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Date of Publication 28.02.2019
Opening of online registration of Applications 01.03.2019 at 10.00 hrs.
Closing of online registration of Applications 31.03.2019 at 23.59 hrs.
Closing Date & Time for Payment of Application Fee
(a) Online (Net Banking/ Credit Card/ Debit Card/UPI) 05.04.2019 at 23.59 hrs.
(b) SBI Challan 04.04.2019 at 13.00 hrs.
(c) Post Office Challan 04.04.2019 at 13.00 hrs.
Final submission of Applications 12.04.2019 at 23.59 hrs.
1 Stage Computer Based Test (CBT) Tentative schedule
between June -
September 2019

Dates for CBTs and other stages of recruitiment process shall be intimated from time
to time through the websites of the Railw.a y Recruitment Boards (RRB) as listed at
Para-20.0 of this Notice.
ONLINE applications are invited by RRBs from eligible Indian Nationals and other nationals
as brought out at Para 4 of this CEN for the posts of Non-Technical Popular Categories
(NTPC) i.e. Junior Clerk cum Typist, Accounts Clerk cum Typist, Junior Time Keeper, Trains
Clerk, Commercial cum Ticket Clerk, Traffic Assistant, Goods Guard, Senior Commercial
cum Ticket Clerk, Senior Clerk cum Typist, Junior Account Assistant cum Typist, Senior
Time Keeper, Commercial Apprentice and Station Master in various Zonal Railways and
Production Units of Indian Railways. Applications complete in all respect should be
submitted ONLINE to the chosen Railway Recruitment Board till 23.59 hrs of 12.04.2019.
A. Under Graduate Posts with Minimum Educational Qualification of 12th (+2 Stage)
or its equivalent examination and Age between 18 to 30 Years as on 01.07.2019.
SI. Level in Initial Medical Total Vacancies
Name of the post rhcpc pay (Rs.) Standard (All RRBs)
1 Junior Clerk cum Typist 2 19900 C-2 5711
2 Accounts Clerk cum Typist 2 19900 C-2 1002
3 Junior Time Keeper 2 19900 C-2 19
4 Trains Clerk 2 19900 A-3 766
5 Commercial cum Ticket Clerk 3 21700 B-2 6562
I Grand Total 14060
RR8 • SKunderablld
Cat. No.of-lClel
Nam, of Poll Rly./PU Lewi
No. UR SC ST 08C EWS Total Exlll VI II LD OD MD B_VI B_HI B_LD 8_00 B_MD
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (&) (7) (I) (9) (10) (11) (1 2) (13) (14) (15) (18) (17) (11) (1 9) l~I (21)

COOiiiierclil ECoR 6 I 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
ECoR 6 14 5 2 7 3 31 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
2 StatN>n Mnter
SCR 6 328 119 63 219 81 110 81 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
ECoR 5 78 27 14 43 18 111 18 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
3 GoodsGu..-d
SCR 5 397 141 72 253 99 112 99 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Junior Aocounlt
Aasialtnl Cum Typill SCR 5 51 17 8 32 11 111 11 14 1 I 0 4 0 0 0 0 0

Senior Clllt( Cum ECoR 5 4 4 4 1 1 1' 1 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Typist SCR 5 63 25 12 36 15 151 1S I 3 0 0 22 0 0 0 0 0
Senior Commtrc:ill ECoR 5 17 6 3 10 4 40 4 0 1 I 0 1 0 0 0 0 0
CumTicket 01111 SCR 5 235 89 46 151 58 m 58 0 15 14 0 1 0 0 0 0 0
Cornmtrclll Cum ECoR 3 23 8 4 12 5 52 5 0 2 2 0 1 0 0 0 0 0
9 Tic:tletOerk SCR 3 324 120 59 205 80 711 79 0 17 17 0 6 0 0 0 0 0

Account, Clt111 Cum SCR 2 37 13 6 23 8 17 8 12 1 I 0 3 0 0 0 0 0
Junior Cln Cum ECoR 2 2 3 5 1 2 13 2 2 I 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Typist SCR 2 63 26 17 35 16 157 14 8 2 3 0 3 0 0 0 0 0
ECoR 2 4 3 2 1 1 11 I 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0
13 Trains Clerk
SCR 2 11 4 1 8 3 27 3 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Toul 1652 110 311 1037 405 C2 •2 39 44 31 0 42 0
• 0 0



Commercl1I ApprtnUct



SUllalllllty f o, ,enon, with knd vnau11

Dlllbllltv (Pw11D)
, . . _ ,_ _ Qilellfl-

from recoeniud Un Mnlly or iU oqulvalt!nt.

2 St1tlon Malltr 6 3S400 A2 No No No No No DHrot from rtc.,.niltd UnMOltv Of ~. "'Uivllt'nt.
3 Good• Guard 5 29200 A2 No No No No No DHru 1n,m rtc.,.1'11td UnMnltv o, iU ,auiv1lt'nt.

• Junior Accounts Ankunt Cum

5 29200 Cl lV O,HI Ol. 8l. MW, LC.
No Ytl °'lllt froffl rKCJlniltd UniYtrMIV Of iU tQUIYllll'At. Typlnl
-o,......... in ( ndsh / Hindi on c-•lff Is HHnli1I
s Senior Clerk Cum Typist s 29200 C2 8, LV 0,HI OA, OL, OAl. IL, No Vt, Otctte lrorn recoeniltd Unlvtn<tv o, ~• tQulvalt'nt. ryp1111
lC.OW.AAV orolir....,_, in fnalsh / Hindi on Cllffll>Utt< Is essential
6 Senior Commtrtlal Cum Tlcket s 29200 82 No 0 , HI 0,\, OL, MW, LC. No Vts
Otcrtt from recoeniitd Un Mnlly or iU oqulv.i.nt.
Clerk OW MV
7 Senior Time K••s,.r 5 29200 C2 LV 0, HI OA, OL, OAl. IL, No VH Oeart• from r.c01nls.•d u n ~ or fli •qutv1lent Ind typk!&
LC, OW, AAV prolltlfflCV in ( n1N,h /Hindi on Computt< ii,,

