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INFJ Personality Profile

The Counselor

Compiled & Edited by

Personality Trait Test

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This document contains detailed information about the Personality
Profile. The content References concepts already mentioned in the Detail
Personality Results in App. If you are reading this and do not understand
some of the content, please refer to the Android App

This personality profile comes with the following analysis:

 Trait Profiles (summaries)

 Strengths and Weaknesses
 Relationships (Romantic , Parents, Friends)
 Personal growth (Career path , & Work Place Habits)

The analyses here combine work done by Carl Jung, Katharine Cook
Briggs and her daughter, Isabel Briggs Myers, and David Keirsey. Myers
& Briggs built their work on Jung’s, and Keirsey expanded and revised
some of their work. At times, the outcomes conflict in small ways, and they
are noted. However, all their works are presented for you to embrace
whichever appeals to you.

Words of Caution in Interpreting This Material

A 75% score on Thinking, for example, means you rely on Thinking &
about 75% of the time to make decisions rather than Feelings. But it also
means you use or value Feelings 25% of the time, rather than that you are
a Thinking decision-maker all of the time. You have to keep these
percentages in mind when interpreting this content as it may apply to you
or someone else.

The biggest mistake that we often see with the presentation of personality
test results is that they are spoken of in absolute terms, when they should
be discussed as majority tendencies. You got a percentage score with each
of your Jung type preferences (letter) if you took the test I supplied. That
score is an indication of how strong you have those tendencies.

Do NOT compare your percentage scores with someone else’s as if they

were absolute. That is, if you had a 75% Thinking score that does not mean
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you are more logical than someone with a 65% Thinking score. The best
way I can think to illustrate this is with an analogy. Your percentage is
like how you break up your “pie”, where the whole is both Preferences
(Thinking and Feeling here).

Someone could have a 55% Thinking score & be more logical in their
decision making than you. That’s because their “pie” might be bigger than
yours. They may put more of, both, Thinking and Feeling, into their
decision-making, or may be capable of more complex logical decision-
making than you. They just don’t rely on Thinking 75% of the time like

That’s all those percentages mean, so keep your % scores only for your
own comparison. While it may be more convenient, less convoluted and
more convincing to discuss your results in absolute terms, it is not true.
People are complex and there’s no way of “dumbing them down” to
understand them. All that does is either create misunderstandings or
skepticism in the results.

INFJ Characteristics
INFJ in a Nutshell

INFJs are creative nurturers with a strong sense of personal integrity and
a drive to help others realize their potential. Creative and dedicated, they
have a talent for helping others with original solutions to their personal

The Counselor has a unique ability to intuit others' emotions and

motivations, and will often know how someone else is feeling before that
person knows it himself. They trust their insights about others and have
strong faith in their ability to read people. Although they are sensitive,
they are also reserved; the INFJ is a private sort, and is selective about
sharing intimate thoughts and feelings.

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What Makes the INFJ Tick

INFJs are guided by a deeply considered set of personal values. They are
intensely idealistic, and can clearly imagine a happier and more perfect
future. They can become discouraged by the harsh realities of the present,
but they are typically motivated and persistent in taking positive action
nonetheless. The INFJ feels an intrinsic drive to do what they can to make
the world a better place.

INFJs want a meaningful life and deep connections with other people.
They do not tend to share themselves freely but appreciate emotional
intimacy with a select, committed few. Although their rich inner life can
sometimes make them seem mysterious or private to others, they
profoundly value authentic connections with people they trust.

Recognizing an INFJ

INFJs often appear quiet, caring and sensitive, and may be found
listening attentively to someone else’s ideas or concerns. They are highly
perceptive about people and want to help others achieve understanding.
INFJs are not afraid of complex personal problems; in fact, they are quite
complex themselves, and have a rich inner life that few are privy to. They
reflect at length on issues of ethics, and feel things deeply. Because
Counselors initially appear so gentle and reserved, they may surprise
others with their intensity when one of their values is threatened or called
into question. Their calm exterior belies the complexity of their inner

Because INFJs are such complex people, they may be reluctant to engage
with others who might not understand or appreciate them, and can thus
be hard to get to know. Although they want to get along with others and
support them in their goals, they are fiercely loyal to their own system of
values and will not follow others down a path that does not feel authentic
to them. When they sense that their values are not being respected, or
when their intuition tells them that someone’s intentions are not pure, they
are likely to withdraw.

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INFJ in the Population

INFJ is the rarest type in the population. It is the least common type
among men, and the third least common among women (after INTJ and
ENTJ). INFJs make up:

 2% of the general population

 2% of women
 1% of men

Popular Hobbies

Popular hobbies for the INFJ include writing, art appreciation, cultural
events, reading, socializing in small, intimate settings, and playing or
listening to music.

