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since 2011. In partnership with associa- it comes to barrier-free tourism.

tions for the disabled, it acts in an advisory German travel industry still needs to do a
capacity and helps members of the tour- lot more to stay competitive in this sector.”
ism industry – from small family business-
es to large organisations – to develop bar- Barrier-free tourism is not a niche
rier-free products and services. The agency market for disabled people
is currently working with the
German Seminar for Tourism (DSFT) to de- Leidner believes one of the biggest
velop a nationally recognised certification challenges lies in persuading tourism or-
Dr Rüdiger Leidner, Honorary President of NatKo scheme for barrier-free travel services. ganisations that barrier-free tourism is not
a niche market for disabled people: “Barrier-
The GNTB is able to call on NatKo for free travel is sustainable tourism in the
advice on all aspects of ‘barrier-free travel’ broader sense, and has the capacity to
and ‘tourism for all’. In 2013 NatKo organ- make the German travel industry more
ised the Barrier-free Tourism Day at the competitive as a whole both now and in
NatKo: helping the tourism industry ITB – and is doing so again this year with the future. That’s why every opportunity
to learn from affected travellers the support of the GNTB. “The great should be taken to increase the degree of
response we received showed how seri- collaboration among the main actors in
National Coordination Board Tourism for ously the tourism industry is taking the barrier-free tourism. However, we can only
All (NatKo) is a non-profit organisation subject,” says Dr Rüdiger Leidner, Honorary do this if we receive the necessary political
that has been promoting barrier-free trav- President of NatKo. “Nonetheless, Germany and financial support.”
el since 1999 and has been a GNTB sponsor remains only a medium-size player when

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