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Reconfigurable Corner Truncated Square

Microstrip Patch Antennas for Wireless
Communication Applications

Anantha Bharathi, Lakshminarayana Merugu & P. V. D. Somasekhar Rao

To cite this article: Anantha Bharathi, Lakshminarayana Merugu & P. V. D. Somasekhar

Rao (2018): Reconfigurable Corner Truncated Square Microstrip Patch Antennas for Wireless
Communication Applications, IETE Journal of Research, DOI: 10.1080/03772063.2018.1478326

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Published online: 20 Jun 2018.

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Reconfigurable Corner Truncated Square Microstrip Patch Antennas for Wireless

Communication Applications
Anantha Bharathi1 , Lakshminarayana Merugu2 and P. V. D. Somasekhar Rao3
1 ECE Dept., UCE, Osmania University, Hyderabad, India; 2 DLRL, DRDO, Hyderabad, India; 3 ECE Dept., JNTUH and Dean Academics, G.
Narayanamma Institute of Technology and Science, Hyderabad, India

Reconfigurability of the radiation characteristic is one of the recent significant developments asso- Circular polarization;
ciated with the characterization of microstrip patch antennas for wireless communication systems. CPW-to-Slotline feed; PIN
This paper presents, in an exhaustive and comprehensive form, the recent results for various novel diode switch; Polarization
reconfigurable microstrip antenna topologies involving corner truncations and ring slot loading, reconfigurable;
Reconfigurable antenna
coupled with PIN diode switching mechanism. These designs exhibit the functions of polariza-
tion reconfiguration, polarization, and frequency reconfiguration with an attractive single layer
patch and easily realizable practical structure. Emphasis is placed on design, simulation, and exper-
imental results of each of the proposed geometries illustrating the antenna versatility in several

1. INTRODUCTION between VP, RHCP, and LHCP is designed, developed,

Communication technology has been growing rapidly and demonstrated experimentally at L-band using an FR4
and current wireless communication systems have the Epoxy substrate. However, though the biasing aspects
ability to achieve multifunctional capabilities and a sin- were addressed, they were not completely demonstrated.
gle system supports several applications with differ- Special attention is given to realize the bias circuit needed
ent operating conditions. This has driven innovation for PIN diode switching operation and to investigate the
in antenna towards multifunction capabilities. A con- applicability of design for C-band WLAN applications
ventional antenna can be converted to reconfigurable using an RT Duroid substrate. Furthermore, it is used
antenna by reconfiguring its fundamental characteristics as a building block in the development of three novel
like operating frequency, polarization, radiation pattern, polarization and frequency reconfigurable antennas.
or a combination of these characteristics resulting in fre-
quency reconfigurable antenna, pattern reconfigurable Section 2 presents a polarization reconfigurable corner
antenna, polarization reconfigurable antenna, and com- truncated square MSA. The antenna design is further
pound reconfigurable antenna, respectively. Based on enhanced to design a frequency and polarization recon-
the reconfiguration mechanism [1–5], they are classified figurable antenna by using ring slot loading and is dis-
as electrically reconfigurable, optically reconfigurable, cussed in section 3. Specific design relations for the super-
physically reconfigurable, or material reconfigurable. position of ring slot geometry have been developed to
Recently, polarization reconfigurable microstrip anten- configure the ring slot embedded MSA. The corner trun-
nas (MSAs) have been receiving significant attention. cated square patch design concept is further extended
Polarization reconfiguration can take place between any to achieve four polarizations VP, HP, RHCP, or LHCP
of the combination of vertical polarization (VP), horizon- at two different frequencies and is presented in section
tal polarization (HP), slant linear polarization (LP), right 4. The axial ratio (AR) bandwidth of the corner trun-
hand circular polarization (RHCP), or left hand circular cated patch antenna is very narrow. Section 5 presents
polarization (LHCP) [6–16]. a compact CPW-to-Slotline transition fed perturbed
ring slot antenna to improve the circular polarization
This article presents recent developments of polariza- (CP) performance using corner perturbation technique,
tion reconfigurable corner truncated square MSA. In retaining the polarization and frequency reconfigurabilty
the original study [17], the polarization reconfiguration feature. Section 6 presents the comparison and discus-
characteristics of the antenna having an ability to switch sions on the developments of novel corner truncated

© 2018 IETE

square microstrip patch antenna configurations. Con-

cluding remarks are discussed in section 7. The simula-
tions are performed in Computer Simulation Technology
(CST) Microwave Studio [18].