What the Experts Say

"The visions of the INFJs tend to concern human welfare, and their
contributions are likely to be made independent of a mass movement. "

- Isabel Briggs Myers, Gifts Differing

"These seclusive and friendly people are complicated themselves, and so

can understand and deal with complex ethical issues and with deeply
troubled individuals."
- David Keirsey, Please Understand Me II

"INFJs' nonstop search for learning, self-growth, and development—and

wishing the same for everyone else—makes them very reassuring to others
and people worth emulating "

- Otto Kroeger, Type Talk at Work

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INFJ’s Strengths
1. Determined and passionate

INFJ personalities work very hard for causes they believe in. This passion
can easily surprise people not used to seeing this side of the INFJ, but it is
an inseparable part of their personality.

2. Altruistic

It is very rare to see an INFJ do something just for their personal benefit.
People with this personality type tend to be very warm and altruistic, even
though these traits may not be clearly visible.

3. Decisive

This is one of the most important strengths of any INFJ. Their

imagination, combined with decisiveness, usually allows INFJs to achieve
incredible things. Not only they can come up with interesting and unusual
ideas, they also have the willpower and planning skills necessary to
implement those ideas.

4. Creative

INFJs possess a vivid imagination and rarely have any difficulties

expressing it in one way or another. Most of their solutions revolve
around people or ideals, as opposed to technical strategies. This strength
makes INFJ personalities excellent counselors and advisors.

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5. Inspiring and convincing

People with the INFJ personality type have a way with words and are
known for their fluid, inspirational writing style. INFJs can also be
convincing speakers, especially if they are talking about something they
are very proud of or passionate about.

6. Very insightful

INFJs find it easy to decipher other people’s motives and are rarely
affected by manipulation or sales tactics. They tend to know instantly
whether someone is being honest. This strength shields their sensitive
inner core, protecting the INFJ from disappointment.

INFJ’s Weakness
1. Extremely private

INFJs may appear expressive and passionate, but they are actually very
private individuals. People with this personality type often find it quite
difficult to trust a new friend or open up, even to people who are closest to

2. Can burn out easily

That strength and passion that INFJ personalities are known for can
exhaust them quickly if they are not careful. INFJs also tend to internalize
most of their feelings. This trait is not necessarily a weakness, but it
deprives them of the “exhaust valve.”

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3. Very sensitive

INFJs are highly vulnerable to criticism and conflict situations and can
get hurt very easily. People with this personality type are also likely to
react strongly to anything that challenges their inner principles and

4. Perfectionistic
INFJ personalities are inherently idealistic and do their best to achieve
their ideals. This is a great trait, but it can quickly become a weakness if
the same approach is applied in every area of life. For instance, INFJs
may find it difficult to settle down in a romantic relationship, always
looking for an ideal partner.

5. Always need to have a cause

INFJs may find it difficult to focus and force themselves to complete tasks
that are not linked to one of their goals, e.g., some routine administrative
work that must be carried out. People with this personality type always
want to know that they are moving toward a worthy goal and may feel
disappointed and restless if this is not the case.

Romantic Relationships

INFJs are reserved about communication, and often keep their most
treasured ideas and insights private. They are oriented to values and
connection, and will search for meaning in the information they take in.

They think deeply and often need time to process and evaluate before they
are ready to share their ideas. They seek validation and will take the time
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to appreciate others and their ideas. They are often talented at making
connections to bring people together and integrate ideas, values, and
human potential.


In relationships, the INFJ is supportive and guided by a sense of integrity.

The INFJ's interest in human development applies to their mates as well,
and they are encouraging of their partner\'s dreams, aspirations, and

INFJs want to maintain harmony in their relationships and are highly

motivated to resolve conflicts. They tend to be creative problem-solvers
and look for the emotional core of an issue to create a meeting of the
minds. Although they desire cooperation, they are not willing to go along
with an idea that does not feel authentic to them. When it comes to their
core values and ethics, they are unwilling to compromise.

INFJs want a high degree of intimacy and emotional engagement, and

are happiest when they feel they are sharing their innermost thoughts and
feelings with their mates. INFJs value a partner who respects their deeply
held values and ethics, and one who appreciates their creativity and

INFJs are warm and caring partners, able to love unconditionally

They tend to be perfectionists, who can sometimes irritate their partners;
however, such a tendency also shows how sincere and serious INFJs can
be. INFJ relationships often reach the level of depth that most people could
only dream of.