Tr,fllc Asslst1nt
Commerclol Cum Tlcket Clen
Otsrtt ln,m ,ec.,.1'11td UniYlf1'tv Of iU tQUivlltnt.
12-1• 2 5tlte) Of Its tQUlvlltnt With n<M less thin S°" mom in tht
OW, AAV ,atttllt. 50" mom Is n<M to bt lnsbttd upon , n use of SC / ST /
~ 'Oriti! k nchmon Dlllbillty / b-seMceme n 1n d undldllts
who -.i,eu nualfiutlons hl•twr than J 2• (•2 ,t.aael
JO Accounn Clerk Cum Typbt 2 19900 C2 LV 0 , HI Ol. 8l. MW, LC, No YH 12• 1•2 Sl,..) o, Its ,qulvlltnt with not lus thin S°" morb In the
OW, AAV oartpte. 50" mons Is not to bt lnllsttd upon In Clst of SC/ ST/
~ wttll lenchm1n DlllbiliTV / b-seMCen>en 1nd c1rcdl411es
who _ . quollflcltlons h,st,er I.hon 12•• 1•2 SI...). Typl"I
in f nalsh / Hindi on r - •tt< Is tsstntlal
JI Junior Cltrk Cum Typlll 2 19900 Cl 8, LV 0 , HI OA. OL, OAl. IL, No YH 12• 1, 2 Slop) o, Its tQulvllent with not less thin S°"mons In n,o
LC. OW, MV oaroa110. 50" mom Is not to be lnllsttd upon In aist of SC/ ST /
~ .;ti, lenchm1rlt Ofllbffity / b.-vlctmen i nd undldotes
who - s q u1IW1Utlons h,sher thin u•• 1•2st•>· fvlll"I
...,,.....,,_, in fnal sh / Hindi on Is tsstntlal
12 Junior Time Keeper 2 19900 C2 LV 0 , HI 0,\, OL, OAl. I L, No Yts 1r (•2 Sbc•I o, Its equlvoltnt With not less than S°" morks In
LC,OW, AAV tllt oartpl.t. S°" m1m ii not to bt inllsltd upon In use of SC /
ST / - - wleh k nchmon Dlllblily / h •servlumtn Ind
etndldllOI wllo possess qu1Nfiettlons hW,.r than n "' 1•2 st110),
""""• orofiC~nn, In [nolbh / Hindi on Cornnuttr Is tsstntlal
13 Tr1lns Cltrk 2 19900 Al No HI OA.OL,MV No Yts 12• 1•2 Stltel Of It> tQulv11tnt - h n<M less thin S°" m1m In tht
oart111t. 50" mom Is not to bt lnsisltd upon In"'" of SC/ ST/
9 Commet(III Cum Tl<ktl Cltlk l 21700 112 No 0 , HI OA, Ol, MW, l C. No Ytl 12- (•2 SClc,t) o, Ill tQulYlltnl With not ..., 1n1n 501' m,,u In lht
OW, MV . ., .. lie, SOIi ffllAl 1, not lo be ln,.ltd ul)On fn t i l t of SC/ ST/
, . , _ wllll lencnmuk Dt.,boltty / h ....,.umen 1nd t1ndldlln
who ftftt.J.eU ftl.Jaliifk1t1on, NaNr than 12• ( •2 1ua1I
10 Accounll Clerk Cum fyplll 2 19900 Cl lV 0 , HI CX. Bl. MW, l C. No Ytl 12"' (• 2 SC1c,t) o, IU OQUIYlltnt wit11 ncK .... thin 501' m,ru In tho
OW, MV ..,..11•. SOIi fflllU 1, not 10 be ln'8ttd ul)On In tilt of SC/ ST/
, . , _ wllll lenchm1rk Dt.,bllilV / h-MMumtn 1nd u •dldttt•
who _,.., qu1llllc1uon, hl1hor 1111<1 u " (•2 n,..), T'yplns
orol1<1onN In fnd,h / Hindi on _, 11 l'UenUtl
11 Junior Clerk Cum Typllt 2 19900 C2 l , lV 0 , HI OA, Ol, OAl. ll. No Yt1 12"' (•2 SC1c,t)Of IU oqu1Y11tn1 with ncK .... thin 501' m1rk• in tht
lC,OW, MV . ., ..tto. SOIi ffllrkS I, not 10 be .....ttd Ul)On In tlH of SC/ ST/
, . , _ wltlt lenchm1rk Dt.,bllilV / b - t m t n 1nd c,ndldttn
who - • qu1IWl<lt1on, hwhor 1111<1 12" (•2 ll...). T'yplns
proll<lonN In [nahh / Hindi on r - •tor Is oue nll•I
12 Junior Time Keeper 2 19900 Cl lV 0 , HI OA, Ol, OAl. ll. No YH 12"' (•2 SUp) o, IU oqulYlltnl with no1 1ft, 1111n 501' ffllfU tn
lC,OW, MV IJlt v•p.-.SO!I marks Is not to be lnllsttd upon In uw of SC/
ST / , . , _ ,_.h Benchm,rk Olublity / b •sen,l<tmen and
candldotfl wteo possoss qu•Nllutlons hW,.r IJl•n 12"' (+2 ....,,.