A conventional MSA is usually designed for single mode
operation to generate linearly polarized waves. A single
feed microstrip patch can radiate CP if two orthogo-
nal patch modes TM10 and TM01 are simultaneously
excited with equal amplitude and ±90° out of phase
with the sign determining the sense of rotation. This can
be accomplished by perturbing the patch at appropri-
ate locations with respect to the feed. In the proposed
design, corner truncated perturbation is used to gener-
ate CP because there is only one parameter to deal with:
the depth of truncation. It is proposed to study, design,
and develop microstrip line fed square microstrip patch
antenna with polarization reconfigurability at 5.8 GHz
bringing out clearly all the bias circuit details and related

2.1. Antenna Design

Figure 1 demonstrates the basic structure of polarization
reconfigurable corner truncated square microstrip patch
antenna (SMSPA) designed on RT/Duroid 5880 sub-
strate of size Lg × Wg = 40 mm × 40 mm and thickness (b)
1.6 mm. A 50  microstrip line of dimensions Lf × Wf
feeds the antenna through a quarter wave transformer Figure 1: Geometry of polarization reconfigurable corner trun-
cated SMSPA: (a) Top view (b) Bottom view Lp = 15.99, Lq = 8.42,
of dimensions Lq × Wq for providing good impedance and Wq = 0.8
match. The top view of the antenna in Figure 1(a) shows
the corner truncated square radiating patch with four
parasitic triangular conductors connected to it via PIN 2.2. Working Principle
diodes [19] D1 to D4. Four bias pads labelled as V1 to V4 With diodes D1 to D4 “ON”, the antenna behaves as a
act as DC terminals, to supply DC voltage to PIN diodes. conventional square MSA and radiates vertically polar-
The voltage is applied to the PIN diodes by means of ized waves. For conventional square MSA, the operating
four parasitic triangular conductors which are coupled to resonant frequency is determined by patch size Lp , veloc-
the terminals V1 to V4 through surface mount inductors ity of light c, and effective permittivity of the substrate
of 47nH. The DC ground is realized by shorting corner εeff . It is expressed as
truncated SMSPA to ground through a λ/4 bias line at c
terminal V5 . To avoid interference with antenna perfor- f1 = √ . (1)
2Lp εeff
mance, the DC connecting wires are positioned on the
bottom side of the radiating patch. Figure 1(b) displays
the bottom view of the proposed antenna. It consists of With diodes D1 to D4 “OFF”, the antenna realizes a
four circular ring slots isolating DC bias pads from RF radiative structure with four corners truncated and still
ground. PTH provides electrical continuity between four radiates vertically polarized waves due to its geometrical
DC bias pads and terminals V1 to V4 on top layer. PTH symmetry. However, it radiates at a higher frequency due
is also used to connect the terminal V5 to ground. to reduced dimensions.

With diodes D1, D3 “ON” and D2, D4 “OFF”, the three polarizations VP, RHCP, and LHCP. The simu-
antenna structure has truncations at −45° and −225° lated results show a resonant frequency of 5.8 GHz and
with respect to the antenna feed and radiates waves with −10 dB impedance bandwidth of 2.7% (5.69–5.85 GHz),
RHCP. With diodes D1, D3 “OFF” and D2, D4 “ON”, 4.74% (5.74–6.01 GHz), and 4.74% (5.74–6.01 GHz) for
the antenna structure has its corners truncated at 45° and VP, RHCP, and LHCP, respectively. The measured results
225° with respect to the feed radiating waves with LHCP. show a resonant frequency of 5.77 GHz and −10 dB
impedance bandwidth of 4.5% (5.58–5.85 GHz), 5%
With perturbations on one diagonal, the fundamental (5.58–5.88 GHz), and 5% (5.58–5.88 GHz) for VP, RHCP,
mode of conventional square MSA is divided into two and LHCP respectively. The shift in resonant frequency
orthogonal modes TM10 and TM01 with slightly different in measured results can be attributed to the active and
frequencies fa and fb expressed as [20] passive elements placed on the antenna aperture. Figure 4
fa = f1 1 − 2 , (2)

fb = f1 , (3)
where S and S represent the area of patch and total
area of perturbations, respectively. For patch to radiate
CP, perturbed dimensions should be just right enough to
generate the modes with equal amplitude and ±90° phase
difference between them.

The condition to be satisfied is

Figure 3: Simulated and measured |S11| characteristics in differ-
S 1 ent operating states of antenna
= , (4)
S 2Qo
where Q0 is unloaded quality factor of the patch.

