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1. Import your photos 3. Open Photo_01 - Photo_20 composi- Use shortcuts.

a. File > Import > File; tions. a. Ctrl + Alt + F - Fit to Comp size
b. press Ctrl +I; b. Ctrl + Alt + Shift + H - Fit to Comp width
c. double-click on an empty area of the 4. Delete this layers. c. Ctrl + Alt + Shift + G - Fit to Comp height
Project panel)

2. Open Photo_Placeholder folder. All compositions identical. Use same

way for all placeholders.

5. Drag your photo to composition. Comp resolution: 3370 x 2000

1. Titles are placed in this comps. 3. Open Slide_01 composition.

4. Edit Text layer.

For example, you want to duplicate 4. Move the copies to right. 11. Alt+Drag Photo_21 from Project pan-
Slide №18 and paste it after Slide №20. el to timeline.

1. In Timeline panel select 18_Slide and 12. Use the same method in 21_Slide_BG
13. Go to 01.RENDER comp.

5. Go to Project panel; in Animation folder 14. Select 18_Slide (copy).

select 18_Slide comp and press Ctrl+D.
2. Duplicate selected compositions. 15. Alt+Drag 21_Slide from Project panel
a. Edit > Duplicate 6. Change copy name to 21_Slide. to timeline.
b. press Ctrl +D;
7. Repeat these steps with 18_Slide_BG 16. Repeat these steps with 18_Slide_BG
(Animation > Slide_BG)

8. In Photo_Plaseholders folder duplicate

any comp. (result is Photo_21)

3. Place the copies under 20_Slide_BG 9. Open 21_Slide composition.

10. Select Photo_18 in Timeline panel.

1. Import your logo.

2. In Animation folder open

Animation_25 composition.

3. Place the time indicator at 04:00

4. Drag your logo to Timeline and make

it 3d.

5. Scale and reposition logo.

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