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Relationship between Family Support and Antenatal Care (ANC)

Inspection in Work Area of Puskesmas Gunung Anyar Surabaya

Fama Alburuda¹, Nyoman Anita Damayanti²

Faculty of Public Health, Airlangga University, Indonesia

Keywords: Antenatal Care (ANC), Family Support, Maternal Mortality Rate (MMR)

Abstract: One indicator of the level of health quality of a region is the Maternal Mortality Rate (MMR). The maternal
mortality rate in Surabaya is still high.In2016, AKI is 85.72 per 100,000 live births. Antenatal Care (ANC)
is a pregnancy examination to optimize the mental and physical health of pregnant women, so as to be able
to deal with labor. This study aims to analyze the relationship between family support and ANC
examination in pregnant women in the work area Puskesmas Gunung Anyar Surabaya. This analytic
observational study used a cross sectional approach. The population of this study cosisted of 1089 pregnant
women in 2018 in the work area Health Center Puskesmas Gunung Anyar Surabaya. Sampling was done by
using the simple random sampling system to get 75 respondents. The data collected is processed statistically
using a Spearman test. The Spearman test result, with 95% confidence level, obtained p value <0,022.
Based on the test results, the hypothesis proposed is accepted in other words there is a relationship between
family support and ANC examination. Furthermore, the correlation coefficient (r) 0.264 shows that there is
a positive correlation and a strong relationship between the function of family support and compliance ANC
examination. Based on this research it is suggested that health practitionersoffer counseling to the closest
family, especially the husband to actively participate in supporting the pregnant mother so as to conduct
pregnancy examination in health service.