INFJs possess the ability to see behind the obvious, to clearly understand
the idea behind the process they are extraordinarily insightful and able to
sense other people’s thoughts, desires, and emotions very easily. This is an

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incredible strength in romantic relationships and helps INFJs a lot during

the dating phase.

INFJs evaluate the motives of other people very carefully

It is hard to manipulate an INFJ as they evaluate the motives of other
people very carefully, especially when dating. It is very rare for an INFJ
to be tricked or talked into something they did not want.

Nevertheless, the INFJs are friendly and full of compassion, even though
they can be very picky when it comes to choosing their dating partners. A
relationship with an INFJ is a connection that simply cannot be described
in everyday terms.

From the standpoint of sexual intimacy

INFJs look at intimacy as an excellent opportunity to express their love

and make their partner happy. They enjoy becoming one with their
partner, physically and spiritually, even if just for a short while.

INFJs’ emotions are incredibly powerful, and they cherish the idea of
expressing them in this way. People with this personality type are likely to
be very passionate and enthusiastic partners.

Preferred partners:

ENFP and ENTP types, as their Extraversion (E) and Prospecting (P)
traits counterbalance INFJs’ Introversion (I) and Judging (J) traits. INTJs
are also a very strong match as the intuitive connection between INFJ and
INTJ is likely to be instantaneous.

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As parents, INFJs are devoted and loving. They tend to form strong bonds
with their children and are very closely tuned in to their emotional states.
Counselor parents naturally see the possibilities in their children and
encourage them to develop their potential.

Although they support their children in their individual interests, INFJ

parents are firm disciplinarians, particularly when it comes to moral or
ethical concerns. They are concerned with their children's emotional
health and spiritual development, and want to create a nurturing
atmosphere that promotes growth and well-being.

INFJs tend to be very principled, driven, and compassionate

They will do their best to ensure that their children are able to fight for the
cause they believe in and separate the good from the bad. This does not
mean that INFJ parents are likely to encourage their children to become
fanatical about something. .

On the contrary, the INFJ will push them to think independently and take
responsibility for their own decisions.

ENTJs very warm and dedicated parents

An INFJ parent will not even blink an eye if they are asked to do
something for their children no matter how difficult that might be, and
they will bear that burden with a smile on their face. This devotion and
idealism that all INFJ personalities share makes them very warm and
dedicated parents.
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People with this personality type react very badly to their principles being
violated; an INFJ will feel very hurt if their child goes against something
that they believe in, regardless of the child’s age. Consequently, INFJ
personalities may find it quite difficult to cope with the adolescent years
when their child may rebel against their authority for no logical (from the
INFJ’s perspective) reason.

People with the INFJ personality type are unlikely to go for friendships of
circumstance, like workplace social circles or chatting up their local
baristas, where the only thing they really have in common is a day-to-day

There is a running theme with INFJs, and that is a yearning for

authenticity and sincerity – in their activities, their romantic
relationships, and their friendships. Rather, INFJs seek out people who
share their passions, interests and ideologies, people with whom they can
explore philosophies and subjects that they believe are truly meaningful.

INFJ friends are likely to be very insightful, warm and caring

It will not be easy to get to know them well as INFJ personalities hide
their true thoughts deep within their minds. However, if their friends are
determined enough to work on the friendship, its strength and depth will
be remarkable. This personality type is very enigmatic and difficult to
decipher, yet they are able to see through other people’s masks very easily.

INFJs are not really interested in friendships that mostly revolve around
practical, daily matters or physical activities. They are quiet yet very
determined idealists, brimming with desire to make the world a better
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place. Therefore, INFJ personalities are likely to seek friends who are
willing to let a bit of idealism into their lives and engage in deep,
meaningful discussions about things that go beyond the daily routines.

INFJ friends also tend to be relatively perfectionistic

INFJ friends also tend to be relatively perfectionistic, which can be both a

very positive and a very negative trait when it comes to relationships. On
one hand, the INFJ will seek to grow and develop together with their close
friends, seeking out life-enriching experiences.

On the other hand, this tendency to always reach for the ideal may
exhaust people with different personality types as they may not have the
same stamina and determination that the INFJ possesses. Consequently,
the INFJ may keep moving from one friend to another, hoping that the
next one will be more similar to them than the last.

INFJ personalities seek friends that they can trust and who are both
willing and able to understand their passions and ideas. Not many people
can cope with the depth and richness of the INFJ’s imagination, and even
fewer can support the INFJ in the way that they need. INFJs tend to be
very loyal and supportive friends and are sought out by many other
personality types for their wisdom; however, they need to learn how to
meet potential new friends halfway.

