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Year 7 Mathematics

Lesson 2 Rubric
3% (18 marks)

Topic: Area of Parallelogram

0-1 1-2 2-3

Finding the Student must receive Student discovers Student accurately
Relationship significant help in the relationship finds a way to find
between Area of finding the between the area of the relationship
Triangle and Area relationship between triangles and between area of
of Rectangle the area of triangles rectangles with little triangles and
and rectangles. guidance. rectangles.
Finding Distances Student chooses a Student chooses a Student chooses a
between Two Points strategy to find the strategy to find the strategy to find the
distance between correct distance correct distance
two points with little between two points. between two points.
accuracy. Supporting answer
with evidence.
Finding Area of Student chooses a Student chooses a Student chooses a
Parallelograms strategy to find the strategy to find the strategy to find the
area of correct area of correct area of
parallelograms with parallelograms. parallelograms.
little accuracy. Supporting answers
with evidence.
Discovery Student need help Student discover the Student discover the
discovering the formula and can formula for triangles
formula and to apply explain how they and explain in detail
to other triangles. found answers but how to apply the
cannot apply to formula to other
other shapes. shapes.
Reflection Student shows Student shows Student shows deep
shallow reflection adequate reflection reflection upon their
upon their learning. upon their learning. learning.
ICT Competence Student displays Student displays Student display
simple appropriate extensive
understanding and understanding and understanding and
use of ICT tools. use of ICT tools. use of ICT tools.

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