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Dama n IB ' July, 2000 3 S M I H 19*4 ( S » M K»- -


..nDfn j r f t

F1JDU5HE0 uY frUTlianiTY

No. DPS«0eri0V20DW494
Administration of Daman & Diu
Department or Planning & Statistics,
Secret a rinl, Mofi Daman

DnLcd : 2 4 / 0 7 ™ 0 .


Deaths Act, 1Hbtf, \ i ° "' ' a u ! 7 J * , ftrehl. „ „ k p E l h e foflowtna rules, namely ;

approval o! the Central Government, hereby maKes me I O I W * g

1. Short tm- (1) These rulasmay be called tha=Daman and Btu Registration
of Births and Deaths Rutes, 2000.

(2) They s U c D rn a into farce with i f f * * RSffi B» « P of publicalon in ta

•iliclal -GazflUfl.
ft These rules will replace the G ^ , Daman & Diu Registration of Births and

2 Definition • In tea rules, uniess the ^ M f « ^ W h « :

7ai *Arf means HM Registration of Births and [Mattes Act, 1969 ,
£ W ' U ^ q Form appended to ihese rules i and
(c) "Section" means a section of the Act
•aaMMttw. ^—K^..

SEW1ES - 1 No. OS
DA run ; i f l n L .ruLY, 2000.
3. Period of gestation - Tha period of gBstallon for the purposes of clausa (g)
01 ^ub-seciion (I} of section 2 shell bs twenty-eight weeks.

4. Submission of report urider section 4(4) - The report under sub-section

[4) shall be prepared in tha prescribed format appended to these Rules and shall be
submitted along with the statistical report referred to in sub-section (2) of tha section 19. to
the Administrator tiy the Chief Registrar for evury year by the a i " July of Ett€ yeai lolloping
the year to which the report relates.

5. Form, etc. for giving information of births and deaths - (1) Tha
information raquirtad to ba givun to the Reijistrer under section Q or section 9, as the case
may ba, shall ba in Fo~m Nets, 1, 2 and 3 far the Regisfr^tton af a birth, dualh and; still birth
respectively, hereinafter to be collectively called the reporting forms. Information If given
orally, shall tie entersd by the Regtsfrar in the appropriate reporting forms and fine
signatura/thumb impression af the Informant obtained.

£&) Tha part of Iha reporting; forms containing legal information shail be called
Lhu 'Legal Part' and the part containing statistical information shall bu ::;.Is i the Statistical

(3) The information refened to in sub-mle (1) shall be given within twenty one
days from the date of birth, death and still birth.

6. Birth or daa,th in a vehicle - (1) In respect of albirth or death In a moving

vehicle, the person incharrja of the vehicle shail o^e or cause to be given tha Information
under suD-section (1) of section S at tha first place of halt.

Explanation - For the purpose of (his rule the term "VehiGle" means conveyance of any
kind used on land, air or water and includes an aircraft, a boat, a ship, a railway carriage, a
motor-car. a "mo I or-cycle, a cart, a tonga and a rickshaw.

(2) !.n the casie of deaths (not falling under clauses (a) to (e) of sub-section (1) of
section (8) in which an Inquest is held., the officer who conducts the Inquest shall give. or
cause to ba given the information under sub-section (1) of section 6.

7. Form of certificate under section 1Q[3) - The certificate as to the cause of

dBath required under Sub-section (3) of section 10 shall be issued in Form No. 4 or 4A and
iha Registrar shall, after making necessary entries in the register of deaths, forward ail
such certificates ia the Chlaf Rurjlalrar or the officer specified by him In IhFs behalf by tha
101h of the month Immediately following line month to which tha certificates relate,
S. Extracts af registration entries to be given under section 12 - (1) The
extracts of particulars from the register relating to births or deaths to be given to an
Informant under section 12 shall be in Form No, 5 or Form No. 6. as Lhe case may be.

j[2) In the case of domldilaFV events of berths an J dsalhs referred *o In clause (a)
of sub-section (t) of Section & which are reported direct to !he Registrar of Births and
Deaths the head of the hDuso or househdld as the case may be, or in his absence, the
nearest relative of the head present in the house may collect the extracts of birth or death
from the Registrar within thirty days ol its reporting. <
3fftl)£&- I No, : OS
\ ''' • DAiEn£j&"'fiL\.2ym. i
(3) In the case oF domiciliary events or births and deaths referred to in clause (a)
of sub-section (1) Of section 3 which are reported by persons specified, by the Administrator
under sub-se^on (2) of the said SSCflOn, the person so specified shall iransrntl the e x a c t s
received ffom the Registrars of Births and Deaths to Hie concerned head of the house or
household as ma> be, of, in his a b s e n t , the nearest relative of the head present
in the house within thirty days of Its Issue by the Royklrar.

