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Grammar ‘Superlative Adjctiv ‘We use suersive adectves to compare the o more peopl, paces, or hinge. a the shortest persanin ow ss Bran the largest county Sauty Amare Toor the supaatine, we ath ~st to onesie adectves. For aeecves ering In-ywe change the yto/ and ad the ee. ‘lean =the cleanest avty-+ ho tet the most form the supra of asocties of wo or mre yebes. lorgent + the moat gant ‘gncant the mos siriteart ‘Some superatve os are regula ‘good the best ad -+ the west | th a parner compte the sentances withthe suneriathe form othe acectves 1. The Nile veri Egypts the _Langest\__ tong) vein the wor The ______(potsonous) spiders in Austral, think Moscow ie the — tirtersting ty in the wor {4 The Petronas Towers n Malaysia used tba the tal ino wt 5. The____fld ety nthe wor s Damascus h Syria. 6. The a0 fon the word come from my county. \White supa sertances, Use the acjctves in parentheses andy to quess the 1. (ry Region n Austra: Muray-Daring BasivNorthen Gusnaland/ West Austral 2 tmpertare Crop n Austral: rulvoe/vheat 3. (tig) Oooan: the Pacite Oceante indian Ooearvine Atlante Ocean 4 (hom) Land arimatelehantieoceroslerla | Discussion. with a parser sicuss your opinions about the topics below. Use Superlatives and expressions frm the chart on page 78 Beodmevie dou food dangerousjob eng spart to watch Grammar Superlative Adjectives Wo use superlative ajectvas to compare three or more pop, places, or hinge, sa the shortest parsn in ow class Brac the largest county South Amar, To om the suport, we ad the -2s 0 one-syoe acctnes, Fr acectnes ending ny, changa the y oan athe est ‘ean the caarest ity -+ he ist We uso the motto em thesuperatve of aoecves of to or more s/lables. ‘urgant the most went ‘icant - the mos siicant ‘Some superaive forms ae regul, 00d the best d= the west {BA | Wiha para, complete the sentances withthe supariave farm of he acacts Inparerneses 1. Tho Mle Fiver in Egypt isthe _langest:_ onl ver nthe wert 2 The __tpo'sonou) sider tn in Austra, 3. think Moscow sho _trtrestna ety into woes 4. The Petronas Towers h Malaysia used tobe the fallin re wort. 5. The_______fak ety ne wore Damascus in Sy, 5. The _____(g003 aod nthe wer eames frm my county B | Wit superitie sertoncs, Use he acectives n parentheses and ty to ques the comet ats, 1. (ry) Region n Ausra: Mury-Oaving BasivNerthemn Gusereland/Westem Austra 2. Important Crop in Austalla: rlrcayoat 8. (Be Ocean: the Paciic Ocsante indan Ooearvne Atlante Ocean 4. (aay) Land arimatelpharsihinecersigeiia 4 | Discussion. Wit a partner, iscus your opinions aba. the tpies below: Use supeaties and expressions trom the chart on page 76. (ood move locus ood angwrousjeb ——ecting sport o watch

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