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Upper Back Critical Alignment Yoga Solve Neck, Shoulder and Back Pain with the Yoga

Date: 25-08-2017 Category: Critical Alignment

Solve neck and back problems with the Yoga Bow? How? Then read on ....

Yoga Bow as a bridge to a sense of space and lightness as life is meant. One of the
tools at Critical Alignment Yoga is the bow.

Because of our daily habits and patterns of movement or the lack of movement.
Certainly after long day after computer, laptop, tablet and smartphone, Critical
Alignment Yoga exercises with the Yoga arch offer a welcome counterbalance. My own
first experience on the bow was honestly quite fierce. However, I knew that this
was the way to more openness, space and freedom to live fully. In the attitude of
the bow goes step by step when we have done the preparatory exercises on a roll or
a strip. To get out of the arc's attitude, you're really confronted with the
tension you're wearing.

Many neck and shoulder problems are caused by our many advances that we make in our
daily lives. 'Actually, our life is a big forward deflection', I still say my coach
Gert van Leeuwen. The cause of these complaints is caused by swelling and
stiffening of the upper back. At the eddy level, the spinal column bends, causing
the weight of the head, which usually weighs 5-8 kg, weighs two to three times so
heavily due to the influence of gravity. Just figure out what to wear the neck and
shoulders and the spine. No wonder that in the longer term this will cause
complaints such as headache, rsi / cans like complaints and restraints in shoulders
and arms.

Rear deflections are very exciting and scary. We have no eyes in the back, and it's
actually a form of surrender and making you vulnerable. The effects of the backward
bends have an energetic effect. She opens your heart area, also the lungs get
literally more breathable space. You create space for your emotional life. What is
not always easy. Because not every feeling wants to face you. Many often old stored
tension in your body then comes to the surface. Feeling sick of nausea, but also
headache. Many people come for weekly yogales for their relaxation. But, in this
way, they are confronted with their tension. Then it takes a studying and curious
look of the student to actually want to investigate this.

What does it eventually yield? Regular use of the yoga bowl improves your body
posture. You execute unnecessary tensions. It's literally slipping redundant
shoulder off your shoulders. To prevent or reduce neck, shoulder and back pain.
Because the spinal column and the upper back muscles relax, the transmission of
movement can be passed on to the arms. The original strength comes back again.
Furthermore, you experience more breathing space, freedom to move light again. As
actually our life is meant. I got a lot more room for movement. Movements that I
never could have kept for.

Are you interested and you want to experience the effects yourself? The exercises
are easy to learn and you can apply well at home even after practice. Do not live
near Ommen. No need for man or woman. Soon the recordings will start for my online
program. If you want to stay informed, please leave your email address via the
contact form. Then you get a free online program!

Of course you are also welcome to a Yoga Ommen trial lesson or make an
appointment for individual yoga classes .
Critical Alignment Yoga and Therapy

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