n, n I

u ndsrsta nd generation of ene H.av@ you ~ver Gone into a bar cows i n free zing weather? Wh e n 0

t he flM sensation ~s wa rmt h, Because eaeh 1'1 eahny a" ima I is. n

and ttl rowi ng off en ough '5oU rpl .an ima I usua Ily will not perish f being wi II. Ma n doe", not know keep himself warm although l'1e -

·Wild animals seek their own and in~bnctively keep their en An ima Is com mu nicate w.itn ea s!!:ns!!: our minds. Th!!y un d@ vi bratory sou nd an d fami I ia ri2e t e

by it. We talk about a dog k., i 'Scent- It isn't a II scent, it is the ge e

(I- (I10F~~~



lengt the dog re(og d to my sansfa ic n, n tne thought ve.

un d s but 'Some of lost h k@v. Tn@ key and intellige h rough IJ~. if _ Complete f

p the body in in th rough the r knowledge

r an be used as

sc desire. of energy haalth and ind cpens eeded. Tne

method of

an se nd out ssa

en two peop of activi ies may bacom

elve them m othe rs,

in m riage lt1 ese



46 '. -;

S P Ie condition is a drea

S up ;i f!!!EI r in psople a out t

t at it i'S U'Slia IIv ea used t bi person work on several spa~ le and h

t nri Iii and gratifyi"8 I Tne you

I s ca used by shee ea us in it to reta in pe rman ent s asm, t rsqu i r@ a mou nt of !!! ner,cy th ugh ene rgy u rrent from the atmosp ere .3 magn it: fl eld In sufficient q anti r'Ij ne I'Ve fue I tI'I ro ugh th ne caus;in_g os pas m of t he n rves

Th@ ~ f@ many dsgrees of 'Spa of ten jon in chi Idren at bl n

spast ie ndit ions rF recognized .a:nyon!!: having the p roper W.1 freq~ e cy of the afflicted ch i magne it: field by placing his ha n

rei easi g its 5 pi;1sm SCi that hs e

h.l ngs the pelv~, th us @n@ t hereb eo Ijmj natl ng the spasnc

The Ion er th e tensi on or 5 pas m t n~ g( at@r the damage is t the st ructu J the reby ma kl ng the t n.., Ion

(I- (I10F[)ft~



le h some irnes .ave c i k:I r!!n r kn I hav watche work an d resul eh ild, he g reate

magnetic CIt d rawin the

V n rves .1 nd the ir re d ~~ It to re leve,

The you nge r tne eh ild tl1 e easier t:t1!! magnetic fii!!!ld. It is then stra n 11 Y ma" energy,

I don't th ink I wi II ever forget th rs lease .a nd bu lid. The ba by was f and the moth er to Id me that sh doctors. all ov@r the stata, Th@ d offer a thread of hope that she m'

The baby'5i legs we re 5il rai,gl1t and igi d, he

and motionless -sine!! birtl1 r ;iI nd r head

q .. ely. She had never h ~Id it up. We pia e before th is pe rson, He put t1 is. fl n th e magnetic field regio n, and t:t1 rough fa r a f!!w m mutes, Shemove ments,

He spoke gently to he r, "You don I Th@ @n@rgy was re:le!:a'5.i n.c the- pewre sent it at the sta rt.

The re'5tiess ness stopped, Co lor ega n to cf1 aeks, Iu sts r to he r f!Yes, .a nd the- ax@n q re placed by hea Ithy. norma I pi n k low. ti e i'Now, let's see you kick your legs. ull the kick tl1 e m 0 ut, ..

I fou nd I was: hold i ng my breat h a tl1 e little Ieg$ relaKed, ca me up a unclenched as she rna tie Sipontane

"Hold the baby up now." he d d

spea king to the baby, - raise yo~ r



~aw him the time

current s, je-riLinG

eu>" pasrn, he n@rv@s



into her r skin

p'iigh as the flm

, "NOW,-



'- .. ~.-


r t h@n slowly nee to 1'1 is SPo~"

othar gath red the ba by up, s P 1: of eonfu d WOrd5 of g ratl d e rment, ho e and tha n Idu I., es

Wh@ they had not lei enough ju'-"t 5 you told h

n@ I turnad to hi understa nd the


With a beam i nc. mi te he sa id, I' NOr h but he r ne es responded 1:0 1 e


get u5ed to rab rt: too su rprrsed at hi one of the stra

id not

veracity ot his it work with my 0

e itt spastic (I by wa 5 just (I httl derstan d m r@ ttl an ;iI few s] p mmands iven her. Her I s

d ill nd she aisec he r head e first tim by 1'1 e rse If. Thos int!!1 @net! of a orma t h@althy chi d -spa lc ba bV k no what they meant T is; is c



Thro ugh lost kne Ie ge t h fu netic of he va rious pa the

bodv have be~ ret . Ttu~· life fur e is of

e Ie ct ric energy; odV mu!it be mec n ca Ily

constructed to .a nd b!! activated the

h ... ma n e ne rgy e rol, thought dire ct 0 and

d iscrl mination a e ergv pukes pp ied from d1 e 8 et le

fi eld to the su b id - ry b.. n witni n the sku n. thereby

impu lsa rea c:.tia th ugh h@ n@ . nd thai r r!!l.iIv

affecting the m IJe ots at will al pa Ito; of th e


Wn@ n h@ place magnetic fiekl enabling it to

r a bdornen 0

com mand given n impu lsa upw.a rd and responded. raised a nd slow impu lse over tlo! t:t1!!y bsgan to c r receWed.

