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Analisis Suhu Permukaan Laut dan Klorofil-a sebagai

Indikator Daerah Penangkapan Ikan hubungannya

terhadap Pencurian Ikan di Laut Natuna Utara

Muhammad Fiqi Fadillah1, Ferry Deswan1, Rudy A Gultom1

Sensing Technology, Indonesia Defense University


Lemuru is a small pelagic fisheries which important in Indonesia and the development on the
occurring in Bali Strait. Lemuru catches changes occurred in every years. The climate change could
affect the oceanography and at the same time will affect physiology, behavior and population of
fishes. The research aims to identify climate change and its effect on the production of Lemuru
catches. The research was conducted in bali strait by looking of the sea surface temperature, the
distribution of chlorophyll-a, current velocity , high waves , sea surface high anomalies through
secondary data and the production of lemuru catches for 15 years from year 2002-2016. The results
of this research show that the condition of the waters of the Straits of bali are experiencing rising sea
surface temperature trend, current speed, wave height, and high sea level anomalies significant gains
as well as lower trend of chlorophyll-a in waters of the Strait of Bali . Global index IPCC stating
existence of increase in sea surface temperature anomalies thus identified the existence of climate
change. This has an impact on fish habitat in the region. Climate change causes an increase in the
trend of oceanographic factors and decreases fish catch, based on observations, a temperature
increase of 1°C results in an optimum temperature shift for fishing, this can result in reduced fish
catches in the Bali Strait

1. Introduction
Indonesia merupakan Negara kepulauan yang diapit oleh dua benua dan dua samudera. Wilayah laut
Indonesia mencapai 2/3 dari total luas wilayahnya. Oleh sebab itu pengelolaan sumberdaya kelautan harus
ditekankan. Salah satu perairan di Indonesia yang memiliki potensi perikanan yaitu Laut Natuna Utara,
Kabupaten Natuna, Provinsi Kepulauan Riau yang berada di wilayah perbatasan antara Indonesia, Vietnam,
Malaysia, dan China. Perairan Laut Natuna Utara juga merupakan penghubung sirkulasi masa air oseanik
yang mengalir ke Samudra Hindia dan Pasifik yang memiliki suhu dan salinitas yang cukup tinggi, sehingga
kaya akan nutrisi dan memiliki tingkat kesuburan yang tinggi yang berpengaruh terhadap biota laut di
perairan tersebut (Suyarso 2003).
Tingkat kesuburan pada suatu perairan dapat dilihat dari kelimpahan fitoplankton, zooplankton dan
bakteri sebagai produsen dalam suatu rantai makanan dalam perairan. Keberadaan dan kelimpahan
fitoplankton tersebut banyak dipengaruhi oleh faktor fisika air seperti suhu, arus, dan salinitas. Pada
umumya fitoplankton melimpah pada perairan di sekitar muara sungai atau di perairan lepas pantai ketika
terjadi upwelling. Klorofil-a merupakan pigmen yang digunakan fitoplankton dalam proses fotosintesis.
Oleh karena itu produktifitas primer di perairan dapat diduga melalui konsentrasi klorofil-a di perairan.
Sebaran konsentrasi klorofil-a tersebut sangat berkaitan dengan kondisi oseanografis yaitu suhu permukaan
Sumberdaya perikanan Indonesia khususnya di wilayah Laut Natuna Utara merupakan asset strategis
untuk dilakukan pengembangan dengan basis keamanan wilayah dan kegiatan ekonomi dengan tujuan
pemakmuran dan keamanan masyarakt pesisir. Potensi Sumberdaya ikan khususnya ikan pelagis di Laut
Natuna Utara cukup melimpah (Matsunuma et al 2011). Hal ini sejalan dengan potensi pencurian ikan dari
Negara tetangga. Pencurian Ikan di Laut Natuna Utara dari tahun ke tahun. Terhitung sepanjang tahun 2018
pencurian ikan di Laut Natuna Utara mencapai………..
Pendugaan daerah penangkapan ikan dapat dilakukan melalui pendekatan indikator-indikator
oseanografi. Indikator yang dimaksud adalah suhu permukaan laut dan klorofil-a. Suhu permukaan laut
menjadi parameter kunci karena ikan merupakan hewan berdarah dingin yang suhu tubuhnya mengikuti
suhu lingkungan, sedangkan klorofil-a merupakan produsen utama dari ikan. Oleh karena itu pendugaan
daerah pendugaan ikan dapat dilakukan melalui parameter-parameter tersebut.
Teknologi Sistem Informasi Geografis (SIG) mampu memberikan informasi spasial tentang daerah
pendugaan Penangkapan Ikan tersebut serta dapat menggambarkan secara spasial lokasi pencurian ikan
melalui titik-titik koordinat. Dalam penelitan ini akan dilihat pola sebaran suhu permukaan laut dan klorofil-
a sebagai dasar pendugaan potensi perikanan dan hubungannya terhadap pola pencurian ikan sehingga dapat
praktik pencuriaan ikan dapat dilihat polanya berdasarkan sebaran suhu dan klorofil-a.

