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Guidelines to attempt Picture Composition in ICSE Board Exam

Among the topics that are prescribed in the English Language syllabus of ICSE, Essay Writing
(Composition) plays a pivotal role in enriching the learner’s vocabulary level as well helping him in
accelerating his writing skills. And one such parameter in essay writing is the Picture Composition which
usually occupies the fourth or the fifth choice in Question One in an ICSE English Language Paper.

Most of the times students are advised not to attempt this question as it requires a wide range of
imagination and a pocket full of words and phrases that would fit into the context. Hence, to help the
learner shed this fear and inhibition related to this part of the essay here are some tip that might help
the learner to plunge into the risk taking factor and go ahead with Picture Composition.

Definition: A kind of essay topic in which instead of a written question the candidate is given a picture to

Ingredients required: Creativity, Imagination, Good hold on vocabulary and the ability to sequence all
the events together.

Category: A picture composition is usually divided into three patterns where a learner light be asked to
describe a picture given, or make a story out of the given picture or thirdly to express and elaborate
upon the thoughts and feelings suggested by the given picture.

The first step that the learner needs to remember while attempting a picture composition is that the
content chosen must be directly related to the given picture or at least there should be some kind of link
between the given picture and the content.

The idea conceived through the given picture must be the base of the essay that the learner plans to
write. The learner must maintain the connection and the focus on the picture as well as the content.

The third step is that before the learner begins writing, he should study the picture minutely and
thoroughly and then plan out his content. Planning is essential while attempting picture composition.
The learner must plan out his every move starting from the introduction and continuing right still his

As the word limit is going to range between 350-400 words the learner must try to spread out his
ideas so that there is variety of ideas in his picture composition. Here too his ideas must be linked to the
given picture.

The learner must make use of his imaginative power and simple language in order to frame out his
content related to the picture.

Finally the key words and the relevant phrases must be highlighted to catch the attention of the

Tag line:

Read a lot of books if you plan to attempt picture composition.

Try to jot down words and phrases from newspapers, magazines and other reading materials and try
to apply them in your content.


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Ping Roof

Guidelines to attempt Picture Composition in ICSE Board Exam

Among the topics that are prescribed in the English Language syllabus of ICSE, Essay Writing
(Composition) plays a pivotal role in enriching the learner’s vocabulary level as well helping him in
accelerating his writing skills. And one such parameter in essay writing is the Picture Composition which
usually occupies the fourth or the fifth choice in Question One in an ICSE English Language Paper.

Most of the times students are advised not to attempt this question as it requires a wide range of
imagination and a pocket full of words and phrases that would fit into the context. Hence, to help the
learner shed this fear and inhibition related to this part of the essay here are some tip that might help
the learner to plunge into the risk taking factor and go ahead with Picture Composition.

Definition: A kind of essay topic in which instead of a written question the candidate is given a picture to

Ingredients required: Creativity, Imagination, Good hold on vocabulary and the ability to sequence all
the events together.

Category: A picture composition is usually divided into three patterns where a learner light be asked to
describe a picture given, or make a story out of the given picture or thirdly to express and elaborate
upon the thoughts and feelings suggested by the given picture.

The first step that the learner needs to remember while attempting a picture composition is that the
content chosen must be directly related to the given picture or at least there should be some kind of link
between the given picture and the content.

The idea conceived through the given picture must be the base of the essay that the learner plans to
write. The learner must maintain the connection and the focus on the picture as well as the content.

The third step is that before the learner begins writing, he should study the picture minutely and
thoroughly and then plan out his content. Planning is essential while attempting picture composition.
The learner must plan out his every move starting from the introduction and continuing right still his

As the word limit is going to range between 350-400 words the learner must try to spread out his
ideas so that there is variety of ideas in his picture composition. Here too his ideas must be linked to the
given picture.

The learner must make use of his imaginative power and simple language in order to frame out his
content related to the picture.

Finally the key words and the relevant phrases must be highlighted to catch the attention of the

Tag line:

Read a lot of books if you plan to attempt picture composition.

Try to jot down words and phrases from newspapers, magazines and other reading materials and try
to apply them in your content.


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What’s the best breakfast to eat before a taking a very long exam at school?

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