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Braden Mackie

Professor Watkins

TR 9:00

Comp 1

6 Dec 2018

Why Hunting is Important

“Forty-six million people turn to food banks each year for extra support feeding

themselves and their families, according to Feeding America the U.S. national food bank

network” (Sports). The meat we harvest in the forest is healthier for us, it has higher protein and

is leaner meat. Also, the animals are eating natural food which gives us more proteins. People

use hunting as a way to supply their family food, supply other in need of food, but also to keep

the population at a good size. This is why hunting is important for the nation and the rest of the

world. Hunting not only helps with food for our families, it helps the less fortunate have food

from the donations and controls the animal populations around our cities.

What hunting does hunting do for our families and us? Hunting not only supplies food for

our families, but it supplies quality time with your loved ones if they go hunting with you. The

meat from wild game is leaner than the meat from cows and pigs we harvest from giant farming

production plants. Where they are fed fatting food and growth hormones to increase production

size and make the meat lose some of its nutrients. Whereas wild game eats natural food causing

their meat to become healthier for our bodies. Hunting come natural to humans from our

ancestors and is natural to most species around the world. Animals face way tougher things,
more horrific than being shot and harvested by humans. “They can face catastrophic weather like

humans, starvation, diseases, and being torn to piece while alive by predators” (Wagner).

“Regulated hunting has never led into any endangered species or has put a threat to the

populations of animals” (Wagner). We need hunting regulations to keep our citizen from killing

more animals than they need. We also need the regulation to protect the populations of the

animals we harvest every year. It can also lead to more safety for people who are hunting and

who are not hunting, by limiting the types of methods to harvest our animals. The

overpopulations of animals could have hurtful effect on our woods and agriculture. “This could

cause habitat abuse, starvation and death to the animals” (Wildlife). Though most people don’t

hunt, they should consider becoming an activist for hunting, to control the populations of the

wildlife and protect the woods, other wildlife and agriculture. If we as a whole could control the

population of wild animals without any illegal harvesting, we could make the wild game a

population healthy for us and the animals.

Hunting not only feed the families who hunt, it also feeds the people who are homeless

and people barely making ends meet. A great organization called Hunter for the Hungry ask for

donations during hunting season for meat that will not be eaten, and they donate the meat to

homeless shelters or struggling families. “The first year of the Hunters for the Hungry asked for

donations they raised over 33,000 pounds of venison” (Hungry). There are so many people in the

United States that are struggling to put food on the table, 40 million people to be exact that are

struggling. Another helpful organization called Hunters Helping the Hungry have delivered

540,000 meals since the program began in 2012. Programs like these will help curb the hungry

problem we have in America with poor and homeless people one meal at a time.
Though we have people who agree with hunting, we also have people who don’t agree

with hunting and here is their side of the story. “Peta say even though hunting was crucial

100,000 years ago, now it is just a violent act from human on animals for hunters who doesn’t

need for substances” (PETA). A small percentage of Americans actually hunt, although hunting

is allowed in many places. These include state parks, public land, and state parks through-out the

country. They say starvation and dieses will take care of the animal population to keep them

controlled, but since America has become more civilized and we’ve taken most of the forest for

our bigger cities. This drives the animals into the city, because the loss of habitat and without

they could carry their dieses into to the cities and effect our cities and our people.

People should become activist for hunting, to keep our population of animals controlled,

keep providing for the homeless and poor, and providing food for our families. Hunting is an

important aspect of human culture and we should keep in our lives to show the importance of

providing for our families and how to respect mother nature and how the plentiful abundance of

wild game and food. This is why we should be thankful for the hunter of America, for feeding

the homeless and regulating the populations of wild game to a healthy number. Hunting with

regulation has never led to any animals becoming endangered, hunting is also healthier for the

humans rather than the produce we buy from the store. This is why hunting is a important aspect

in modern day American lives.

Hungry, Hunter For The. “History.” HUNTERS FOR THE HUNGRY, 0AD,

Hungry, Hunters Helping. “Hunters Helping the Hungry.” Nebraska Game and Parks, 21 Nov.


Peta. “Why Sport Hunting Is Cruel and Unnecessary.” PETA, 0AD,

Revolution, Health Fitness. “Top 10 Health Benefits of Hunting • Health Fitness Revolution.”

Health Fitness Revolution, 26 Oct. 2017,


Sports, Academy. “How Hunters Are Feeding the Hungry in America.” Academy, 2018,

Wagner, Greg. “Why Hunting Is Important •NEBRASKALand Magazine.” NEBRASKALand

Magazine, 25 Aug. 2017,

Wildlife, Texas Parks. Texas Parks and Wildlife, 0AD,

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