As tne baby oontrolli n.c tha n by Lise and the 0 conbnue.

rtf1 her tre t me nts. the nd lags ill @velop din d '51:r n ress a d ~ owth of the c i




m my C. was brought in both and twisted-1:l spastic para I ou Id not tal k a nd was quit!! de n p y. He did n't need word s, H is one n d u bt as to hts meani ngs, He rna t ne c I of tone and exp ressie n but ne and hi Ii to form words. To mmy's fath

g d natu red ;iI nd s;@e mad w!!11 u ad a h igh fe\r~r for .a short time

.a s exce pt that it wa-s. not ning se

@ was three and a tldiH 'W@ t was 0 ne week. in the hes pita I f a co told 1.1'5 that it wa..., .a spastlc c ndit I n 5 from a birth inju ry - T ney wa ted 0 n t:t1!! corns; ot h is legs, t ha n ut hi

n h is legs. He; in a ru n-d n on

was postponed for a year. We and took Tommy to him- He used some sort of aleetrica I

I' h a nyth ing.

I"5i orde red braces, ,.., ey we mad 0 to a pair of

tney wl!!r@ nat sueca ssful, Aft@ W"ea -ng tharn i1wh Ie n both leg'S w.a'§; ga lied. H e IN,3'§; in pa i a t he time

hem off t1 is I egs,

s, we knew the n ttl itt he was dea .a nd ou d not s pe k. k s sou nds a nd noi~es an d he pints:. e s bright a d

see s t unde I"5tand eve rything. We re a vi d to na

to" ill my don e. We did but we eeu n't any



tat. Ttlen t ey made ea sts for both legs a nd os, lit

ou Id re e them. They we r!! on for ten d ..

them oft hls legs w.ere galled and bruised. h

issatisfied with that method of treatmsn a a ban r

he ldea,


had pic k d up a bit a nd we we re co nside ng ne idea ating wh@ h@ got whooping rough and it h d!: be put in. Last Se mbe r a fnen d recommended h ls form of r.tlI~.1'V'ILII nt. He to I us a be ut .a notl1 e r little spastic bad wnat

I work ad bee" done for him. We dec· ed bri"g

up and ust got here th ~ su rnrner. Sf! r I t hings n d U'S. ale g, with Tommy's; getting the mu m 5.

fou r treat me nrs a"d I a I read im provements, His I!!G§ havt! ra bty and e i~ mo re active. lhio:; m~hod of e n one that has agreed with Tommy. All the

ad isera b Ie _ 41

IoN 5 only .a sh rt ti me after I nad his. t .atment. Great sh rie ks an d now) t e inner r om. It didn't "Sound to me as along agreaab Iv with To mrny.

re you oing to Tom my to make him yen ey tlad go e.

u hed. • Vo know. semet i mes after th e YO

i d tney main lazy. By eKCiting t hem th u

II become active. Tom my wa nted to nit m

d cal"n@ d sa, by my giving him .a qu K: k t e beca me mote .a nd more an IVY. pretty nough to t Ik • .a Ittl ough he'll proba bfy ~wea r

just as would n e'll .set t e first."

'5l ..... *:-.

'- .. ~-

At the and of twelve t raat ants

by 1'1 imse tf from one pie ce fu r

stternpted sta i rs ;iI nd had d ne q it~ W@ •

in the banlster he h ad a mpl' hed 5

fat he r $U p porting his el s he u Id

t neir house- - He was a lse ~ no I' w!!["@ distinct. Th@

Tommv ts respond ins. to hi

y gri pi g the rungs al hi s H. With his nt th f II fligl'1t Into

When he first came he- na a spa min t e h is leg rom s, COl us ing sh rin a,ce tha n the jack-kn ifed P05 itic n. By g e rati t nrou,g1'1 the ne rves rt effu d a lease is "0 reason why he can It ve fu I rse visits h is ea r narvas w@r!! ceu lei trave I th rough the m.

u n energy

e te II_;j I'll an d there e After th me-

He ean hea r I'IIOW, H ts fath r says that 1'1 and can re rogn ize an ;iI i rpla e by un d I-Ie d idn 't talk before beca e of i-s; de

amou nt of I.a zinell_;"," there. a long 'IJ

la nguage but he is a lse usi

Seve ral treatm ents pass:ed

into t he office an d Mr. C. nea r a window, stra ig_l,t st rast, Wi3lS Tommy. Ev!! n I

~ I-Ia s he done that before?" I as ke .

the ho U'5.@.

in. I walked in by njm~1f n the bu~

~ Not Ii k!!! that," Mr. C. t d !"Ill@' proud . 1'1 t h k it is pretty good."

(I- 2 1 0 F~~ ~ 'INW'rN. r~~jJ(I~-II'i-


"ft r@.i!ltv is. It i

nderful,' an we

qu ietfy.

(I- 10 ~~~


A stroke ha its (I of ths rna f!! causes. Th s 5 eas where ttl e nerv or I'll

The spasm in 1: h nerve tension, ca

much pressu re. Th@ ele(1ric n@ IV!!! I in!!s om th@ brain a re ove rloa ed fr m the r

e nerves can pacity tf1 ey gnetic ti !!Id to SU re .a nd the

on ttl ose line,.,. IS t e s ub id I ary rs i nerves. W he

be-come s too gre a f se bl ut. J~ st as an

fu~ seve rs the ad by melti n t ne bra in a

TI1-e fuse I" the b dis ru ptmg the cir

su p ply i ... volved I I poi rt, some of th Sufficl ~nt a mo un small bra neh es t pa nliy:zed part is

a to the poin longer. On

tes a te rrif' and only "" -II shert out @ subsidia eakest !;p the pressu rdina ry ligh