2.3. Simulated and Measured Results

An antenna prototype is fabricated to verify the antenna
operation and is characterized using Vector Network
Analyzer (8720 ET, Agilent Technologies). Figure 2
shows the photograph of fabricated antenna. Figure 3
shows the simulated and experimental results of reflec-
tion coefficient (|S11|) characteristics of the antenna. Figure 4: Simulated AR characteristics of polarization reconfig-
The antenna offers good impedance match for all the urable corner truncated SMSPA in CP states

(a) (b)

Figure 2: Photograph of polarization reconfigurable corner truncated SMSPA: (a) top view; (b) bottom view

3.1. Antenna Design

Figure 6 shows the geometry of single feed polarization
and frequency reconfigurable square MSA with detailed
dimensions. It consists of a square patch of dimen-
sions Lp × Wp , (Lp = Wp ) on an RT/Duroid substrate of
εr = 2.2 and height h = 0.8 mm. It is similar to Figure 1,
except for the addition of the square ring slot, PIN diodes
D5 to D8 to bridge the gap between centre patch and
outer ring patch formed by it, additional DC terminal V 6
(a) (b) connected through an inductor of 47nH placed in series
with narrow conductive strip in order to supply DC volt-
Figure 5: Simulated and measured normalized radiation pattern
for VP. Lf = 9, Wf = 3.9, and tp = 2.75 (all dimensions in mm) age to diodes D5 to D8, and a surface mount capacitor
of C1 = 33pF placed between two conductive strips to
shows the simulated AR characteristics of polarization maintain RF continuity. Figure 5(b) shows the back view
reconfigurable corner truncated SMSPA in CP states.
AR is observed to be < 3 dB and the characteristics are
observed to be same in RHCP and LHCP states with AR
bandwidth of 31 MHz (5.78 GHz−5.81 GHz).

Figure 5 shows the simulated and measured radiation

pattern characteristics of VP in principal planes. Radia-
tion pattern of the proposed antenna is measured in ane-
choic chamber and the gain of the antenna is measured
using gain comparison method. Experimental results
present stable radiation patterns with symmetric co-
polarization characteristics in all the polarization states
with cross-polarization levels below −20 dB.

The measured boresight gain in VP, RHCP, and LHCP

are 6.28 dBi, 6.63 dBic, and 6.63 dBic, respectively. The
measured results show a reduction in boresight gain com- (a)
pared to simulation results. This can be attributed to the
power dissipated in forward bias resistance of PIN diodes.
Maximum difference in gain of 1.18 dBi occurs in VP,
as all the diodes are ON in this state. In CP, as only two
diodes are ON, the difference in gain is observed to be
0.61 dBi which is half of that achieved for VP. The sim-
ulated efficiency in VP, RHCP, and LHCP are 82.13%,
83.4%, and 84.54%, respectively.


The polarization reconfigurable square patch antenna
discussed in section 2 can be made to achieve frequency (b)

reconfigurability also. One simple approach is to suitably

Figure 6: Geometry of corner truncated frequency and polar-
impose a ring slot configuration into it. This structure has ization reconfigurable antenna: (a) front view (b) back view.
been analysed and electrical performance characteristics Lp = 16 mm, Wr1 = 6.36 mm, Lr1 = 6.31 mm, Lq = 9 mm,
have been evaluated for achieving polarization reconfig- Wq = 0.9 mm, Lf = 8 mm, Wf = 3.3 mm, tp = 2.43 mm, and
uration at two WLAN frequencies 5.2 and 5.8 GHz. g = 0.45 mm (all dimensions in mm)

of the proposed antenna. It has five circular ring slots to frequency of 5.2 GHz. This is because the current flows
isolate DC bias pads from RF ground and the DC bias around the ring slot and the electrical length of the cur-
pads are connected to corresponding terminals on top rent increases by Wr1 . Figure 7 shows the surface current
layer using PTH. distribution in SRMSPA configuration at 5.2 GHz in VP
state. The operating frequency of square ring patch is
expressed as [21]:
3.2. Working Principle
A square ring slot etched in a quarter wave fed square f2 = √ . (5)
2(Lp + Wr1 ) εreff
patch realizes frequency reconfigurability with the aid of
PIN diodes D5 to D8. With D5 to D8 ON, the structure Furthermore, polarization reconfigurability in SMSPA or
operates as SMSPA and resonates at frequency 5.8 GHz. SRMSPA is realized with diodes D1 to D4 in a similar way
The resonant frequency is governed by Equation (1). as discussed in section 2.2.
With D1 to D4 OFF, it operates as square ring microstrip
patch antenna (SRMSPA) and resonates at a lower
3.3. Simulated and Measured Results
Parametric studies have been carried out on the antenna
structure and significant parameters that affect antenna
characteristics are patch length, ring slot dimensions,
and depth of corner truncation. The following observa-
tions have been made: (1) the outer ring slot dimensions
have considerable effect on |S11| and AR characteris-
tics of SRMSPA than on SMSPA, (2) the frequency ratio
depends on dimensions and location of ring slot, and
(3) enhanced perturbations are needed in SRMSPA to
achieve good polarization purity.

