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姓名 NAME:___________________________

Chinese Character Workbook
Lesson 0

Basic Strokes
Chinese characters (汉字) are built up from basic strokes, and learning the proper strokes and stroke order in
writing Chinese characters is useful for looking up characters in the dictionary. It will also allow you to write
Chinese characters more efficiently and make your writing look better.

The following are the eight basic strokes in Chinese, which are often used to teach beginners in writing Chinese
characters. All characters are built up from these basic strokes.


Stroke 点 横 竖 撇 捺 提 横钩 竖钩
name in diǎn héng shù piě nà tí hénggōu shùgōu
of stroke


There are more strokes, which are all written with one stroke of the pen (or brush). You will also learn some
more strokes along the way. You can view the complete list or strokes used to write Chinese characters here
on the Arch Chinese website:

In this workbook, stroke order guides are placed under each character so that you will learn how to write them
in the correct order and also to learn the make-up of each Chinese character.

Chinese Character Workbook
Balance and Symmetry
The key to writing beautiful Chinese characters is balance and symmetry. You have to keep in mind the balance
and proportion of the elements that make up each Chinese character.

Stroke Order Rules
Writing characters in the correct stroke order can also facilitate learning, memorization, and efficient writing of
Chinese characters. Here are some basic stroke order rules:
Writing of Chinese characters usually starts:
1. From top to bottom


2. From left to right


3. Horizontal before vertical


4. Right-to-left diagonals before left-to-right diagonals


5. Outside before inside (applies to characters whose enclosing structure is on the upper left
(e.g. 有,反), upper right (e.g. 可,包), or above (e.g. 周, 闻)


Chinese Character Workbook
6. Inside before outside (applies to characters whose enclosing structure is below (e.g. 凶 ,画), 4
or at the lower left structure of the character (e.g. 进,建)


7. Inside before bottom enclosing


8. Central stroke first before those at the wings


9. Strokes that cut through a character go last


10. Inside or upper-right dots last


Character components
Some Chinese characters are made up of two or more Chinese characters, which are meaningful by themselves
and could also stand on their own. For example, the character for ‘good’ – 好 hǎo is made up of two
components: ⼥ nǚ ‘female’ and ⼦ zì ‘child’. By breaking down complex characters into their components,
students will find it easier to understand these Chinese characters, and speed up their learning and word
recognition skills, while building up their repertoire of Chinese characters.

好 = ⼥
+ ⼦
hǎo nǚ zì
‘good’ ‘female’ ‘child’

想 = ⽊ + 目 + ⼼
xiǎng mù mù xīn
‘think’ ‘wood’ ‘eye’ ‘heart’

Chinese Character Workbook

Lesson 1

Write the following characters five times each, and fill in the missing information.
pinyin meaning


pinyin meaning


pinyin meaning


pinyin meaning


pinyin meaning


pinyin meaning


pinyin meaning


Chinese Character Workbook
pinyin meaning


pinyin meaning


pinyin meaning


Fill in the missing Chinese characters by using the English translation as your clue.

十 thirteen 十 sixteen

十 eleven 十 eighteen

二 twenty 四 forty

三 十

八 十

Based on the examples above, can you guess how to write the following in Chinese characters?

eleven fifty-five

nineteen twenty-seven

Chinese Character Workbook
Chinese Sudoku
Complete this Sudoku puzzle using Chinese characters.

七 四

一 六 四

三 六

一 八 六

三 八 九 五 七

五 四 一 七 二 六

二 八 五

三 二 四 九 七

Simple Characters and Chinese Radicals (I)
Radicals are used to systematically categorize Chinese characters. The radical component of a Chinese
character can tell us the semantic category of the Chinese character. For example, the characters 吃 chī ‘to eat’
and 喝 hē ‘to drink’ have the radical 口 kǒu which, on its own means ‘mouth’, thus indicating the use of the
mouth in performing the two activities. The character 土 tǔ ‘soil, earth’ is used as a radical in more complex
characters like 地 dì ‘ground’, 埋 mái ‘bury’, and 场 chǎng ‘field, open space’. We can also see how these
characters are related to the soil or earth.
There are 214 radicals all in all that are used in modern dictionaries. Most of the radicals are characters
that may stand on their own. Learning these radicals and their meaning can help in the recognition and
memorization of Chinese characters, as well as in helping students understand their fundamental meanings.