(4) In thecaae of institutional events of births and deaths referred to in clauses.

(b) to fB) Of sub-section [1) of section 0, the nearest relative of the new born or deceased
may collect the extract from-tha officer or person in charge of the institution concerned
within -thirty days oftoeoccunsnee of the event of birth or death.

(5) If the Extract oF birth or death is not collected by the concerned person as
referred to In sub-rules (2) to (4) within the period stipulated therein, the Registrar or the
officer or poraon In charge or the concerned Institution as referred to in sub-rule (4) shall
transmit the same to .the concerned family by post within fifteen days- of the t&piry of the
aforesaid period..,
9, Authority for delayed registration and fee payable therefore - |(1) Any
birth or ddaUi of which informallon is given to the Rogjslrar after the B*pify of the period
specified In ruta 5, but with n thirty days of its otcurrenca. shall bo registered un payment of
a late fee of rupees two.
m Any birth or death of which information Is given to the registrar alter thirty days
but within one year of its-occurrence, shall be registered only with the-written permission of
the officer prescribed In this behair and on a payment of a Late fee of rupees five.

(3.) Any birth or death which has riot been registered within one year of its
occurrence, shall be. registered only on an order of a Magistrate of the fast class or a
Presidency Magistrate and on payment of a lets fee of rupees ten,

10. Period for the purpose of section 14 - (1) Where the birSh of any child
' had bssnmpsterad withcut a name, the parant or guardian oF such child shall, within 12
months from the dat©, of registration of the birth of child, .give information regarding the
name of the child to the Registrar either oraly or In wnttng :

Provided that If the information is given after the aforesaid period of 12 months but
w thin a period of 15 years, which shall ba reckoned.
ft) in case wtiera the registration had been made prior to the date of commer,cenw
IhG Registration of Girths & Deaths (Amandment) Rules, 2000, Irani such dates, or

m In case where the registration fe made alter the date of commencement of the
REgistratlon of,Births and Deaths (Amandment} Rules, 2WQ, from the date, of such
registration, subject to the provision'of such section (4) of section 23,

tha Registrar shfill

(a) ' if the register is In his possession forthwith enter the name in the relevant
column of the concerned form in the birth register on payment of a late fee of rupees five,
., ~, ^ t e ^ ^ ^ ^
- I -
S£n[KS - J no. : Qg
JQ-ATBD : 28™ JULY, 2Uflfl.

forward f h S X ^ ^ ^ j f j ™ '", " ^

(2) The parent or (he guardian as the r^ r t «m, K= ,-^-,11 a

f11 !f I t 1 * ' m ^ ! r ^ £ c a " Q e l l f i o n Qf e n t r V in the regfefer of wrths and deaths -

! l e R e0 Strcli m a cterical or f o r
I I 1£ I H K ? L ' " ™ ' wror has bean ratishtfta
8U eirar 8 0,hera Sfl noticed b
m?pSS 5!, ' ^ m ^ d ^ tho roister te in his Mssasstaii
the Registrar sha;i enquire tnio the matter pnd if ha Is s a i l e d that Z ^ h , ™ h , '

bshalf and cart far the relevant ragistor and after enquiring Jntoftra maSer 7 h ^ < 1 , 1
that any such error ha, been made, r,ake the nee J a ™ c o ^ n ' ^ * ^ ^

(3) Any such correction as mentioned Jn sub-rule i9i chaii h n **,, i

nac95aary <wan? ,„ „, ^ ^ o ^ z « ^ : x &E&? * **•
GMng neo^-y S * r \ ? 5 L % S ^ f f l ? B S SUSS ? * • *

?SSS?Int,lis batalf "ntf8rSBCoiln 2S a n d " ° C££MK3£

rnformation under section 3 or section 9 ' Person who has given
• • ' •

12. Farm of register under Section 16 • The tena' nnr+ . f ^ r

and 3 ^ a l l coroffiUti me bjrth register, death reabU J f t J ? h i L K ? * • * * " " Nn- 1-2
9 ter J f i a s H b W l
and 9-) respectively. " WfiwtW (Form Nos. 7. 9

«, '
.SERIES - 1 N,>. : tiH
: D A T E D : 23™ JULV,2[>0G.

