Sie sind auf Seite 1von 160

Seniors: pg.

( '07 baby! )
Under Classmen: pg.44
The Bison Staff: pg.59
Volume 58 Activities: pg.84
Buffalo Sports: pg.106
High Sahool Advertisements: pg.131
~ Co./o(v.Jdl dtvo.NS /,v(}.A) ~~
f....or I~ rs. 5k~-io ~
ct d~ ~ ~'{ ov-~~
~ist;y Torres
Chapter 1: Best Friend·

2007 Yvette Gotmer

Chapter II: Favorite Color·


Chapter Ill: Favorite Sport·


Chapter IV: Favorite Class·


Chapter V: Favortie Song·

Halls of Issues by ICP

Chapter VI: Favorite Team·

Avalanche CO.

Chapter VII: Favorite Movie·

Good Fellas

Chapter VIII: Favorite TV

Show-The OC

"I'm done!! Well, almost," stated Misty Chapter IX: Favorite Teach·
er·Ms. Paro
Torres. She plans of moving to Denver,
Colorado, after high school. Her most Chapter X: Favorite Food·
memorable moment was when she was Pizza
1n ISS and they made a b1g s1gn for the
door, trying to win a pnze, and worked Chapter XI: Your Car-Saturn
on it for three days, but they unfortu-
Chapter XII: Favorite Hang·
nately didn't win.

6 Student Profile
Chapter 1: Best Friends·Ka·
tie Olson and Kristin Knapp

Chapter II: Favorite Color·


Chapter Ill: Favorite Sport·


Chapter IV: Favorite Class·

Advanced Art

Chapter V: Favorite Song·

Lips of an Angel by Hinder

Chapter VI: Favorite Team·

Dallas Cowboys

Chapter VII: Favorite Mov·

ie·Bring It On All or Noth·

Chapter VIII: Favorite TV

Shows-Big Brother and Law "Your only mistake is not learning from
& Order: SVU
them," stated Lea . When asked what
Chapter IX: Favorite Teach· she wanted people to know about her ,
er·Ms. Paro Lea Howell responded "I went on a trip
this past summer to France and Italy,
Chapter X: Favorite Food· and I love to party." Lea plans to at-
French Toast tend a University in Texas and major
in Photography. Her most memorable
Chapter XI: Your Car-'03
Mitzubishi Eclipse moment was "When I backed rnto a tow
truch after rle

Above: Kri.,tin
Knapp. Katie
Obon. and Lea

tudent Profile 7
Me anie Altenreid Chapter 1: Best Friend-Kayla

2009 Audet

Chapter II: Favorite Color-Blue

Chapter Ill: Favorite Spor1/-


Chaptet~ IV: Favorite Claoo-


Chapter V: Favorit-e Song-

Since You Been Gone by Kelly

Chapter VI: Favodte Team-


Chapter VII: Favorite Movie-

Princess Diaries
2009 Chapter VIII: Favorite 1V Show-
"'You are who you areN said sophomore Melanie Alten-
reid. Melanie likes to hang out with het· friends espe-
That 70's Show
cially Kayla, her best friend. After high schooL Melanie
plans to go to college to become an English teacher. Chapter IX: Favorite Teacher-
She loves to watch footbalL and loves to see the Mrs.
Rams win. Her moot memorable moment was get- Channel
ting kicked out of school the 6erond week. When asked
what she wanted people to know about her, she said
that she is easy to t -alk to and a good listener. Chapter X: Favorite Food-

8 Student Profile
Jeffrey Kuhn
Chapter 1: Best Friend-Chris 2010

Chapter IV: Favorite Oa66-Eng-


Chapter V: Favorite Song-Cali- 00

fornication by Red Hot Chili Pep-
pers ~

Chapter VI: Favorite Team- 0


Chapter VII: Favorite Movie-The 2010

Freshman Jeffrey Kuhn is a big fan of hunting. When
Hills Have Eyes
a~d what he wanted people to know about him,
he replied that he hunts deer and turkey. He also
Chapter VIII: Favorite TV Show- wanted people to know that he was in a newspaper
Chapelles Show for drafting. Jeff's plans after high school is to go
to college to be an under water welder. His moot
Chapter IX: Favorite Teacher- memorable moment in high school so far was do-
Schneider ing demonstration speeches and best friend, Chris
Huflkey, made Roman Noodles and ChilL When asked his
favorite quote, he said "Skedaddle outta here!"

Jeff Kuhn and

boot friend Chris
Huekey enjoy
Layout by: Aims Caldwell
goofing off and
taking pictures.
Student Profile 9
udenls a Buffa o High chao like
uppo1• ing fhei11 school by show...
·ng fhei11 pi11il. The student body
as outs anding spi~i . Many of he
uden s enioy spittit week because
a chance to show hei1• stuff.
~ oo ball hott•aecoming spi~it week
qlf ed on Monday, when both guys
· 11t got to wea,. pink, Tuesday
c ance fo,. students to wea1•
nd dots fogefhe,. as an outfit.
I n · day was the day eve,.yone
o ~o Jtow fhei,. hunting side. The
a a eve11yone could act p,.eppy,
ook lfeppy, and be p,.eppy was on
Ult day. Flfiday was the day people
go ~e. cited about the game and wo,.e
e11f c ass colo,.s. The most enjoy...
ab e day fo11 the students was school
colo11s day because they show thei,.
class spilfit by going all out, wea,.ing
fhe coto,. thei,. g,.ade ,.ep,.esents and
nJaking su,.e eve,.yone knows who
hey a~+e.

pirit II
12 enior Di vi ion
You are our pride and joy.
We all are so proud of you.
Sure will mis~ you. Good
Luck and Be~t Wishes from
all of us.
Kahlic-Kody-Great Grandpa-
Great Grandma

What a blessing you
are to us! We are so We are thankful for you
and so proud of you. You
proud of you.
are a blessing to us. We
Love, love you.
Mom, Dad, and
Rachel Mom and Dad

Congratulation~ to our
wonderful daughter on
a \Cry ~ucce~sful 13
year learning process.
Well done! May God Remember your
continue to guide and past look for
guard you through life. your future. and
All our love alway<.,, know always I
Mom and Dad XOXO wi II be here no
matter where
life takes you.
Love. Mom

Always remember to
let God be in charge
of your life. We are
so proud of you!

Mom, Dad. Andy,
Amanda, Brandon,
and Darcy

16 Senior Ads
('11ltfrrr/l. {IJJIN 'f<.J,IIU
{I r r11 bir ( /u·i' 10-14-88 Daughter of Jill and
4-28-89 Son of Steve Bl cr l1cr. L: ttrt V Holli Henderson and Rick
and Lori Abercrombie, 7-29-88 Daughter of Linda and Caldwell, Honor Roll 2,3
Academic Letter 3,4 Bison , {utn. (luiq Larry Blecher, Academic Letter Cheerleader 1,2,3 Cro Coun-
Honor Roll 1,2,3,4 Ba, eball 6-8-88 Daughter of Bill and 2,3 Who's Who 3,4 Principal's try 1 A+ Tutor 4 Club Officer
1,2,3,4 Basketball 1,2,3,4 Linda Autry, Academic Letter List 1,2,3,4 Track 3 Volleyball 3,4 FCA 3 FCCLA 1 FFA
Weightlifting 1,4 Carnival 3,4 Bi on Honor Roll l ,2,3,4 l ,2,3,4 Weightlifting 1,2,3,4 1,2,3,4 Pep Club 1,2,3 Spanish
Candidate 4 A+ Tutor 4 FFA Who's Who 3 Honor Roll Fe tival Candidate 2,4 A+ Tu- Club 3 Yearbook Staff 3,4 FFA
4 Years in D.C. 13 1,2,3,4 Volleyball 1,2 Foot- tor 4 Band 1 FBLA 4 French A st. Sentinal 3 FFA Reporter
ball Candidate l A+ Tutor 4 Club 4 Math Club 3,4 NHS 3,4 4 Fre hman Mentor 4 Year m
FCA I ,2,3,4 FFA 1,2,3,4 NHS Science Club 4 Year in D.C. D.C. 13
3,4 Sober 1 Student Council 3 13
Hi torian 4 Member at Large
'{/)'f'!"l()/1, .)(({/'({'1111
Year in D.C. 13 (ttl/()//, j{r/1()
8-26-89 Daughter of Steve
and Tina Alver on, Bison f~ rtl/111 If II , "j fJI /1 12-20-88 Daughter of David
Honor Roll 1,2,3,4 Who's 5-25-88 Son of Elizabeth and and Diane Canon, Academic
Who 3 College Prep Cer- John Brannan, National Honor Letter 2,3,4 Bi on Honor Roll
tificate 4 FCCLA 1,2,3,4 Roll 3,4 Sport Manager 3,4 1,2,3,4 Who's Who 3,4 Col-
French Club 2,3,4 NHS 3,4 Track 2,3,4 Weightlifting 1,2,4 lege Prep Certificate 4 a-
Btl I . .f:ut11tl r11 Math Club 4 Pep Club 2 Year- tiona! Society of High School
Sober 2,3 Year in D.C. 6
2-18-89 Daughter of Becky book Staff 3 Years in D.C. 7 Scholars 3,4 Sport Manager 1
Bell, Academic Letter 2,3,4 A+ Tutor 4 Art Club 2 FCCLA
Bison Honor Roll 1,2,3,4 1 French Club 4 Glee Club 1
College Prep Certificate 4 Library Club 4 Music Club 1
Cheerleader 2,3,4 A+ Tutor BroW11. , fmtllllltt Mu ic Conte, t I NHS 3,4 Pep
4 FCCLA 2 Pep Club 2,3,4 7-29-89 Daughter of T.J. and Club 1 Science Club 2 Sober
{ tit / .1()1/ c,, {!; Spanish Club 3,4 Yearbook
Staff 4 Fre hman Mentor 4
Wendy Brown, Academic 1,2 Yearbook Staff 3,4 Year m
I 0-6-88 Son of Dave and Letter 2,3,4 Bison Honor Roll D.C. 13
Elaine Ander on, Who' Years in D.C. 13 1,2,3,4 Who' Who 1,2,3,4
Who 4 College Prep Cer- College Prep Certificate 4
tificate 4 Honor Roll 1,2,3,4 Cross Country 1,2,3,4 Track (rtnrjonl. B"j
Ba ketball 1,2,3,4 Football 1,2,3,4 A+ Tutor 4 Club Office 4-19-89 Son of Steve and
I ,2,3,4 Track 2,3,4 Weight- 4 FBLA 4 FCA 2,3,4 FCCLA Shelly Crawford, Academic
lifting 1,2,3,4 A+ Tutor 4 1 French Club 2,3,4 Math Club Letter 2,3,4 Bi on Honor Roll
Art Club 4 Mr. Bi on Atten- 4 NHS 3,4 Pep Club 4 Scout 1,2 Who' Who 1,2,3,4 College
Rl11ir. i(ri.1ft11
dent Years in D.C. 13 Staff 4 Sober 1,2,3,4 Senior Prep Certificate 4 Principal's
11-12-88 Daughter of Rob-
Mentor 4 School Web Page Li t 3,4 Cro Country 1,2,3,4
ert and Regina Blair, Bison
4 All-COC Cro s Country, A+ Tutor 4 Chamber Choir
Honor Roll 1,2,3,4 College
lst Team All Southwe t MO- 1,2,3,4 Club Officer 3,4 FBLA
Prep Certificate 4 Volleyball
Cro Country, State Qualifier- 1 FCA 1,2 French Club 2,3,4
1,2,3,4 Weightlifting 1,2,3,4
'All.\! i11. ]utlll'f! c Cro Country, Sectional Quali- Math Club 3,4 Mu ic Club
Carnival Queen 2 A+ Tutor 4
l-17 -89 Daughter of Martin French Club 2,3,4 NHS 3,4 fier- Track, All District- Track, 1,2,3,4 Mu ic Conte t 1,2.3,4
and Corrina Au tin, Aca- NHS 3,4 Scout Staff 4 Sober
Scout Staff 3,4 Sober 1 Senior Year in D.C. 10
demic Letter 2,3,4 Who' 2,3,4 Student Council 1 Sec-
Cia s Representative 4 Fre h-
Who 3 College Prep Cer- retary, 2 Repre entative ,3
man Mentor 4 Years in D.C.
tificate 4 Principal's Li t Jr. Pre ident, 4 tudent Body
1,2,3,4 A+ Tutor 4 FFA ( 11 tftft 11. 1om Pre ident Freshman Mentor 4
I ,2,3,4 French Club 2,3,4 11-21-88 Son of Jeff and Su, an Model U.N. 1,2,3,4 Years in
Library Club 4 NHS 3,4 Caddell, Weightlifting 1,2,3 D.C. 13
Yearbook Staff 3,4 Years in Year in D.C. 13
D.C. 13
bayou! J3y: ~l~y Canon
Senior Brags 17
You are one of a
kind. We love you!
Dad, Mom, and
Jennica Remember every-
thing you do in life is how
others wi II ee and know
you by. You have already
made us proud.
Love Mom, Dad, Zach.
and Oren