2. Material and Methods

The study was conducted in January - July 2017, at the location of the Bali Strait and the Coastal Fisheries
Port (PPP) Muncar, Banyuwangi, East Java Province and the Nusantara Fisheries Port (PPN)
Pangembengan, Jembrana Regency, Bali Province.

Figure 1. Location of the research

The location of the research choises by purposively based on the consideration than the water of the Bali
Strait were a place og intensive use of the lemuru fishery resources carried out by local fisherman.

2.1 Tools and Material

The tools used in the study will be presented in Table 1 below.

Table 1. Tools
Material Function
1. Laptop Overall research work
2. Software ArcGIS 10.2.2 Data processing and visualization
3. Software Seadass 7.3.1 Cutting and delineation of the study area
4. Software Ms. Excel 2010 Graph making, selecting and processing data

The material used is oceanographic data for the past 15 years and the annual lemuru fish landing data,
which can be seen in Table 2 below

Table 2. Materials
Data Data Source
1. Sea Surface Temperature (SST)

2. Chlorophyll – A
3. Tides
4. Sea Surface Height
5. Wave
6. Production of lemuru fish PPP Muncar and PPN Pengambengan

2.2 Methods
The method used in this research is survey method. The survey method is an investigation that is
conducted to obtain facts from the existing symptoms and find factual information. Parameters taken in this
study include data on Sea Surface Temperature, Chlorophyll-a, Current Velocity, Wave, Sea Surface Height
Anomaly. Data collection in this study are secondary data. This secondary data is in the form of satellite
image data for oceanographic conditions and fish landing 15 years back from two fishing ports, namely
Muncar PPP and Pengambengan PPN. The data processing flow chart can be seen in Figure 2 below.

3. Result
As discussed in this section, The Bali Strait are strait that connect the Flores Sea and the Madura Strait in
the North and Indian Ocean in the South. The mouth of the northern strait is very narrow which is about
1.00 miles and extends to the south. The mouth of the strait, which faces the Indian Ocean wider, is around
28.00 miles. The shallow waters of the Bali Strait in the North with a depth of about 50.00 meters and
become very deep in the mouth of the South Strait, with depths above 200,000 meters (Burhanuddin and
Praseno 1982).