A prototype of single fed corner truncated polariza-

tion reconfigurable antenna has been fabricated and
tested experimentally. Figure 8 shows the photograph
of the fabricated antenna. Figure 9 shows the simu-
lated and measured |S11| and AR characteristics for
SMSPA and SRMSPA configurations resonating at 5.8
and 5.2 GHz, respectively. Figure 9(a) shows the mea-
sured impedance bandwidth of 1.06% for VP, 0.17% for
Figure 7: Surface current distribution of SRMSPA in VP state RHCP, and 0.17% for LHCP in SMSPA configuration, and

(a) (b)

Figure 8: Photograph of fabricated polarization and frequency reconfigurable corner truncated SMSPA: (a) top view; (b) bottom view

respectively. The measured gain in SMSPA is observed

to be less than the gain in SRMSPA. This is due to the
additional losses occurring in the ON state resistance of
four PIN diodes located in the ring slot. The simulated
efficiency of SMSPA and SRMSPA for polarization states
VP, RHCP, and LHCP are 71.2%, 65.2%, 65.2%, and 75%,
73.85%, 73.21%, respectively.

Furthermore, the antenna shows good |S11| and AR

bandwidth characteristics in SMSPA configuration com-
(a) pared to SRMSPA configuration operating at low fre-
quency, as the antenna is optimized to have same per-
turbation for SMSPA and SRMSPA configuration. The
frequency ratio achieved by the antenna is 1.11. The sig-
nificant feature of the antenna is achievement of area
reduction of 12% at 5.2 GHz and 30% at 5.8 GHz when
compared to the standard conventional patch. Approxi-
mate formulas are developed using parametric studies in
order to evaluate the resonant frequencies. They can be
(b) used in the design of similar antennas and can be scaled
easily for other frequencies.
Figure 9: Simulated and measured results of polarization and fre-
quency reconfigurable antenna where VP1, RHCP1, and LHCP1
represents polarization states in SMSPA configuration, and VP2, 4. SQUARE MICROSTRIP PATCH ANTENNA WITH
RHCP2, and LHCP2 represents polarization states in SRMSPA: (a) POLARIZATION AND FREQUENCY
|S11|; (b) AR
A dual feed polarization and frequency reconfigurable
0.78% for VP, RHCP, and LHCP in SRMSPA configura-
square patch antenna superimposed with a ring slot con-
tion. The AR characteristics are observed to be < 3 dB
figuration employing six PIN diodes instead of eight PIN
in both the antenna configurations. Figure 10 depicts
diodes in the earlier structure is proposed to generate
the simulated and measured normalized radiation pat-
HP, VP, RHCP, and LHCP at dual frequencies of 5.2 and
terns in VP state of SMSPA configurations in principal
5.8 GHz.
planes. Symmetrical co-polarization characteristics with
cross-polarization levels < −17 dB are observed in all the
operating states. 4.1. Antenna Design
Figure 11 shows the structure of quad polarization
The measured peak boresight gain of SMSPA and
and frequency reconfigurable antenna with square patch
SRMSPA for polarization states VP, RHCP, and LHCP are
dimensions Lp × Wp (Lp = Wp ) printed on RT/Duroid
7 dBi, 7.3 dBic, 7.3 dBic, and 7.15 dBi, 7.4 dBic, 7.4 dBic,
substrate with ε r = 2.2 and height h = 3.2 mm. The
structure is similar to Figure 6, except for two RF ports,
two severed sections with two parasitic triangular con-
ductors, six PIN diodes, retaining only four bias termi-
nals, V2 , V4 , V5 , and V6 . Figure 11(b) shows the bottom
view of the proposed antenna. It consists of three circu-
lar ring slots which isolate DC bias pads from RF ground.
DC bias pads are attached to the terminals V2 , V4 , and V6
on the top layer using PTH. Terminal V5 is connected to
the ground, and terminal V6 sets the operating frequency.

4.2. Working Principle

Figure 10: Simulated and measured radiation patterns of VP With PIN diodes D5 to D8 ON, the structure oper-
state of SMSPA ates as SMSPA resonating at frequency 5.8 GHz. With

to either forward bias or reverse bias the PIN diodes. The

design equations are reported in [22].