su bs diary n su pp Iy is '5ti I fu nctioning

of e e ne V rre nt are p.a ing over til a no motio. I pa riJ!ys,i s ls ere, or ttl a t, CI"1y en oug of d1-e

ene rgy cu rrent i~

I h.a tI l'IIever be re ss

.a.ff!!:[ted p.1 rts .1 r a pa .1lyzing

person restore them. H k-

i;o" of th k@ or strokes ntill saw th i p a natlo n un C \Ie-red man

0201 F~~~


mingty" i nered ible but tne resu tts are t ne ey!!s. Rf!pd in an ~ ctric lin!! sou nds s im pie, by rs Ii j g tt'i~ pe 0" i~ d i"g it 0 human bedjes, I find it i ing. Th is is ow he okJ JIl@ n@ relaases a stro ke:.

agnetic fie d mu~ e reli tl e e .,ergy to feed ttl e n

ha @ n@ rgy then i

s:pa ee tha has

• he tries t make

the ene

d from ~p.a sm so that tt rve wi re-s to t"eir no rmal in an atts mpt to rna ke it pted, If the circu it isn't tth the mag netic: fl eld by ed sectio n, reversing the

u bles a II tan i., the m 8" et lc field. Tne te nslcn j ttl e pe lvls and im diate y registers 0 n tne hea rt. It rd in the art vib .nion s n d, by tensjon, starts the sing pre ss re s:imi I r to t .at of .3 n over-loaded line, small na e~ in t e su idlarv brain eKCood thelr d spas +the it" a ppens-the sa me as I@ rtnc I n@- kinG a po rtion of that Ii n@ a sp~ ific a a to have a degree of

think, I' h by releasl ding hu heir com

00 ndu E!'d, "t t tn@se stro kas cou ld be: press re or s sm in the rna gnetl c fie Id n en erg ell rre t to that area, or prope riy t.ble ves 5 that th e magnetic fie Id

fina I tages of recovery from .a bee n ffected. He tl ad rega i., ed a rm a d nan r spaach had cle-.a red, his lea rand a I It. a nd is left ~s. seemed norma I except d rag of th foot. s he Iked d1 e foot wa$ re laxee

(I- 2 10 F~~ B-o-ob





edge of the 5iole wa s dr gged

.a 5 asked 0 get up .a nd walk aero s the ai ed, We d rectee him, • Pick it up, ut it rd f~ m he ba II of the foot. II

·VOU forg

;11 ga it he d ragged it a

me." I sald. "A~ if h how to step 0 n rt corre Iy. ~

aft the offk.@ that d di't ning th ought wa'§; sent i he ene rgy rre nt a I'IId C3 rrl ed to the o placed h fi n8ers on th e pJt ie "tis

balance in the bra in. Th@ rent

n I~g pick up the message, ca rri

t he foot 5pol'lld ed. The circu It W 5 re, tl1-e major bra in I

d re U lts from t his form of treatme nt, '5 h er p ove d, h e COIJ~ I.,. ca pta in D., wa re-st a"d acknowledged t nat sh


Id ha r hi!!! ;iJS ri!!! iii nc. energy cu rre

• she W(I as mad s he was. Hoku

bener to n@r that's

. T. waited a whl e then tell rt

. h the Mercl1 ant arl ne E!sk job- I l1ad ha a bad hat rt '5. exce pt that tha octo rs 313. I d etored a II the tim but it

a nd retire. The dropsy.

e doc: ~t me 0 bed an ath, I h d to si up all tl1


P to ke P I'Il@ qu i@t at fi . Aft@ r he sa d the wa'S not ng to d for a stroke but ke ep q~iet I was III fighting for brest and ~IU had the roP5V. legs a" an kle we rs s lie n big -tn flu id, The doc 8 ve me for kid na an dis put on diet. I had one ua rt of e POll d of fru it day. I w s w~ak from lack f food nothi g for my ropsy.

(I- (I10F~~~


'5 in b d a month and when I n to g~ up I beta u e I II a II Oller mys.e tf. took scm pre

't iv@ up. I d ragged 1m leg an ha rd t im@

nee -I wa~ top.- hea . My me h wa drawn a II uld n 't get my dent res, in ~o fl ally ad to have

I '5.aW the doctor twice a ntn did" It


'- .. ~.-

o nlng I was .able to make the

had to go with , He tre

a d built me- up so te 1 W3!; much strc n,se

o e. I walked two bl incross the bridge, I ha d I@ d mys!!H very

on my

uta d.aily. that she help and nfidence

k g ttl e d igita lis but ring me. It J ust - h me so I spoke to t i's person a d he told me to bout it. I did n 't '5@@ t ha doctor I j u t.a pered it a ti me. After a fe w~ek!; I dis onti Lie d tak ing

D: we@ks I

Iv n my arm

n Inued to btJild mv ne and I was

e d ropsv, I was II;! Ii inating la e q a ntit ies of

time fro m t he kid n

000 up at least a n in h h hsr th an fl uid had gon e out of' . It as normal

i'My brs ing was rnaeh better b tf1

,gt!t air do n a short way in my c sst but now it cou kI b re he LJia'f d own to my tvis, My chest s entlrelv.