Rachel, you are . uch a

blessing to every heart you
You are our pride and touch. I am so proud of
joy. We are very proud the young lady you have
of you. May God bless become. Keep God in the
your journey in life. center of your life and you
Love Mom, Dad, and can accomplish anything.
Grandparent Love Nana

We are so proud of you. Remember where your
strength comes from. You have been a blessing to
us. Best wishes, Good Luck. We love you!
Mom, Dad, brothers, sister-in-laws.
Grandma, and Bradley

We are so proud of you. Re-

member where your strength
comes from. You have been
a blessing to us. We love
Mom, Chris. Jessica. Leslie
f. -, h I

/) 1:. ,, l:. 11-22-8 Daughter of Linda .'Jf' . -5 I /IJiif

and Randy Frazier Academic 1-17- 9 Daughter of
f)o1' i l:. '" \' 9-23-8 Son of Janice Uchtman John and Sharon Har-
Letter 3,4 Bison Honor Roll
I 0-6- 8 Daughter of and Lanny Doty Bison Honor mon cademic Letter
1,2 Who's Who 1,2,3,4 Col-
ngela and J e1 Davi on Roll 1,2,3,4 Weightlifting 2 Bi. on Honor Roll
lege Prep Certificate 4 Honor
cademic Letter 4 Bi. on 1,2,3,4 A+ Tutor 4 Chamber I ,2,3,4 Track I ,2 +
Roll 1,2,3,4 Principal's Li. t l
Honor Roll 1,2 Who' Choir 1 FFA I ,2,3,4 Chapter Tutor 4 Chamber Choir
Ba ketball I ,2,3,4 Track 1,2
Who 1,2.3,4 ollege Prep Leader. hip 1,2,3,4 FFA Chap- 2.3,4 Club Officer 3,4
Volleyball 1,2,3,4 Weightlifting
ertificate 4 Principal' ter Scholar. hip 1,2,3,4 FFA Drama Club 3,4 Dynam-
1,2,3,4 A+ Tutor 4 Band 1,2,3,4
Li'>t 3,4 Volleyball 1,2,3,4 State Livestock Team 1 FFA ic 2 Glee Club I ,2 Mu-
French Club 4 Math Club 4
Weightlifting I ,2,3,4 A+ Green Hand Award 1 Music . ic lub 1,2,3,4 Music
Mu ic Contest I ,2,3,4 H 3,4
Tutor 4 FBL 4 French Conte t l VICA 3,4 Yo-Tech Conte. t 1,2,3,4 ober
cience Club 4 Drum Majorette
lub 4 Math Club 4 H 3,4 year. in D.C. 13 2,3,4 pe ch and Debat
3,4 Volleyball Captain I ,2,3,4
2,3,4 Pep 1ub 1 ci nee Office Help 4 Fre hman Mentor I ,2,3,4 Yearbook taff 3
Club 4 Sober 2,3,4 Model 4 years in D.C. 13 Repre. entative 1 Powder
)ears in D.C. 13 Puff Football l year m
f:rtrl 1 viii II'/ ( T D.C. 13
9-12-87 Daughter of Doug and 12-21-88 on of Wynema and
Bet y Earl Bi on Honor Roll
f) ( I( I /){ Honor Roll A+ Tutor 4 Band
Carl Davi and Paula Garroutte
Ba. ketball 1 Football 1 Weight-
71 (I/ I { I c/){ I I {(/

1 Library As. i tant 4 y ar. in 12-4- Daughter f Kim

6-3- 9 Son of Tony and lifting 1,2,3,4 FFA 1 Yo-Tech
D.C. 13 and John Miller Bi on
Tammy DeMarr Football 3,4 year in D.C. 11
Honor Roll I ,2,3 port
I ,2,3 Track 3 Weight-
~,tlltll/f/1/, {'/Jt!lt\' Manager 1 Weightlift-
lifting 1,2,3,4 Carnival
3-1 J -89 Daughter of Jeff ing 3 A+ Tutor 4 Club
andidate 2 ami al Officer 3,4 FBL ~ H
["tllltr. 7/utlbtr Gerleman and Beth B mbr
King 2 A+ Tutor 4 Sober 3,4 ober 2 pani. h Club
12-28-88 Daughter of Rochelle Academic Letter 2,3,4 Bi. on
2 Yo-Tech 3,4 year m I ,2 YICA 3,4 Yo-Tech
chroder; Grandparents: Ruth Honor Roll 1,2,3,4 Who's Who
D.. 13 3,4 Yearbook taff 3
and Roger Easter Bi on Honor 1,2,3,4 Colleg Prep Cer-
Roll 3,4 ollege Prep Certifi- tificate 4 Honor Roll J ,2,3,4 Trea. urer of kills A
cate 4 Honor Roll 1,2 A+ Tutor Pricipal' li ·t I ,2,3,4 Schola tic 3 Historian of kilL A
4 Band I ,3 Chamber Choir All merican 2,3 Ba. ketball 4 Won 3rd place on PDP
/Jt I I lt 1 .I ira !Jt 11 t"lt 1,2,3,4 Club Officer 2,4 Color 1,2,3,4 oftball I ,2,3,4 Fe. tival test for . kills A at Di -
7-2-89 Daughter of Mark Guard 3 Dynamic 1,2,3,4 FCA Candidate 4 +Tutor 4 Club trict year in D.C. 13
and herry Dill Bi. on I ,2,4 Gle Club 1,2,3,4 Library Officer I ,2 FCCL 1,2 Music
Honor Roll 2 Who' Who Club 4 Music Club 1,2,3,4 Mu- Club 2 Pep Club 2 Scout taff .JJ/1 /,I (r. ', /), 't
3 Honor R II I ,3,4 Glee sic Conte. t 1,2,3,4 count Staff 4 Spani h Club 2,3,4 Clas. I 0-4- on of llan
lub I Library Club 4 4 Sober 1,2,3,4 Spani h Club Rep 1 Cia s c. 2 Clas Rep and Cath y Hick. Golf
Music Club 1 Yearbook I ,2 Mu ic Club Vice Pre ident 4 3 tudent Body ice Pre. ident 1,2,3,4 o-Te h 3,4
taff 4 years in D. . 13 Library Club Trea ur r year m 4 Cia . Officer 1,2,3,4 y ars in years in D.C. 13
D.C. 9 112 D.C. 13
( {. ] / J/1 •1 1 { 1){ lnrfy
_ft 7 /,t [). 7-16-88 on of Danny and 9-29- 9 Daughter f
'/)\tr. ·.1!It \ rlllflt r Elain Glor Honor Roll I ,2,3,4
11-29- on of Carl Wayne Gina and Ron Hohen. ee
f:_ II Ba eball 1 Football 1,2,3,4
Ferrell and Barbara Ann Ferrell cademic L tter 2 Who' .
9-17- 8 Daughter of Track 2,3 pani. h Club I ) ears
Ba. ketball port Manager 3,4 Wh 2,3 Honor R II 1.2,3
I de and Linda Dyer in D.C. 13
+Tutor 4 FCA 2,3,4 Pep Club Basketball 1,2 ro. s
Bi. on Honor Roll 2
2,3,4 Yo-Tech 3 year. in D.C. (rr. {I{~ Country 2,3,4 Tra k
~ho's Who 3 Principal's
13 7-6- 8 on of Dan and Barbara 1,2,3.4 olle ball 1 +
It t I .3 + Tutor 4 H
Gra e Bi. on Honor Roll 1,2,3 Tutor 4 lub Offi er 3
3,4 Pep 1ub 2 years in
Who· . Who 3 Basketball I ,2,3 F 1 H 3.4 I 3.4
D.. 13
A+ Tutor 4FT 4 Math lub 4 Yo-Tech 3,4 year. in D.
) ar. in D. . 12 11
L:oyo111 by:J/iJJis ('rt!t!wr/1

cnior Brags 21
'' -I'.~.·~, '
J:", ..

''if- -


· .

l.r \
. . .
J. .., Jn C'l ·s
1 Lew'"· C.l'>l A+ Tutor 4 Club Officer I L T' 1

8-17- 8 Son of Tom and 3-20-89 Daughter of Mike 1,2,3,4 peech and Drama 1-31-89 eil and Kathy
Doreen Hor tman, Ba eball and Martha Lewis, cademic Club 3,4 F I ,2 FT 2,3,4 Mitchell (grandparent ·),
Letter 2,4 Bi. on Honor Roll Mu ic Club 2 Mu ic Con- Weightlifting 1,2,4 Yo-Tech
I ,2,3,4 Ba ketball 1,2,3 Foot-
Who' Who 2 College Prep te t 2 NHS 3,4 Pep Club 1 3,4 Year in Dalla~ County
ball 3,4 Weightlifting 1,2,3,4
Certificate 4 Honor Roll ober 1,2,3,4 pan ish Club 13
FCCLA 3 FFA 4 Spani h Club
1,2,3,4 Principal' < li. t 1,2,3,4 2,3 peech and Debate 3,4
3,4 Vo-Tech 3 Year. in Dalla port Manager 1 + Tutor 4 tudent Council 1,2,3,4 \1illcl I lon
County 12 Chamber hoir 2,3,4 Che Cia Officer Pre<ident 1,2,4 3-13-89 on of Danny and
Club 1 Club Officer 1,2,3,4 Member at Large 3 Model Gwynn Miller, Who' < Who
J.1hro Stephen 3 Cro s ountry 4 Football
Drama Club 1,2,3 Dynamic. U 2,4 Fre<hmen Mentor 4
12-19-8 on of John and 3 Track 3 Weightlifting
2,3,4 FBL 4 FCA 1,4 FT Year in Dalla County 13
Laurie Ma oni, Football l 1,2,3,4 Glee Club I ,2,3,4 1,2,3 FBLA 4 FCA 3,4 FTA
A+ Tutor 4 Art Club 1,2,3,4 Math Club 3,4 Mu. ic Club McClurg. Julie 4 Pep Club 1 Years in Dal-
FCA 4 Pep Club 1 Spani h I ,2,3,4 Mu<ic Conte. t 1,2,3,4 4-23- 9 Daughter of Mi- la. County 4
Club 1,2,3,4 Year. in Dalla HS 3,4 Pep Club 3,4 ober chael and D bbie Me lurg
and Harry mith (decea<ed), tiller I
ounty 6 1,2,3,4 Spani h Club 3,4 Stu-
cademic Letter 2,3,4 Bi on 8-18-88 on of Marty
dent Council 4 Cia .. Officer
J 1 n..,on J.t..,o Arthur Honor Roll 1,2,3,4 ollege and Patty Miller, Football
Member at Large Year. in
11-22-88 Son of David and Prep Certificate 1,2,3 Golf 4 4 Track 3 Weightlifting
Dalla County 13
Sandra John on, Academic Track 2,3 Weightlifting 3,4 1,2,3,4 A+ Tutor 4 Year in
Letter 2,3,4 Bi on Honor Roll +Tutor 2 FC 1,2,3,4 FC- Dalla ounty 13
I.e\\'"· Jord.m Dame I
1 College Prep Certificate 4 11-3-88 Son of Danny and CLA 2,3 French Club 2,3,4 hiler. To11
Principal' · li t 2,3,4 Ba ket- Ella Lewis, College Prep Glee Club 1,2,3,4 Math 2-28- 9 Daughter of Gl n
ball 1,2,3 A+ Tutor 4 Band Certificate 4 Sport Manager Club 4 Music Club I ,2,3,4 and Linda Miller, Bi. on
1,2,3,4 FBLA 4 French Club 4 Carni al Candidate 3 A+ Mu ic Conte t 1,2,3,4 HS Honor Roll 1,2,3,4 ollege
2,3,4 FTA 4 Library Club 4 Tutor 4 Band 1,2,3,4 ham- 3,4 ober 1,2,3,4 Model Prep Certificate 4 port
her Choir 2 Club Officer 4 U 1,2,3,4 WINGS 1,2,3,4 Manager I A+ Tutor 4
NHS 3,4 cience Club 4 So-
FBLA 4 FCA 3,4 FFA 1,2,3 Year. in Dalla< Count 13 Club Offic r 3,4 pani h
ber 1,2,3,4 Key Club 4 Year
Mu ic onte. t 1,2,3,4 ober lub 2 I A 3,4 o-Tech
in Dalla County 13 lc( Daml)
2,3,4 Student Council 3 Cia . 3,4 Yearbook Staff 3 NHS
Officer ecretary Years in 8-17- on of Dan and
3,4 Club fficer VP- kill
King. A..,hlcy Dalla County 12 Martha Me orkendale,
A 3 Pre<. SkilL U A 4
6-30-89 Daughter of Joe and Who' . Who 3 College Prep
Year in Dalla County 4
Certificate 4 Honor Roll
Julie King, Academic Let- Ma) nard. Sarah
1,2,3 Golf 1 Wre tling 1 A+
ter 2,3,4 Who' Who 1,2,3,4 10-11-8 Daughter of Greg 1orgu 1 fric
Tutor 4 Club Officer 3 FFA l-22- 9 n of Greg Mor-
llege Prep Certificate 4 and Karen Maynard, Bi on
3,4 pani<h Club 1 Barn- gan and my Mahurin,
Principal' li t 1,2,3,4 Scho- Honor Roll 3 Coil ge Prep
warming King 3 Year_ in Academic Letter 2.3 Ba -
la<tic All American 1,2,3,4 Certificate 4 Honor Roll 1,2
Dallas County 8 ketball l ,2,3,4 +Tutor 4
arni val Candidate 3 A+ Track 1 lub Officer 3,4 FF
1,2,3,4 Fr nch Club 3,4 Math 1c O). Emil) Y, ar in Dalla Count 4
Tutor 4 Chamber Choir 1,2
Club 4 Pep Club 1 ober 2,3 6-23-8 Daughter of harlie
Club Officer 2,3,4 Dynamic
tudent unci] 1,2 Barn- and Penny Me oy, a- Ottcrne .., 5u-.anne
1,2 FBLA 1,2,3,4 FCA 3,4 11-18- Daught r of Eric
warming Queen 2 enior demic Letter 4 Bi on Honor
French Club 2,3 FTA 2,3,4 Mentor 4 ational Honor and Ka) tterne<. , Who' .
Roll 1,2,3 olleg Prep
Glee Club 1,2 Math Club 3,4 Roll 3 P wer Puff football 1 Certificat 4 Principal' Who 2.3 Basketball l ,2.3,4
Mu ic Club 1,2 Mu ic Can- Year in Dalla County 13 li t 3,4 Voll ball 1.2.3,4 oftball p rt
t . t 1,2 H 3,4 c ut taff 4 Weightlifting 1,2,3,4 Fe. ti- Manager l .2.3.4 Black
ober 1,2,3,4 Student Council Me lcndon. ara Jeanne Walnut Fe. tival 4 +Tutor
val Candidate 2 + Tutor 4
1-20-89 Daughter of Brian 4 Art Club 4 Band 1,2,3
3 Cla Officer Rep. 3 a- Club ffic r 4 Math lub
and Meli. sa Me lcndon. FF 1,2,3 French lub _,4
ti nal Honor Roll 2 K y Club 3,4 H 3,4
cademic Letter 3 Bi. on HS 3,4 Pep Club 2 Year
4 Fre hrnen Mentor 4 Year in
Honor Roll 1,2,3,4 ollege in Dallas ount 13
Dalla unty 13 cil Repre<entati e 4 M d I
Prep Certificate 4 H nor Roll 4 Fre<hmen M nt r 4
1,2.3,4 p rL Manager 1 layout O}: Je. si a Dill
Year in Dalla Count 13
ni r Brag. _5
c.. ~,e~
, nN v
u:3 o'~
s S.tra.
Sometime in the last I X ) earo.,.
our beautiful little girl turned
into a beautiful )Oung lad) ...
Dear RaLhcL Accomplio.,hing e\ Cl') thing) ou
You hm c gro\\ n from a ..,et )OUr mind to ... \\'e arc vcr)
beautiful hah) to a beautiful ) oung proud Of) OLI.
lad). You arc our prich.: and jo). \ c All our lm c.
arc \ ei') proud of) ou. l\.1om. Dad.
\1Ichcllc. and
c lmc you. f\.lattlK\\
Papaw and Hanny