4.3. Simulated and Measured Results

In order to verify the operation of proposed design, a
prototype is fabricated as shown in Figure 12. Figure 13
shows the simulated and measured |S11| characteristics
for SMSPA operating at 5.8 GHz. Figure 13(a) shows the
VP and HP characteristics and Figure 13(b) shows RHCP
and LHCP characteristics. The measured results show an
impedance bandwidth of 210, 600, 700, and 660 MHz for
VP, HP, RHCP, and LHCP, respectively.

(a) Figure 14 shows the simulated and measured |S11| char-

acteristics for SRMSPA operating at lower design fre-
quency of 5.2 GHz. Figure 14(a) shows the VP and HP
characteristics and Figure 14(b) shows RHCP and LHCP
characteristics. The measured impedance bandwidth is
observed to be 210, 230, 510, and 550 MHz for VP, HP,
RHCP, and LHCP, respectively. Figure 15 shows the sim-
ulated and measured AR variations against frequency for
CP states for SMSPA and SRMSPA. The results exhibit
good CP performance of the antenna at dual frequencies.
The measured AR bandwidth in RHCP and LHCP is 120
and 50 MHz, respectively, for SMSPA, and it is 90 and
40 MHz, respectively, for SRMSPA.

The impedance and AR characteristics of SMSPA and

SRMSPA are summarized in Table 2. Good AR character-
(b) istics are observed in SMSPA and SRMSPA. However, a
compromise in depth of truncation to achieve frequency
Figure 11: Geometry of the antenna: (a) top view; (b) bottom
view. Lp = 14.73, Wq = 0.3, Wf = 2.21, Wr1 = Lr1 = 7.2, reconfiguration feature in addition to polarization recon-
Lq = 12.63, Lf = 5, g = 0.45, tp = 6.1, and Lg = 40 (all dimen- figuration has limited the AR bandwidth of SRMSPA.
sions in mm)
The measured results are observed to agree well with the
the PIN diodes D5 to D8 OFF, it operates as SRMSPA simulated results except for a slight shift in resonant fre-
and resonates at a frequency of 5.2 GHz. In SMSPA and quency. The measured isolation between port1 and port2
SRMSPA, polarization reconfiguration is realized with within the operating band of SMSPA and SRMSPA is
the aid of two PIN diodes D2 and D4, and excitation at observed to be greater than 20 dB.
port1 and port2. Table 1 illustrates the antenna structure
with resonant frequency, polarization states, excitations, Figure 16 shows the measured normalized radiation
and voltages at the DC terminals V2 , V4 to V6 required pattern characteristics of RHCP state for SMSPA and

Table 1: Working configuration of PIN diodes

Antenna Excitation D1–D4 D5, D6 V1 V2 V3 V4 Polarization
SMSPA (5.8 GHz) Port 1 ON ON −0.8 V −0.8 V 0.8 V 0V VP
Port 1 ON OFF +0.8 V +0.8 V 0.8 V 0V RHCP
Port 2 ON ON −0.8 V −0.8 V 0.8 V 0V HP
Port 2 ON OFF +0.8 V +0.8 V 0.8 V 0V LHCP
SRMSPA (5.2 GHz) Port 1 OFF ON −0.8 V −0.8 V −0.8 V 0V VP
Port 1 OFF OFF +0.8 V +0.8 V −0.8 V 0V RHCP
Port 2 OFF ON −0.8 V −0.8 V −0.8 V 0V HP
Port 2 OFF OFF +0.8 V +0.8 V −0.8 V 0V LHCP

(a) (b)

Figure 12: Photograph of antenna prototype of dual feed quad polarization and frequency reconfigurable antenna: (a) top view; (b)
bottom view



Figure 13: Simulated and measured |S11| characteristics of dual

feed quad polarization and frequency reconfigurable antenna in (b)
SMSPA configuration: (a) LP; (b) CP
Figure 14: Simulated and measured |S11| results of dual feed
quad polarization and frequency reconfigurable antenna for
SRMSPA configuration: (a) LP; (b) CP
SRMSPA. Due to the symmetry in antenna struc-
ture, similar characteristics are also observed for LHCP.
Symmetric co-polarization characteristics with cross-
polarization levels < −16 dB are observed in principal
planes in all the polarization states.

