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Speech on Environment

Environment has become a burning topic of discussion and debate, on all public platforms.
The more the discussions, the more the awareness, and the dirtier the environment. Isn't it a
thing to wonder about that, while we talk so much about, a lot is also being done in this
regard but, the environment keeps on deteriorating.

On the outset, let us analyse what all environment includes. All that is around us is called
and included in the term environment. This environment affects us physically, mentally, and
even spiritually. There is so much contradiction in discussions and decisions and ground
realities that, the talk and net result are poles apart.

We keep on shouting from housetops platforms about keeping our environment clean but,
when it comes to contributing to the cleanliness of the same, all us, yes, all of us contribute
to the polluting of the environment.

For a simple example, we all agree that, we must keep our surroundings clean, but all of us
clean our own houses and throw the rubbish out on the road, or in front of the neighbor's
house. In this way we are only adding to the dirt in the environment and not to keeping it

We are here again not clear about what environment should mean. Environment is not only
our home, but all that surrounds the home. So, if we dirty the road or the neighbor’s portico,
we are dirtying the environment.

From the home, let us shift our focus on the outside of the home. Let us take a round of any
market place and the common scene will be huge piles of rubbish smelling kitchen waste
and paper and polythene bags flying all over. With this surrounding we can hardly claim to
even deserve talking of cleanliness in the environment.

This only shows without a doubt that we keep contributing to dirtying the environment and
just talking about the cleaning of the environment. Let us understand that, only talking about
a thing will not serve any purpose, we have to work towards the goal. We have all to be
conscious all the time about our responsibilities of keeping the environment clean.

It is not that no work is being done in this sphere but, it mostly goes waste as, all of us are
not conscious of our duties and responsibilities in the matter. We keep contributing to the dirt,
and talking all the while about cleaning the environment.

Let us understand that, unless we make it as our own duty to maintain the environment, very
little may be achieved in the matter.
Environment does not only mean the dust and dirt outside in the air but it also includes the
dirt within our minds. The environment also gets affected by dirty minds.

Thus, while we are talking and also working on projects of cleaning the physical look of the
surroundings, we must also ensure a clean and healthy thinking. Up to now, no one has ever
brought out the pollution of the thinking processes.

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