i n
Ian--We arc SO proud of you and
all you ha\e already accomplished.
Like Papa said. "you are thotb". Keep
play in· through.
Love Mom & Dad

layout by: Leandro Bell

28 cnior Ads
ll-1 -8 Daughter ~
of Judy and Le ter 6- 13-89 Daughter of
immo, Basketball 1,2 8-3-88 Daughter of Randy Byron and Joyce mith,
and Lesa Powell , Bison Academic Letter I ,2,3,4
oftball 1,2 A+ Tutor
Honor Roll I ,2 Who's Who Who's Who 3,4 ol-
4 Yo-Tech 3,4 Year m 5-6-89 Son of Debbie and 2,3 College Prep Certificale lege Prep Certificate 4
D.C. 13 Mike Phelan, Weightlifting 4 Principal'<., List 3 Track Principal's Li t I ,2,3,4
10, 11, 12 Wrestling 10, 11 1 FF I French Club 2,3,4 + Tutor 4 Band J ,2,3,4
Yo-Tech 11, 12 Years in D.C. H 3,4 Key Club 4 Years in Chamber Choir 1,2,3,4
9-2-8 n of Jon and 4 D . . 13 Club Officer J ,2,3,4
ancy Pack.ard, Bison Dynamics I ,2,3,4 BLA
Honor Roll J ,2,3,4 Who's I ,2,3,4 Glee Club I ,2,3,4
Who 3,4 College Prep Mu<.,ic Club 1,2,3,4 Mu-
Certificate 4 cholastic fJ sic Contest J ,2,3,4 H
All American 4 Ba. ket- 2,3,4 Sober I ,2,3 Years
1-31-89 Daughter of Bob
ball I ,2 Golf 1,2,3,4 A+ in D.C 13
and Anita Phillips, cademic
Tutor 4 H 3,4 tudent
Letter 2 B i on Honor Roll
Council I ,2,3,4 Cia
I ,2,3,4 Track 1 A+ Tutor 4
Officer 4 Golf All Con-
rt Club 3,4 Club Officer 4
ference I st Team CO 5-3-89 Daughter of Kathy
FBLA 2 FCA 1,2,3,4 FFA
Class Three 2 Golf All and Larry Zedia and Jerry and
2 Library Club 4 Pep Club
Di. trict Class Three 2,3 Teresa Ross, Bison Honor
I ,2,4 ober 1,2 pan ish Club 12-7- Daughter of
Golf tate Qualifier Class Roll 1,2 Who' . Who 4 Honor
3,4 Library Club President 4 Dennis and Sandra
Three 2,3 Golf Award Roll I ,2,3 Principal' . List 1
Art Club Vice President Years mith, Bison Honor Roll
Best 9 Hole core 1 Golf F L 1 French Club 2 Glee
in D.C. 13 1 Who's Who 3 Basket-
ward Lowest Tourna- Club 2 Mu . ic Club I ,2 Music ball 1,2.3,4 Softball 3,4
ment Average 2,3 Golf Contest J ,2 VICA 3 Yo-Tech Voll yball 1.2 Festival
ward Most I 0 Finishes 3 Years in D.C. 13 Candidate I ,3 Festival
2,3 Golf Award Lowest
Queen 4 A+ Tutor 4
Match Average 3 Rotary
Year<., in D.C. 13
Youth Leadership Award
3 Years in D.C. 10
1-16-89 Son of Corneliu and
Deborah Poe! rna, Mascot 3
rt Club 3,4 Chess Iub 3 3-29- 9 Daughter of
8-12-88 Daughter of Trading Card Club 3,4 Yo- Travis and Jill pears,
John and Marilyn Pettitt, Tech 3 Year. in D.C. 7 cademic Letter 2,3,4
cademic Letter 2,3,4 Bi- 11-20- 9 Daughter of dward Hon r Roll 4 + Tutor 4
on Honor Roll 1 Who' . and Lorylee Serrato, Bi on Club Officer 3,4 Drama
Who 2,3,4 College Prep Honor Roll I ,2,3,4 Who's Club 3,4 FBL I ,2,3,4
ertificate 4 Principal's Wh 3,4 Hon r Roll 1,2,3,4 F 3,4 H 2,3,4 Pep
List 2,3,4 cholastic All Principal' . List I ,2,3 Ba. ket- Club 2 ober 1,2,3.4
merican 3 A+ Tutor 4 3-2 -89 Daughter of Deryle ball 1,2,3 Cro. s Country 3,4 panish Club 3,4 Fresh-
lub fficer 2,3,4 Drama and u. an Potter, Honor Roll ami al Candidate 4 Carni al man Mentor 4 Year in
Club 3,4 FBLA I ,2,3,4 2,3 Softball I A+ Tutor 4 Art Queen 4 Fe. ti al Candidate D.C 13
FCA 3,4 Glee Club I ,2 Club 3,4 Pep lub 4 pani. h 4 +Tutor 4 Club Offic r
Music Iub J ,2 Mu . ic lub I ,2 Freshman Mentor 4 I ,2,3 Drama Club 1.2,3 C
Conte. t I ,2 H 3,4 Sci- Year in D.C. 13 I ,2,3,4 FCCL 1,2,3 Math
ence lub 4 ober 1,2,3,4 lub 3,4 Pep Club 3,4 ob r
1-19- Daughter of
Spanish lub 3,4 ation- 2,3 panish lub 2,3,4 Ke)
al Honor Roll 3,4 Interna- Mar Tharp, Softball
Club 4 Year. in D.C. 6
I ,2,3,4 Years in D. . 13
tional F reign Language
3 Freshman Mentor 4
Year. in D. . 13

enior Brag. -9
BJ f.'rav. ford
Sel son ROav
Hmv did ~ ou ... tart! Hts i11o'll
o;md on Eba:y, then
h~.! got mvolved in :t
Hem lll~f h<t\c you been doing •hi<'
veto her
~... . dNate ~cEh:oy . What is the best part! !"vloncv
R CLJUII ~ trucKs and atrtbtkes What is the worst part? f rau·d
How dtd vou -.tart? Bought an old truck
ari'd rebmlt it
How low; have you heen domg tht'> ')
~me~ he ~ao; 10.
What is the he-.t part_, B~ml:! \1echani
~alh mclmed ..
\\hat t'> the· worst part'? When I '>lip off
a bolt l hurt my knuckles.

. Josh Stenht:n-..
Rat~e-... ~hows. ~no sell-.. ooah
How did )OU start! He rceil'VC~
goa\. ao; a pav me.nt and then
got mtereskllm It.
How long have you been doing tht'>?
What t'i tfie hest pat1? shov'> mr
What i" the ~ or-.l part? Skcpmg m
the bam in the winter ~nile
th~ goat' are kidding

, . Looan Year-..Ie~
Stcolhng thro•Tgh lits.nast t:e under the
nate mrtoriltgfitwatcnmg IS cow~
How did vou ~art? ''I learnfit trorn m)
Ai·kan"a' Cousin-.."
How long haH' you been doing thi~?
Tim. Pierce I ':1 years
L.ono walks on the beach What i<.. the. best part? Wah.:hing the co\\ s
with ~usanne Uttemess . at mght. ,
Ho~ did you .;,tat1'> 'Wl!nt tor a v..alk What I'> the "Wor-.t part'! Can t \ee ~llW ptle'>
on the beach before you 'tep in it~
Hov.. hm!! have )OU be~n domg thio;?
:! tJ ) l!ars . ..
What ts the be t pat1? Bemg ahlc to
-.pend time \\> ith su .. anne.
What is fhe ~orst part? nothing
Cheralie Bolin
lVlakmg JYur~c-..
HO\v did you 'lart? l-kck)
Pfii IIi pr-. taught her.
How long have you be~:n dom.g thi-.!
Smcc thl! bcgmning ot rhe year
What is the best parr? Givmr thrm a'W
What is the '"'or-.l pa11 ') l 'nappreciati \t'

32 Sl!nior Hobbtcs
Kebcy Canon
Riilmg Horse~
ll<m did you -;t,ut'> Baby
some horses for a Inend,
and never gm e them
hack '
Ho\\ long! 6 years
What i'> tlle bc<;t part'? I kel fne .
What i" the \\orslpart'? To mar.v
way., to ge hurt

Cirefto Ander~on
Ho\\ did you -.tar'l·~
Susanne. Otterne~-.. Huntmg \\ nh
K.mttmg Dad.
Hovv d1d \OU start? Girl
Ho\\ Ion!!? 8 years
Scouts What i'> t11c best part')
Hov.- Juno'? 2 3 years Bcmg
What i'> tllc be~r l)art? It outdoor..,
takes up fime and What i.., the worst part'>
m..tkes pretty stuff. l-rcc7ing
Whc1t i.., the \\Of..,t part? It 1..,
rept:pltt\ ~

Eaul· Poellna.
Trac m~ Card
Hov.- d1d you "tart. I like to dr d\\
the P-icture.., on the card".
Hov.- lllll''? 3 year-.
What is {he be ·t part? Bemg around
What is the worst part? Annoying
Jcanette~AU$tin~Aii~ha Phillip~;,.
a Lan · ce Audet
quare ~memo
Ho\\ d1d you star1'J Ali-.ha Phillip-.;
\\anted to.
Ho\\ long'?
What i.., t'he be..,t part'> Meetmg Ill.!\\
'What j., the wor~t part'? Being spun
several tllne-..
Hori;)C ·1 raaer
Ho\\ d1d you start? Through
her Dad
Ho\\ lnnj, have you been doing thi'i'?
before she could walk.
What ts the best part? Profit
\\hat j.., the \'-'Orsl part? Crazy hor._c..,

· Tumt)lmg
How did you start'? Clieerleadmg
Hov.- long? 6 \ear<..
What i-. 01l' he-.t part? It keep-. me
. in '>hapc and it's f~n.
What ts the wor'>t part? It " danger
ou ....

