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(Appropriate data to support (Must include scientific Goals (include realistic short IMPLEMENTATION (Actual outcome of care and
nursing diagnosis, include rationale for the diagnosis, and long term (What actually was done, must appropriate follow-up actions)
subjective and objective data) include references*) client-centered goals) include scientific rationale with  Goals
 Short Term/Long Term references and delegation of  Implementations
 Interventions tasks*)
50 year old male admitted to Risk for Impaired Skin Short term: 1. Assisted/taught patient while 1. Patient correctly drained
hospital with Sigmoid colon Integrity •During my shift, the ostomy draining colostomy bag before colostomy device when
cancer R/T: Bowel Diversion ostomy and surrounding skin will ½ full- nursing task/ not partially full- follow up with
intact without signs of delegated patient throughout shift to offer
Client stated “I haven’t been “fecal material from a breakdown. assistance
that hungry the last few colostomy is irritating to the Rationale: “weight of an overly
months” peristomal skin, any irritation Long term: full bag may loosen the skin
or skin breakdown needs to be •In two weeks the ostomy site barrier and separate it from the
Abnormal Lab: treated immediately” (Kozier and surrounding skin will be skin causing the stool to leak
HGB 11.5 L and Erb, 2008 p.1345) intact and without signs of and irritate the peristomal
breakdown. skin” (Kozier and Erb, 2008
HCT 33.6 L •After teaching session the p.1347)- Initially performed by
client and wife will be able to RN to properly teach client,
RBC 3.49 L perform colostomy care with then can be delegated to LPN
correct technique. or CNA
Lymphoc 17.7 L
yte Intervention: 2. client cleansed stoma and 2. client properly cleanse
Calcium 8.1 L •keep skin clean by washing peristomal skin with warm peristomal skin and stoma
off and excretions (use warm water, and pat dry. Initial while changing ostomy device-
Protien 5 L water) and drying thoroughly nursing task/ CNA delegated further education needed to
(pat dry) help patient prepare for
Albumin 2.5 L •Stoma care: wearing clean Rationale: “stool can irritate discharge
gloves while changing a non- peristomal skin” (Kozier and
Current body weight 156 drainable pouch, Erb, 2008 p.1347) “excess
Ideal body weight 172 lbs= •washing/drying skin rubbing can abrade the skin”
5’11’, 16 lbs under IBW thoroughly, (Kozier and Erb, 2008
•empting pouch at 1/2-1/3 full, p.1348)- Initially performed by
Newly placed transverse while empting pouch place a RN to properly teach client,
Colostomy device tissue or gauze over stoma to then can be delegated to LPN
absorb secretion, or CNA
Pain scale at 4 •assess Skin the of the stoma
for active bleeding, ulceration, 3. Assessed speristomal site for 3. Peristomal skin and stoma
darker-colors with bluish hue, irritation, redness, ulceration, was free from signs of irritation
note burning sensation bleeding, and color while and breakdown. Patient and
simultaneously teaching client wife correctly identified
and wife the importance of important signs of breakdown
good skin integrity and how to and irritation (redness,
maintain it (e.g. cleansing inflammation, burning,
ostomy and surrounding skin bleeding, change in color)
when changing colostomy bag,
keeping site free of stool,
detecting signs of tissue
breakdown) -Not delegated

Rationale: “It is important to

assess the peristomal skin for
irritation” (Kozier and Erb,
2008 p.1345)