"By s;pring mv kid ne-ys; ., ad Gonegone fro my legs: a nd ankle'S an have sta d that way, Tnen he a I~, I took Se\fe ra I tre atrnents bef re I my head r but at t n@ e-nd of ;iI f ngers, I Llld d ress mvs:~H .alon O'"OS'S- on e eg over t he other and t

"1 was sl waking.

ping we: II ev!! ry nigh ere wa'S steady im an d took a ttl p non n n with tt, me treatme

normal, a were nor to work 0 my a ou Id get m arm I rould us my;il I COLJ Id put my s:h shoe lace,

i'Tnis; pel"'5i n went en a two-mo" h v cation at t e end Ju Iy

and I was fi ne- for.a whi Ie-, A COl.) II! weeks; b ore h

back j ha a set-back, I got short of reat h. (0'" n' t '§;I my ehest Illed up, I nad to take t e sy. When h got

a t rsatmen t. I et d Ily 'Sleep n bother me an


ca n breadl e better If Olga in. My haart clear, Tnere is also strc kas I ha d new , Afte r the strc kes I n't see out of t he m a"8 ing an d getting

The pta in got t 0

O\ffl e d h is energy

i G tha tlow-ot n but it will ta

the ...,etba ek, He his magnetic field ea rt is '51"11 ooth and

strs net ened 'So t nat it ea I'll

0201 F~~~



THE lay sub]s freque are pu bl is.h rs seare h and drugs, n@w te mporary re are a number exchanging h !!iU about. T n ... rse, 'INa ntin tl1 e t reatmen nothing to remarkable th e m freely e rnl!!d:: it, how are many wh

The develop tvP~s, there vicdmcan on in'5ta nee I Ie I'll

Until I beca

!!~ n Se'Vf! ral ommend a d 'S and giving

there Is n treatments. they k"ow r how to pre and relief.

"d p~i~ful nd, i" so

lta b I@ resu rt, w m plete is"] bi I ity. T

ate hi m-.;elf 0 the preee s, and In 0 pe r50 Ily he has 8 r efu Ily acce ed nj'l fix he p.a in i less.

with th is th ory I a lse ttl ought t for relief. H wever, this work and . s . Ar1hrttis is 0 mystery tn is pel"5io

eff@t:t .a nd, S in @v!!: h ing I h i3I

P rove the m elves In t at ment a

is always c ne rlu I trnes

but wnen he w rk n a n a rth ritic it as aston i s ed at fi~t an d t en greatly As he bu r '50 out the ru and oils i nts, I .i1I m .a Iways mi ndad of the Tin W odman of z who was; caug in the rain.

He repli • "If VOL! arth rrt I~ riginate~ fr tnrough t

~ Often in the case CI deposits a causing p in and 101 eve n ye.a ,This; ca inerea s:in the energy

d is pose the ea lei

human @n rgYr h.ave n


con it ion. don I of s ic:lent h u ki u m iq uefied in solidify.n

you think an energy e system? n@ calcium ned to the n't they j oinu and

ct~ng th r periods ImO'St im ns rv afflicted s eople afte r five

!! n ~ I"!.Ie s cause the dequately

(I- (11 0 F[)ft~ ~ 'INW'rN. r~~jJ(I~-II'i-

1"1 I I

t:t1!! V oil nd sa me of it 'SOl id ifi@

th e po s of the 0; lugg ish ne rves, tl1 e cal iLlm is- of the cons Irte ncy plati.,g With movemerrtr the n e wit h t ls rough daposjt oil nd p.a in .a d~pos' is increased the nerve is u ntll it is tina lIy imbed ded ~olid The jo tis froze" r immow ble, d iston d a ppe.a ra nca of arthritis.

ing the ene rgy C\.I rre nt ttl r an d ~ffk ient '5.yst-E!! mile a

rm.a I calc ium content is c liq u id form. The magne1:ic te the motor in u s that

rtnriti~ ts ca used by In oft by the i nfed: ion sets IJ @m is struggling wit h t h i ncrea s:ed nerve fue I 'iLl PP . tl1 ro~g the kid., e~ t he e :rtra b syste by tne infectio., - Tne plati unless the ne rvas oil ra s uppl ie d n erma ne Ne fue I. th e who le n down nd ttl e ca lau m d epo~its in

In the roil u rnatic typ!! or t:t1 at due mild ja ring of t he body. frequen of wo one does, the nerve-s. b th ey r ceive. As they spa srn th aJ rra n is not eire u lat@d t" rough is: not u pplied ito; ne cess;ary ene are sta ed.

a blow, or t about by asrn from t ment of th

(I- 2010 F[)ft~ ~

I If I

The genera I sh eernplete lack of the req t ke magnetic fi@kJ.

t @ ne es is bro u.cht ;jJ bout by su ply of the e"ergy current fro m

I have seen ca ses brou t I., i., wh I cha ir_; or .,.h uffling in on ea nes and crute hes I To see h m e wou Id t ni" k t ney v.;ere

he psless. Ttl!!y r@prf!'5e s ow proc@!i!i but t n@v .a ["@

'S~ldom hopei ess to hie ryone is give n re lief fro m

p.a in in a very few t he ea Idu m de po~1t'5 are

d issofved by hum a" ene of the deform ity re mow d.