1l Trains Clerk 2 19900 Al No . OA, Ol.MY No Yts

TWNft• nroflde,r,n, in En•lbh / Hindi o,, (rvnnuter II nHn~
12"' 1•2 SC•) Of 1u oqulYoltnt With not ltu than 501' m1rks In tht
...,..,1,. SO!I marks 1, not to be lnSiSttd ul)On In tilt ol SC/ ST/
3) Stages of Exam: There shall be two stage Computer Based Test (CBT) followed by
Skill Test (Computer based Aptitude Test for Station Master and Traffic Assistant,
Typing Skill Test for Junior Clerk cum Typist, Junior Time Keeper, Accounts Clerk
cum Typist, Senior Clerk cum Typist, Junior Account Assistant cum Typist and Senior
Time Keeper). Subsequently, there will be document verification and medical
For Trains Clerk, Commercial cum Ticket Clerk, Goods Guard, Senior Commercial
cum Ticket Clerk, Commercial Apprentice, there shall be two stage CBT followed by
document verification and medical examination.
4) Call Letters: Candidates will have to download the City and Date Intimations, e- Call
Letters and Travel Authority (wherever applicable) from the links provided on the
official websites of RRBs.
5) Normalization of Marks: Marks will be normalized for all the stages of exam
involving multiple sessions. Marks will be normalized as per the formulae given in
Para 14.0 & 14.1 of this Notice.
6) Short Listing for Various Stages: RRB wise short listing of candidates for 2nd Stage
CBT shall be done at the rate of 20 times the vacancies (may increase or decrease
as per the requirement of Railway Administration). The short listing for 2nd Stage
CBT will be based on the merit of the candidates in 1st Stage CBT. The short listing
for Skill Tests such as Com,puter based Aptitude Test and Typing Skill Test shall be
to the extent of 8 times the vacancies (may increase or decrease as per the
requirement of Railway Administration) based on the merit of the candidates in 2nd
Stage CBT.
7) Negative Markin~: There shall be negative marking for incorrect answer in CBTs.
Deduction of 1;3r of the marks allotted for each question shall be made for each
wrong answer.
13.1 1stStage CBT (Common for all notified posts of this CEN) :
Exam No of Questions (each of 1 mark) from
Total No of
Duration General General Intelligence
Mathematics Questions
In Minutes Awareness and Reasoninq
90* 40 30 30 100

*The examination duration will be 120 Minutes for eligible PwBD candidates
accompanied with Scribe.
The section wise distribution given in the above table is only indicative and there may
be some variations in the actual question papers. There will be negative marking
and 1/3 mark shall be deducted for each wrong answer.
The 1st Stage CBT is of screening nature and the standard of questions for the CBT
will be generally in conformity with the educational standards prescribed for the
posts. The normalized score of 1st Stage CBT shall be used for short listing of
candidates for 2nd Stage CBT as per their merit. Candidates who are shortlisted
for 2nd Stage CBT avalllng the reservation benef Its of OBC(NCL)/SC/ST/EWS,
PwBD and ExSM shall continue to be considered only against
OBC(NCL)/SC/ST/EWS, PwBD and ExSM for all subsequent stages of
recruitment process.
The Questions will be of objective type with multiple choices and are likely to include
questions pertaining to:
a. Mathematics:
Number System, Decimals, Fractions, LCM, HCF, Ratio and Proportions,
Percentage, Mensuration, Time and Work, Time and Distance, Simple and

Compound Interest, Profit and Loss, Elementary Algebra, Geometry and

Trigonometry, Elementary Statistics etc.
b. General Intelligence and Reasoning:
Analogies, Completion of Number and Alphabetical Series, Coding and Decoding,
Mathematical Operations, Similarities and Differences, Relationships, Analytical
Reasoning, Syllogism, Jumbling, Venn Diagrams, Puzzle, Data Sufficiency,
Statement- Conclusion, Statement- Courses of Action, Decision Making, Maps,
Interpretation of Graphs etc.
c. General Awareness:
Current Events of National and International Importance, Games and Sports, Art and
Culture of India, Indian Literature, Monuments and Places of India, General Science
and Life Science (up to 10th CBSE), History of India and Freedom Struggle,
Physical, Social and Economic Geography of India and World, Indian Polity and
Governance- constitution and political system, General Scientific and Technological
Developments including Space and Nuclear Program of India, UN and Other
important World Organizations, Environmental Issues Concerning India and World at
Large, Basics of Computers and Computer Applications, Common Abbreviations,
Transport Systems in India, Indian Economy, Famous Personalities of India and
World, Flagship Government Programs, Flora and Fauna of India, Important
Government and Public Sector Organizations of India etc.
Minimum percentage of marks for eligibility in various categories: UR-40%, EWS-
40%,OBC(Non creamy layer) -30%, SC-30%, ST-25%. These percentage of marks
for eligibility may be relaxed by 2% for PwBD candidates in case of shortage of
PwBD candidates against vacancies reserved for them.
2 2 Stage CBT
Separate 2nd Stage CBT shall be taken for each of the 7 th CPC Level i.e. Level 2,
3, 4, 5 and 6 with graded difficulty level. All the posts falling within a 7th CPC
level shall have a common 2 Stage CBT.
Shortlisting of Candidates for the 2nd Stage CBT shall be based on the normalized
marks obtained by them in 1st Stage CBT and the options for various posts exercised
by them keeping in view the educational qualification of the candidate i.e. 10+2 or
Graduate.Total no. of candidates to be shortlisted shall be 20 times the community
wise vacancies of posts notified against the RRB as per their merit in 1st Stage CBT
cum choice of posts. However, Railways reserve the right to increase/decrease this
limit in total or for any specific category(s) as required to ensure availability of
adequate candidates for all the notified posts.
The examination duration and number of questions for 2nd stage CBT are indicated
No of Questions (each of 1 mark) from
Exam Duration Total No of
General General Intelligence
in Minutes Mathematics Questions
Awareness and Reasoning
90* 50 35 35 120

*The examination duration will be 120 Minutes for eligible PwBD candidates
accompanied with Scribe.