gōng Compounds
1. 工 work, labor 工作 gōngzuò work
工厂 gōngchǎng factory

rén Compounds
2. 人 human, person 客人 kèrén visitor, guest
人生 rénshēng human life

kǒu Compounds
3. 口 mouth, entrance 出口 chūkǒu exit
入口 rùkǒu entrance

Chinese Character Workbook

rì Compounds
4. 日 sun 生日 shēngrì birthday
日期 rìqī date

dà Compounds
5. 大 big
大家 dàjiā everyone
大使馆 dàshǐguǎn embassy

tiān Compounds
6. 天 day, sky 今天 jīntiān today
天气 tiānqì weather

xiǎo Compounds
7. 小 small
小心 xiǎoxīn to be careful
小时 xiǎoshí hour

shān Compounds
8. 山 mountain 爬山 páshān to climb a mountain
火山 huǒshān volcano

Practice writing the following characters five times each, and fill in the missing information.






Chinese Character Workbook


Identify the radical components in these characters.
meaning: to eat meaning: early; morning
吃 radical: 早 radical:
chī zǎo

meaning: left meaning: uncle
左 radical: 伯 radical:
zuǒ bó

meaning: mountain ridge meaning: few, less
岭 radical: 少 radical:
lǐng shǎo

Guess the meaning of the following compound words first, then check dictionary if you got it right. Write down
the Pinyin and English translation in the blank provided.

1. 工人 _________________

2. 天天 _________________

3. 大人 _________________

4. 人口 _________________

Chinese Character Workbook

Lesson 2

REVIEW: Write the numbers 1 – 10 in Chinese characters 汉字 in the boxes below.

REVIEW: Fill in the blanks.

汉字 拼音 英文
1. mouth

2. rì sun
3. big
4. shān

5. xiǎo

7. tiān

8. work

Simple Characters and Chinese Radicals (II)

yuè Compounds
1. 月 moon
月饼 yuèbīng mooncake
月亮 yuèliàng moonlight

xīn Compounds
2. 心 heart 关心 guānxīn to care or worry
伤心 shāngxīn to be heartbroken

zhōng Compounds
3. 中 center, middle
中午 zhōngwǔ noon, midday
中心 zhōngxīn central, heart

nǚ Compounds
4. 女 female
女孩 nǚhái girl
女生 nǚshēng woman

zǐ; zi Compounds
5. 子 child; small thing 儿子 érzi son
杯子 bēizi cup

Chinese Character Workbook
Practice writing the following characters five times each, and fill in the missing information.





Some characters change their forms when used as a radical component of another Chinese character.
The character 心 for example becomes 忄 when it is on the left side of a character

心 忄
想 xiǎng think 忆 yì remember, memory

感 gǎn feel 怕 pà to fear

意 yì idea, thought 懂 dǒng understand

Identify the radical components in these characters
meaning: older sister meaning: grandchild
姐 radical: 孙 radical
jiě sūn

meaning: forget meaning: period of time

忘 radical: 期 radical
wàng qī

meaning: busy meaning: anger, rage

忙 radical: 怒 radical
máng nù

Chinese Character Workbook
Fill in the missing information. Then practice writing each character. Don’t forget to look at the correct
order of strokes.

pinyin meaning

pinyin meaning

pinyin meaning

pinyin meaning

pinyin meaning

Traditional form:

Other Words
Fill in the missing information. Then practice writing each character. Don’t forget to follow the correct
order of strokes.

pinyin meaning

pinyin meaning

Chinese Character Workbook
pinyin meaning

pinyin meaning

吗 question
Traditional form:

pinyin meaning

Ex. 也许 yěxǔ perhaps, probably

pinyin meaning

Ex. 也许 yěxǔ perhaps, probably

pinyin meaning

pinyin meaning

Traditional form:見

pinyin meaning

Traditional form:謝

Chinese Character Workbook
pinyin meaning

pinyin meaning

Traditional form:氣

Add a radical to each of the following Chinese characters to change them into other characters:

也 马

à tā mǎ à mā
also he/she horse mother

zì à hǎo nǐ à nín
child good you you (polite)

mǎ à ma
horse question particle

Combine the characters that you’ve learned and practiced writing above to form the following common
expressions in Chinese. An example is given below:

1. Hello : 你好 4. You’re welcome: _______________

2. Goodbye:_________________ 5. How are you? _________________

3. Thank you: _________________

Do you recognize these characters from your textbook lesson # 1? What do they mean? Learning to recognize
characters, even without learning yet how to write them, is also an important skill to develop.

