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Executive Summary

Our group is working with Harrisonburg Redevelopment and Housing Authority to create a

training orientation aimed at current and incoming landlords. The training orientation will be

created to easily provide them with the tools and skills they need to address situations and

concerns within the program and with tenants. Our training facilitation will also ensure that

communication is seamlessly transferred from the staff at HRHA to the landlords and finally to

the tenants. Our group meets with Liz Webb and Michael Wong, staff members of the

Harrisonburg Redevelopment and Housing Authority. Every other Friday Liz and Michael meet

with our team for an hour and correspond frequently through email. Our main point of contact is

Liz Webb, who has brought a vast amount of ideas for us to implement into our training to help

HRHA improve and be the best that they can be.

In order to create a versatile training facilitation for new and existing landlords, we reached out

to three different landlords under Harrisonburg Redevelopment and Housing Authority. Our

group will assess the needs of HRHA by conducting anonymous over the phone surveys,

containing a hand full of questions that relate to the current landlord’s experiences with HRHA.

We conducted these surveys to gain a better insight into the company through the landlords

perspective. We plan on adding to the current HRHA website, adding a tab/link to simplify the

terms and conditions listed in the landlord contract through a step-by-step guiding program along

with any frequently asked questions. We also plan on adding to the current, in-person orientation

program by highlighting the key topics within the Section 8 Voucher Program that are

misleading to incoming landlords.

By the end of the semester, our group plans to have accomplished a clear and clean training

orientation that can be implemented within HRHA to ease the stress of the Housing Authority

staff along with the landlords.


The Harrisonburg Redevelopment and Housing Authority (HRHA) administers rental assistance

programs, as well as owns several different properties in the Harrisonburg township. Their

mission includes the promotion of sufficient and affordable housing for less fortunate individuals

and families to offer them a comfortable and worthy living environment. It was initially

organized on November 19th, 1955 and has been in operation since then. The organization aims

to revitalize the Harrisonburg community through building redevelopment and providing

economic housing opportunity, free of discrimination. The HRHA is considered a political

subdivision of the Commonwealth of Virginia. There is a waitlist for the community members of

the community to different programs and properties. The HRHA is made up of three different

properties that have several units in each, designated as permanent supportive housing. Many of

the tenants, who fill these properties, are struggling with chronic homelessness and medically

assisted individuals. The HRHA offers many programs for their landlords and tenants to help pay

for their a portion of the monthly rent.

New landlords with the HRHA are expected to know general landlord rules and have a brief

training session with the organization through a powerpoint presentation. Existing landlords are

just predicted to keep up with the ever changing documents through the HRHA. Having trouble

with existing landlords keeping up with the constant changes, and new landlords not being fully
educated on the current real estate rules, is a serious issue at the HRHA encounters. We are

excited to work with the HRHA to help them create a training facility in order to help them

educate and stress the rules to new and old landlords. It is clear, through our visits to the HRHA

organization, they are very passionate about their landlords and tenants, just need a clear line of

communication to help the confusion being presented.

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