The measured peak boresight gain of SMSPA for polar-

ization states VP, HP, RHCP, and LHCP are 6.26 dBi,
5.81 dBi, 6.18 dBic, 5.90 dBic, respectively. The measured
peak boresight gain of SRMSPA is 6.3 dBi, 5.72 dBi,
6.21 dBic, and 5.89 dBic, respectively. The measured gain
in dual feed SMSPA is lower than the measured gain in
Figure 15: Measured AR variations against frequency of
dual feed SRMSPA. This is due to the ON state of PIN dual feed quad polarization and frequency reconfigurable
diodes D1 to D4. The simulated efficiency of SMSPA and antenna. First and second row – SMSPA; third and fourth row –
SRMSPA for polarization states VP, HP, RHCP, and LHCP SRMSPA







(a) (b)

4.87–5.38 Figure 16: Radiation patterns of RHCP of dual feed quad polar-

ization and frequency reconfigurable antenna for (a) SMSPA and




are 73.24%, 74%, 73.24%, 78.25%, and 73.4%, 74.65%,

75.24%, 78.45%, respectively.




To the best of authors’ knowledge, for the first time, quad

polarization at two frequencies is designed using corner
truncated square patch with a simple structure using six
PIN diodes, and at both frequencies, good performance
is achieved in terms of impedance bandwidth, AR band-


width, polarization purity, and gain. Furthermore, good


radiation characteristics in terms of co-polarization and

cross-polarization are observed.



Table 2: Summary of simulated and measured impedance and AR characteristics




A novel CPW-to-Slotline fed perturbed square ring
slot antenna is proposed to provide wide CP band-



width using corner perturbation technique retaining


the reconfigurable feature and taking care of feed-

ing and biasing. An excellent performance with RHCP

and LHCP at 2.4 GHz and VP and HP at 1.9 GHz is


5.1. Antenna Design

Figure 17 shows the polarization and frequency recon-
figurable antenna, designed using uniplanar FR4 Epoxy

substrate with ε r = 4.4 and a thickness of 1.6 mm. It

consists of a rectangular ground plane of dimensions
Lg × Wg with a square ring slot etched at the centre. Inner
Sim. /Mea. AR < 3 dB (GHz)

square patch formed by the square ring slot is perturbed

S11 < −10dB (GHz)

such that five conductors are formed. Four parasitic tri-

angular conductors are connected to the centre rhombic
State quantity

conductor using four PIN diodes D1 to D4. A 50  CPW-

to-Slotline transition is used to feed the square ring slot
antenna. It feeds the antenna either in CPW mode or slot

5.2. Working Principle

The working configuration of PIN diodes and the
required bias voltage at the DC terminals V1 to V5 are
shown in Table 3. The PIN diodes D1 to D5 require
−0.8 V or +0.8 V supply at the terminals V1 to V5 to
either forward bias or reverse bias, respectively, and D6
requires +0.8 V or −0.8 V supply at the terminal V5 to
either forward bias or reverse bias, respectively.

With D5 ON and D6 OFF, CPW-to-Slotline feed oper-

ates in CPW mode and the internal square patch with
five conductors is excited. The radiative structure of the
antenna is then similar to the corner truncated SMSPA.
Furthermore, by controlling the switching states of the
PIN diodes D1 to D4, it radiates VP, RHCP, and LHCP
waves. With D5 OFF and D6 ON, CPW-to-Slotline feed
operates in slotline mode and the internal square patch
is disconnected. The perturbed ring slot is fed through
Figure 17: Geometry of polarization and frequency reconfig- right slotline of the CPW-to-Slotline feed structure. The
urable square ring slot antenna; Lg = 120 mm, Wg = 42.5 mm, shorted left slotline branch appears as open circuit at
Lr1 = 32 mm, g = 3 mm, Lf = 16 mm, Lr2 = 38 mm, and feed point. Thus, feed line length Lf plays a significant
tp = 11.6 mm role in mode conversion and also provides the necessary
impedance match in CPW and slotline modes without
employing additional matching circuit.
line mode, using the diodes D5 and D6. The DC bias
circuit required for the switching of PIN diodes D1 to
5.3. Simulated and Measured Results
D4 is placed in the gap between centre rhombic conduc-
tor and parasitic triangular conductors. The bias circuit The vital parameters of the antenna that affect both the
consists of a PIN diode in series with a capacitor of 33 impedance and AR performance of the polarization and
pF to provide RF continuity. A conducting pad is located frequency reconfigurable square ring slot antenna are Lg ,
between PIN diode and capacitor to which an inductor Wg , Lr1 , tp , and g have exhibited distinctive changes in
of 47 nH is connected to isolate DC from RF. The other the antenna performance. Good AR results are observed
end of inductor is connected to the DC terminal. Four for lower Wg and larger Lg . So, in the proposed antenna
independent bias voltages are applied to the respective Wg is condensed and Lg is enlarged.
DC terminals V1 to V4 for biasing the PIN diodes D1 to
D4. The DC ground required for PIN diodes D1 to D5 Feed length Lf is considered as an important parameter
is achieved by grounding the centre rhombic conductor as it decides the impedance match in all the polariza-
through an RF choke of 47 nH. The DC ground for D6 is tions. An optimum value of g is chosen as a compro-
achieved by directly grounding its cathode. The bias volt- mise between |S11| and AR characteristics. In order to
age for diodes D5 and D6 is provided along with RF signal verify the operation of proposed design, a prototype is
using a bias tee. A bias tee is a three port device with two fabricated as shown in Figure 18.
input ports and one output port. The RF and DC volt-
age (V5 ) are applied to two input ports and (RF + DC) is Figure 19 shows the simulated and measured |S11|
generated at output port. and AR results of the polarization and frequency