Chinese Pinyin English



Chinese Character Workbook

Lesson 3

REVIEW。Translate the following sentences into Chinese. Write your answers in both 汉字 Chinese
characters and 拼音 Pinyin.

1. Hello (polite form).

2. How are you?

3. I am fine.

4. Goodbye!

5. Thank you!

REVIEW。 Identify the radical component in the following groups of Chinese characters. Write what each
radical means and represent how they are pronounced by using Pinyin
1. Ex.
火 烦 灯 烤
fire fán dēng kǎo
radical pinyin: huǒ annoy light roast; bake
1. meaning:
奶 姐 婚
nǎi jiě hūn
radical pinyin: milk older sister marriage
2. meaning:
朋 朗 望
péng láng wàng
radical pinyin: friend clear, bright to gaze
3. meaning:
思 感 恨
sī gǎn hèn
radical pinyin: to think to feel hate
4. meaning:
孩 孙 孝
hái sūn xiào
radical pinyin: child grandchild filial piety
5. meaning:
伙 佣 仁
huǒ yōng rén
radical pinyin: companion servant humane

Chinese Character Workbook
Simple Characters and Chinese Radicals (III)

huǒ Compounds
1. 火 fire
火车 huǒchē train
火柴 huǒchái match

shuǐ Compounds
2. 水 water 水平 shuǐpíng level; standard
水果 shuǐguǒ fruit

mù Compounds
3. 木 wood
树木 shùmù tree
木板 mùbān wooden board

tián Compounds
4. 田 field 田地 tiándì farmland
油田 yóutián oil field

lì Compounds
5. 力 power 努力 nǔlì strive, to try hard
能力 nénglì capability, able

Practice writing the following simple characters five times and fill in the missing information.
pinyin Guess the meaning of the

following words, then
check a dictionary if your
guess was correct. Write in
Pinyin and English
translation in the blanks.

pinyin ___________


pinyin ___________


pinyin ___________

Chinese Character Workbook
Variant forms of radicals.

火 灬
灯 dēng light 热 rè hot

炮 pào cannon, 烹 pēng cook

炅 jiǒng brilliance 照 zhào to illumine, shine on

水 氵
永 yǒng forever 海 hǎi ocean

汞 gǒng mercury 汗 hàn sweat

浆 jiàng thick fluid, 波 bō wave


Identify the radical components of the characters below.
meaning: tree meaning: stir-fry, sauté
树 radical: 炒 radical:
shù chāo

meaning: boundary; meaning: river
界 world; society 江
jiè radical: jiāng radical:

meaning: to cook meaning: branch
煮 radical: 根 radical:
zhǔ gēn

NEW WORDS. Practice writing the following characters.

pinyin meaning

pinyin meaning

Ex. 叫醒 jiàoxǐng to wake somebody up

Chinese Character Workbook

pinyin meaning

什 what

pinyin meaning

么 question
Traditional form:

pinyin meaning

Ex. 名字 míngzì name

pinyin meaning

Ex. 汉字 Hànzì Chinese character

pinyin meaning

Ex. 姓名 xìngmíng full name

pinyin meaning

pinyin meaning

Ex. 国家 guójiā country trad: 國

Chinese Character Workbook
Supply the missing characters to form words.

1. 2.
what 么 name 名

China 中 full
name 姓

Write the following sentences in Chinese characters 汉字,then translate the sentences into English.

1. Nǐ hǎo ma? ________________________________________________________

2. Wǒ hěn hǎo. ________________________________________________________

3. Nǐ jiào shénme míngzi? ________________________________________________________

4. Tā shì nǎ guó rén? ________________________________________________________

5. Wǒ bú shì Zhōngguórén.________________________________________________________

Find out how to write

in Chinese characters

Write a short paragraph introducing yourself using what was learned in class. Make use of the 汉子 that you
have learned so far.

Chinese Character Workbook
Lesson 4

REVIEW。Translate the following sentences into Chinese. Write your answers in both 汉字 Chinese
characters and 拼音 Pinyin.
1. What is your name?

2. My name is Xiao Yue (Little Moon).

3. He is Chinese.

4. My surname is Zhongtian (Middle field).

5. What is your nationality?

REVIEW。 Identify the radical component in the following groups of Chinese characters. Write what each
radical means and represent how they are pronounced by using Pinyin.