The section wise distribution given in the above table is only indicative and there may
be some variations in the actual question papers. There will be negative marking
and 1/3 mark shall be deducted for each wrong answer.
The Questions will be of objective type with multiple choices and are likely to include
questions pertaining to the following both for 1st stage CBT and 2nd stage CBT:-
a. Mathematics:
Number System, Decimals, Fractions, LCM, HCF, Ratio and Proportions,
Percentage, Mensuration, Time and Work, Time and Distance, Simple and
Compound Interest, Profit and Loss, Elementary Algebra, Geometry and
Trigonometry, Elementary Statistics etc.
b. General Intelligence and Reasoning:
Analogies, Completion of Number and Alphabetical Series, Coding and Decoding,
Mathematical Operations, Similarities and Differences, Relationships, Analytical
Reasoning, Syllogism, Jumbling, Venn Diagrams, Puzzle, Data Sufficiency,
Statement- Conclusion, Statement- Courses of Action, Decision Making, Maps,
Interpretation of Graphs etc.
c. General Awareness:
Current Events of National and International Importance, Games and Sports, Art and
Culture of India, Indian Literature, Monuments and Places of India, General Science
and Life Science (up to 10th CBSE), History of India and Freedom Struggle,
Physical, Social and Economic Geography of India and World, Indian Polity and
Governance- constitution and political system, General Scientific and Technological
Developments including Space and Nuclear Program of India, UN and Other
important World Organizations, Environmental Issues Concerning India and World at
Large, Basics of Computers and Computer Applications, Common Abbreviations,
Transport Systems in India, Indian Economy, Famous Personalities of India and
World, Flagship Government Programs, Flora and Fauna of India, Important
Government and Public Sector Organizations of India etc.
13.4 Typing Skill Test (TST) :
For the posts Senior Clerk cum Typist, Junior Accounts Assistant cum Typist, Senior
Time Keeper, Junior Clerk cum Typist, Accounts Clerk cum Typist and Junior Time
Keeper, Typing Skill Test (TST) of qualifying nature (marks obtained in typing skill
test shall not be added for making merit) shall be conducted for which the number of
candidates equal to eight times the number of vacancies for each of the community
shall be called for. The candidates should be able to type 30 words per minute
(WPM) in English or 25 WPM in Hindi on Personal Computer only without editing
tools and spell check facility. For guidelines of those who appear for typing skill test
in Hindi, Kruti Dev and Mangal font shall be made available for typing skill test on
Personal Computer. The merit will be drawn only for the candidates qualified in the
TST based on performance in 2nd Stage CBT.
13.5 Document Verification (DV):
Based on the performance of candidates in 2 nd Stage CBT and based on the
performance of candidates in both 2nd Stage CBT and CBAT/TST (as applicable),
candidates equal to the number of vacancies will be called for Document Verification
as per their merit and options. In addition, candidates equal to 50% (may increase or
decrease at the discretion of RRBs) of the number of vacancy for various posts will
also be called for document verification.
These additional candidates will, however, be considered for empanelment only if
there is a shortfall in empanelment from the merit list or/and as replacement against
the shortfall on account of not joining of recommended candidates in the working
post or/and any other special requirements. In case of two or more candidates
securing same marks, their merit position shall be determined by age criteria i.e.,
older person shall be placed at higher merit and in case age being same, then
alphabetical order (A to Z) of the name shall be taken into account to break the tie.
Appointment of selected candidates is subject to their passing requisite Medical
Fitness Test to be conducted by the Railway Administration, final verification of
educational and community certificates and verification of antecedents/character of
the candidates. Candidates may please note that RRBs only recommend names of
the empanelled candidates and appointment is offered ONLY by the respective
Railway Administrations.
SL Name of the post Level 151 stage CBT 2'"' stage CBT Skill Test
No. in 7 requirement
1 Junior Clerk cum 2 Typing Skill
Typist Test
Common for
2 Accounts Clerk 2 all Level 2 Typing Skill
cum Typist posts Test
3 Junior Time 2 Typing Skill
Keeper Test
4 Trains Clerk 2 -----
5 Commercial cum 3 Separate for ------
Ticket Clerk Level 3 post
6 Traffic Assistant Common for Separate for Computer
4 all posts Level 4 post Based
Aptitude Test
7 Goods Guard 5 ------
8 Senior ------
Commercial cum 5
Ticket Clerk
9 Senior Clerk cum Common for Typing Skill
Typist 5 all Level 5 Test
10 Junior Account Typing Skill
Assistant cum 5 Test
11 Senior Time Typing Skill
Keeper 5 Test
12 Commercial
Common for
13 Station Master all Level 6 Computer
6 posts
Aptitude Test