Career Path

At work, the INFJ is focused on the task of bettering the human condition.
INFJs are dedicated, helpful, and principled workers who can be relied on

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to envision, plan, and carry out complex projects for humanitarian


The ideal work environment for an INFJ is harmonious, industrious, and

oriented to a humanitarian mission, with co-workers who are similarly
committed to positive change. The ideal job for a Counselor allows them to
use their creativity in an independent, organized environment to develop
and implement a vision that is consistent with their personal values.

INFJs are typically organized and prefer work in orderly manner

They are often independent and tend to prefer a quiet environment that
allows them the opportunity to fully develop their own thoughts and ideas.

Although they are typically driven by lofty ideals, Counselors gain the
most satisfaction from their work when they can turn their ideas into
reality, creating constructive change for other people.

Career to Consider

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INFJs dislike routine tasks, strictly impersonal work, or analysing

small details
They are also very vulnerable to conflict and criticism. These traits mean
that INFJs should avoid careers that typically focus on data rather than
people or are prone to pressure and conflict, e.g., finance, audit,
programming, data analysis, etc. On the other hand, people with this
personality type are very insightful and creative; they tend to be excellent
architects, musicians, artists, photographers, designers, etc. The best INFJ
career paths revolve around these traits.

Regardless of the career path, INFJs always need to feel that their
contribution is meaningful. They need something more than just money or
recognition. People with this personality type feel happiest when they
believe that their career is very much in line with their personal values
and principles. In order to achieve that, the INFJ often needs to take a
leadership role, but they can also perform really well in non-managerial
roles during their career, as long as their managers’ values match their

INFJs are natural leaders without hunger for worship positions of


They approach leadership roles from the standpoint of sensitivity and

understanding rather than authority and power. Consequently, INFJs
tend to do best in careers that involve a certain degree of personal touch
and sensitivity. For instance, a typical INFJ career path could lead to a
religious institution. INFJs also tend to be excellent HR administrators,
psychiatrists, or doctors.

INFJs tend to have a very strong intuition, which allows them to

accurately judge events, situations, and other people. Furthermore, people
with this personality type are idealists, and there is nothing more
important than their values and principles. For these reasons, typical
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INFJ careers often include teaching, counselling, psychology, or creative


Workplace Habits
INFJ Colleagues

As colleagues, INFJs are likely to become quite popular, being seen as

positive, eloquent and capable friends, identifying others’ motives and
defusing conflicts and tension before anyone else even senses a

INFJs are likely to prioritize harmony and cooperation over ruthless

efficiency, encouraging a good, hardworking atmosphere and helping
others when needed. While this is usually a strength, there is a risk that
others will take advantage of INFJs’ commitment to their responsibilities
by simply shifting their burdens onto their more dedicated INFJ
colleagues’ desks.

It should also be remembered that at the end of the day, INFJs are still
Introverts (I), and their popularity isn’t always welcome – they will need
to step back and act the lone wolf from time to time, pursuing their own
goals in their own ways. An unhealthy version of this tendency may pop
up if INFJs sense that their values are being compromised by a more
ethically relaxed colleague.

INFJ Managers

As managers, INFJs are often reluctant in exercising their authority,

preferring to see their subordinates as equals, coordinating and
supervising people, leaving the technical systems and factual details to
more capable hands, and working hard to inspire and motivate, not to

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crack the whip. That’s not to say that people with the INFJ personality
type have lax standards – far from it – as INFJs’ sense of equality means
that they expect their subordinates to be as competent, motivated and
reliable as the INFJs themselves.

Though sensitive, understanding, principled and just, able to appreciate

individual styles and to make accurate judgments about others’
motivations, if a subordinate’s actions or attitude undermines INFJs’
ethics or values, they will find little comfort in these qualities. INFJs have
no tolerance for lapses in reliability or morality. But, so long as no such
lapse occurs, INFJs will work tirelessly to ensure that their subordinates
feel valued and happy.

INFJ Subordinates

As subordinates, INFJs are likely to chafe under hardline rules, formal

hierarchies and routine tasks. People with the INFJ personality type value
diplomacy and sensitivity, and the more democratic and personal their
manager’s style is, and the more they feel their independence and input
are valued, the happier they’ll be. INFJs act on their convictions, so when
they do something, it’s something that has meaning to them – if those
actions come under criticism, even justified complaints, but especially
unwarranted ones, their morale is likely to tank spectacularly.

A manager’s values need to be naturally aligned with their INFJ

subordinates for both parties to be most effective. Though usually
idealistic, if they feel in conflict, INFJs can lose touch with that sense and
end up all too bitter. But if it’s a balance they can handle, with a little
encouragement every now and then, INFJs will be hardworking,
trustworthy, and more than capable of handling their responsibilities and
professional relationships.

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