Th@ pati@nts :a re p LIt ba r ir.a nd .a ["@ ablf! to wdilk and

mov~ .3 boUl. bLrt reston 1 e nt 'S back to n erma I 'Strengt h

to preve.,t fu rt her 'S pas ,'Sh n ng nd redeposit Ing of ca Iciu m ta kes a great deal of tim I

Whe n the ene rgy c urre ri b ed the oerves .a re Lis ua Ily

im moo l.ate Iv re leas;ed f mad the eha rge of energy is

ea rried t nroug h. relielli a ned een cI ition. Joi nts (I re

u'50u:a11y r@li!!ved so tha th y n work aga in. With certaln

formatio ns of the e nerg h e P P les 0 the calci u m depoo;it§;. the depo'Sjts, soften an d c ru b le u der his fl ngers, I haw put my fingers on ttl e solid de osi a d f It it beg in to 5-Ofte., a"d C ru mbla as h@ P u5 tha en@ th ugh. When the mass has 'Soften ~d he rna n i pulate th jo nt .nd i noS the ca Iciu m in the seeket and red uci.,g it t a 10 m ha the ~yrte m can hand Ie. He then directs the ne rve sup IV to he Icid neys, strengtt1 e n ing t kern for n@diVY alirnin ic n A I t h n!!1'V@ s a r@ COl rrying the ene rgy curre nt by th e a d he 'System reassan ilates the ca Ic:iu m turned back I., .0 It ate., th row; off ttl e waste, which is taken up by ttl kid e an elimi"ated in a matter of

he Ur'50. The wa'5t@ i'5. th ro st pu ra meta II ic to rm and

'SO conside rable kid ney a er i rltat ion ccc urs,


s are stm w .iI k ;jJ in spasm

i lizi.,g of the agne - e fie Id and only wt1!!n ~d flow of Ins to hls tne use of

ne pati m!!i own

ompre he nd".; th eeha n I cal act on of he energy

t ne wi res of he body J he myth begi n to

h of the n@ rv-E!:.a ions an d ("@ c::.tia n An@r the

Id i~ sere ngthen d it d raws in I rger u lating t he flow r cl rc ulatio nail ove r e neNOiIJ s qualizi"c and di uting tne en rgy all parts of

5 I hav@ w.atc @ him work [.{l ul not he Ip

ls WCI rki ng met h ds with my own pe ri n ces,

t you ,gt!t @"5U tt5. I n tact, it is the o atth . ls, I h ve seen you WO k

tak I ca re of the m as pat

th e J but u pratt ica lIy

He aughe Wi] hed m .a nd they have ruin ng that lolntl' But the p ti

brand able to bend t j

en Vf!ry @x[i t would get Int witn 150;


slcl u m first .a cna @ is put in net ic fit! Id

strength to d ra re energy feed he afflicted V a Uelliating 'SO e the in te rrs - of ttl p.a in, Ttl en

(I- (11 F~~~


slncs, gi!!!n!!! pa rtia Ily do patient's p hand and two W311e'Susua Ily begi partCilnlH! it griru::l.

'Swollen .a n the ~ofteni

and it has t r e felt it, Whe socket,

It may deposits. T nervous sy aetlen of svstem ta ke t nrou,gh the

ing of the entire ",yst€n igl'rtls slee jc ints she ul from resert take", time

n@rves to r freedom t patients s

in a froz n joint, the cireu it to t at :iI raa i and tha I s ttl e ene rgy ttl roug - NeKt th fu@lin.c u nt is t ransmitted t ou.c h on I cu rre nt th ough the other ha nd. Whe n til t nev act ..." short eireu it an d for heat. Th· soften t Iciu m deposit; then t e aHhcte

rinds up the deposit.

with (I kne e joint nermc IJS ''S head, Aft@r about fiv@ min utes

v put my finge rs on th.a hard mas u sh. I d idn 't bell eire It. . her until " iste ncy he rotates ttl e oint ln th

o soften a nd loosen tho",e bbu i Id ing strengthen s the enti ds up and'§. the whol ened ca Iciu m is abs rbed, til

!! i ncreased @n!!!rgy oil nd t e circulat t e patien t becsu se it i rftates til t heme and usually in rrupts hi en ing c(liciu m and g -nd i ng th soma tim!!! to p rev@ nt he calcfu It: ium de pes its are el m inate d . ns on and d epletlo n rema ni n.g in th

sed the affliction. e bli ng th . n in tha joints an d .a II

. It usua I akes CO nsiderable ti

_g atefu I and p ase d with the resu tu.

tal ked to tf1 e patie"ts. from a I

r worn out with pa in, d'u~y .i! re now.d 1m tree

rn resu mit ne (lctivities of norm al IrFe-

.at th ese ients: is a 1m est as good as a c LJ~.

leu 5, and 0 the s urfaee the most baffll ng, s hls I He takes he pa i" out first and tf1 en do his i g and ri nd ing, At rug@ tha pati@nt clute ha the the ch ir, braces h self. cI en c hes h ls jaw a nd to r

to in. Ttl ere is- Ittle or non e. If any 'Sta res m of tt

d iately hut off, so n the wt1 ole ttl e precess cause the itt!£!: di comfu rt. T e faci.a I expre ssions ru n the g

vcca I ~x presslc n s:hoLild be recorded; they a aU

nte rt1j Ing. I n a s h rt ti me the pat lent 1'1 as re Ia iCed romptj g and then ta Ices ani ntere!it in the p rote

s sue h that !!: doasn't b@li@v@ what ha s@!!:s. at e hi~ leg! I du litv an d co nfiJ-s;ion n.J n riot v« r

Id I.a dy hobbled in r her tirst traatmsnt, stiff, awk

I of pa in SI'I e had a h rit is in both arms: and I ego; , 5h

een I for n yea rs and at on e time was not able to wa

month I Her k"ee , ank les (I nd toe'S, were fi:).:ed. She inad at a pulling p in in ne r left ch ast, H!!: sta rt here a d the re, CI r the ch est p..a in. the ne ck,

Nand t hen the agnetic fie Id. He nad d Irtri

ene ta rt to work. There was eviden e of

in tha right she ul r, elbow .a nd 'I'll rist, T ha c nest pa in

r; sh could ere he deeper, He ground the eakl m in

t -s-nou er, wind~ her a rm a reu nd I ike a era nk The

xp ress - ns began to play ae ross ne r face.

ise you a rm stra ig t u p over yo LJr head. II

6' ..... *:-.