Note-Document verification and Medical test will be held for all the above posts.
Narneof Website Address and Nameof RRB Website Address and
RRB Teleohone Numbers Teleohone Numbers
1 2 1
Ahmedabad ·· Guwahati
Phone: 079 - 22940858 Phone: 0361 - 2540815
Ajmer Jammu - Srinagar
Phone:0145-2425230 Phone: 0191 - 2476757
Allahabad Kolkata
Phone: 0532-2224531 Phone: 033- 25430108
Bangalore Maida
Phone: 080-23330378 Phone: 03512- 264567
Phone: 080-23334147
Phone: 022 - 23090422
Bhopal www.rrbb[! Muzaffarpur
Phone: 0755 - 2746660 Phone: 0621 - 2213405
Bhubaneswar Patna www.rrb[!
Phone: 0674-2303015 Phone: 0612 - 2677680
Ril::1sn11r , an 1.n 11 r r hhil~ c n 1 1r nn\/ in R::tnr.hi , an uu, rrhr~ n r h i nn\l in
(Recruitment for Various Posts In Level 1 of 7th CPC Pay Matrix)
Date of Publlcatlon 23.02.2019
Opening of onllne registration of Applications 12.03.2019 at 17.00 hrs .
Closing of onllne registration of Applications 12.04.2019 at 23.59 hrs.
Closing Date & Time for Payment of Application Fee through:
(a) Online (Net Banking/ Credit Card/ Debit Card/UPI) 23.04.2019 at 23.59 hrs.
(b) S81 Challan 18.04.2019 at 13.00 hrs.
(c) Post Office Challan 18.04.2019 at 13.00 hrs.
Final submission of Applications 26.04.2019 at 23.59 hrs.
Computer Based Test (CBT) Tentative schedule
September-October 2019
Note : 1. Detailed CEN- RRC-01/2019 will be uploaded and the Link to Online Registration and application
will be llve on the official websites of the RRBs mentioned at para 21.0 (A) of this CEN.
2. Date for CBT and other stages of recruitment shall be Intimated from time to time through the websites
of Railway Recruitment Cels(RRCs) as listed at para 21.0 (B) of this CEN.
ONLINE applications are invited by RRBs on behalf of RRCs from eligible Indian Nationals and other nationals
as brought out at Para 4 of this CEN for various posts In Level 1 of 7th CPC Pay Matrix in various units
of Indian Railways. Applications complete in all respect should be submitted ONLINE to the chosen Railway
Recruitment Board till 23.59 hrs of 26.04.2019.
Railway wise summary of vacancies for various posts are furnished below for immediate reference. Further,
the parameters(Qualification, Medical standard and Suitability of the post for PwBD etc) of various posts
included in the CEN is at Annexure A and Railway and post wise vacancy for all the notified posts is at
Annexure B. However, Railway reserves the right t o revise this assessment in part or full .
Total ExSM CCAA* PwBD Back-
No Vacancv PwBD
1 Central Railway 3597 1398 759 2656 935 9345 1870 1870 449 0
2 Ea& Cartral Railway 1369 555 325 956 358 3563 713 713 166 0
3 Ea& Coast Railway 1034 412 198 653 258 2555 510 510 105 0
4 Ea&em Railway, CLW & Metro 4926 1461 775 2619 1087 10873 2175 2175 589 5
5 North Central Railway and DLW 2080 678 317 1175 474 4730 948 948 145 6
North Eastern Railway, MCF and
6 1570 615 307 1107 403 4002 802 802 157 0
7 North Western Railway 2132 814 384 1393 526 5249 1049 1049 324 0
8 Northeast Frontier Railway 1119 449 226 809 291 2894 575 575 144 0
9 Northern Ralway, DMW and RCF 5144 2017 1031 3644 1317 13153 2630 2630 626 0
10 South Central Ralway 3663 1432 722 2577 934 9328 1867 1867 125 0
11 South East Central Railway 797 219 115 366 167 1664 333 333 84 0
12 South Eastern Railway 1933 738 361 1305 482 4914 965 965 215 95
13 South Western Railway and RWF 2745 1138 557 2006 715 7167 1433 1433 193 6
14 Southern Railway and ICF 4363 1353 787 2118 958 9579 1914 1914 222 0
15 Wefl. C81tral Railway 1596 633 308 1080 402 4019 804 804 226 0
16 Wefl.ern Rai Iway 4287 1647 812 2914 1074 10734 2146 2146 556 0
Grand Total ~235! 15555 7984 27378 10381 103769 20734 20734 4326 112
• Vacancies under CCAA are applicable to Apprentices trained In Railway Establishments only
South Centra l Rallwav ISECUNDERABADI
Name of the Post
Rty./ Department
No. of Vacancies
(1) (2) (3) (4) (SI (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (U) (13) (1A) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19) (20)
1 ASSISTANT (WORKSHOP) SCR MECHANICAL 246 96 49 171 62 624 12S 125 6 12 13 4 0 0 0 0
2 ASSISTANT BRIDGE SCR ENGINEERING 65 25 13 44 16 163 33 33 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
3 ASSISTANT C and w SCR M ECHANI CAL 122 48 25 79 31 305 61 61 0 6 6 0 0 0 0 0
4 ASSISTANT DEPOT (STORES) SCR STORES 34 13 13 34 11 105 21 21 1 2 2 0 0 0 0 0
5 ASSISTANT LOCO SHED (DIESEL) SCR M ECHANICAL 88 36 18 64 23 229 46 46 3 3 2 1 0 0 0 0
6 ASSISTANT LOCO SHED (ELECTRICAL) SCR ELECTRICAL 40 15 7 29 10 101 20 20 2 1 2 1 0 0 0 0
8 ASSISTANT POINTSM AN SCR TRAFFIC 778 29S 148 533 195 1949 390 390 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
9 ASSISTANT SIGNAL and TELECOM SCR S and T 129 53 25 93 33 333 67 67 4 3 5 1 0 0 0 0
11 ASSISTANT Tl and AC SCR ELECTRICAL 68 28 13 49 18 176 35 35 6 1 1 0 0 0 0 0
12 ~Sl5TANT Tl and AC (WORKSHOP) SCR ELECTRICAL 33 13 7 23 9 85 17 17 1 2 1 1 0 0 0 0
13 ASSISTANT TRO SCR ELECTRICAL 161 62 30 111 41 405 81 81 0 8 s 4 0 0 0 0
14 ASSISTANT WORKS SCR ENGINEERING 25 10 s 17 6 63 13 13 2 1 1 0 0 0 0 0
16 HOSPITAL ASSISTANT SCR MEDICAL 14 6 3 10 4 37 7 7 6 3 2 0 0 0 0 0
17 TRACK M AINTAINER GRADE IV SCR ENGINEERING 1860 732 366 1320 475 4753 951 951 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Railway Total 3663 1432 n2 2577 934 9328 1167 U67 31 u 40 12 0 0 0 0
Question Type and Syllabus:
The Questions will be of objective type with multiple choices and are likely to include questions
pertaining to:
a. Mathematics Number system, BOD MAS, Decimals, Fractions, LCM, HCF, Ratio and Proportion,
Percentages, Mensuration, Time and Work, Time and Distance, Simple and Compound Interest,
Profit and Loss, Algebra, Geometry and Trigonometry, Element ary St atistics, Square root, Age
Calculations, Calendar & Clock, Pipes & Cistern et c.
b. General Intelligence and reasoning
Analogies, Alphabetical and Number Series, Coding and Decoding, Mathematical operations,
Relationships, Syllogism, Jumbling, Venn Diagram, Data Interpretation and Sufficiency,
Conclusions and Decision making, Similarities and Differences, Analytical Reasoning,
Classification, Directions, Statement - Arguments and Assumptions etc.
c. General Science
The syllabus under this shall cover Physics, Chemistry and Life Sciences of 10 standard level
d. General Awareness on current affairs in Science & Technology, Sports, Culture, Personalities,
Economics, Polit ics and any other subject of importance .
It may be noted that the topics llsted above are Illustrative and not necessarily exhaustive.
Based on t he merit of the candidates in the CBT, candidates shall be called for PET Three times the
community wise tot al vacancy of the Posts notified against RRBs/RRCs. However, Railways reserve
the right to increase/decrease this ratio as required to ensure availability of adequate/reasonable
number of candidat es for all the notified posts. Passing Physical Efficiency Test (PET) is mandatory
and the same will be qualifying in nature. The criterion for PET is as under:
Male candidates Female candidates
Should be able to lift and carry 35 Kg of Should be able to lift and carry 20 Kg of
weight for a distance of 100 metres in 2 weight for a distance of 100 metres in 2
minutes in one chance without putting the minutes in one chance without putting the
weight down ; and weight down; and
Should be able to run for a distance of 1000 Should be able to run for a distance of 1000
metres in 4 minutes and 15 seconds in one metres in 5 minutes and 40 seconds in one
chance. chance.
Only single online application has to be submitted by the candidate to the RRB/RRC of their choice for
all the notified posts of that RRB/RRC through the link provided on the official website.
The entire recruitment process shall involve Computer Based Test(s), Physical Efficiency Test (PET),
Document Verification and Medical Examination.