Table 3: Working configuration of PIN diodes in polarization and frequency reconfigurable square ring slot antenna
Feed excitation D1, D3 D2, D4 D5 D6 V 1 , V3 V2 , V4 V5 Polarization
CPW mode ON ON ON OFF −0.8 V −0.8 V −0.8 V VP
ON OFF ON OFF −0.8 V +0.8 V +0.8 V RHCP
OFF ON ON OFF +0.8 V −0.8 V −0.8 V LHCP
Slotline mode OFF OFF OFF ON +0.8 V +0.8 V +0.8 V HP



Figure 19: Simulated and measured results of polarization and

frequency reconfigurable square ring slot antenna: (a) |S11|;
(b) AR

(a) (b)

Figure 18: Photograph of polarization and frequency reconfig-

urable square ring slot antenna prototype: (a) Top view; (b) Bot-
tom view

reconfigurable square ring slot antenna. The measured

results are observed to be in good agreement with simula- (a) (b)
tion results. Measured impedance bandwidth of 50 MHz
(2.5%) and 30 MHz (2%) is achieved for HP and VP, Figure 20: Simulated and measured radiation pattern character-
respectively. istics of polarization and frequency reconfigurable square ring slot
antenna for VP at 1.9 GHz: (a) E-plane; (b) H-plane
Measured impedance and AR bandwidths are observed
to be 670 MHz (28.8%) and 350 MHz (14.8%), respec- measured boresight gain for VP, HP, RHCP, and LHCP
tively, for RHCP state. Due to geometrical symmetry, are 3.19 dBi, 3.21 dBi, 4.01 dBic, and 4 dBic, respectively.
similar characteristics were observed for LHCP state. Maximum difference in gain between simulated and
Measured effective overlapped |S11| and AR bandwidth measured results is observed to be 0.34 dBi for LHCP. The
for CP operation is 14.8% (2.20–2.55 GHz). simulated efficiency for polarization states VP, HP, RHCP,
and LHCP are 85.1%, 82.21%, 78.54%, and 78.72%,
This improvement in impedance and AR bandwidth respectively.
characteristics is owing to the low quality factor of ring
slot antenna which in turn needs enhanced perturbations
to attain the best CP characteristics.
In the frequency band of 2–3 GHz, bias tee has inser-
tion loss of 0.5 dB and isolation of 20 dB. Figure 20 shows The comparison among different antenna configurations
the normalized simulated and measured radiation pat- discussed in this paper are summarized in Table 4. It
tern characteristics in VP state of the antenna. The radi- helps to understand the potential and limitations of each
ation pattern characteristics are observed to be omni- configuration. Design 1 achieves three polarization states
directional. The patterns show good cross-polarization with a single antenna structure at a single resonant fre-
characteristics and are observed to be below −10 dB. The quency. Design 2 is simple, compact, and achieves three

polarizations at dual frequency and is very much suitable

Maximum measured
for cognitive radio systems and the applications requir-

gain (dBi)
ing small frequency ratio. Moreover, it exhibits good gain



characteristics. However, it experiences narrow AR band-
width and the design requires eight PIN diodes. Design
3 has a simple and very compact structure and by using
minimum number of PIN diodes, it obtains four polar-
izations at two frequencies. It also displays improved AR
No. of PIN

characteristics. Design 4 uses a slot antenna with compact


CPW-to-Slot transition feeding technique to achieve a
very good AR bandwidth with minimum number of PIN
diodes. However, it is not aimed at achieving all the four
polarizations at each distinct frequency. The radiation
Single microstrip line feed

Single microstrip line feed

Dual microstrip line feed

pattern is bidirectional and the gain is around 4 dBi.