3.1 Oceanographic Conditions

In 15-year time series data fluctuations indicate variations in all oceanographic factors such as Sea Surface
Temperature (SST), namely the trend that increased by 0.4°C. Changes in sea surface temperature
conditions occur periodically, according to Gaol (2003) a period of 1 year is the influence of the monsoon
wind system that blows in Indonesian waters while a period of more than 1 year shows variations related to
climate change. In the Strait of Bali had a maximum SST value in March (Transition I) with an average SST
of 30.100C and a minimum in August (East Monsoon) with an average SST of 25.80℃. in the east monsoon
SST tends to decrease compared to the west monsoon. in the east monsoon upwelling occurs a lot in the
Bali Strait because the of SST more colder than west monsoon, the water from the lower layer that rises to
the surface is generally rich in nutrients so that water fertility increases and is rich in phytoplankton. Based
on the results of research on the average value of chlorophyll-a for 15 years in June showed a value of 2.2
mg / m3 and in September at 2.4 mg / m3 showed the east monsoon was almost three times higher than in
the west monsoon.
Blowing the west monsoon causes the wind to move from the northwest into the northern part of the Bali
strait towards the southeast and wider to the south of the Bali Strait waters. The northern part of the Bali
Strait tends to be narrow causing a strong current from the northwest. In conditions of high water level to
low, ocean currents move predominantly west to northwest with greater speed. This causes the east monsoon
to flow weaker than in the west monsoon. In the east monsoon (June - August) the current moves at a speed
of 0.10 - 0.11 m / s lower than the west monsoon (December - February) which is 0.14 - 0.15 m / s. The
blowing of the East monsoon pushes the current along the coast towards the west which causes the water
mass in the coastal area of the Bali Strait to move towards the high seas as a wave of the Coriolis style (Gaol
2003). The occurrence of vacancies in the coastal area is clearly visible from Sea Surface Height anomalies
(SSH) data by the Altimeter satellite
Sea Surface Height anomalies (SSH) from December to June or throughout the west monsoon towards
the east monsoon tend to be stable with sea level height anomalies reaching 0.5-0.6 m. The decline occurs
in July to October or throughout the eastern monsoon. This contradicts the monthly average monthly waves
in the waters of the Bali Strait, in the East monsoon (June - August) the wave height is greater than the West
monsoon. According to Taryono (2014) during the eastern monsoon the influence of the Indian Ocean was
very strong in Indonesian waters, because the wind blew from the southeast, the Australian continent. In the
East Wave monsoon it ranges from 2.2 - 2.4 m and in the west monsoon tends to be lower that is equal to 1
- 1.3 m.

3.2 Climate Change

Climate change can only be known after a long period of time. Until now, studies related to climate change
have been carried out mostly indicating that there will be a rise in global temperatures even though the
magnitude cannot be ascertained. In the graph below shows the trend of an increase in global sea surface
temperature anomalies based on the conditions in the last 15 years (2002-2016) this data anomalous global
sea surface temperature comes from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) (Figure 2).
Sea Surface Temperature

Anomalies (C)

0.4 IPCC
0 Linear (IPCC)





Figure 2. Global Sea Surface Temperature Anomalies Chart

The increase in the global sea surface temperature anomaly trend is 1.07℃ in 2016. This condition
indicates a global climate change. This can have an impact on increasing the extent and intensity of the
monsoon wind circulation in Indonesia (IPCC 2013). The increasing trend of global sea surface temperature
anomalies can affect spatial changes, namely climate change encourages the possibility of changes in spatial
patterns of a mode of climate variability, for example the emergence of new characteristics of ENSO or
changes in local amplitude of a climate pattern. When sea surface temperature anomalies rise to 2°C, or
more, they will be harmful to small-scale fisheries resources, and these extreme anomalies have been seen
since 1980 (Susilowati 2010).

3.3 Variability of lemuru fishing result

Results of Lemuru fishing (Sardinella sp) in the Bali Strait were obtained from two fish landing sites, namely
PPP Muncar Banyuwangi and PPN Pengambengan Bali. In general, almost every month lemuru are caught
mainly in the western monsoon. Lemuru fishing for 15 years showed a fluctuating result, based on 15-year
time series data, showing a decreases trend (Figure 3).

