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The Importance of Protein  The non-template strand of the DNA

bouble helix is called the coding
 Proteins are familiar as one of the strand.
three major types of nutrients abundant  DNA and RNA Differences:
in meats, eggs, and legumes.
 Protein have many diverse functions in
the human body such as enable blood
to clot, form the contractile fibers of
muscle cells, and form the bulk of the
body’s connective tissues.
 The building blocks of protein are
amino acids.
 A protein consist of of one or more long
chains of amino acids are called
 Shorter chains of amino acids are
called peptides.

Transcription Copies the  As RNA is synthesized along DNA,

Information in DNA itfolds into a three-dimensional shape,
or conformation, that arises from
 A cell uses two processes to complementary base pairing within the
manufacture proteins using genetic same RNA molecule.
instructions:  Messenger RNA (mRNA) carries the
o Transcription copies DNA information that specifies a particular
information into RNA. protein.
o Translation uses the o Each set of three
information in RNA to consecutive mRNA bases
manufature protein by forms a genetic code word,
aligning and joining specified or codon, that specifies a
amino acids. certain amino acid.
 Watson and Crick – published about o Most mRNAs are 500 to
the structure of DNA in 1953, they 4,500 bases long.
descriibe the relaionship between o Differentiated cells produce
nucleic acids and proeins as a certain mRNA molecules
directional flow of information called called transcripts – the
“dogma”. information in the transcripts
RNA Structure and Types is used to manufacture the
encoded proteins.
 RNA is the bridge between gene and  Ribosomal RNA (rRNA) molecules
protein. range from 100 to nearly 3,000
 The bases of an RNA sequence are mucleotides lond.
complementary o those of one strand of o It associates with certain
the double helix, which is called the proteins to form a ribosome.
template strand. o Ribosomes consist of two
 An enzyme, RNA POLYMERASE, build subunits that join during
an RNA molecule. protein synthesis.


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o rRNAs provide structural  Transcription factors and RNA

support polymerase are attracted to a
o Some are catalysts PROMOTER – which is a special
(rybozymes) and others sequence that signals the start of
help align the ribosome and the gene, like a capital letter at the
mRNA start of a sentence.
 Transfer RNA (tRNA), binds an  The first transcription factor to bind,
mRNA codon at one end and a called a TATA Binding Protein, is
specific amino acid at the other. chemically attracted to a DNA
o It is only 75 to 80 nucleotides sequence called a TATA Box – the
long. base sequence TATA surrounded
o The 2-D shape is a by long stretches of G and C.
cloverleaf shape. 2. Transcription Elongation
o The 3-D shape is an  Enzymes unwind the DNA double
inverted L helix locally, and free RNA
o One loopt of the tRNA has nucleotides bond with exposed
three bases in a row that complementary bases on the DNA
form the anticodon, which is template strand.
complementary to an mRNA 3. Transcription Termination
codon.  A terminator sequence in the DNA
indicates where the gene’s RNA-
Transcription Factors encoding region ends, like the
period at the end of a sentence.
 Transcription Factors come together
 A typical rate of transcription in
and interact, forming an apparatus that
humans is 20 bases per second.
binds DNA at certain sequences and
initiates transcription at specific sites on RNA Processing
 Binding domains are the regions in  First, after mRNA is transcribed, a short
transcription factors that guide them to sequence of modified nucleotides, alled
the genes they control. a cap, is added to the 5’ end of the
o Names of DNA binding molecule.
domains: o The cap is consist of
 Helix-turn-helix backwardly inserted Guanine
 Zinc Fingers (G), which attracts enzyme
 Leucine Zippers that adds methyl groups
 Possible results from “Mutations in (CH3) to the G and one or
Transcription Factor”: two adjacent nucleotides.
o Rett Syndrome  The Poly A Tail isnecessary for protein
o Homeotic Mutations synthesis to begin, and may also
stabilize the mRNA so that it stays
Steps in Transcription intact longer.
 The process is called “transcription”,  Parts of mRNA called introns (short for
because it copies the DNA information “intervening sequences”) that were
into RNA, but keeps the information in transcribed are removed.
the genetic language of DNA nucleotide o Introns control their own
bases. removal
1. Transcription Initiation


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 The parts of mRNA that remain and are  The correspondence between the
translated into amino acid sequences chemical languages of mRNA and
(protein) are calle exons, protein is the genetic code.
 Prior to intron removal, the mRNA is
called Pre-mRNA.
 Four snupr/ small nuclear
ribonucleoproteins (snRNPs) form a
structure called a spliceosome hat
cuts introns out and attaches exons to
each other to form the mature mRNA
that exits the nucleus.
 At first, some geneticist called introns
“junk DNA” – a term that has
unfortunately persisted even as
researches have discovered the
functons of many introns.
 Different combinations of exons of a
gene encode different versions of the
protein product, termed isoforms.
 The mechanism of combining exons of
a gene in different ways is called
alternate splicing.

The Genetic Code

Before researchers could match mRNA
codons to the amino acids they encode,
Translation of Protein


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they had to esteblish certain requirements  The amino acid sequence of a

for such a code: polypeptide chain is its primary (1°)
1. The Code is Triplet
 Chemical attractions between amino
2. The Code Does Not Overlap
3. The Code Includes Controls acids that are close together in 1°
4. The Code is the Same in All Species structure fold the polypeptide chain
into its secondary (2°) structure.
 Reading frame is the sequence of  Secondary structures wind into
amino acids encoded from a certain larger tertiary (3°) structures as
startin point in DNA sequence. more widely separated amino acids
 The codon AUG signals “start” attract or repel in reponse to water
 The codons UGA, UAA, and UAG molecules.
signify “stop”  Finally, proteins consisting of more
 A sequence of DNA that does not than one polypeptide form a
include a stop codon is called an open quarternary (4°) structure.
reading frame.
Protein Folding and Misfolding
 Another form of “punctuation” in the
genetic code is a short sequence of  Chaperon proteins stabilize
bases at the start of each mRNA that partially folded regions in their
enables the mRNA to form hydrogen correct form, and prevent a protein
bnds with rRNA in a ribosome which is form getting “stuck” in a useless
called a leader sequence. intermediate form.
 Different codons that specify the same  A misfolded rotein bearing just one
amino acid are termed synonymous ubiquitin tag may straighten and
codons – just as synonyms are words refold correctly, but a protein with
with the same meaning. more than one tag is taken to
 Codons that encode different amino another cellular machine called a
acids are called nonsynonymous proteasome.
Protein Folding and Misfolding
Building a Protein
 An infectous protein is called a
 Methionine (AUG) signifies the start of prion.
 The P ("peptide”) site holds the
growing aino acid chain, and the A
(“acceptor”) site next to it holds the
next amino acid to be added to the

Processing a Protein
The conformation of a protein is
described at several levels:


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