Senior Hobbie-. 33
Et>at. ~utI on SO\
f~Al.aM~ CUA~
~thuA.~~ Ckeuu.~
&e.pkAN.e. ~ ~~
T~~~ ~anw. Ktu;~"
~~ ~*'ku~~
~~ ~~~In~
JoG\ E. v4Nku ~~~~
~ 1)Uft£U,.
L.ea.U ~"~
~~~ Joou..~
Uti~ 1)atud. &n.k .,~
'luNL 1)oekf"""e au...~
~~tt.~ ~~Scubu
C.W'-d-opkU ~
~·~ TON"U
YcHe. ~ohMu K~Wufri

Row 1: Cody Waide, Courtney Dame, Jorden Dibben, Jeanette Au tin. Row 2: Bethany Nimmo,
B.J. Crawford, Chri Abercrombie, Je ica KJementzo , Summer Brook , Julie McClurg, Colton
Bower , Megan McKinny, Row 3: Mr . Mill , Lacey Blecher, Kri tin Blair, u anne Otterne ,
Amanda Marsh, Aimee Caldwell, Lance Doty, Ca, i Lewi , Mr . Moyle. Row 4: athan Wil on,
Emily McCoy, Ian Packard, Greg Ander on, Chri Glor.
oVte cre\ltef'a..~o\\ p\a..\\~~ a..
~r-ee., a..\\o~\ter -e\\dO:J~ ~'£
~~. Q.L~ ~rover\,
1) OJdr Cbou _.
'DaPJeaw P""W
II 1J"fbrPoalw-
..... .,1 ...,...
2)--Je4a+a ...

3),. ., . , . ...
Am ••lkaat . .

..... ,
5)Ke11ehJWnw . .
JcP' L wJatllata

7)1 . . . . . . . .
MC ._.,, _.,
Alo ._ti:J'•IillltD
I)Jallall ,. ...,.
llcfart.-. a • -
I) Joe . . . . . . .
Clllfar' 'we
lO) . .'':C •
,, 3
... .....
.,_.,, cwlh.AI-

0 . . . . . . . . w.t

- ~""
Vrrginia Achley
Chri Barclay
Jo hua Barnhart
Brett Bartee
Bruce Bennett
Dalton Bennett

Hank Berry
Elizabeth Bierer
Clara Butler
icole Butler
Ryan Casey
Matt Castle

Heather Chapman
Ale Clampitt
Mary Cline
Tyler Cobb
Scott Cotter

46 JumorMug
Jacob Darnell
Brandon David~on
Zach Davi-.on
Bailey Dill
Je~ ica Dryer
Zach Enikido

John Erick~on
Tika E tep
Brian Faucett
Tielle Gallion
Kri~ta Gawlow ki
Ben llagen

Olivia Halter
Richard Harrel
A hley Hashagen
Du ty Hayne<,
Jeremy Helm
K) lee Hender~on

Jerica Holt
Michael Horstman
Leann Horton
Lea Howell
Heather Hula
Ca~sandre Hunte

Tra\i Hurd
Michael Jenkin
Ashli John on
Terri Johnston
Patrick Jone
Shey Jone

Travis Jones
Landon Keith
Kristin Knapp
Blake Knotts
Courtney Kno
Robert Koester

Jamt: Koliwaske
Codie Lancaster
Britny Lankford
Timothy Luttrell
ate McElroy

Junior Mugs 47
aron ~1C)er
Amber Miller
~1cken1ie Mills
Markus ~1oorc
Courtney Moyer
Alexi.:, Myers

Annie Oli er
Katie Olson
Le\ i 0 born
Adam Paul
Lynn Phillip
Jeffery Pickle

Zachary Pilkington
Kyle Pinkley
Ethan Ramsey
icole Richard on
Rebeccca Rumfelt
Bradley Schofield

Kenneth Schwegman
Brandy Snow
Ju tin Snow
Dillon Stoner
Haley Thiesen
Jacque Trader

Sammy Tuck
Kyle Vet
Colton Waite
John Watt
Barbara Werner
Kyle Whet. ten

Curtis Williams
Adriana Wilson
Stephanie Wilson
Kyle Wingo
Seth Wommack
Chri topher Yang

Jerry Yang
hael Zanzie

48 Junior Mugs
Junior Muo/:' 49
Tiffany Allen
Jame ... Allivato
Melanic Altcnrcid
Steven AI\ cr<.,on
Corey Atteberry
Duane Atteberry

Seth Autry
Au~tin Barber
i<:ole Barclay
Andrew Behrle
Jesse Boone
Caleb Boro

Seth Bradley
Jacoh Bre\\.er
A<.,hley Bower"
Logan BrO\\ n
Rachel Bro\\ n
Ryan Bnmn

50 Sophomore Mug<.,
Brittan) Canolc
Kd c) Care)
K) le Carrillo
Kcl ic Ca hion
Anthony Chastain
Je ica Choate

Frank Clark
Victor Clark
Calic Cline
R)an Coffee
• ikki Collin.
Tyler Compton

Thoma Cook
Pearl Cooley
Tayla Cooper
Ally on Count
Angel Courtoi
Cinnamon Croan

Ryan Crouch
Landon Cro\\ der
Da\ id Elkinton
Paul Emmerich
Ian England
Jame E tep

Sarah Evan
Alexandria Evan
Corki Fancher
Tim Frye
Jo eph Gallo
teven Gann

Chad Gardner
Kyle Gawlow ki
Melanie Gentry
Jo hua Gray
Kayla Green
Je ica Gregory

Kyl Griffin
De tiny Gruber
Caitlin Guidry
Chri Hamel
Tra i Hannon
Kyl Harwood

ophomore Mug 51
L teban Hernand /
A hie) Hick
Rohert Hohen ·c
Katelyn Holm
at han HO\\ t:
Du tin Hurd

Brandon Jack on
Cod) Jackson
Dylan Jack on
Ka) li Jenkin
1andi Jenning
Candace Jone

Erica Jone
Jay Jonc
Victoria Kay
Britaania Kimble
Amber King
Scott Knox

Jordan Leer
Brittne) Lingle
Mollyanne Lockhart
Ka andra Mankey
Donald Martell
athan Matthews

Thoma Matthew
Ju tin McClurg
Daniel Meyer
Josh Miller
Roy 1iller
Amber Mincks

Samantha Minear
Rachel Mitchell
Landon Moore
A hton Morale
Benjamin Murphy
Joey cwbole

Diane ick
Cory immo
Carl oodwang
Chad Payne
Abigail Perez
Skyler Peters

52 Sophomore Mug
Brittan} Powell
Cody Rankin
Joanne Ray
Adam Rehder
Kyle Richardson
Cody Ro ier

Chris Sallee
Kail Sayer
Rebecca Sharp
Joni hoemakcr
Lanie Shov. maker
Brandy Skinner

E.:.rin now
Sandra Somer
Sara Spoering
Sarah pradling
Am her Tenorio
Leslie Tharp

athaniel Tirey
Chandler Thuster
Jc ica Turner
Kelsey Turner
Sarah Turner
A hley Vaughn

Chel ey Wilker on
Stephen Wtlkey
Jacob William
Annie Wimberly
A hley Wingo
Brian Wise

Amanda Wyrick
Andrew Yang

Sophomore Mug
Lut.:a \1ehl
Lat.:e) , 1illcr
, rathaniel Miller
Christopher Minear
Christine Moore
Rebecca Morrison

Kaitlyn evitl
William Mimmo
Ca sandra Pari h
Sa\-anna Patterson
Kierra Payne
Amber Perry

Jamie Per on
Riley Peter on
Chri topher Picken
Kaitlyn Pinkley
Phylicia Poelma
Ryan Pope

Tabitha Po ten
Zachary Potthoff
Chri tina Rauh
Lind ay Roam
Allen Robin on
Ryan Ru hing

John Ruth
Heidi Schmied
William Schwegman
Jordan immon
Brittany iperko
Kayla Spears

udrey tafford
Jo hua Tenne on
ick Thurmond
ich all Torrey

arah Trow
tchol Vaughan
Je tea Vela co
bastian Vencill
athan Ve
Dakota agner
Gaile Behrle Comm. Arts
Jon Behrle lndu t. Tech
Stacy DeWitt-Beller Comm. Arts
Tere a Cotter SDD
Deena Demuri Special Ed

Gail Di more FACS

Debby Dryer i • Principal
Linda Frazier urse
Billy Gilmore cience
Scott Hardwicke Social cience

Jill Ho tetler Comm. Arts

Jo ce mtth Comm rts
Carmen Vandev John on Comm. rts
Ken Kirby Business
ary Kopp cience
layout by: Leandra Bell


~ [][]~f@ ~ OUi)~

60 Faculty Hall of arne





~~Ul@ 1@ ~[J@

~ ~ !Mkfc !Milk;}


Facult Hall of Fame 61

62 tudent Life Divi ion
tudent Life Di i ion 63
Stephanie Smith
66 Football Homecoming
Sophomore Attendant Junior Attendant

Senior Candidate

Senior Candidate

Returning Queen Stephanie Smith and Dawn Booth

Football Homecoming 67
Ktvtff Ctvns Hov-sfYI/L(Ait
e.25aov--f~ by c~dS6{ 0e.vl~(Ait

A. Sevtiov- CowA1.o<~r0 Cfvns !llolvttyv-r0 ~aov--td b-f

5te{Jfv0o/tit0 SYVLc-tfv

5 Sevtiov- CowA1.o<~r0\rYVL P'iev-Gt0 ~aov--td b-{ ~


6. Sevtiov- CowA~.o<~(0 c;:v-~ ~e.Y5M ~aov--td b-f vedLy

F v-o:-Z-t:ev-

68 Basketball Homecoming
Q~ £ YJtl-'i('f !JiaC~
e25aov--i~ b.{ Ct-vo-v-fr~ IllcCoy
1. Fv-e.vft..-~ L-ov-yvt 'f?cw-dCt>f e.vaov--ied by s~

'2.- Sopft..-oYv~-ov-6 Cow).~ 5 ~ e.vaov--ied by (I~


~. 5 lMiov- Eft-Pohdft..- 'Stev-ev- e.vaov--ied by Voifto/

'f?t,.. ~_,,~

A. Se.vtio ~ Ot-iev-vte.Z36 e.vaov--ied by __. (a


6. Se.vtio Cft..-eo+5rW- 1: e.vao 1:ed by c,_ (s


Back tball Hom ming 69

.John Erickson
Place: Maple Street Grill
alar}: 5.15/hr
Job Description: Di.,h \\asher
Wor.,t part of the job: The other

Place: Hardee'.,
alar}: 5.50/ hr.
Job De'icription: Frontline
(window and cashier).

Worst Part of the job: Cleaning

Place: Woods
alar;: 5.25/hr
Job Description: Stock all foods
and datr;.

Wor'it part of the JOb:


Wurtn.ey Knnx

Place: Woods Supermarket

alary: 5.25/hr
Job Description: Checker.
~toch.. fro?en food

Wor.,t part of the job: Very crabby

Angel Horton
Place: McDonald.,
alary: 5.65/hr

Job De. cription: Front-

line. \\ mdow, kitchen.
Worst part of the job: Mak-
ing fries and angr} custom-
Dusty Haynes
Place: onic
alary: 6/hr.
Job Description: Carhop
Worst part of the JOb: very
angry people

Amber Miner
Place: Dait) Queen
Salar): 5.50/hr
Job Description: Cook and - - -

N Worst part of the job:

Taking out the trash

Barbara Werner
Place: Taco Bell/KFC
alai"): $5.25/hr
Job Description: Front
Worst Part of the job:
Cleaning trash cam.

Place: Maple Street Grill

Salary: 5.15/hr
Job Description: Waitress,
Bus tables
Wor'\t part of the job:
Mood) Cu~tomers

Mckenzie Mills
Place: Taco Bell/KFC
Job Dcscnption: Drivc-
thru. Front counter
Worst part of the job:
Cleaning bathrooms
Ivlrs. Dismore 's 7th hour Advanced Foods cla. s
helped prepare, cook, and serve lunch on March
9th. The class prepared Taco Salad for all three
lunch shifts. After preparing lunch, the tudents
ate. then went to work again. Six tudent were
serving .. .. lunch :hift while there t f the tu-
dents cleaned up the mes e created. The c ok
enjoyed letting the students help prepare the
meaL and the tudents looked like they enjoyed
doing it. When Mrs. Dismore wa a ked what
she thought of the experience, he aid, " Thi. i
a great opportunity for the student to learn what
goes on behing the cene in the cafeteria. We
abo study and apply safety and anitation proce-
dures. Most of the tudent are urpri ed at how
much cleaning the taff actually ha to do."

Becky Frazier cut~ the grape~ to Kevin Moore and Chris Aber-
mak.e smaller bov. b. crombie are coring the tomatos
so that they can dice them for
the taco salad.

Katinka Folmer prepare~ to help

make a salad for the salad bar.

Mr.. Di more helps Valerie Sammy Tuck. helps out b) doing

Ridgway wipe her nos~.: while some of the dishes. and playing
he i cutting green onions. in the water.
74 Cooking
Tika Estep, Tiffany Allen, A'ihley Frye, Summer Brooks,
Justina Turnbough, and Jessica Powell are preparing to
serve the "A" lunch shift.

Mary Cline and Alicia Remke

cut the bags of chip" open.

Tika Estep is pouring taco sea-

soning into the hamburger.
shley Frye is scooping out
cookie dough to bake the cook-
ummer Brooks pour-. the water
into the container for the stu-
dents \\hom drink water during

tiona) while cutting the green

Tiffany Allen scoops out the
sour cream into little bov.Js for
the students.
J U\tma Turn bough em cr.., the
plope no-.; fo r lunchtime.

Cooking 75
For C..f'~ ..2006-07 ..rc..f'ool ~c:.:er.
~!!ff'.:elo Hzg/l Sc..f'ool ..rC.:erC~a.:e nov
pogr.:enz inown .:e..r ~z..ron 7znzc:. D~..rz:gnc:a
Jor .:ell gr.:edl:..r. C..JfK't&t~Jr~..r/lnzc:n.
?:3z..ron 7i-rn~ allows .r{uc/(;nC..r Co ..9~{ C'u-
Cortng /l~l;; dicrt?~ ..rc..f'ool ..f'our.r Co r.:ez..r~
O'J/~1'0_9~ 97'&7tU..J !}""~OUT /lz:9/i ..JC'..f'oo/. Ct!lC'..f'
we:~£ f'r~..r..f'77l~n ..f'ez'J/ifour d:!l~..r g ~z­
..ron rtz?Jlc . ..rojJ/lO?IZOrc:..r ..f'o'J-1~ C..f'r~~ a1?~..r.
Jllnzor..r /l&'J/C: tWO M~..J. ezna..r~nzor..r
..f'o'J/~ on~ d:!lt'J. :!f'.rCudl:nC..r ar~ not"' zn
C..f'~zr ~z..ron 'Tz7llc: clt!l..r..rroo7ll..J. C..f'~ ezr~
zn c..f'~ cif~r~rtez orJz~la..f'ou..r~ ..f'o'J"zJ7&
Jr~~ Ct?Jl~ -??1( /'r~..i/lnu:n ana..JOjl..f'O?llOT~
~z..ron 'Tt7ll~ C'~..J..J~..J /ia'J/~ s~n.Jor..r 1'71. {/[~
C'lez.r.r JVCC'..f' C..f'~?ll t5l..J nz~nCor..r {o ,lffO'J/t'tU
{ut"ortng ;;!3t'..ron Can~ /i.:e..r aoouc /5-..20
..rt"ua1:,nc..r zn ~t!lc/i ctt!l..r..r t!lnaC<2":!J~C~acu­
Corzn9 clt!l..r..rc.r t!lr~ ..r~C tt,PJor C..f'o..r~ JV..f'o
nc-~d C/lc, c,.xCro /l~l;; ')(/Zc/£ 77Zonfl clt!l..r..r~..r
Tor9~Cc:acucort71:.9 cl&..r..rc:..r ar~ lfo..r~aon
9roding C"..f'~rb C/lc- ..rCudl:n{..r rc:cc:z'J/~
c'J/c:rf(/ {/ir~~ wc:c-b. 7/l~ /lzg..f' ..rc..f'oolz..r
jll~a..r~awtc..f' c..f'~ wa~ c/i~ po_grt!l7lZ z..r
worizn:ifo-r zCifzr rc ~~or.

lbp Right: 1lentor Emily Mc-

Coy, helps freshman Tanner on
a homework worksheet.

Senior Lacey Blecher helps

a tudent \\ ith her homework

Getting help with her math

homework. There a Hitchcock
and ~vir. Wheeler \\ork through
the problem.

76 Bi on Time
Left: Fini .. hing up her
homework. Emily Wil on
works Ilently to get it

Right: Willa Sch\\ itte~

\\Ork~ quietly on her

Left: Taking a break

from his homc\\ork. Jo h
Stephans makes a serious
face at the camera.

Right: Working on
,__ _ Algebra home\\ ork.
Je~~ica Denton con-
centrate on the right

L ·ft: Working on her

math home\\ ork. Abi
Potter tri , to get her
a signment fini hcd.

Right: Concentrating on
his homework. Thoma
Cook studies to pas· a
tc t.

Bison Tim~ 77
Mrs. Dryer Mr. Condren
e confiscating taring into his de. k,
hter. , Mr ' . Dryer Mr. ondren looks for a
hand lotion for marker to tm1 his le on.

of Sporting the Clorox ipe ,

Mrs. Beller
Mr . Beller reads a Valen-
tine' , Day card from three
~~~a~~o. •;-, complete with white years ago.
r---.!.::;;--..->·• t and a andy bar.

