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Linking Words & Phrases particularly

Adding information to illustrate

additionally notably
further including
also by way of example
moreover as an illustration
further Referring to
in addition (to this) concerning (this)
furthermore with regard to (this)
either (neither) with respect to
and regarding (this)
too the fact that
as well (as this) considering (this)
besides (this) on the subject of (this)
neither/nor Showing similarities
or similarly
indeed in a like manner
much less likewise
not only (this) but also (that) equally
Giving examples in the same way
such as Being specific
for example that is
for instance namely
as specifically
in particular Clarifying
especially that is
in other words because (of the fact)
Expressing conflicting or owing to (the fact)
contrasting views
due to (the fact that)
by way of contrast
Showing conditional
on the other hand relationships
alternatively if
in contrast on (the) condition (that)
(and) yet even if
whereas otherwise
though (final position) provided that
however in the even that
when in fact only if
conversely if so
still providing that
Emphasising given that
even more unless
more importantly Showing effect or result
above all so that
indeed for this reason
Showing cause and reason therefore
being that thus
inasmuch as under those circumstances
in view of (the fact) in that case
in that as a result (of this)
since consequently
in consequence to began with
hence first of all
that being the case previously
because (of this) subsequently
as a consequence then
accordingly Concluding and summarising
Demonstrating purpose finally
so as to in the end
in order that as a final point
to this end as previously stated
so that given these points
with this intention eventually
in order to in summary
for the purpose to to conclude (with)
Showing order and sequence overall
initially thus
to start with in conclusion
after (this) in short
afterwards to summarise
before (this) therefore

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