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Questions for Medical Team Members

● What is the expected stay?
● What medications is (client name) on and what are they for?
● Where are you recommending we go next?/Will (he/she) be ready to transition home after (he/she) recovers here?

Occupational Therapist:
● What occupations are they needing help with currently?
○ Bathing
○ Dressing
○ Getting out of bed
○ Oral care
○ Toileting
○ Meal preparation
○ Etc.
● Is there any equipment you recommend we look into purchasing to ease the transition home?

Physical Therapist:
● How much are you assisting them to transfer to different surfaces and for walking?
● Are there any precautions or things (client name) cannot or should not be doing?

Speech Therapist:
● Are there any modification or restrictions to (client name’s) diet?
○ If so, how do we modify our meals at home to fit this need?
○ How long do you feel (client name) will need to adhere to this diet plan?
● How is (client name’s) cognition? Have you seen any progress or deterioration?
● What modifications can we make to the home to make them more successful?
● What activities can we be working on outside of therapy to assist?

● How is (client name) sleeping?
● Do you think they would benefit from more/less visitors?
● Can you go over the medication list with me in detail when you have some free time?
● Have you noticed any changes in affect or mood during your shifts with (client name)?

Recreational Therapist (if one is on staff):

● How has (client name) been participating?
● Is there anything we can do to help support (him/her) during their stay/recovery?

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