Ms. Paro Mr. Hardwick

efore tarting her le - While reading in. pirational
M . Paro enjoy. poetry, Mr. Hardwicke li ten
nice hot bowl of to Hanson 's mmm-bop.

7 Teac hers ' Desks

ing her paper , Mr . Taking a breather, Mr.
ostetler finds a mi - McCorkendale enjoy a
ches piece. hot cup of coffee.

Sefiora Smith
ba ic, , efiora ever caught off guard,
is prepared hablar Coach H. is always pre-
pared with taco sauce.

Ms. Powers Coach Hula

hile she type in grade. , While he disciplines stu-
, . Power till has time dents. Coach Hula reads
show chool pirit with his American Football
I of her lanyards. Monthly. a. he antici-
pates eating a steak.

Teacher ' De. k.s 79

T pe of Vehicle: Chevy Sil erado Type of Vehicle: Jeep Grand Cherekee
Ize of Motor: 327 ortec Size of motor: In line 6 cylinder
Year of Vehicle: 1999 Year of Vehicle: 1998
How long have you owned it? 5 years How long have you owned it? 4 years
Where diCI you ouy it? Hanks Chevrol Where diCI you ouy it? Johnson Automotive
Insurance Cost: 60 ~er month In urance Cost: 17050/month
Ha e ou wrecked it. o Have you wrecked it? o

Type of Vehicle: Jeep Cherekee p rt

Stze of motor: 400 Type of Vehicle: Chevy ilverado
Year of Vehicle: 1993 Size of motor: 305
How long ha e you owned it? 1 year Year of Vehicle: 1995
Where diCI you ouy it? from my cou in How long have you owned it? 3 year
In urace Cost: 84 per month Where dta you ou,v it? Bill Roberts
Have you wrecked It? o Insurance Co t: ? 0
Ha e you wrecked it? No

T pe
IZe of motor: 3 Type of Vehicle: Toyota 4-runner
Year of Vehicle: 2003 S1ze of motor: V6
How long have you owned it? 2 years Year of Vehicle: 1990
Where dta you ou,v it? Lebanon How long have you owned it? I 1/2 years
Insurance Cost: ? 0 Where diCI you ouy it? Denver, Colorado
Have you wrecked it? Yes Insurance Cost: I 13/month
Have you wrecked it? o
80 Hoods
Type of Vehicle: Mu. tang Type of Vehicle: Chev_y Corsica
Size of motor: 302 Fa tback Size of motor: V6 3.3L
Year of Vehicle: 1970 Year of Vehicle: 1994
How long have you own d it? 22 years How long have you owned it? 9 months
Where diCI you ouy it? Hi father-m-law Where diCI you ou/ it? From a friend
Insurance Cost: 20/month In . urance Co. t: ? .
Have you wrecked it? o Ha e you wrecked it? Ye~;, but it is a bea t!

Type of Vehicle: Ford F 150 Type of Vehicle: Pontiac Grand m

Size of motor: V6 IZe of motor: 350
Year of Vehicle: 2001 Year of Vehicle: 1997
How long have you owned it? 1 ) ear How long have you owned it? 7 month.:;
Where diCI you ouy it? Boli ar Where diCI you ouy it? Jenning uto
Insurance Cost: 75/month In. urance Co. t: 50/month
Have you wrecked it? Ye Ha e you wrecked it? o

Type of Vehicle: Blazer T pe of Vehicle: Oldsmobile

Size of motor: V6 1zc f motor: '?
Year of Vehicle: 1997 Year f chicle: 19 8
How long have you owned it? 2 years How long ha e you owned it? 7 month.
Where diCI you ouv it? Dale & Katie Lane Where d1CI you 5.-}!i it? in Marshall. Mo
Insurance Cost: '?'! Insurance Cost: ..
Have you wrecked it? o Have you wrecked it? o
4 ctivities Division
Rov, One R)an
rouch, :-ohley Ke n-
nemer. Holl) Ca e.
Blake Knott, Joanne
Ra) . John Ruth , Le \ ·
immo. Row Two:
Beck) Fra:rier. Brit-
tany Canole. Ken·
dall Canole H!ll-
arey Gra\cs, Courtney
Moyer, Kelsey Turner.
Megan Long, Caleb
Hatz. Anc a tewart.
Beck) harp, Corki
Fancher, Amber Teno-
rio. Row Three: Paig'
\\all. Jo h Tcnne on.
\\ ilh.un chwegman.
Frank lark. athan
• 1atthe\\ , Jordan

a) Bro\\ n. Ro\\ Four:

Michael Laughter.
Kayla Smith, Core) t-
tebcrry, , at han Bro\\ n,
Zachary pears. Weston
v allace, Jerica Holt.
Jason Johnson. Tra\ is
Harmon, Justin w·n '0.
Kie Pa. ne. ,\Ito:-..
RO\\ One : Becky harp.
Ka) Ia mith. Chebea.
Row Two Joni <;hoc
maker. Kelsey Turner.
Kasandra Manke .. RO\
Three: II) aunt .
Erika Fulbright. a i
I e\\ i . Row Four: Katie
Olson, , •ikki Colli '1'.,
Moll; lockhart opra-
nos. Row One : Je.-
ica Denton. Amanda
Datler, Kendall anole. Tenors. Row One: Justin Wingo, Thomas Matthews. Zach Enokido.
Rachel Brown . Row Two: T) ler Compton, Tanner Harris, Adam Behder. R I ec: BJ
T\\ : Hillarey Gra es, ra\\ ford.. th Bradle •. Branda J· • n. Ba. ses, Row One : Robby Green,
tephanie Harmon, Jerry Cobb, Travis Harmon, Justm Roby, had Payne, Ro\\ Iwo H·
Sabrina Cobb, Brittany Josh Hostetler, Christopher Hood. Grant Glor. hank Clark. Rm 'I h1
iperko. RO\ "I hree: Barela). Cod) Jack on, Ju tin ~1L:Ciurg, \lc lampitt, James Kolh
Jennifer 'lampitt,
H ath r l::.a ter. L a Travis Harmon has been
l O\\ell, ali 'lin . in Choir for two years.
R(m -our: • 1eagan He joined because he
Long, Kristin Knapp, wanted to sing.
Candace Jones. Lani
hocmakcr, Be ka
layout by: Leahdra Bell

