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Muzammil Iqbal

Roche Pakistan

What is the main issue or dilemma in this case? Or is it just a

description of Rehan’s achievements? Please explain briefly.


In my opinion, the very crucial dilemma discussed in the case is the shift in
product mix from virology to Oncology. This is because of the reason that Oncology
department was already facing a very rigid competition from different products entering
in the market. Also because of the fact that oncology treatment was expensive enough
that not everybody was able to afford the therapies of cancer, also because of the
reason that the department of Oncology had been suffering a great decline in sales,
later resulting in the decline of employee morale, thus their engagement with the work
as well.

Out of all the steps and initiatives taken by Rehan, which one was the
most effective in transforming culture? Why you think so?

Out of all the steps taken, the most effective step was to make the leadership
team and some structural changes as well.
Hiring of new members in the leadership teams was done following the shift of
long-service Oncology head to the role of regulatory affairs head. This act was
strategical in giving a chance of utilizing the knowledge of Oncology head in performing
the critical tasks with DRAP. Furthermore, a very critical decision of Rehan was to split
the Oncology into two main business units. These structural changes and creation of
leadership teams resulted in several new opportunities emerged for employees. As
Rehan said that almost all of the positions have went to the talented people which has
generated the excitement and confidence among employees. This great step of making
some structural changes also relieved employees to leave the virology department and
accept the change.

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