13. Foes and postal charges payabte under section 17 - (1) The fees
payable for a search'to bo made, an extract or an nan^VaifaaiMy certificate to he Issued
under sebtfon 17, shall Pa -as follow :
: i) Search far a single entry rn [he first 2.0Q
i y&ar for which line search is made.

<b) • . for every additional year for which- the 2.00

search Is continued,

(c) for granting extract relating to each birih or death 5.0Q

(d) far granting nsrvavallability certificate of birth or death 2,ao

, {2) Any such oxtrad in regard to a birth or death shall be issued by the Registrar
:••• the r:i:ico-r authorised by the Administrator in this behalf in Farm Na 5 or, as the case
rnuy bo. In Farm No, 6 and shall be certified in the m a m w provided for In section 76 of the
Indian Evidence Act,1 1872 [1 of 1872),

£3) Jf any canicular evenl of birth or death i? no! found" registered the jHegsstrar
shall issue a non-availability certificate in Form No. 10,

(A) ••• Any such extracts or non-availabillli/ tertlfleats may be furnished iu the
person asking for ft or sent to him by post on payment &f the postal ehs.inge.s therefor.

14 Interval and forms of periodical returns under section 15ft) - (1) Every
strar shall after cdmpletfng the process of registrai an send all Ihe Statistical Parts of
• u .riling fctnrrfs relating (a each mpntn along wiih a gurnmary Monthly Report In Form
No, 11 for births, Form No, 12 for deaths and Forms No, 13 for still births lo the Chief
. strar or th.n officer specified by him, on or before tho 5"' QI the lollowlttg month,

(Z) The officer s:> specified shall farv/ard all such statistical parts of the reporting
Farms received by him to thf Chief Registrar rwt fatw then tho 1 o"1 oi inn month,

T5. Statistical report under section 19 {2) - The Statistics! report under sub-
sectfon (2) or section 19 shall contain the tables in tha prescribed formats appended to
these rules and shall bs cornpclsd tor each year before the 31r"' July of the year immediately
following and shall be pub.lshod as soon as may be IhsrSafter but In any casn riot later
than five months Ircm ihat dato.

16; Conditions for compounding offences - (1) Any offence punishabfa

under section 23 may, either before cr after Ihe'institution of criminal proceedings under
this Act, b@ compounded ty an officer authorised by the Chief Registrar, by a generat or
special order In this behalf, if the officer so authorised is satisfied that the offence was
committed through Inadvertence or oversight or far tha first time.

(2) Any such offense may be compounded on the payment of such sum, not
Oxceadrng rupees fifly fnr offences under sub-sections (1), (2) and [?,) and rupees ten for
ofrencas under sufcrsgctlon (4} of section 23 a.s the said officer may think in
m&m t

; * $Mi
* ' « • « • • * •

^ f c f l : v r f W t f i ' 1 " * f t * r i l A y ' 1 M I * l ' * " l V f f r > l l ' r t t ' 1 " Him.»—

i DATED; 28™ JUL V ,1000.

17 R a s t e r s and o W r e o o r d a [k] - CD' The birth

register, daath r e l i e f and sftl birth register" shall be records Dr.pwniananl Smporianca and
shall not b» destroyed. ;|v _ ^ ^
,21 The court orders and orders of the specified. authorities panting permission
for dolaved rOfllstfatlon iwealwd under soctlon 13 by the Registrar received under section
13 b j l h e R K F . S M I form an Integral part rt the birth register.death roglstar-and slril
birth register and shall not be destroyed.

f 3\ The certificates as to the cause of death furnished under sub-section (3).of

the s e c f t i 1D shell be reta!ned for a period of at least 5 yaars by the Chief Registrar or the
ulficer sp^dfled by him in this behalf
<A\ Every birth r^istor, daclfi register, and still birth register shall be r u i n e d 1-jy
the R a g l s U In his office for a pu.iod of twelve months aftertl» and aF the uhmdar yearto
which U r i l l ? a n . » * r a g ^t B r shall .hereafter bs transferred for safe custody to Su J ,
officer as may ba specified by the Administrator n this bahalf.

By oidar und lit the rtsiris of iho

AUii'ilnlstrulcr of Daman & Diu

(13. H. Delal)
Assistant S&cretary (Dev)

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