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S.E. @lectrical) (Part - I! (Semester - IV) Examination, December - 2015

Sub. Code: 43646

Day and Date : Thursday, 03 - 12 - 2015 Total Marks : 100

Time : 10.00 a.m. to 01.00 p.m.
INtructiotrs : l) Answer rry three questions fmm each sectioDs.
2) Figures to the right indicate tull ma*s.
3) Neat diagrrms must be drawn wherever DecessarT.
4) Use ofnon-programmable calculator is perDitted.

Qt) a) State & Explain various types of Errors introduced in measurement of
Electrical Quantities. [81
b) Define 'Standard'. Give it's classification & explain intemational standards
and working standards. t8l

Q2) a\ What are the different effects used in producing deflecting torque in
analog instmment cite examples, in which these effect are I8lused.
b) Explain three operating forces in electromechanical indicating
instrument. l8l

Qs) a) Explain Reactive Power Measurement in three phase circuit using

wattmeters. l8l
b) Explain construction & working principle ofP.M.M.C. instruments. Derive
the torque equation for P.M.M.C. instrument. I8l

04) Write short notes on any three : t18l

a) D'Arsonvalgalvanometer
b) Multirangevoltrneters.
c) Weston Type Synchronoscope.
d) 3 phase Energy meter.
Qs) a) E:<plain the difference in working ofa current tansformer and an ordinary
transformer. I8l
b) Explain construction and working ofsingle phase enerry meter. l8l

Q6) a) Explain any one slide wire bridge with its neat dia$am. State its
application. t81
b) With the help of block diagram explain working of ramp type DVM
@igiul Voltneter). l8l

Q7) a) Explain the basic circuiby of digitat frequency meter with neat diaeram. [8]
b) Describe the working of Maxwell bridge with neat diagram. I8l

g8) Write short notes on the following (any three) : .

a) Oscilloscope.
b) Measurement ofinductance and capacitance.
c) Hay's Bridge.
d) Harmonic distortion analyzer.



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