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Meaning of each status of the manuscript

(Based on article written by Kakoli Majumder and published with open access by Editage Insights)

Manuscript submitted: The manuscript has been successfully submitted to BrJAC. After this, the
manuscript goes through a formatting check by the BrJAC Editorial Assistant before it is sent to the

Editor Invited: The manuscript has been assigned to an editor and is waiting for the editor’s

With Editor / Decision in Process: The manuscript is on charge of an editor. At this stage, the
editor completes an initial screening of the manuscript, and if he/she finds it suitable for the journal,
it is sent for peer review. If the manuscript does not match the scope of the journal or does not
meet the standards of the journal, it will be returned to the author in a few days without review.

Reviewer Invited: Invitations have been sent out to reviewers, but they have not yet accepted.
Sometimes, the tracking system may show the “Reviewer Invited” status for some time and then
move back to “With Editor.” This means that the peer reviewers have declined the invitations, and
the editor will look for other reviewers.

Under Review: The manuscript is under peer review. This manuscript review process step can
take anywhere between one to two months.

Required Reviews Complete / Decision in Process: This status indicates that all the peer
reviews have been completed and received by the editorial office. Sometimes, the editor, after
going through the reviews, might feel that an additional review is required. In such cases, the
status might go back to “Under Review.” So, do not be surprised if this happens: once the
additional review is completed, the status will come back to “Required Reviews Complete.”

Revise: This indicates that the author has been asked to make major or minor revisions depending
on the reviewer comments, and the submission is now with the author. The author is usually given
a deadline of a few weeks to send the revised manuscript. The author can request that the
deadline be extended by writing to the editorial assistant in advance. The author needs to submit
the revised manuscript along with a point-by-point response to the reviewer comments.

Revised Manuscript Submitted: This indicates that the author has submitted the revised
document. The document is now awaiting a formatting check by the journal.

Completed Reject: In case the author has made the revisions requested by the peer reviewers
and editor the final decision on the manuscript could be either “accept” or “reject”. In case the
editor is not satisfied with the revisions, the paper could be rejected. This status shows that based
on the revisions and the author’s responses to the reviewer comments, the editor has made a final
decision of rejecting the paper.

Completed Accept: This status indicates that the editor is satisfied with the revisions made by the
author and has made a final decision of acceptance.

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