'- .. ~-

~Why. I can', I my arrn abcve

~ '1ou ran now,~'

She tried. d ou

Sne did. Up rt her nead; she be t t1 e


-can you meve l

more softs n i n.c - B~ rn it out:

He grou nd the eyed. Th!! pa i n i her leg. Th e big t


en ab to comb my ha i r; I an't get

I'Go on, p t it way u I'

her n nd over arranged er nair. ere ill some en ing the ca Iciu m. he begs n to grow

mprovem nt. Then t ere was O'IfE. "Th 'I§. good, ~ @ said.

nd she at the re, sei nated nd po p. est bstta r. H' ti nge rs w t dow n iff and n Ia rged ,

~Th at IS bee nab d (I n ; I nave be very reful now was h it.

Be ca wul-t nat na h ~,

~ It d oesn 't bu rt ow, ing rt. She leeke at t .aga in.

sa id. pu iii g it .a nd m nip ulat& tee, 100 ed at!' im nd bad a the toe


(I- (I10F~~~


Wnen ne had fi rnl!!!'5tr

Sh@ IE It: oil rou nd ea n't find it."

i'A11 rtgtn, now s and up,

She me~l5U re d t chair, Sne Iooke glance d oil rou nd Hesattl'lere,re d eterm I natlo n, s of tne chair.

-my knee

hold on to. T @ was noth ing. e r COli rage and t onto ttl e seat

"I thought yo u

n Ch ristmas rn ing-

my lett .a rm, ~ sh arm locked imm u ntll I began tre

V!! re pain; the all those yea rs


"Ah!!!r it locked

ret urned - all r m

getting worse a I th ~

oil red. Six ye. lata r t ha pa in

my to nsils r oved but I kept knees 1Ne r s elle nand the

201 0 F~~ ~ 'INW'rN. r~~III(1~-II'i-


10 ',_~"_

nt into a h ospital for hi., k the ca II it. An ull mv I 5 out, to st n d I lost great dea I and WG"5 I., be d for I couldn walk. Tnen

we is. t. I came nths. hey nad

east month OLit fro casts I to get

on two

ad my fifth ch .Id. I do 't know h gnancv, Th la'St two enths I ecul

when i (I to . the hO'Sp ita L a currs d.

@xplain ' . I oou kI n't s su dden made ~ ong en ough car an to he t10splta . 00 YOiIJ now, I coul labor p in'S. I was num . When I e me nome f

the ba by H. Sh wa5 i3I beau ifu I a norrna I


ut the cau 5 or giv m!! any m O$tly in d. 0 ring that the rlgnt s I e of y., eck. I ea me red a d 'SO re W rri bfy



re ie d

ctor gave me a so mew at, He id than that I life (I nd hat t ne e t nirlgs we rs


"DU ring the wi ter of 1944 I rt d having con

fl rst on I had h usbsn d ca II d t e doctor an d

wt1 en I a shot of so

no use in nis; mOrley way,

"I was i bed n a ble to get

persc n, I made p my mind to

ooe ni m You re m ber the fi


I do re to the

C.3 rried he r in the treatm en her feet a "d.

were eJ<ten

nt of her rich t wit h

andir.,s positi n her kne s were turned own they ke

f@!!t, both

'" were just

and ent rely im

skin st r hed and fri~ dty an




regress into t er rega rd iog h ny years- She hat it wo uld t.a

stle was


he p rase nt. 5t1 wa lked d her tr atrna nt into he room whe I was. She bra nee, wa I ~d over and . h j ust a litt I d '-'3t in a hair ac ross fro c ha in her in j t a Irttle more had Ik:!:d cut,: sh rooked healt r. She w.a~ eager and bu

~ Look at tha thi 0 kne ~5 were nom'! con s - era ble deg r straig t. Her left a she So abl@ to wi .and t rned it fro

I can do n I in o;i:ze; she . Her left leg 'She could n

~ '5.he said. ould move as ., oticea IV extend fro

id. "1 [an no came afte In bed; I ha

walk up tha

C 5 • Tne first almost After the arm. even

o cad that I I wanted

n@'W cha in a person and t en I would t I nero But she In I"'ted sol to

n such a V ral week!; about tt.

0201 F~~



ot worn rru.lhd.a d difficu

,,-,on t1ad

I a'll!! tried to Give you a pictu r!! , H • .a s the

ory of her !!iufFeri n.s a nd improv m n , For nty-two ea rs

t1 r normal actMty was na nd ica p p d tt 0 ugh it eft no ma k on t1 r d isposftio n or persona hty, Here e se a n are in sight- she is receiving rE!'li ,

(I- 201 0 F~~ ~ 'INW'rN. rlJ"f1l[Jlt~tI'UI(l~_II'i-


14 '. -;


me to see w nat t s pe rsen would d h is tim s I@~pi n.g i ckn !!SS ca S;~. h p.a n ied him for hi first t reatme n en was too d tffi IJ It to IJ nderst s diagn osed as 'So epi ng s ickness n

tt@ ndad by two ra


fever of 102~ .and or th roat was s difficult and sp a king WG$ a I ard time to rming rds an d when I nd e rsea nd d1 e m, B eath ing W"a'" a g dee ply iu,d I still e nnet,

day for ten c:I 'is t1 day. I am a I"



su rprised look 0" h is face a"d dip aid r ~ Is that wh.u !@@pinG '5.i cknes i t '.JIeepjng s lckne s WO~ Id be pleas nt

and of five min utas of t magn lc field, th ~ spasm complete r~laxed. t1 ad ta en place before our eyes; c or nad ~I t1 is fae unt il aU the ski" wa s glow. into hi !!yes, in [:r@i1sing to.a brillia s nine. H took ong, deap breath ,filling his hJ ng'S hungrily.

u were -s.ick you iu~t -s.lept . to and W:ilke up w@1I. ~

u r laughter '5.ubsid@d, ha sa i

s spasm of the magnetic f t:t1!! n@ k an d tongue. a ju mpy and I deplet n.

