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cal society
Volume 86, Number 1, September 1982


The purpose of this department is to publish very short papers of unusually

elegant and polished character, for which there is no other outlet.


The aim of this note is to give short proofs of the following two theorems, due to
Cohn-Vossen [3] and Huber [4] respectively.

Theorem A (Gauss-Bonnet Inequality). Let M be a finitely connected complete

noncompact Riemannian surface with Gaussian curvature K and area element dA. If
jMKdA is absolutely integrable, then x(^) ** fMK dA.
Theorem B. Let M be a finitely connected complete, finite volume noncompact
Riemannian surface with jMK dA absolutely integrable. Then

X(M) = [ KdA.

For Thee rem A, see also [1].

Such an M is homeomorphic to a compact surface with p points deleted. A
neighborhood of each point is homeomorphic to S1 X R+ , and by forming the
gradient flow associated to a Morse function on M [5], the metric on the cusp
S1 X R+ can be chosen to be of the form gxx(0, t)d02 + g22(6, t)dt2. Reparametriz-
ing R+ by arclength puts the metric in the form gxx(0, t)d02 + dt2. Since M is
complete, the new parameterization ranges over all of R+ .
Let Mh = M — Uf{5' X (h, oo)}, so Mh is just M truncated at height h up each
cusp. Then the Gauss-Bonnet Theorem for surfaces with boundary gives x(Mh) —
fMKdA + fdM w12, where w12 is the connection one-form associated to an ortho-
normal frame on M [2]. Since x(^0 = X(Mh), we must show limh^0OfäM uX2 2* 0
for Theorem A and limh^xfdM <o,2= 0 for Theorem B.

Received by the editors January 14, 1982.

1980 Mathematics Subject Classification. Primary 53C45.
©1982 American Mathematical Society

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Picking the orthonormal frame 01 = v/g]7 dO and 62 = dt gives u12 =

(d/dt)(Jgx~x~)dO via the first structure equation dOx — ux2 A 62. The second structure
equation gives KdA = ß12 = dux2 = (d2/dt2)(^gx~l~)d6 dt. Since fMK dA < oo,
lim^oo W¿7¿0/g!7 ^ = 0 or lim^^/^/i/ydOv/gn" ¿* « a constant C.
For Theorem B, ffMyfgx~x~dddt<<x>implies bmh_txf^Mi;fgx~{
dd —0. Now
lim/^oo/3A/„wi2 = um^nid/dOfjgïï d0 = C forces C = 0.
For Theorem A, we need to show C > 0. Since fzMhJgx~x~ dd ~ C ■h + D as
h -» oo, if C < 0 we get JSMh^gx~î
dd < 0 for each A » 0. Since the integrand is
positive, this is impossible.

1. D. Bleecker, 77ie Gauss-Bonnet inequality and almost geodesic loops, Adv. in Math. 14 (1974),
2. S.-S. Chern, On the curvatura integra in a Riemannian manifold, Ann. of Math. 46 (1945), 674-684.
3. S. Cohn-Vossen, Kürzeste Wege und totalkrümmung auf Flächen, Compositio Math. 2 (1935), 69-133.
4. Alfred Huber, On subharmonic functions and differential geometry in the large, Comment. Math. Helv.
32(1957), 13-72.
5. J. Milnor, Morse theory, Ann. of Math. Studies, no. 51, Princeton Univ. Press, Princeton, N. J., 1963,
p. 12.
Department of Mathematics, Brandeis University, Waltham, Massachusetts 02154

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