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A role is
a. a position gained at birth.
b. a position gained by achievement.
c. a status set.
d. a cluster of behavioral expectations involved with a position.
e. a set of norms.
2. Sociologists apply the term society to a large group of people who
a. share a common culture
b. think of themselves as having inherited a common set of historical traditions
c. interact with other group members frequently
d. see themselves as being associated with a particular geographic area
e. all of the above
3. The tendency to see things from the point of view of the observer's culture rather than
from the observed is called ______________.
a. intracentrism
b. eurocentrism
c. ethnocentrism
d. androcentrism
e. patriarchal
4. A fellow student consistently shows up late for pre-exam study sessions. The other
members of the group decide to not send their study notes to the late student. This is a
type of:
a. rite of passage
b. social norm
c. sanction
d. abstraction
5. Refers to the logical systematic methods by which knowledge is obtained and to the
actual body of knowledge produced by these methods.
a. Psychology
b. Science
c. Anthropology
d. Sociology
e. Enculturation
6. He is the founder of Sociology.
a. Karl Marx
b. Herbert Spencer
c. Max Weber
d. Auguste Comte
e. Jane Addams
7. It is a supposition or a system of ideas intended to explain something, especially one
based on general principles independent of the thing to be explained.
a. Theory
b. Hypothesis
c. Conclusion
d. Statement
e. Principle
8. This perspective on society focuses on the way society have functions, or positive
effects that maintain stability as a whole
a. Theoretical
b. Functionalist
c. Ecological
d. Interactionalist
e. Socialism
9. This perspective on society focuses on social processes of tension, competition and
a. Theoretical
b. Functionalist
c. Ecological
d. Interactionalist
e. Conflict
10. What is the best definition of culture?
a. Culture represents all the shared products of human society, including anything
material and non-material.
b. Culture consists of all the artifacts shared by a common people
c. Culture is the study of human beings and their ancestors through time and space
and in relation to physical character, environmental and social relations
d. Culture is the scientific study of the human mind and its functions, especially
those affecting behavior in a given context.
11. These are abstract human creations such as languages, ideas, beliefs
a. material culture
b. intellectual property
c. non-material culture
d. tangible products
e. immaterial culture
12. It is a classification culture that emphasizes on cultural transmission where the same
culture is passed on from one generation to the next?
a. Dynamic
b. Static
c. Stable Unstable
d. Moving
13. What is cultural understanding?
a. Having a general understanding that different cultures do things differently
b. Having an understanding of various cultures and how to best respect them
c. Being understanding towards people of different cultures
d. People from the same culture will understand why people from their culture do
certain things
e. People of the same culture helping new immigrants to assimilate to the new
14. Ethonocentrism means
a. Inferiority on one’s culture
b. Superiority of one’s culture
c. Adhering to Darwin’s Theory of Evolution
d. Referring to the culture of a minority
e. None of the above
15. These are shared rules or guidelines that prescribe appropriate behavior
a. Values
b. Principles
c. Folkways
d. Norms
e. Sanctions
16. These are shared ideas about what is good or desirable
a. Values
b. Principles
c. Folkways
d. Norms
e. Sanctions
17. It is not considered acceptable or mainstream to abuse drugs, particularly those such as
heroine and cocaine. This is an example of a(n)
a. more
b. folkway
c. norm
d. sanction
e. culture universal
18. The prohibition of incest is an example of a(n)
a. value
b. more
c. folkway
d. taboo
e. sanction
19. Jumping up and down in an elevator would be a violation of a(n)
a. folkway
b. value
c. more
d. taboo
e. practice
20. Language is usually considered to be
a. a key cultural marker.
b. a flexible system of symbols.
c. a cultural barrier.
d. essential for cultural integration.
e. a cultural universal.
21. The process that enables a culture to maintain equilibrium despite fluctuations in their
culture is known as ______________.
a. diffusion
b. ethnocentrism
c. enculturation
d. cultural integration
e. adaptation
22. Dignity, personal integrity, and inviolability of body and mind are all examples of
a. cultural givens
b. human rights
c. constitutional law
d. adaptive mechanisms
e. cultural relativism

Which of the following is a cultural universal?

Your Answer: incest taboo

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