Figure 3. Production Chart of Lemuru Catching Results for 2002-2016

The production of lemuru fish catches ranged from 1,449 kg - 27,730,554 kg. The lowest number of
catches occurred in May 2013 (Transition Monsoon I) and the highest was in February 2007 (West
Monsoon). The catch of fish has a quite high variation seen in the graph above, there is a fairly large catch
in November 2006 - February 2007 this is due to the strongest positive IODM in 2006-2007 which was
marked by a decrease in sea surface temperature up to 25.5°C thus causing upwelling Indian Ocean. The
decline in production of lemuru fish catches is due to the higher sea surface temperature trend. Time series
analysis of sea surface temperature, the increase occurred around 0.4℃ according to UNDP Indonesia
(2007) this can be indicated by the existence of climate change, in line with the analysis of sea surface
temperature anomaly conducted by IPCC, based on the analysis of sea surface temperature anomaly by the
IPCC quite increased. This condition indicates the existence of global climate change.

3.4 Correlation of Oceanographic Conditions with Lemuru Fishing Results

The amount of Lemuru fishing caught in the Bali Strait has a low regression value to oceanographic factors
that is equal to 11.8%. Based on the results of the research, lemuru had a tendency to increase catches under
optimal oceanographic conditions as can be seen in Figure 3.
The catch of lemuru in the Bali Strait waters has a low correlation to the distribution of SST. The
correlation value is 0.141. In Figure 3 it can be seen that many lemuru fish are found in the temperature
range of 26.6 - 30.03°C in the Bali Strait. Similar results are shown by Mahrus (1996), lemuru fish can live
at temperatures around 26 - 29°C in the Bali Strait. From the observation that the highest yield of lemuru
catches is in the temperature range of 26.6 - 28.31 ° C with the highest catch of 94,280 tons / 15 years, this
suggests that lemuru fish in the Bali Strait waters like that temperature range. The temperature range favored
by fish will affect the fish's metabolism.

Figure 4 Correlation of Oceanographic Conditions with Lemuru Fishing Results

Chlorophyll-a distribution has a very low correlation and is inversely proportional to the amount of
lemuru fish catch. The statistical correlation between the chlorophyll-a distribution and the amount of
lemuru fish catch is -0.129. According to Gaol (2003), the distribution of chlorophyll-a concentration has a
cross correlation with the catch of lemuru. In the graph above it can be seen that the catch of lemuru fish in
the waters of the Bali Strait has a high tendency in the chlorophyll-a range of 0.14 - 1.69 mg/m3 with a total
catch for 15 years which is 233,829 tons. The results of Siregar's research (2011) stated that lemuru was
caught in the chlorophyll-a concentration range between 0.10 to 3.76 mg/m3. This abundance of
chlorophyll-a concentration is caused by the influence of upwelling that occurs in the Bali Strait or the
southern part of the Bali Strait.
The Bali Strait has a weak current velocity based on the results of the research, the current velocity
conditions in the waters of the Bali Strait range from 0.03 to 0.29 m/s. The current velocity in the bali strait
waters has a low correlation with lemuru fish catches which are -0.044. Current velocity has a cross
correlation with the catch of lemuru. Optimal current velocity in lemuru fish production is between 0.03 to
0.16 m/s. Current velocity conditions in the Bali Strait have turbulent currents, this condition makes
nutrients and other components held only in the Bali Strait causing the Bali Strait to always be in relatively
fertile conditions.
Fishing activities are closely related to wave height in a waters. Based on the results of the wave
correlation test has a weak relationship with fish catches that is equal to -0.277. The optimal wave height
for lemuru fishing activities in the waters of the Bali Strait is 1.26 - 1.67 meters. One of the causes of high
and low fish catches is oceanographic parameter factors, namely waves. The higher the wave, the fishing
effort tends to be low. This is similar to the condition of the Sea Surface Height Anomalies in the Bali Strait.
Based on the results of the research, the optimal SSH conditions for fishing activities ranged from 0.44 to
0.59 meters.