1. client selected liked foods

Imbalance Nutrition: Less Short term: 1. client selected foods liked form full diet list
than body requirements •client will be able to select from full liquid diet to eat the
R/T: Inadequate absorption of appropriate meal options to following day- Delegated,
nutrients achieve needed protein intake nursing follow up
AEB: Indication of low protein by the end of client teaching
and albumin levels from CBC Rationale: “Provide familiar
food that the person likes.
Long term: Often the relatives o clients are
“Because there is so much •client will gain 2 pounds in pleased to bring for from home
albumin in the body and one week but need some guidance about
because it is not broken down •clients total protein and special diet requirements”
very quickly, albumin levels albumin levels increase in two (Kozier and Erb, 2008 p.1263)
change slowly. Thus, a low weeks 2. client properly selected
level serum albumin level is a 2. assisted client with proper foods higher in protein to eat –
useful indicator of prolonged Interventions: food selections for full liquid follow up with client to plan
protein depletion.” (Kozier •asses clients food preference diet that are rich in protein- for appropriate foods to eat
and Erb, 2008 p.1259) •consult with dietician Nursing task/ Dietician task after discharge on regular diet
•perform a nutritional
assessment Rationale: “client teaching:
•avoid unpleasant or health nutrition, discuss foods
uncomfortable treatments high in specific nutrients
immediately before or after required such as protein, iron, \
meals calcium, vitamin C, and fiber”
•provide familiar foods in (Kozier and Erb, 2008 p.1261)
accordance with full liquid diet 3.client was taught to keep a
•full diet client teaching 3. provided client teaching on food frequency record to track
•Advance to soft diet as food frequency record to help consumption of protein and
tolerated log protein intake- Nursing nutrient rich foods
•client food frequency record task
•client teaching protein and
nutrient rich foods Rationale: “when specific
•monitor CBC (protein and foods or nutrients are
albumin) suspected of being deficient or
•weekly weighing of client excessive, the health care
professional may use a
selective food frequency.”
(Kozier and Erb, 2008 p.1257)
4. client is underweight- client
4. calculated clients ideal body teaching needed for guidance
weight- Delegated, Nursing in gaining healthy weight
follow up
5’11”= 172 lbs

Rationale: “Ideal body weight

is the optimal weight
recommended for optimal
health” (Kozier and Erb, 2008
5.clients weight was 156 no
5. weighed client to determine gain/loss- daily assessment
gain/loss needed

“dietary guidelines for

Americans; maintain weight in
a healthy range”
(Kozier and Erb, 2008

Related to Post operation 1. client voice understanding of
placement of transverse Short Term: 1.taught client 0-10 pain scale- pain scale- discontinue
ostomy •Patient will self identify pain delegated teaching
AEB paitent stating “after level at or below comfort level
moving around I am really during my shift “to avoid confusion scales
hurting” should us a 0-10 range with 0
indication no pain and highest
Long Term: number indicating worst pain
“pain is an unpleasant sensory •Until discharge patient will possible”
and emotional experience maintain comfort level with the (Kozier and Erb 2008, p.1198)
associated with actual or use of non pharmacological
potential tissue damage” pain relief 2.Assessed clients pain using 2. client’s pain scale was at a 4
0-10 scale, nursing task after ambulating in hallway-
Intervention: refused analgesic, further
•Using Non Pharmacological “perception is reality, client’s assessment needed
pain relief self-report of pain is what must
•Teach pain scale be used to determine pain
•Distraction intensity”
•Hot/Cold therapy (Kozier and Erb 2008, p.1198)
•Assess Pain 3. talk with patient about
•Reduce stress 3.Provided emotional support- problems he was having at
•Emotional support nursing task home with his children-
continue with implementation
“Therapeutic communication
with an emphasis on listening
providing encouragement
teaching etc. promote coping”
(Kozier and Erb 2008, p.1221)
4. client performed crossword
4.Wife provided client with for an hour, during this time I
newspaper and crossword assessed his pain level pain
puzzle to work-can be done my level, client stated it was at a 2-
family or nurse contiue with non
pharmacological pain relief
“Distraction allows the
person’s attention away from
the pain and lessens the
perception of pain” (Kozier
**Low self-esteem related and Erb, 2008 p.1220)
to Ostomy

**Disturbed Body Image

related to Ostomy

**Anxiety related to lack of

control of fecal elimination
secondary to ostomy

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