The date, time and venue for all the activities, namely, CBT, PET, DV and Medical Examination or any
other additional activity as applicable shall be fixed by the RR8s/RRCs and shall be intimated to the
eligible candidates in due course. Request for postponement of any of the above activity or for
change of venue, date and shift will not be entertained under any circumstances.
14.1 Computer Based Test
All the eligible candidates have to undergo a Computer Based Test(s) on the specified date(s), time
and venue(s) as per the e-call letter to be downloaded by the candidates from the websites of
RRBs/RRCs. The information about the e-call letter download shall be communicated through the
web sites as well as personal email communication to the candidates.
The examination duration and number of questions for CBT are indicated below:
No of Questions (each of 1 mark) from
Exam General
General Total No of
Duration General Mathema Awareness
Intelligence Questions
in Minutes Science tics and Current
and Reasoning
90* 25 25 30 20 100
Z1.0 A. Details of various RRBs and their Website Address are indicated below:-

Named RRB and Railway Website Address and Name d RRB and Rali-y Website Address and
Telephone Numbffl Telephone Numbers
Ahmedabad w_ _rrbahmedabad.sov.ln Chennal (SR) - w.rr!!!.henna l.s ov.ln
{WR) Phone : 079 - 22940858 Phone : 044 - 282 75323

AJme r (NWR) www.rrbajmer ,BQV. in Gora lchpur (NER) WWW .rr!?Bkl!,SOV, in

Phone: 0145 - 2425230 Phone: 0551 - 2201209
Allahabad (NCR) Guwahati (NFR) www .rr!?
Phone: 0532 - 2224531 Phone: 0361 - 2540815

Bangalore (SWR) www.rtbbnc.~ .in Ko•ata (ER)

Phone: 080 -23330378 Phone: 033 - 25430108
080 •• 23334147

Bh opa l (WCR) Mumbai (CR) www.rrbmumbai:11ov. in

Phone: 0755 - 2746660 Phone : 022 - 23090422
Bh uba nesw ar Patna (ECR) www.rrbl!atna.aov. in
(ECoR) Phone : 0674 - 23030 15 Phone : 0612 - 26 77680
Bllaspur (S ECR) - w.rr bbllaseur .gov.In Ranchi (SER)
Phone : 07752 -2472 91 Phone : 0651 - 2462429
Chandigarh (NR) www.rtbcd8, Secu nderabad ( SCR) www.rrbsecunderabad.nic .in
Phone : 0172 - 2730093 Phone : 040 - 27821663

B. Details of various RRCs and their Website Address are indicated below:-

RRC Website Address RRC Website Address

Cent ral Railway North Western Rai lway

Eastern Ra ilway Southern Railway

East Central Railway South Central Railway d ian ra ilwa~s

East Coast Railway South Eastern Railway

Northern Railway South East Central
Ra ilway


MlfflflieeR Oovern-11t of llldla

....a .... .--. Staff 8elec:tlo11 Commle ■lo11
••Ufa eh. RMRRI - ~ RkA, Mlnlat.,. of Peno1111el, Public Orlnancea
• Penalou,
IIPJftlr 'fl( II, •ac.•.a emfea ~ . l'!lhft ils, Block No. 12, COO Compla, Lodhl Road,
rqtid-1•...,, New Delhi · 110003.


