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2018 -2019

Problem Solving, Design Thinking, & Design Challenges

Design Thinking: Using digital fabrication, how can we design a

prosthetic leg for animals who have lost a limb? (7th grade Science)

Design Challenge: How can we design a “safety suit” for Humpty

Dumpty? (Kindergarten)

Problem Based Learning (mPBL): How can we design and create

artifacts* for a lost scene from “Forrest Gump”? *An artifact is a prop
or set design to be used in the filming of the movie - because of ‘movie
magic’ scale is not an issue. (HS American History)

mPBL: Human Innovation: Moving from the "Paper Age" to the

"Cardboard Age" and beyond: How can human innovation change
civilization? After a seminar about human innovation using the history
of phones, students were asked to create a Stone-Age like tool from
the eLab's "Paper Age" criteria. Then they iterated these prototypes
twice more moving into the "Cardboard Age" and finally the "Digital
Fabrication Age". Students documented each prototype and explained
how their fabrication ages were similar and different to the Stone
Age, Bronze Age, and Iron Age innovations. (6th Grade Social Studies)

Design Challenge: Using digital and/or traditional fabrication, create a

new piece of art in the style of Whitfield Lovell, Alice Walker, or
Ekaterina Panikanova. (HS Art II - Drawing Studio)

mPBL: How can we code Bee Bots using symbol algorithms to follow a
map we have drawn on graph paper? (2nd Grade)

Design Challenge: Using traditional and digital fabrication make an

electric guitar, individualize the body and headstock, and play a simple
song. (HS Physics)
2018 -2019
Problem Solving, Design Thinking, & Design Challenges

Design Challenge: Using basic electronics components, create a sensor

for testing the conductivity of various solutions. (HS Chemistry)

Design Challenge: Using found/recycled materials, fabricate a musical

instrument, compose, and play a song. (4th Grade)

Design Thinking: Invention Challenge: How can you make the world a
better place? Design and fabricate a prototype and record a 90-120
second pitch. (6th -12th Grade contest)

mPBL: Identify a problem (negative impact) humans have on the

ecosystem then design & prototype a solution. Solutions can have a
local or global effect. Present your problem, prototype, and solution in
a 120 second pitch (recorded or live). (HS Biology)

**This is a list of NEW projects in the 2018-19 school year. Some

projects from 17-18 were revised and repeated.

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