1 PRELIMINARY makes Indonesia fail to achieve the Millennium

Development Goals (MDGs) target of 2015 which is
Maternal mortality rate (MMR) is one indicator of the 102 per 100,000 live births (UNICEF, 2012)
health level of a region. In other words, a high Maternal Mortality Rate in Surabaya City in 2016
maternal mortality rate indicates, the low level of was 85.72 per 100,000 live births. This number
health in the area. Maternal Mortality Rate (MMR) decreased from 2015 when it amounted to 87.35 per
describes the number of mothers or women who died 100,000 live births (Surabaya Health Office, 2016)
from a cause related to pregnancy or treatment Antenatal care (ANC) is a pregnancy test to
disorder (excluding accidents or incidental cases) optimize the mental and physical health of pregnant
during pregnancy, childbirth and in the puerperium women so they areable to deal with childbirth,
(42 days after delivery) without taking into account postpartum, preparation of breastfeeding and a
the length of pregnancy per 100,000 live births. reasonable return of reproductive health. An ANC
Maternal Mortality Rate is useful to describe mother's visit is a pregnant woman's visit to a midwife or
nutritional status and health, environmental condition, doctor for antenatal care or care as early as possible
health service level especially for pregnant mothers, from the moment she feels she is pregnant. Antenatal
mothers during childbirth and at childbirth (Sarwono, care is meant to prevent obstetric complications
2010) . whenever possible and to ensure that complications
are detected as early as possible and adequately Commented [asp1]: Sitasi mohon dirubah dan
Based on the Indonesian Demographic Health disesuaikan dengan Harvard Style: (Author, Year).
Survey (SKDI) in 2015, the maternal mortality rate in addressed (Saifuddin, 2013).
Indonesia is still high, at 305 per 100,000 live births. Maternal and maternal mortality are influenced by Commented [asp2]: Sitasi mohon dirubah dan
This number is slightly lower when compared with several factors, namely the ‘late’ 3 risk factors, that disesuaikan dengan Harvard Style: (Author, Year).
the SDKI in 2012, which amounted to 359 per are late in making decisions at the family level, late
100,000 live births. The high maternal mortality rate referring, late to handle. In addition, four ‘too’ factors Dan Seterusnya
are too young to be under 20, too old, over 35, too 3 RESEARCH RESULT
close to birth less than 2 years, and too many-/-more
than 4 times of childbirth (Jekti, 2011). The characteristics of respondents used in this study
Late risk factors for family-level decision making were assessed based on age, education, and income
include a lack of family support in their role against that can be seen in the distribution of the table below.
integrated ANC examination. Families are two or
more of two individuals who are affiliated because of Table 1. Characteristics of Respondents by Age, Education,
blood relations, marital relations or rapture and they and Revenue.
live in one household, interacting with each other. A
person life does not necessarily live individually, Variable N Percentage %
there is help from others. The family is the closest Age <20 year 24 32,0%
20-35 year 38 50,7%
person to help, especially during pregnancy. Even
>35 year 13 17,3%
though the family or husband who has a pregnant
Education Under Bachelor 30 40,0%
wife should always be ready, take care and take care. Bachelor 45 60,0%
Bleeding can occur at the time of labor until death. Work Not Work 31 41,3%
This is due to demographic factors, the area is less Work 44 58,7%
accessible and medical personnel are not available.
But a very important factor at the critical time, the Based on table 1, it can be concluded that the age
husband must be in place. If not, the wife who is the majority is respondents aged between 20-35
experiencing problems does not dare to make her own years. Based on the characteristics of education, most
decisions (Jekti, 2011). respondents have completed education up to a
Based on the above description, it is deemed Bachelor’s Degree. While based on work, more than
necessary to examine the relationship between family
half the of respondents are employed.
support and the status of ANC examination in
pregnant women in the work area of Puskesmas
Table 2. Distribution of respondents based on family
Gunung Anyar Surabaya. support
Family Support N Percentage %
Not Support 28 37,3%
2 METHOD Support 47 62,7%
Total 75 100%
This research uses a quantitative observational
analytic method. The study approach used is cross-
Based on table 2, it was found that 37.3% of
sectional which takes a sample from the population at
respondents have not received family support.
one time. The population in this research is made up
Furthermore, 62.7% of respondents have received
of 1089 pregnant mothers pregnant women in work
family support.
area of Puskesmas Gunung Anyar in 2018. The
sample in this research is pregnant women taken by Table 3. Distribution of Respondents Based on ANC
simple random sampling, The number of samples is Inspection
determined by the Isaac and Michael Tables with an ANC Inspection N Percentage %
error rate of 5% so that the number of samples is 75. Not done 3 4%
Namely 75 respondents which then took the data Done 72 96%
from the pregnancy examinations through KIA book Total 75 100%
at the same time.
Data collection uses direct interviews with Based on table 3, more than half of respondents,
respondents to explore some of the questions on the are as many as 72 families 96% ,carry out the
questionnaire and do door to door to the respondent's functions of ANC well. There are 3 families or 4%
house. After the data is collected, it is then processed who have not done ANC well.
by examining the questionnaire, editing, coding,
scoring and tabulating the data which is then
analyzed. Data analysis used SPSS Spearman test as
correlation test between the two categorical variables.
Table 4. Cross-Distribution Between Family Support and people are always ready to provide help if needed.
ANC Inspection The nuclear family, as well as the extended family,
Family function as a support system for its members, both in
ANC Total R P the form of emotional, instrumental, informative and
Status rewarded (Friedman, 2003).
No Yes
ANC 3 0 3 Family support among others comes from the
0,264 0,022
Not Done support of the husband, family or other relatives,
ANC 25 47 72 parents, and in-laws. The husband’s support is very
Done important because the he is the closest member who
Total 28 47 75 can reduce anxiety in pregnant women. In line with
Hafidz (2007) and his research on the relationship of
Based on table 4, out of 75 of respondents who husband and parent role with pregnant woman
were interviewed, 3 respondents have not done ANC behavior in the ANC service, there is a significant
examination and did not get family support. relation between the husband’s role and the pregnant
Furthermore, as many as 25 respondents have done woman’s behavior in the ANC service (Hafidz, 2007).
ANC examination but did not get support from In line with research conducted by Rahayu in
family. A total of 47 respondents have conducted 2015, there is a link between family support and the
ANC examination and received support from the implementation of the ANC. The lower the family
family. This suggests that the bigger the family support, the bigger the possibility of non-compliance
support the bigger the compliance to carry out ANC in carrying out the ANC. The results of this study are
examinations. supported also by previous research done by Agustini
Based on statistical test results using the et al (2013) who also examined the relationship
Spearman hypothesis test with 95% confidence between family support and ANC visits of pregnant
level,a p value <0,022 was obtained, so the women at Puskesmas Buleleng 1 Bali (Rahayu, 2015;
hypothesis is accepted. This means that there is a Agustini, 2013).
connection between the family support function and
compliance to the ANC examination. The correlation
coefficient value obtained (r) was 0.264, which 5 CONCLUSION
indicates a positive correlation, a strong relationship
between family support functions and compliance Based on the result of the research and the
with ANC examinations. discussion above, it can be concluded that there is a
significant positive relationship between family
support and ANC service coverage. The higher the
4 DISCUSSION family support, the higher the scope of a good ANC
examination to be accomplished, thus reducing the
The result of this research is r = 0,264 p = 0,022 risk of maternal death.
(p <0,05), indicating a significant relationship Ethical Approval: Relateddepartments should be
between family support function and compliance with assured about the confidentiality of the results of the
ANC examination. It shows that the more active a questionnaires.
family is in supporting and motivating, the more Conflict of Interest: The authors report no conflict of
obedient also the pregnant women in the family will interest.
be to conduct and complete ANC examination well. Source of Funding: Self
Families are two or more individuals in one
household joinedby of blood relations, marriage and
adoption, who interact with each other in roles and 6 SUGGESTIONS
create and maintain a culture (Salvician, 2008).
Family support can be realized if the family Health practitioners are expected to be more
function runs optimally. The five main aspects of active to give tips in order to reduce maternal
family function are adaptation, partnership, growth, mortality by providing views or counseling to the
affection, and togetherness. With the implementation nearest relatives, especially husbands in order to play
of these functions, a prosperous family is formed with an active role in supporting pregnant women perform
members giving each other support (Azwar, 1996). examination of pregnancy in health services.
Family support is important in the realization of a
positive thing. Family support sees that supportive
The next researcher can use this research as input
and information for further research and can examine
other factors related to pregnancy examination in
health services.

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