Combined Higher Secondary Level {10+2) Examination, 2018

Dates for submission or online applications: 05.03.2019 to 05.04.2019
Last date for receipt or application: 05.04.2019 (up to 5.00 P.M.)
Last date ror making online ree payment: 07.04.2019 (5.00 PM)
Last date for generation of offline Challan: 07.04.2019 (5.00 PM)
Last date for payment through Challan (during working hours of Bank): 09.04.2019
Date of Computer Based Examination (Tier-I): 01-07-2019 to 26-07-2019
Date orTier-ll Examination {Descriptive Paper): 29.09.2019



F. No. 3/2/2019-P&P-I. The Staff Selection Commission will hold a competitive

examination for recruitment to the posts of Lower Divisional Clerk/ Junior Secretariat
Assistant, Postal Assistant/ Sorting Assistant and Data Entry Operators for various
Ministries/ Departments/ Offices of the Government of India. The details of the
examination are as under:

I. Pay Scale:

I. I Lower Division Clerk (LDC)/ Junior Secretariat Assistant (JSA): Pay Band - I
(Rs. 5200-20200), Grade Pay: Rs. 1900 (pre-revised).
1.2 Postal Assistant (PA)/ Sorting Assistant (SA): Pay Band -I (Rs. 5200-20200).
Grade Pay: Rs. 2400 (pre-revised).
1.3 Data Entry Operator (DEO): Pay Band-I (Rs. 5200-20200). Grade Pay: Rs. 2400
(pre-revised) and
1.4 Data Entry Operator, Grade 'A' : Pay Band-I (Rs. 5200-20200). Grnde Pay: Rs.
2400 (pre-revised).
13. Scheme of Examination:
13.1 The examination will consist of a Computer Based Examination (Tier-I).
Descriptive Paper (Tier-II) and Skill Test/ Typing Test (Tier-Ill).
13.2 The Commission reserves the right to introduce additional stage of
examination which would be notified at suitable time, if considered!
13.3 ln the question papers. wherever necessary. the metric systems of weights
and measures only will be used.
13.4 Use of mobile phone, calculator and other electronic gadgets and
accessories is not permitted. Therefore. these should not, be brought inside
the Examination Premises/ Venue.
13.5 Tier-I (Computer Based Examination-Objective Type):

Dates of Part Subject Number of Time Duration

Computer (Not in sequence) Questions/ (For all four Parts)
Based Maximum
Examination Marks
01-07-2019 I English Language 25150 60 Minutes (80
to (Basic Knowledge) Minutes for
26-07-2019 candidates eligible
II General Intelligence 25150 for scribes as per
para 8.1 and 8.2)
III Quantitative Aptitude 25/ 50
(Basic Arithmetic Skill)