Let m give you a picture of Mr- R, h is @a Iv forties .a nd, quite obv iou r not dull; h 'Skin was putty wh lte, dry

neck: ere prom I nent and not I

breath ng wa s la bored and sha Ilew.

m U[t1 !!'5itation.a nd eonsidera bla

ind lsti LI ish able a nd he had ma rk

u rren into the tra n rmatlon tv c pt back to light a me back

but q u tte clearly, and wit on Iv os!" 411 fuel very m ueh bette r; I ca n bre

(I- 2010 FI)ft~ ~


ation, he eper and

t" "a s not appaara nca, EI r at i n.c has co tin ua d to be !!!.i3sH!r n

ing, wttnout e rt After hi's th i rei treat rne nt tl e

you r t reatmen ~,- d ca rehJ Ilv. "my s

wa s mpletely block ev ry even In : I co u Id not ta I k at

'WOuld ay my speech h sip roved pe r cent. tt'u~ swal ing on hund red P'!~ r ce r nd in g@n@ al OV@( all i mprDW'm

thirty- h ree per cent ch treatm

to me to know that h come- in co ntact with '5leep I 8 s;ic k ne-s..,.?~

said. tit wa s i nte ing sickness, nat ha in ore. W at do th ~y say ca se


much abo t it; ttl at it was su pp ite, that ou d i cI n 't catch it

that tnat '50@!! n'S the re did n 't e-e it: fie Id de pletl n. ea using s the "ed:- co rd .

hat in li'5te ni n.c to th infectio n, The-y de-n e facia I pa

He CCI ·nu~d. -After t e fie Id ittl t ne right fre ue 0;, t ne m draw "e ene rgy t hre h t ne lungs nerve s system. Ttl is @ .a bl d I"Il@ to laase the tension i hi nee k a d the pa raly!;i s n h face. A'S .0 LI see- r t hi§; wa'§; don five m utes, If a II othe cas of tnis ty e a re like th 1$ one. d

yo~ ttl nk rt: wou Id be e y help the 7"

ssor with a rl xtre I foot a s

Ip him t along, too, as I as an:.:i U$ to

t, ~ th professor bega • "wh - h, fro time to t m , I ~fLlIIy t 'mmed. About th e yea .ago ~ 1 . .11: too dee nd ned .a n I nfectio n, MV do or trea ed It bu it was a 10 would drain. ne I tor a while a d be bette

d d ra in ag.a in. Th 'Sw!!lli g wou I go away an

II bout a ar and a half ag It gre b d a nd, I ass ure you, a n ttl time p infuL A r quite a penod ln bed

m fuot .a chair. I still b sitting thers if I h d not

in i!;ted I s gol nB bad< to

411 have -s; en marlY dotto -s;ince di gnO'i@'S rom 'Plantar's W n'1:O' don't k ow'; .and th m in ann ha PPV 'State of mu.,;1;0 with t elr contradt

T e last d ctor, fer a fee of s i:< dol aes, ns ad it 'pa p ill pped t ere- Papillo ma, I It. W;(I mo re s it;able to a .1 ge !em.1 n. 50 pa pillo aI it h '50 re:ma ne d as far i3I l.a m


leg re ;(I iru~d e ripp Ii g nd ithc LIt cu re and tea II

(I- (I10F~~~

1 1 1

was was

fa iled t nere, You m ing yo u se-iu~t go

with you r we rk and get @ wei . I nave w r

Witn a w.av@ of his ha nd .,!! h i5 ~e5 and san rei iJKatio n, I ceu Id

indudj ng the an k 51: ratched t le Itt. It radiating from it,"

~I know." I '5.aid, "11 w.a rm yo ur ha nds 0

The professor ro us prtyi ng lookr M My c lea ren@ from my

o t ha cha ir. Io5.e!:d tion or co plete

Th is- per_;on resu used

dee p imprints to re i., that

t kat was an ind icat n of tl uid ceu mu lati n not all i nfuct n? It ccmc id ~d with his ppe-a ance, party -s;kin.3 d p Llffiness a I eve r h 1'-' body. H is vi b rat ., s I d lea dad eple magn etic fie and a ne avy fl~ id ate U I.dati n t h U8 nout t e body-My i me n told I1l@ to !i't!!ady is hart, u i kJ the netic fi~ Id ;i d not bother with the to

• so hot you could



enerat ing ne e ne rgy irlto d down an cush ioned, Thi!!! the rnagn te field and stre t ha neoce s ary @n@ rgy t hro us 'iystem includi ng th e kid

e of energy

rofessor b ng." he sa' imm diately an th in J I with hel

I'Il@ a nirnated in, ~ Fo t

, -T he constant a d seve 1'1 as not ret urn . For my "8S; for i sta nee

"Not .at a IL • the rcfessor repl ied h moe

treatm ent In CI ne woo k, at the en was com letely de mora liIe an d I c hildhood, n@ neoN@'§. to th@ Ia dder lous of the and thei r i ncrea s ng freq Ire from al public life and w s redu ng d'1ildr 10 dly tellin8 his mot er his u


not am sura I thro gh fer a we k."

b:e a nthing tnl:Jrt tth. I

@al 'W@'nt

80 ..... ::"

'- ..


desc ribe thai r ea:['1:ions a mu ses rna, 1 '1ou i31r@ have an h ing more to do wi:th you! 1 Eli lit th ~V for me .41

ree wee ~ the p refesser wa." recove 1 His skin had reEained (I healthy, puffmes of th ti'5.'5.U~ had disappeared,

.. h

st a II go ne, the red nes s and h me d is.coloratio n, compa ra ble 0 nd nerve se nsatio ns were in



leh had op ned uring the time ttle fluids fro m the: b y as; now closed an d had sta



u ..... *:-.