CPW-Slotline feed

This article summarizes the author’s investigations on
characterization, design, simulation, and development of
novel reconfigurable MSAs in a unified form. Four dif-
ferent types of reconfigurable MSA have been demon-
AR bandwidth

strated. The antenna structures are very attractive and




simple with single feed structures involving single layer

substrates. To achieve polarization reconfigurability and
reconfigurability in terms of both polarization and fre-
quency, FR4 Epoxy substrate with ε r = 4.4 and RT
Impedance bandwidth (MHz)

Duroid/5880 substrate with ε r = 2.2 have been chosen









and reconfigurability is established through the switch-


ing of SMP1320-011F PIN diodes. The feeding geome-

tries of the MSAs configured include the most popular
microstrip line feed and CPW-to-Slot line feed.





Table 4: Comparison of corner truncated square MSA configurations

Based on the specifications and relevant design relations,

conventional square patch geometries of the MSPAs have
been configured, whereas specific design relations for


the superposition of ring slot geometry have been devel-


oped to configure the ring slot embedded microstrip




Reconfiguration states

patch antenna to achieve frequency and polarization


reconfigurable antenna. To demonstrate the versatility


of ring slot loaded corner truncated square microstrip

patch antenna, two different implementations with dif-
ferent functionalities have been discussed. A novel polar-
freq. (GHz)

ization and frequency reconfigurable square ring slot







antenna geometry has been proposed with specific CPW-

to-Slotline transition feed to realize enhanced AR band-
width of CP operation. For all the reconfigurable anten-
14.73 × 14.73
15.99 × 15.99
Radiator size

nas, the measured results are in reasonably good agree-

32 × 32
16 × 16

ment with simulated results which justified the validity

of the proposed antenna structures, their formulation,
simulation, and characterization.
Design 4
Design 2

Design 3
Design 1

The frequency and polarization reconfigurable antenna

using ring slot loading technique presented in this article

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Authors in Jan 1981 and retired as Scientist “H” in Apr 2015. Over 34
years in DRDO, he was responsible for design and development
Anantha Bharathi was born in Telangana, of antennas and subsystems and systems for electronic war-
India, in 1978. She completed B. Tech fare. Dr. Merugu is a Senior Member of IEEE, Fellow of IETE
degree with distinction in Electronics & (India), Fellow of Institute of Engineers (IE), Member of AOC,
Communication Engineering (ECE) from and a Member of ACM. His research interest includes anten-
Jawaharlal Nehru Technological Univer- nas, microwave components, and advanced electronic warfare
sity Hyderabad (JNTUH) in 2001 and systems.
M.E. in Microwave and Radar Engineer-
ing from University College of Engineer-
Email: lnmerugu@
ing, Osmania University, Hyderabad, Telangana, India, in 2004.
She is pursuing Ph.D. in the Dept. of ECE, JNTUH, Hyder- Dr. P. V. D. Somasekhar Rao obtained his
abad. She is presently working as an Assistant Professor in ECE B.E. Degree in Electronics & Communi-
Dept., University College of Engineering, Osmania University, cation Engg., from Sri Venkateswara Uni-
Hyderabad, India. She has 13 years of teaching experience. versity College of Engg., Tirupati (1977),
Her research interests include Antenna Theory, Reconfigurable and M.Tech. Degree in Microwave and
Antennas, Radar Systems, Microwave and RF circuits, and Radar Engg., from I.I.T., Kharagpur, India
Ultra wideband (UWB) antennas. She is a Member of IEEE and (1979). He earned his Ph.D. Degree in
IETE. Electronics and Communication Engg.,
from I.I.T. Kharagpur. Dr. Rao worked at Radar Centre, I.I.T.
Corresponding author. Email: Kharagpur, and Tata Institute of Fundamental Research (TIFR/
RAC Group), Ooty. Later, he joined as the Faculty of ECE Dept.
Dr. Merugu Lakshminarayana did B. of Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University Colleges of Engi-
Tech in Electronics and Communication neering, at Anantapur and Hyderabad. He has recently retired
Engineering (ECE) from JNTU, Hyder- as Professor from Dept. of ECE, JNTUH College of Engg.,
abad, in 1978, and M. Tech in Microwave Hyderabad. Presently, he is with G Narayanamma Institute of
and Radar Engineering from IIT Kharag- Technology & Science, Hyderabad, as Professor of ECE and
pur in 1980. While in service in DRDO, Dean of Academics. He is a Sr. Member of IEEE, Life Mem-
he did Ph.D. from Queen’s University of ber of ISTE (India), and Fellow of IETE (India).
Belfast, United Kingdom, on Common-
wealth Fellowship during 1988–1991. He joined Defence Elec-
Email: sekhar_pvds@
tronics Research Laboratory, DLRL, DRDO, as Scientist “B”

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