IV General Awareness 25/ 50

13.5.1 The Tier-I Examination will consist or Objective Type. Multiple

choice questions only. The questions will be set both in English &
Hindi for Part-II. Ill & IV.
13.5.2 There will be negative marking of 0.50 marks for each wrong
13.5.3 Answer Keys, in due course after the Computer Based Examination.
will be placed on the website of the Commission (
Any representation regarding answer keys received within the time
limit fixed by the Commission at the time of uploading of the answer
keys, will be scrutinized and the decision of the Commission in this
regard will be final. No representation regarding Answer keys shall
be entertained, afterwards.
13.5.4 Marks scored by candidates in Tier-I will be normalized by using the
fonnula published by the Commission through Notice No: 1-1/2018-
P&P-I dated 07-02-2019 and such normalized scores will be used to
determine final merit and cut-off marks.
13.5.5 Indicative Syllabus for Computer Based Examination (Tier-I): English Language: Spot the Error, Fill in the Blanks, Synonyms/
Homonyms, Antonyms, Spellings/ Detecting mis-spelt words.
Idioms & Phrases, One word substitution, Improvement of
Sentences, Active/ Passive Voice of Verbs, Conversion into
Direct/ Indirect narration. Shuffling of Sentence parts, Shuffling
of Sentences in a passage, Cloze Passage. Comprehension
Passage. General InteHj~ence: It would include questions of both verbal
and non-verbal type. The test will include questions on Semantic
Analogy. Symbolic operations. Symbolic/ Number Analogy.
Trends. Figural Analogy. Space Orientation. Semantic
Classification. Venn Diagrams, Symbolic/ Number
Classification. Drawing inferences, Figural Classification.
Punched hole/ pattern-folding & unfolding. Semantic Series.
Figural Pattern-folding and completion, Number Series.
Embedded figures, Figural Series, Critical Thinking, Problem
Solving, Emotional Intelligence, Word Building, Social
Intelligence. Coding and de-coding, Other sub-topics, if any
Numerical operations. Quantitative Aptitude: Number Systems: Computation of Whole Number, Decimal.
and Fractions. Relationship between numbers. Fundamental arithmetical operations: Percentages, Ratio
and Proportion, Square roots, Averages, Interest (Simple
and Compound), Profit and Loss, Discount. Partnership
Business. Mixture and Allegation, Time and distance. Time
and work.
l Algebra: Basic algebraic identities of School Algebra andl
Elementary surds (simple problems) and Graphs of Linear
I Geometry: Familiarity with elementary geometric figures.
and facts: Triangle and its various kinds of centres.
Congruence and similarity of triangles. Circle and its
chords. tangents, angles subtended by chords of a circle.
common tangents to two or more circles. Mensuration: Triangle. Quadrilaterals. Regular Polygons.
Circle. Right Prism, Right Circular Cone, Right Circular
Cylinder, Sphere, Hemispheres, Rectangular Parallelepiped.
Regular Right Pyramid with triangular or square Base. Trigonometry: Trigonometry. Trigonometric ratios.
Complementary angles. Height and distances (simple
problems only) Standard Identities like sin 28 + Cos28 = 1
etc., Statistical Charts: Use of Tables and Graphs: Histogram.
Frequency polygon, Bar-diagram, Pie-chart. General Awareness; Questions are designed to test the
candidate's general awareness of the environment around him
and its application to .society. Questions are also designed to test
knowledge of current events and of such matters of everyday
observation and experience in their scientific aspect as may be
expected of an educated person. The test will also include
questions relating to India and its neighboring countries.
especially pertaining to History, Culture, Geography, Economic
Scene, General policy and scientific research.
13.5.6 For VH candidates of 40% and above visual disability, there will be
no component of Maps/ Graphs/ Diagrams/ Statistical Data in the
General Intelligence and Quantitative.
13.6 Tier-D (Descriptive Paper)
13.6.1 Tier-II Paper will be a descriptive Paper of 100 Marks in 'Pen and!
Paper' Mode. The duration of the Descriptive Paper would be for one
hour (20 minutes compensatory time will also be provided to the
candidates eligible for scribes as per Paras 8.1 and 8.2 above). The
Paper would comprise writing of an Essay of 200-250 words and a
Letter/ Application of approximately 150-200 words.
13.6.2 The minimum qualifying marks in Tier-II would be 33 per cent.
13.6.3 The performance in Tier II would be included for preparing merit.
13.6.4 The paper will have to be written either in Hindi or in English. Part
paper written in Hindi and Part in English will be awarded zero
13.6.5 Candidate must write his/ her correct Roll Number and affix.
signature and Left-hand Thumb Impression in the relevant columns
in the Question Paper-cum-Answer Book failing which zero marks
will be awarded.
13.6.6 Candidates are strictly advised not to write any personal identity e.g.
name. Roll Number, Mobile Number, Address, etc inside the Answer
Book. The candidates who fail to adhere to these instructions will be
awarded zero marks.
13.7 Tier-ill (Skill TesU Typing Test):
13.7.1 Skill Test/ Typing Test for the qualified candidates will be conducted
on computers provided by the Commission or its authorized agency.
13.7.2 Skill Test/ Typing Test will be conducted in the cities where
Regional Offices of the Commission are located or as decided by the
13.7.3 Skill Test/ Typing Test will be of qualifying nature.
13.7.4 Skill Test/ Typing Test will be conducted as per the following
13.7.5 Skill Test for Data Entry Operator:
13.7 .5.1 Skill Test is mandatory for Data Entry Operators. No candidate is.
exempted from appearing in the Skill Test. Data Entry Speed of 8,000 (eight thousand) Key Depressions per
hour on Computer. The ' Speed of 8000 key depressions per hour
on computer' will be adjudged on the basis of the correct entry of
words/ key depressions as per the given passage. The duration of
the Test will be 15 (Fifteen) minutes and printed matter in
English containing about 2000-2200 key-depressions would be
given to each candidate who would enter the same in the
14 For the post of Data Entry Operator in the Office of the
Comptroller and Auditor General of India (C&AG): The 'speedl
of 15000 key depressions per hour on Computer' will be
adjudged on the basis of the correct entry of words/ key
depressions as per the given passage. The duration of the Test
will be 15 (Fifteen) minutes and printed matter in English
containing about 3700-4000 key-depressions would be given to
each candidate who would enter the same in the Computer. Candidates eligible for scribe as per paras 8.1 and 8.2 will be
given compensatory time of 5 minutes. Therefore duration of
Skill Test for such candidates will be 20 minutes.
13.7.6 Typing Test for LDC/ JSA and Postal AssistanU Sorting
Assistant: The medium of Typing Test will be Hindi and English. The
candidates will have to opt for the medium of Typing Test (i.e.
either Hindi or English) in the online Application Form. The choice of Typing Test given by the candidate in the online
Application Fonn shall be treated as final and no change in the
medium of Typing will be entertained later.
I Candidates opting for English medium should have typing speed
of 35 words per minute (w.p.m.) and those opting for Hindi
medium should have typing speed of 30 words per minute
(w.p.m.). 35 w.p.m. and 30 w.p.m. correspond to about 10500
key depressions per hour and about 9000 key depressions per
hour respectively. The speed will be adjudged on the accuracy of typing on the
Computer of a given text passage in l O minutes.
13.7 .6.5 Candidates eligible for scribe as per paras 8.1 and 8.2 will be
given compensatory time of 5 minutes. Therefore duration of
Typing Test for such candidates will be 15 minutes.
13.7 .6.6 Passage Dictators will be provided to those VH candidates for
the Typing test who have opted for Scribe in the online
Application Form. The Passage Dictator will read out the passage
to VH candidate within the allotted time period. Persons with Disabilities candidates who claim to be
permanently unfit to take the Typing Test because of a physical
disability may, with the prior approval of the Commission. be
exempted from the requirement of appearing and qualifying at
such test, provided such a candidate submits a Certificate in the
prescribed format (Annexure-XIII) to the Commission from the
competent Medical Authority, i.e., the Civil Surgeon of a
Government Health Care Institution declaring him/ her to be
permanently unfit for the Typing Test because of a physical
disability. In addition, such candidates must substantiate their
claim by furnishing the relevant Medical Certificate in the
prescribed format as per Annexure-VIIl to Annexure-X of the
Notice of Examination, a<; applicable, at the time of Typing Test.
Otherwise their claim for seeking exemption from Typing Test
will not be entertained by the Commission.
8 Chirala (80 I I), Guntur (800 I), Kakinada Southern Region Regional Director (SR),
(8009), Kumool (8003), Nell ore (80 I0), (SR)/ Staff Selection
Rajahmundry (8004), Tirupati (8006), Andhra Pradesh, Commission,
Vijaywada (8008), Vishakhapatnam Puducherry, Tamil 2 Floor, EVK Sampath
(8007), Vizianagaram ( 8012), Puducherry Nadu and Building, DPI Campus,
(8401), Chennai (8201), Coimbatore Telangana. College Road, Chennai,
(8202), Madurai (8204), Salem (8205), Tamil Nadu-600006
Tiruchirapalli (8206), Tirunelveli (8207), (www .in)
Vellore (8208), Hyderabad (8601),
Karimna1mr (8604), Waran~al (8603).

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