'- .. ~-


res ults i" working

"I from t he time he a eni fd who had just lett. II He rish, @sp!!:ci ally in u nding. irregu Ia r a in his hea n, That

was lacki You fek hi

e ne 1'\1'0 .. "; syste m valve".; an d the hea rt

~M you se the heart through th the haart natural fl running,

is iev@d from the nugn it:: &Id

. d e to the In c reasec flow e ne rgy

e ,an a charge of energy through s e 1 ml ates tne bfowing seund I nen the of !!: @rgy to hes pa rts keeps the

tit is diffieu t to

opfrem ct on that the fa mily k @w ofrom birth,

re u al a( t h resu tt of a mi181' it field

depletion i th II! pil II! nts nd.a sage n~ rill ru Ie:, th!!: m he r is in extreme t II d u I nB her PreB na ncy and es p cia IIV at

delivery. The s sm magnetic fil:! Id by t e g!!nf!r.iltion delivery. th us c u'Sing a" easy b i 1'tt1-


"Another 'Simil r cas was that of a ctlild w ese brct er w.a§;

~pa~ic from a lrth nju ry. Whi Ie n Is mothe r car ins: the

second ba by s e to me t nat sn-e was fra nt rea that it

m i.ght be an ha r '50 astic, Her faa r create magnetic field aas i n the ba by' s mag netic; fie

te ns~n or spas at b r1 h. Now she is. two yea symptoms are '5ihowi g UPr as you see I Tn

h!v!! r, n@ r\I'@ S nd h@OI rt stra in r with a Vi1

wea ken, The d ferred to th is case M eu

tl1 e mother. II

This ba by had an r-abu ndance of narvou a M

impos'§:ible to ep h r 5ti I L She was ju st two yea

tiny and perfe resden fig UN!'. When I

a mi niatu re b I and ben net a nd was

she ra s!!mbled,

in for in two

est of the ba by' s a rtifi and he r heart rate as ~Iowe r, Sh e was q u te


'- .. ~.-

n, a nd more will ing ahe 00 n nap. !-If! r fevl!!!r h d ela d witt1 ttl e resu Its I

rgy 0 tne nerve us il@ Ci1 rrying, and and pain at

·00 't you think.· thi~ a dva tage to an expeeta

mag etic fie Id was s upplyi "S)I'5t m, thus r!!li@ving bkra ad el im ali n.s coMid era ble st s del" ry7"


(I- 2010 F[)ft~ ~


I<r1 .... our ... e Field

We the

pearr that I am becom ng an the ans;we I"!i th is pI! n ha s on Iy whet my inte re and ns, The a nswers he g 1\1 are i rst e neeu "te r, 'IN ill pr bably thee riE!:s Pro\I'@ the m 1II@s;

rpos.ely and nscessa ri a mazed (I nd surprise r but lace in ttl !!ir bod i@s is proof h many of them It a pears; ble tl1 ought and wor d out If b~sed 0" his u nde a ndity.

remendous developm ts in opme nts we k I"IIOW a nd ma ny at u niversa I knowl@dg .1 nd n lea I progress a nd de e Icpn rough us as h uma n awe -lns pi i g piece of rna eh i"e If, is the ve-ry !!:SS112

86 ..... *:-.

._ .. ~_

pracad ing par.i3gra p h in J na, shape I was about to di card

c ha ngE!:d mind and have alloWE!'d to

firrt ate c bom b wa s d rapped Hi

demon stra ion 1"-' t here anyone qua lif ed to be done7j

In cond u~ on. here aga in are his th ori~

eve ryttl ing in ttl e warl d stem s fro one

Un'rs.a I lsdom. Tne wave ene rgie bien i ruling sci f su n'50 rna intdiin I ire; fro th i c r~atio fl. II inte Ilige nee. All that m n ha wi,,-,d om. t c ning 0 r invent Ion - kn ledg una ttera b I • eenta i ning every reason nd ri ou r @xiste C!! on @dint1-romes th rou 0 n t -SOLI rce (;0 e s the wi~dom and devel pme patte rn is imele"-,,,-, a nd ageless; tt a avs h will be.

rnes .a II rth in ng and

i"d a"d

The wi~d i-s in the wav~'S and c u Id 'V~ be fol"'W"ard i any age. The Power is u ivers; I and e know 1ed8 eou Id be bro ugi1t fort h i eve centuryr ery generation. In man's ind d rea m, a ls ion or a n in s pir.3tion, a d is matena I rm. We m ista ken tv claim t he wisd om or invention but t ne form is ittl in

belonging 0 lif@. Th is form is neVf!r w; it i on Iy r

Man bring it forth .3 nd ind ivid ua lizes i with Ttl us the dea io_o. not the pro pe rtv of 0 e>::p rassed y that mind I

Th is POwe thi'i store tic! Lise, i~ the se

beh I nd In Uige nee and reason a nd IS.

bring 10 rth wh at we b li"d merea Is ass me t

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