6 ctivities
Row One .· Becky·
harp. Kayla Jmtth. s
Chelsea Roby. e - d
sica Denton. man . a
Datler. Rov. Two.
Kelsey 'I urner.
Kasandra Manke) .
Hillarey Gm\e ·
tephame . Harmon. .
Sabrina o . bb Bnt-dall
i erko. Ken
tany p Three·
Canale. Rov. II)
. h maker.
Jont . Lewi .
Count . a I .
·• r lampllt.
JennJJe Lea
Heather l~.t ter.
Howe II · alie !me.
Ra h I Brov.n . Rm
Four: K a tic 01 on.II
''kki Collin • ' to y
I 'k
l ')Ckhai1, En a
_, 1 aan
Fullbnght. ' eae
Kristin Knapp,
Long. Lanie
Candace Jone ·
hoe maker. Rebecca
Powers ha. Pen- Rt mfelt . I n
.Ms. .
ored Mtxed Choru for
Rov. One.
. Katte 0 °
) Becka
. o n ear.·
thirty p ram Chair . J
( rogf It ( ecretar) ). B
Rum e 'd t)
wford (PresJ en .
Kayla mtt . h (Trea-

surer). H eather . t)Ea.Roter

( ICC. Pre tden . ·
Two . Tanner Har~Is.
Howell. Jcrr)
Lea . ·a Denton,
obb. Jcsst.c Robb)
Hill are) Gt a\ e .
Green. hclsea Rob).
. hocmaker.
Jonte . on
hanie Hatm .
tep . K ndall
C nole. Ju tin Rob).
R;chel Bro\\ n. Jen-
.' . l.unpitt, Zach
mfet . \\ mgo.
'd Ju tm
Enokt • abrina
Kri tin Kn.tpp. ~ rko.
C bb Bnttan) tp
o . . 1eagan
alie lin . - . 1oi-
J Ro\\ l·our. '
I ong. Kasandm
I Lockhart,
\. k I .,,
1an C). •am a<.:-.
. Olson has lly 'ount .
Katie . Club Jane ' k on
· MUSIC randon Jac . hri
been In She ler Compto n. .
for three years. she
arclay. Ca· i LC\\. I.·
joined bec~use
k Berry. Trm L
loves music. an · l1o -
rmon Lant ' t:
has been in a Kef e Tumer.
Rachel Browntwo years. She
aker. . •· hrk.
Glee Club for he's in choir. 0\\ F i' e· Fran" •
JOined because s
dam Rehder
ti iti s 7
Row One: Tabetha
Clark. Georgl:
Ruth. Lea Hov.ell.
II} Count\. Ro\\
T\\O: Mary Deason.
Jessica Lawson.
Ashley Logan.
Je sica Gregory.
Je sica Velasco.
Summer Brooks.
Sarah Tro\ . Domi-
nic Jaramillo. RO\\
Three Lcandra
Bell. .mdie Som -
mer-.. bb) Perez.
Ali ha Phillip .
• ' atalie .
Che) cnne Eng-
land. Krim un-
n~;) WaiL Audn::)
taffonl. Rachel
Brm\ n. manda
Bnm n. Row Four:
Kasandra Mnkey.
Dayana Serrato.
Kelse} Harwood.
F.T. A·
Sara Hernandez.
Phylicia Poelma.
Micheall Torrey.
Brittany iperko.
Haylee Manm).
Tiffany Allen, Calie
Cline. Row Fi\ e:
Jom hoemaker.
\ Ilham chweg-
man. Josh Hostetler.
Candace Jones.
Ka) Ia Spears. a i
Lewis. Kail ayer,
Chad Pa) ne. te\ en
Gann. Jake Ferrell.

Layout by: John Olson

8 Activiti .
Senora mith ha
. ponsored pani . h
lub for two year .

Row One· Kristin Knapp ( ecretar; ), Katie Olson (Historian), Kri'ita Gawlowski (President). Casi Lewis (Vice Presi-
dent), Candace Jones (Treasurer). enora mith. Row Two: Rachel MitchelL Abby Perez, Brian W1se, Joe; Gallo,
Hillare; Graves, Kayla Smith, Rachel Spears, Jessica Velasco, Summer Brooks, Brandy Snow, Annie Oliver. Becka
Rumfelt, Bnttany Maybury, Alissa King, Brittncy Lingle, Rachel Brown. RO\\ Three: Ticllc Gallion. 1 ' ichole Butler.
Heather Hula, Hcathc1 hapm,m. Kclsc) Harwood, undrc,1 Jones, orki Fancher. Elizabeth Bierer. Frica Jones.
shley Hi shle; Vau!!hn, Matt Castle. Josh Tenneson. Shane Chastinc. John Ruth, Lea Hm\ell Row Four· Ash-
Icy Havle, andria Evans, Ka andra Manke;. Sandie ommer , George Ruth. Dayan, errata.
Ashley Hashagen, Chclscy Gerleman, Kelsie Cashion, Katinka Folmer.
Amber Tenorio. She; Jones. Adrcv. Behrle, K le
Ga\\ - lowski. Chris Hor tman. Adam PauL Mike
Hurst- m<m. Tra\ is Jones Row Fi\c: Leandra Bell.
Chan- er Truster Joni hocmaker, K; lee Hcndcr-
on, alcy Thiesen, Josh Hostetler. Caleb Hatz,
Icy. Cody Jack. on, nnie imbcrly,
Counts, Stc\cn Gann Lynn Phillips, Caleb
Josh B<1rnhart. Mike Zarvie. Joey C\\ boles.

Ch Cl ub
Row One: Virginia Atchle> (Secretar ). Jcrica Holt (Presi-
nt). Le\ t Osborn (Vice President). Row Tv. o: Dust)
s. Josh Barnhart, Thomas Matthews, rystal Hitch-
k. Ro" Three: Logan Bro\\ n. L) nn Phillip . Jamie Per on .

ti ities 9
Rov. One: Amanda
Brown ( ecretary},
shlc] King (Pre i-
dent), Kayla mith
(Vice President). Chcls)
utr] (Treasurer) Ro\\
Two: Marcellc1 Alvcrsor1;;-"li~
Becka Rumfelt Sara
Me lendon, Knsten
Blair. Annie Oliver,
Du-.ty Haynes, Jeanette
ustm, Lea HowelL
Rachel pear.· Ro\\
1 hre . k 1ca Dr)er.
Kri..,ta Ga\\ llm ki,
·a i l t:\\ is, Chel y
Gcrkman. Adam Paul.
LaLe Blecher. ~ mil)
1c O). Beck) Fra1ier.
Lace) Oa\ ison, Ale an-
dra 0) cr. k ica Po\\ ell is is Mr.
Rov\ Four: Levi Os- Brosius' first sponsor for four
born, B.J. Crawford, Ian year as FCA years.
Packard. Jason Johnson, sponsor.
Lynn Phillips. Kelse
Canon. Susanne Otter-
ness, Tielle Gallion
F c . A.
Row One: Jordan Lewis
(Hi torian), he]<.;) Autf)
(President), shley King
( ecretaryffreasurer)
Ro\\ Two: Heather Eas-
ter, Amanda Brown, Tif-
fany Allen, Rachel Brown,
Rachel Spears Rm Three:

ount .• belly Dugan Row
Four: Mr. Luke Brosius,
Landon Miller, Vernie
Doehring, James Koli-
waske. Coach Todd Sell

90 cti ities
. Emily McCoy
RO\'. One. B J. Crawford
(, ecretary). . T" ~lie
(VIce Pres! . ~·
"dent) Ie
. (President). ·
Gallion .. ) Ro\\o Two.
· o (TreasUI cr
Kine Brand)
Lawson. .
Jessica . a Ga\\o Iowsk1,
Skinner. Knst Rachel
Amanda Brok·" ~razier. Lace)
•n Bee ' ·
Bro\\· .n Row• 'J hree: Jom
Oa\ 1 o ~
h k an d"1c~ omers.
ocma cr. k Rum-
K ristin Knapp, Bee ·aGeor(•e
felt. Dayana. errata. h hi e
Ruth. Lac ) ~
e , Blec cr.
. Levi Os-
RO\ Four. .
Potter . Lo khart, Katie
horn, Moll) Casi
d Grmes.
Olson. Co ) rd Can-
Mrs. Sanchez : Sarah 1ayna ,
has been the dice ~
Lc\\ •Audet.
. Jerica Holt
Math Club
sponsor for
two years.

Mr. McCorkend~le
has been the Sci-
ence lub sponsor
for four years.

Mr. Gilmore has

been th e Science
Club sponsor for
three years .

Row One.. Cassie . Pettite.

R ,.,.
k Frasier 0
and Bee ) h ns lr.
'I wo Jos dai·~ Ja on
h tcp .. · ·
M Corkcn '"•
c (Pn.: idcnt),
John on Lacc\
Candace Jonc •

tivities 91
Rov. One : shton Morales
(Ht..,torian). \1arcella AI-
' er on (Treasurer). Brand)
now (Htstonan). Adriana
Wilson. Mar) Dea-.on ( ec-
retar;) Row Two: Tiffan
Doehring, arah Trow, Chri.
Barela). M ·. Dissmore Ro
'LL I t l D -
tin) Gruh r. Je nnifer 'I h,trp
Row Four: shley aughn.
Enn Smm. Sa\ annah Junge .
• Turner

RoVv One : L) nn Philltpo.,

(Parliamentarian). Ashley
King (Tresurer.). Ka)la
mtth (Pre-.tdent). R.tchel
pears (Vice. President)
Row Two: Je ica Law. on.
Jerica H It, Mandi Jenning .
Yictoriah Kay Ro H

C hn B rLI,t, Johanna :-.1< r-

ri . La C) Blecher, Lace)
Da\ i on. Andrea Bintliff.
Ka) Ia Green. b. Kirh)
Row Four: Daniel Meyer.
Allyson Counts. Casi Lewis.
Maeghan Kidd. Mr . mith
RoVv Fi\ e: , ll:\ en Gann.
Moll) Lockhart. Jason
Johnson. Cody Gra\C'>. Tim
Pierce. Jamie Per on

Mn:o·. S1111th has

EfOilSOrc\.1 f.B.LA.
for 19 years.

ynn Phil ips has

been in F. B. . fo,.
wo yea,.s. He joined
because M,.s, Ki,.by
said i wou d be fun,

92 cti ities
Rtm One: Brittan) Canole
(Treasurer). Ali ha Ph1llips
(Vice President). nnie Oli-
ver (Vice President). The-
resa H1tch cod, (President).
ara poering ( ecretar) )
Row Two : Josh Barnhart.
ummer Brooks, Virginia
Atchley. ngel Horton.
Heather Hula. Du ty
Haynes. Kay Ia Green, Vic-
tor Clark, Valeria Ridgway
Paige Hall. B ck) Sharp,
1<11, Clin , \b1gail Potter,
1and) Jenning , le i
l)er . icolc Barela). J.tke
J·crrell Row hmr: Mrs.
Lcnz. Jerry Yang. Chris Bar-
ela). te en Jabro. mb r
Pa1·o has .:ronso1·c" King, u anne Otternes ,
Art clul.., for 5 yca1·s. Cheralie Bolin. Tielle Gal-
lion. Ms. Paro Rtm Fi\e:
John Olson, Shane Oa\ i •
R) an rouch. d) Gra\ c .
Tra\ i Hurd. Greg nder-
on. Cod) Cha tam. Jcrica

Rov. One : Jason John-

son ( ecrct<lr) ). Heather
aster (Trca..,urcr). Tabitha
Tessmer (Vice President).
o\lisha Phtlhps (Pre..,i-
dent). Jessica Dill (Mem-
ber at Large) Row Two:
Mr. . Winward. Candice
udet, Jean tte o\u. tin.
ourtne) Moyer. nna
Mi·s. W111Wa1·j has s~,C,Il­ Earls
sol·cJ Libi-;..11'Y Clul.., few
2 yc~1rs.

nnie Olive,. has Jessica

,. cub been in
fo,. wo yeat•S. he club one
joined because it's joined bee
fun. she likes to n .::: ......... _

eLi iti 93
Row One: Becka Rumfelt,
Chelsey Gerleman , B.J. Craw-
ford , Mr. Hardwicke, Theresa
Hitchcock Row Two: Jordan
Davidson Becky Haley, Sara
McClendon, Kristen Blair, Annie
Oliver, Kayla Green, Elizabeth
B1erer, Jessica Dryer Krista
Gawlowski Row Thr --· Adam
Paul , Meg DeMuri, Meagan
Long , Chelsy Autry, Emily
McCoy, Derek Lankford, Kyle
Gawlowski Row Four: Casi
Lewis, Annie Wimberly, Steven
Gann, Ryan Brown, Lynn Phil-
lips, Caleb Boro, lan Packard

Mr. Hardwicke has

sponsored Stu-Co
for one year.

Row One: Dusty Haynes,

Kaitlyn Nevills, Marcella Alver-
son , Jeanette Austin , Amanda
Brown , Becky Frazier Row
Two: Kristen Blair, Amanda
Dafler Becky Haley, Virginia
Atchley, Jessica Powell, Diane
Nick, Ashley Kennemer Row
Three: Lacey Davison, Amber
King, Molly Lockhart, Susanne
Otterness, Sarah Maynard,
Kelsey Canon , Lacey Blecher
Row Four: Nikki Collins, Levi
Osborn, Justin McClurg, Jason

Ms. Phillips has

sponsored French
Club for twenty-eight

94 ctivities
Row One: Stephanie Har-
mon (Secretaryffreasurer) ,
Candice Audet (Reporter) ,
Rachel Spears (Vice Presi-
dent) , Sara McClendon
(President) Row Two.
Landry Royce, Katinka Fol-
mer, Lacey Combs, Brandy
Skinner, Jessica Lawson ,
Mary Deason , Alicia Reinke
Row Three : Mrs. Johnson,
Landon Crowder, Mrs. Beh-
rl e

sponsored Drama and

Speech for two years.