3.4 The Influence of Climate Change on Lemuru Fishing Results Based on Sea Surface Temperature
Climate change causes changes in sea surface temperature. SST is the interface of the atmosphere to the
oceanographic environment. Analysis was carried out on SST variability from 1971 to 2000. Before 1980,
SST anomalies were below normal, or cold from their mean values. After 1980, SST anomalies were above
average. Anomalous SST of more than or less than 0.5°C before 1980 can still be tolerated, but when the
increase in anomalous SST reaches 2°C, or above, it will be dangerous for small-scale fisheries resources,
and these extreme anomalies are estimated since 1980 (IPCC 2013)
Sea surface temperature is closely related to fishing activities. Based on the results of the optimal SST
research in fishing activities in the Bali Strait which ranges from 26.6 - 30.03°C. Fishing activities in the
Bali Strait are almost all months and seasons. Based on the results of the 15-year time series data, the average
lemuru fishing activity achieved quite high results in the western season (November-February). The
description of sea surface temperature and catches in the catching months can be seen in Figure 5.

Figure 5. Fishing Areas Map in Normal Sea Surface Temperature Conditions and + 1°C in November
Lemuru fishing activities were in the southern part of the Strait in November. This is marked by the
presence of contour lines that intersect with fishing areas in the southern part of the Bali Strait. After the
occurrence of climate change which is characterized by an increase in SST of 1°C. then the optimum
temperature for catching lemuru is slightly to the north of the Bali Strait, marked by contour lines leading
north of the Bali Strait to the strait funnel. Lemuru fishing activities in December can be seen in Figure 6
Figure 6. Fishing Areas Map in Normal Sea Surface Temperature Conditions and + 1°C in December
SST spatially in the southern waters of the Bali Strait has a lower tendency than SST in the northern part
of the strait. The optimum temperature for fishing activities in December is in the southern part of the strait
which is directly adjacent to the Indian Ocean. After a climate change marked by an increase in sea surface
temperature of 1°C, there is no optimum SST for lemuru fishing activities. This is because the water
conditions are warm enough so that lemuru fish move to a more optimum location. The optimum lemuru
harvesting activity took place in January with an average catch of 15 years of 2,145 tons. Distribution of sea
surface temperature and fishing areas in January can be seen in Figure 7.

Figure 7. Fishing Areas Map in Normal Sea Surface Temperature Conditions and + 1°C in January

In January the optimum temperature for fishing activities is in the southern province of Bali. In January
the waters of the Bali Strait have a temperature that tends to warm almost to 31 ° C. After the occurrence of
climate change which is marked by an increase in SPL of 1 ° C, then the waters of the Bali Strait have a
high enough temperature, can reach 30-32 ° C, therefore there is no optimum temperature for fishing
activities in January. Something similar happened in February (Figure 8).
Figure 8. Fishing Areas Map in Normal Sea Surface Temperature Conditions and + 1°C in February

In February the temperature ranged between 28.8-31.8°C, with the dominant optimum temperature in
the south of the Bali Strait then began to warm in the middle of the strait. This optimum temperature is
spread throughout the fishing area. After the occurrence of climate change with an increase of 1°C the area
of the Bali Strait experienced a high temperature which can reach 32.8°C so that in February there was no
optimum temperature across the Bali Strait.
Based on observations throughout the month, a temperature increase of 1°C results in an optimum
temperature shift for fishing, this can result in reduced fish catches in the Bali Strait. According to Perdana
(2015) when the increase in anomalous SPL reaches 2°C, or above, it will be dangerous for small-scale
fisheries resources.
4. Conclusion
Based on the results of research identifying the effects of climate change on the production of lemuru
(Sardinella sp) fish catches in the waters of the Bali Strait, it can be concluded that:
a) Climate change is an implication of global warming which has resulted in atmospheric instability
from the lower layers, especially those close to the earth's surface, causing a significant increase in
sea surface temperature trends, current velocities, wave heights and sea level anomalies and
decreasing chlorophyll trend -a in the waters of the Bali Strait this has an impact on the fish habitat
in the area.
b) Climate change causes an increase in the trend of oceanographic factors and decreases fish catch,
based on observations, a temperature increase of 1 ° C results in an optimum temperature shift for
fishing, this can result in reduced fish catches in the Bali Strait
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