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Republic of the Philippines

Laguna State Polytechnic Unibersity

Province of Laguna


Course Code: Educ 202

Course Title: Foundations of Education
Topic: Education during the new society
(1972-1986) and the 1986
Education System to present
Major: Filipino
Professor: Agripina F. Banayo Ed. D.

Personal Information
Discussant: Louren L. Fajardo
Contact No. 09123520931
Address: Lopez, Quezon
Work Connected: DepEd-Hondagua NHS Lopez, Quezon


1. Explain the Educational system during the New Society

(1972-1986) and the 1986 Education System to present.
2. Discuss the outstanding contributions of the New Society and
1986 Education System up to present to the present form of
3. Value the importance of the contributions of New Society and
the 1986 education system to modern day times.

This written research deals with the features of the Philippine
Educational system during the New Society and during 1986 up to
present. It also includes the educational aim and objectives, methods
and types of education, major contribution to educational system and
the organization and structure of education.

 INTRODUCTION –Education under the New Society
 The emphasis of the New Society is on moral values,
relevance, proper methods of teaching, retraining of
teachers, vocational and technical education, bilingualism,
national consciousness and cultural values.
 To guarantee that the educational system would be relevant
and responsive to the challenges and requirements of
national, provincial, and local development.

 Pursuit of a more egalitarian social order
 Make schools responsive to the needs of the new society.
 Provide broad general education that will assist each
individual in their development as a whole human being
useful to their fellowmen and to their country.
 To train the nation’s manpower in middle level in skills
required for national development.
 Develop high-level professions that will provide leadership
for the nation and advance knowledge through research.
Three educational reform areas emerge as
1.) critical - governance and funding education;
2.) revival and expansion of technical and vocational education;
3.) political solution to the language of education policy.
1. History and Civics Education
Key concepts and messages about the history and civics
education were also tied in government-wide initiatives in moral
education, food production and promotion of “Green Revolution”
and a “Buy Filipino” campaign.
2. Language in Education / Bilingual Medium of Instruction
Promotion of bilingual education policy (Tagalog Based Filipino
and English) promulgated in 1974.
3. Expansion of Technical Vocational Education
To address the need for middle-level skills development or labor
institutions, the government democratized access to post-
secondary education by offering a more affordable route
towards obtaining certifiable skills; and it ensured a steady
supply of a new technical skills needed.
1. Re-engineering the Philippine education system became the
test case or model for further bureaucratic changes under the
New Society.
2. Creation of the Ministry of Education satellite offices
3. The introduction of National College Entrance Examination, a
national leaving examination.
4. Development of Professional Regulation Commission in 1973,
to institute the Board Exams and licensing of professions.
 INTRODUCTION –Education during 1986 to present
The bilingual policy of education was reiterated in the 1987
Constitution of the Philippines. With English as the medium if
instruction, the Philippine education is a prototype of the
American system.
 Organization and Structure of Education
The main objectives and aims of education have been
mentioned on the national constitution. Sec3 (2), Article IV of
the Constitution states that:
“All educational institutions shall inculcate patriotism ad
nationalism, foster love of humanity, respect for human
rights, appreciation of the role of national heroes in the
historical development of the country, teach the rights and
duties in the historical development of the country, teach the
rights and duties of citizenship, strengthen ethical and
spiritual values, develop moral character and personal
discipline, encourage critical and creative thinking, broaden
scientific and technological knowledge and promote
vocational efficiency.”
 Schools are categorized into public (government) or
private (non-government). The preparatory-primary level
consists of nurseries, kindergartens, moving on to six
years of primary education, followed by four years of
secondary education and college-meaning the general
pattern of education has four stages.
 Basic education is free and required at the elementary
level only, while only a handful elementary and secondary
schools are either government-supported or privately
funded. The school year for elementary and secondary
levels is made up of 40 weeks or 200 days. Classes are
held to Mondays to Fridays and the school year is divided
onto four grading periods(i.e. until 1st to 4th quarter)
 Colleges or universities make up the higher education in
the Philippines and are generally categorized as private
or public.
 At present, K to 12 had been implemented under the
Department of Education that aims to enhance learner’s
basic skills to produce more competent citizens, and
prepare graduates for lifelong learning and employment.
“K” stands for Kindergarten and “12” refers to the
succeeding 12 years of basic education, (6 years of
elementary education, 4 years of junior high school, and
2 years of senior high school.)
 The K-12 program offers a decongested 12 year program
that gives students sufficient time to master skills and
absorb basic competencies. The new curriculum gives
students the chance to choose among different tracks.
1. There are many problems observable not only in the
system itself, but also in the wider nature of the education
system, starting with the lack of school facilities (i.e.
classrooms, laboratories, etc.) to the low teacher salaries.
2. the government’s sluggishness in providing quality ans
standard education to provinces; they rather focus on
schools near Manila. Thus, performance was poorest among
students from Mindanao and somewhat better to those from
Visayas Region, whereas the best performance was in
Central Luzon and Southern Tagalog Regions.
 ,
Mark Maca
 European Journal of Contemporary Education, 2012,
Vol.(2), № 2

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