Row One: Chris Hood ,

Jessica Denton, Crystal

G Hitchcock, Savanna Pat-

terson , Theresa Hitchcock
Row Two. Kyle Carnllo,
Wayne Persons, Michael
Laughter, Nathan Mat-
thews Row Three: Mr.
Gilmore, Nate Howe, Tim
Luttrell , Paul Poelma

Mr. Gilmore has spon-

sored Trading Card
Club for two years.

Stephame Harmon has

been n Drama and
Speech Club for four
years and she JOined
becau h lov

tivitie. 95
Cod. Hi k· works ·
car m Co1r . . n hts
' ton Re pa1r.

Ro\\ One· C d
o· . . o \
Qutnn ' ''It e · 1 I"I
rm hi c ~-
1••K" .C\. \V~::at herd
C t:llZIC J'J 11 '
Pilk' l · Zach
mgto•1 B .
0 ·1\ ,·d . I< ndon
, son RowTwo·
Me1od) Ho hcosec .
tchelle Joh nson . R
C asey. Patrick A . ) an
Patrick Jo nes D uslcy. ·
mith .,... . amelle
• !CIT! Joh
Chad G nston.
iara R arner ·
\\ 1 hrcc·
auh ·
Kn . . · ourtnc\
ox · 1on 1 •M tiler
' J.h
Kl me h · o n
ell B · . nt on ) • 1.Itch -
G . at 1C) o·11I. Erik
utorm on R
ny chweg
°' Four·
Jacob n. r man.
otter. Curtis m. cott
Jeff Pick! \\ t.ltam .
k' e. Derek Pe
. Brett Bartce R r-
1\'C' • 0\\
F · aron Me , .
Luttrell )Cr. Ttm
• 10 1111n)' w
Jacob D·arnell Cod·atts,
· ' Ie
L .ancaster· Ch ttsFI't .· 1
tm Gau c c 1er
T uouttc J ·
rand· 11 . . oshua
a · Dillon toner.

Kevin Mo re com l
a paper for a p etes
repair. utomoti v

Wot·k ·moo- on a ta Sk k'for
etwor mg,
o- way finishes
Valerie Rtdoe
h r paper.

• Ill.
,. Brian Faucett.
RO\\ One. Stepha-
R'dnc\\ a\.
Yalene I eB n.u\ Snov..
· , Wibon. ra •
llle . hh Johanna
Sahnna Co T. . Dal-
. Ro v.o.
' 1om . Bruce Ben-
ton lc Hashagen.
nett. Ash y . a Sm,an-
. Doehnne.
Verme But-
h Junge. Clan.
na h Pickle. Rov.
!cr. Jo ep h 1 Koe ter,
· Ro 1
1hree. K Pinkie).
'I\ lcr Cohh, ) 1
: h Oa\ i n. Jam
Z.tcI . a k J u tin no\\
Ko 1\\ • • . 1. Berry.
F 1.. H<~n"'
Rov. ou . K\ lc Wingo.
Ben Hagan. . Ale
· h Gand\, ·
Jcrcmta • 'dham.
Clampttt. . T) h.:r tt

· the car. Jo h Phelan.

andmg II' . n Repatr
works .m hl' 0 lSI
Cia. ·

Layout by . 1m.
. Caldwell

ti itie. 97
Se ni or s and
Row One: Vernie Doehring Juni or s
(Trea urer). Cheralie Bolin
(President), Logan Years
le} (Vice President), Aimee
Caldwell (Reporter), arah
Maynard ( entinal)
Row Two: Kyle Whctstcn
(Secretary), Ashley Frye,
Danny McCorkendale.
tephanic Wilson, Chclsy
Autry. Jeanette Austm, Brad-
le) Schofield (Parlimcntar-
Ro\\ Thre : manda Hamil -
ton , Hank B rr•. Lan c D t).
K) le Ve t. Mike Jenkin .
mb r 1illcr. hri b r-
Ro\\ Four: K) le Pinkley,
T Cobb. Ben Hagen. Ethan
Ramsey. Landon Keith,
Markus Moore. Seth Wom-
mack. Tim Pierce

Row One: Kyle Whetsten,

Cherlaie Bolin, Logan
Sophomor e s
Year ley. imee Caldwell,
arah Maynard
Row Two: Vernie Doeh-
ring. Chelsey Wilkerson,
Steven Alverson, Paul Em-
merick, Seth Autry, Brad-
Icy Schofield
R .1ree: od) Rankin.
I im fry~;, Landon 1 re.
u tin Barber, R) an
rouch. Ryan Philli1
Row Four: Chad Payne,
Roy Miller. Jay Jones,
Ryan Brown. Brandon
Jackson. Joey Ncwbolcs.
Jordan Leer.

Lay o u t b y : Aims Ca l dwe l l

9 ctivities
Fr e s hman

Row One: Logan Yearsley

Rc T\\o: 1ike Whipple. D.J.
Bt.:nnett. Robb) Gret.:n, Mace
Wingo. Frannie Hobson.
Row Three: ba tian Vencill.
Lac y . 111ler. Tiffany Doeh-
ring, Kierra Pa) ne. 'athan
Bro\\ n. Fawn \ clch .
RO\\ Four:Dustin Walton.
Grant Glor. Ryan Hallemier.
Zac Stone. Le\ i ~immo. Mag-
gie 11oore.
Ro\\ Five: athan :aglc-
burger. Tim Kirk. lacon Ferch.
Michael Laughter. 1cKcnzic
Huntley. Derek Lankford. Gar-
rett Hinds. ·Ia

warming at the ag building every
year. At Barnwarming, Mr. Dryer
cooks hot dogs and hamburgers and
students have a good time hang-
ing out with their rriends. Once the
rood is eaten, students play games
such as the bale toss. The object is
to see who can throw the hay bale
the farthest, or the rarmer game
where the girls run back and forth
getting buckets and other rarm sup-
plies and run back to the guys who
push her to the finish line. Also,
Tug or War, the most famous and
competetive game known to the ag-
g1es, is played. Finally a king and
queen candidate is crowned. The Bur-
talo FF! is known tor their tun ac-
tivities and memories made at ag

cti itics 99
0 e· Mrs Behrle. Shane
Row n · . McClendon .
Chastine. ()at a Two· Candice
Mr. Behrle R w · Kurtis
J ica Powe 11 ·
udet. e d '\" Behrle.
n re"
Bekkmun. Th . Ja on
. II RO\\
Chn~ a ee
r .
Dyer. l) nn
John on. le andralow kt,. •.a-
Philhp · K ) I hiW
leb Boro

M Hardwicke.
Ro\\ One: r. Maka\ Ia
. Law on. • •
Chnsttna . Brown. ara
B tephante
urkle. Tw·o· Kr ta
1cCiendon Rowh I pear · ·
• bt-
. Rae e ·
G ... \\lowskt R Three: Candtcc
oatl Potter. oRw llt'eJt. Emil)
c B cka UJ •'
Audet, ' D· i on Row
1cCoy. Lac d\ acuhan
, . ka rolrncr. . 1 e
rour: Katm ~ d Jason 1\lc-
Ktu.Jd • BJ Cra\\ •O •

. . Mr Har...lwtcke'c;,-
lllts ts . . t BHc,,
fll·.:;t yeal a
- · fir.:;t yeat·
therefot·~ hts o ~el U.N.
SF'OilSOrllltJ M ~

cti iti 101

•nde<i,Io,incr ase a arc n ss of trouble s
.....,~,"""....'·" and how to sh w under tan d-
~~~ ·n•...-•• ·rs from the "ty · a l teen."
I 06 p rt<., Di i~ion
p rt. Di i. ion I 07
Row ne: Chri, Dalla. , Zach Enokido, ndrew Yang, Jerry Yang, Michael Zanzie, Ryan Coffee, Dwayne
berry, orey tteberry, Marku M ore, dam Rehder, dam Paul , Tommy Lynch, Chris Fletcher, ody Ros1e
Row Two: E teban Hernandez, Chris Glor, Brian Wi e,Chandler Tru, ter, Brandon David. on, Cody Rankin.
Tra i. Hurd, Chri , Hor. tman, Kenny chwegman, Tra is J ne , Michael Horman . Row Three: Mger. Andre\l
Brewer, Mger. Jordan Lewi , Coach John on, Coach Conrad, Coach Ezard, Coach ell, Coach Portman, Coa,
Hula, oach Me lroy, Coach Hula, oach Hanson, Doug Hodge, Coach Weldy, oach Harmon, Mger. Jacob
Brewer. Row F ur: Josh Hall, i k Thrumond, Justin Me lurg, Du. tin Hurd, Skyler Peters, Ricky Harrell,
Dillon Jack on, Travi Harmon. Row Five: Tim Pierce, Michael Jenkin , , Jame Estep, eth Wommack, Chri
Hamel, Bradley chofield, hrL allee, Alex lampitt. Row ix: Logan Miller, Doug Trader, Greg Anderson,
John Wi e, Matt a tle, Zac David on, Dillon toner, Jo h Brannon.

2006 Scottes
Osage D- 31 L
~nt,.at 35-6 w
WiUalfd 26-6 w
w,u•saw 27-28 L
Boliva,. 2()- 37 L
Reeds Sp,.ing 39.. 6 W
Ma,.shfield 8- 24 L
Ava 8-40 L
Salettt 8-26 L
Logan- Roge,.sviUe 14-19 L
Layout by: Aittts CatdweU
10 Fo tball
"Be proud of who you are
and where you ' re from ." Coach Hula
alway told his players thi before
game , and at practice . The Bi on
had a season of 3-7. They howed
major impro ements from Ia t year
including teamwork. When a. ked
how lo ing players from Ia t year
affected thi year, Coach Hula aid
that all the player. stepped up e. pe-
cially this year enior . "We had a
great . eason. Everyone worked hard
and showed their dedication on the
field," aid ·enior Greg nd r:on
about the year.
Offen ive
3,604-Total Offensi e Yard
1,624-La. t year total yard.
T. Lynch-1 ,110 Pa. sing/
Ru. hing Yard.
Z. Enokido-342 Yards ru. hing
a g.-4.64; ds./carry
E. Hernandez-622 yard. rushing
Running the first touchdown of th eason, . teban Hernandez makes it into a g.-5.36 yds./carr
the Bi. on endzone during the fir t home game again. t the Central Bulldogs. G. nder. on-23 Reception ,
3 TD' . , 2 7 ds., Leading
Pa Recie er.
Defen ive Stat
C. Glor-106 Tackle.
19 Tackl for Lo .
1 ack
M. Mo re-117 Tackle.
14 Tackle for Lo.
C. H rstman-1 04 Tackle
12 Ta kle. for L -..

I. Blocking the tackle, ody Ro. ier run the ball Offen. ive Tackle-T. Pierce
down the field. Place Kicker-T. L; n h
2. While Greg ndeL on block the oppo ing t ams In. ide Lineback r- . Glor
tack) , ~ mmy Lynch hurr . down the fi ld to the Outside Lin ba ker-M. Mo re
bi on endzon . Defen. i e Back- . H rstman
3. Pumped for the gam is the Bison running onto the Defcn. i e End-C. Rosier
field. 2nd~ am Tight nd- . nd r. n
4. The defens get ready to hold back the opposing C o Defen e- . Glor
t am from scoring tball 109
erne 2006-2007 vo([ey6a(( team ((fiadfive
seniors tfiat made wondeifu[ ro[e modeCs
for tfie younger p(ayers coming up. 'Iney
made wondeifu[ senior feaders, " said
Coacfi Smitfi. Overa(~ tfie team as a wfio{e
fe[t tfiat tfie season went we([ Coacfi
Row ne: Lacey Dav i on, Beck) Frazier. Row Two: lexis Smitfi said, ((we fiad tons offun tfiis year
Myer , Rebecca Rumfelt, Lacey Blecher, Kayla Daniels. Row and everyone (earned a (ot inc(uding me. "
Three: oach mith, Jes. ica Dryer, Krista al waski, Kristen
Blair, Emil) Me oy, oach braham CEveryone [ili,gd fiaving Coacfi Smitfi for
tfie coacfi tfiis year 6ecause sfie made p(ay-
ing vo[fey6a[( even more fun. CEmi[y 9vtc-
Coy stated, ((It was nice to fiave Coacfi
Smitfi 6ack,as our fiead coacli 6ecause slie
is awesome! o/o[(ey6a([ lias provided me
witli a (ot of memories tfirougfiout my fiigfi
scfioo( career. " erne team wi[[ miss tfie five
senior p(ayers neXj year, 6ut (oved p(aying
on tfie same team as tliem tliis year.

Row ne: Jessica Dryer, Heidi chmid, Rebecca Rumfelt.

Row Tw : Tielle Gallion, Rachel Cobb Row Three: Coach
mith, Coach braham, Kelsey Turner, Meg Demurri, mber
King, Molly L khart, Coach Wolho .

~ -:::!!!!1!!!!!!!!11
Row One: Meagan Long, Cara
Meg Demuri Row Two: Rach I obb, Hilary Gra cs,
Karlin Green, Haylee Manary Row Three: Coach
Abraham, Rebeccah Haley, Kendal Canole, Coach
mith, Heidi chmied, Aundrea Jone., oach Wolho)
II 0 Volleyball
core Opponent W/L

2517 Wayne ville w

25116 w
25/17 Conway w
25111 w
25115 Sky lin w
25115 w
25/17 Plea ant H pe w
25/12 w
12/25 Stockton L
25/27 L
25/27 Roger- ville L
16/25 L
15/25 0 age L
25/20 L
25/9 L
25/23 Bran on w
25117 w
14/25 Ozark L
20/25 L
25116 Mar hfield w
25116 w
15/25 ixa L
19/25 L
13/25 Willard L
.\undrea J ne set the ball for Meagan Long. 14/25 L
10/12 1 /25 Reed Spring L
11/25 L
10/16 2511 Eldorado pring W
22/25 L
2 /26 w
10/17 16/25 Bolivar L
31/33 L
10/19 16/25 Republic L
19/25 L
10/23 13/25 i\urora L
14/25 L

Pictur on : Lace Blecher tri . to bl ck the spik

from kyline.
Picture two: Karlin Green and Reb c ah Hale tr
to get the ball back aero .. the net.
Picture three: Kayla Daniels trie. to block an ther
hit from kyline.
Picture four: Emily McCoy trie. to strike back.

Volle ball lll
Row ne: Katie Pinkl , Kayla pear.. R w Two:
Chel ey Gerleman, Britny Lankford. Row Three: Su anne
Otteme . , Coach Kirby, Amber Miller, Coach Roweton,
Elizabeth Bierer. Row Four: Ashley Hick. , Kayla Green.
Row Fi e: icole Barclay,Heather Chapman. Row Six:
Erica Jone. , tephanie Smith.

O:he. l y

112 oftball
Kayla reen getting in
pitch in the dirt to prevent a run
from , coring.

7/l'~ ..2006 .Lcuffl tf3zJon S&f'Cocztt C~czm a&J aczd'

Co d(:,czi wzc/l c/l~ /ltjj/l JCcznd::lrdJ ef' t&JC fl~czrJ
'J/Cl/JzCfl C~czm. No mczCC~r waczC ell~ JC'O/~ ooczrd'
J&zd'Ca~ JCztt ,JJt&~~d'wzCa cztt Ca~zr a~czrC cznd'
czii Ca~zr mtjj/l'C. ·/azJ!Jl'OU,Jl on~ r~Curn~d' on~
!lzri c/lczc JCczrc~d'zn c/l~ Jczm~ ,JJOJzCzon &J Ja~ did'
t&JC fl~czr. 7/lczC o~z?L!J J&za~ aczd'cz toC ff zn~­
,JJ~rz~nc~ cznd'flouca Co d(:,czi wzCa ouC. ~/lela cz
!J?'~&C!J?'OU,Jl ff ,.(_zdJ Ca&C wor,.£~aaczrd: aczc(/'un
czna/lezy~ &,JJOJzCz'J/~ czCCzCud!:, wazt~ ,JJt&~zlL!J. /azJ
mczd!:, Ca ~m ifun !Jl'OU,Jl Co coczca cznd'Ca zJ nzczd(:, cz
J'un fl~czr. ·-Coczca r?<.,o~Con.
ftball 113
Row one: Summer Brooks , Ashley Logan. Row two: Lea Howell, Le-
andra Bell , Ashley Weatherd. Row three: Coach Johnston , Candace
Jones, Chris Barclay, Allyson Counts, Coach Gorman . Row four: Sarah
Trow, Andrea Bintliff.

JV members, Natalie Jenkins, Jes-

sica Valasco , Jessica Gregory, and
Kaitlyn Nevilles show off their stunts
at the Homecoming assembly.

This year was exciting for the Buffalo cheerleaders. In December, the JV squad traveled
to Chicago for a competition, and took first place in their division. On August 6, the Varsity
squad traveled to Ozark to compete in the Regionals competition where they took third
place in their division. On November 18, they traveled to Columbia for the State competi-
tion. The team placed sixth out of sixteen. Although the squad did not place as high as they
had hoped , they were all very please with their performance. After competion season was
over both teams continued to cheer at games and tournaments. Overall, the cheerleaders
had a busy, but fun year.
la'.{ov b'.{=.L e ndra 1b ll

114 heerleading
At a home football game,
the varsity shows off
their stunts.
:.~ ·a
-... t&
1b ·..
At the football homecoming assembly, the varsity squad does Swedish 1bryj_
Falls .

alhe Jun ·
a.nce rn
lor \.1;
a.rsity t
oves ea.rn Sh
. ows the
crowd th .
The Varsity squad is full of spirit on "fun
~nar=.¢·a fbintliff & day" at NCA camp.

.¢·anara fb=.¢-ll


Row one : Kaitlyn Nevilles. Row two: Jes-

r sica Gregory, Jessica Valasco. Row Three:
Coach Gorman, Tiffany Allen , Brittany
Siperko, Natalie Jenkins, Coach Johnston.
Row four: Haylee Manary, Calie Cline.
heerl ading 115
Amanda Brown: 20:33
B.J . rawford : I :I I
Dayana crrato: 2 :54
eorgc Ruth : 19: 16
Melody Hohen ee: 24:50
Landon Miller: 20:13
Rachel Brown: 21:50
Jordan Da i on: 23:07
Rob Hohensee: 17:53
Tyler ompton: 16:4
Michaela rthaud: 23:30

Ro'> ne: oach h up, Melod Hohensee, Rachel Brown, George Ruth, ara Hernandez,
manda Brown. Row Two: Derek Lankford, Jordan Da i on, Michaela Arthaud, Dayana
errato, Kelse Harwood, Tyler Compton . R w Three: B.J. Crawford, Landon Miller, Rob
Hohen. e .

Below: B.J. Crawford, George

Ruth, and Rob Hohen ee po. e for
a quick picture before they run.

bo e: Jordan Davison, Michaela Ab e: manda Brown trie. to pull

Arthaud, and Rachel Brown run ahead of . orne competitor. from
hard while Coach houp . tand . by Branson while Buffalo upport-
to ch er them on. ers and members of the boys team
cheer her on.

116 ross untry

Over the pa t few year , the Buf-
falo High chool Cross ountry team ha .
. een a huge impro ement. Ju t two year
ago only one runner made it to tate, while
this year the entire girls team and three
boys went to tate. These people include,
manda Br wn, Mel d Hohen. ee, Da a-
na errato, Rachel Brown, Jordan Da i on,
Michaela rthaud, Tyler Compton, B.J.
Crawford, and Rob Hohen, ee. Senior, B.J.
Crawford , aid, "It' , my senior year and
t the Buffalo meet, Michaela rthaud run her fa. te. t to tay ah ad I'm very happy that we did well. Thi i by
of her competitor . far the be. t that the team ha. done and has
been my fa orit ea on."
To make an awe ·orne ea on even
better, many of the runners on the team
rec i ed , p cia! honor. for the sea. on. B.J.
Cra ford recei ed H n rable Mention II
Di trict, Tyler Compton fini hed 13th at
the , tate meet, making him 11 tat and
1 t Team South we tAll Di trict, Amanda
Brown r cei ed J t Team outhw st JJ
Di trict, and Rob Hohensee and Rachel
Brown b th r cei ed 2nd~ am II Dis-
With a trong finish to a great . ea-
on, the b y · team finished 2nd in b th the
Buffalo and Reed pring meet . The girls
team d feated Holli. ter by two points at th
district meet, giving them a econd plac
fini , h, and a bid to run in the tate meet in
Jeffer. on City.
oa h houp said, "0 erall th
Cro., County team e p ri need great uc-
ce .. during the ea on. JJ runn rs . et p r-
onal record for them. elve and competed
as a team in each rae ."
Picture One: Melody Hohen ee keep. up a tead pace, trying to stay
ahead of the competition. Picture Two: The boy. t am get. read
to run their race. Picture Three: Ra hel Brown and J rdan Davi on
run hard to stay ahead their competitor from Bran on. Picture Four:
Tyler mpton and R b H hen e cheer a Da ana errato trie. to
fini h trong.
untr J 17
Row One: tepthanie Smith, Erica Jones,
Loren Barclay. Row Two: Elizabeth Bierer,
B cky Frazier. Row Thr e: Fawn Welch,
Coach Lavato, Su anne Otterne .. , CheL ey
Gerleman, oach houp, Leslie Tharp. R w
Four: Kylee Hender on, nnie Wimberly.

Row One: Heidi chmeid. Row Two:

Joanne Ray, Loren Barclay, Erica
Jones. Row Three: Coach Lavato,
Elizabeth Bierer, Micha la Arthaud,
Meg Demuri, Jordan Davi. on.

o . 20 El D rado pring w 69-60

Nov. 24 Wayne ville w 50-4
ov. 27 t;:Rair Gro e~ L 76-79
o. 2 ~R~ed prinp w 54-32
Dec. 2 ~bnway / D L 55-57
D c. 4 PI a. ant Hope L43-54
0 c. 11 Glendale L46-59

g:~ ;/(~::,~:~~@ L 38-47

L 36-54
Dec. 2 onway w 80-58
Dec. 29 Lebannon L46-51
Dec. 30~ alem ~ L41-55
Jan. 4 C RjlgersviJJe ..d L 27-58
Jan. 0zark L 33-75
Jan. II Bran~on L 4 -61
Jan. l5[f{j
pringfield Catholic L 39-64
Jan. 26 D J kyline { D L48-66
Jan. 29 Mar hfield L 35-69
Feb. 2 sh Gro'-! w 57-49
Feb. 3 tockton w 55-45
5 @
Bolivar @
c:=. f ixa
o L 33-64
L 43-67
Feb. 12 Republic L 53-72
Feb. 15 Reed pring w
Feb. 17 Eldon L

II Girl~, Ba~ketball
At the free throw line, With her eyes on the coring point, Hoping for a point, CheL ey
Kylee Hender on pushe her way to Gerleman shoot a free throw.
Chelsey Gerleman prepare
for her shot. the basket.

The 2006-2007 Lady Bison

Ba ketball team had four
returning eniors. "We had
a young and inexperienced
team, that continued to
improve throughout the
season," Coach Shoup
said. With a mixture of
girls from each grade, they
managed to stick it out and
have a season of learning.

etting up for the play, Preparing for a lay-up, Jordan

Becky Fraizer look for a Davi. on make. her way to the
fellow teammate ba. ket.

Girls Ba:ketball 119


Ro one: ndrew B hrle, Jeremiah Gandy, Derek Lankford, Chri Mcintyre,

dam Paul, Jordan imm n. , Eric M rgan. , Kyle Gawlo ki. Row two: Duane
Atteberry, Chri bercrombi , Rob Hohen ee, Coach ell, Coach Bro iu , Coach
K lly, Lynn Phillip. , Corey tteb rry, Jake Ferrel. Row three: John Wi. e, Greg
Ander on, W , ton Wallace, Ryan Brown.

1. Dribbling around hi opp nent, Dwayne tteberry drive to the goal. 2. Blocking hi. opponent,
Corey Atteberry run . for the goal. 3. Attempting to gain control of the ball, Greg Ander on jumps
for the tip off. 4. earching for an open man, hri Mcintyre . et up the offen. e. 5. Driving for the
goal, Kyle alowski ut moves his opponent.

120 B y. Basketball

11/21 Pl~~s~nt H2p~ 65-88 L
12/5 C~th2lic 37-50 L
12/8 F~ir Gr2v~ 59-35 w
12/15 ~I D2r~d2 Springs 51-60 L
1/5 Will~rd 43-97 L
1/9 Nix~ 45-69 L
1/23 Oz~rk 30-64 L
1/26 Sky lin~ 43-48 L
1/29 L~m~r 61-65 L
1/30 L2g~n-R2g~rsvill~ 48-73 L
2/2 Br~ns2n 38-62 L
2/7 R~p!!blic 38-69 L
2/9 M~rshfi~ld 46-78 L
2/13 B2liv~r 33-57 L
2/16 R~~ds Spring 43-54 L

hooting a free throw, Gr g

Ander on hop to ccore for
the team.

Shooting the ball, John Wise triec to ccore again t the

ixa Eagle . .


I. Blocking out the Brans n Pirat , A n-

drew Behrle keep hi eye on the ball.
2. Pa ing to hi e teammate, ri c M or-
gan ru n the offensive play.
Bo c Backetball L 1

Justin McClurg Kyle Ve t Ryan Ca ey Ryan Crouch
Seth Autry Seth Wommack Tim Kirk Zack Pilkington

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