奶 姐 婚

Ex. female
nǎi jiě hūn
radical pinyin: nǚ milk older sister marriage

1. meaning:
烧 热 煮
shāo jiě zhǔ
radical pinyin: to steam older sister to cook

2. meaning:
海 汁 洗
hǎi zhī xǐ
radical pinyin: sea juice to wash

3. meaning:
桌 林 李
zhuō lín lí
radical pinyin: table forest plum

4. meaning:
助 动 加
zhù dòng jiā
radical pinyin: help move add, plus

Chinese Character Workbook
Simple Characters and Chinese Radicals (IV)

jīn Compounds
1. 金 gold 现金 xiànjīn cash
奖金 jiǎngjīn cash award

tú Compounds
2. 土 soil, earth, ground
土地 túdì land, territory
土豆 túdòu potato

Traditional Compounds
3. 门 door
門 开门 kāi mén open the door
关门 guān mén close the door

shǒu Compounds
4. 手 hand
手机 shǒujī cellphone
分手 fēnshǒu to split up/ break up

Practice writing the following simple characters five times and fill in the missing information




Some of the characters above sometimes change their form when used as a radical component in more
complex Chinese characters. Identify what forms they take based on the characters that have them as their
radical component.

钱 针 银
1. 金 variant form

打 抓 掉
2. 手 variant form

catch, grab
fall, drop, lose

Chinese Character Workbook
Practice writing the following words in the box provided below. Follow the stroke order indicated below.

pinyin meaning

pinyin meaning

traditional: 誰

pinyin meaning

Ex. 学习 xuéxí study trad: 學

pinyin meaning

Ex. 生命 shēngmìng life

pinyin meaning

Ex. 同意 tóngyì agree

pinyin meaning

Ex. 朋友 péngyǒu friend

pinyin meaning

Ex. 友好 yǒuhǎo friendly, amicable

Chinese Character Workbook
pinyin meaning

Ex. 汉字 Hànzì Chinese character trad:漢

pinyin meaning

Ex. 英语 Yīngyǔ English language

trad: 語

pinyin meaning

Traditional form:

pinyin meaning

Write the following words by combining characters that we have already learned.

1. classmate _______________ 5. human life _______________

2. birthday _______________ 6. same day _______________

3. student _______________ 7. Chinese character _____________

4. China _______________ 8. national language _____________

Write the following in Chinese characters then translate into English or Filipino.

1. Tāmen shì wǒ de tóngxué.

2. Zhè shì wǒ de hǎo péngyǒu.

3. Nǐmen shì bú shì xuéshēng?

4. Nǐ de tóngxué shì nǎ guó rén?

5. Tā shì shéi?

Chinese Character Workbook

Lesson 5

REVIEW。Translate the following into Chinese. Write your answers in 汉字。
1. What is your name?

2. Who is he?

3. What is this?

4. That is not mine.

5. My friend’s Chinese is very good.

Simple Characters and Chinese Radicals (V)

mù Compounds
1. 目 eye 节目 jiémù program
目的 mùdì aim, purpose

ěr Compounds
2. 耳 ear 耳朵 ěrduo ear
耳环 ěrhuán earrings

yán Compounds
3. 言 speech 语言 yǔyán language
留言 liúyán leave a message

zǒu Compounds
4. 走 walk 走路 zǒulù walk
走开 zǒukāi get out of the way

ér Compounds
5. 儿 child 儿子 érzì son
女儿 nǚér daughter

Chinese Character Workbook
Practice writing the following simple characters five times and fill in the missing information





Some of the characters sometimes change their form when used as a radical component in more complex
Chinese characters. Identify what forms they take based on the characters that have them as their radical
component. Then give your own example in the last box.

讲 记 证
1. 言 jiǎ jì zhèng
variant form speak record, memorize certificate

Identify the radical components of the characters below.
meaning: speak, say meaning: chat
说 radical: 聊 radical:
shuō liáo

meaning: rise, get up meaning: sleep
起 radical: 睡 radical:
qǐ shuì

meaning: older brother meaning: look, see
兄 radical: 看 radical:
xiōng kàn

Chinese Character Workbook
Practice writing the following words in the box provided below. Follow the stroke order indicated below.

pinyin meaning

Ex. 有名 yǒumíng famous

pinyin meaning

pinyin meaning

Ex. 岁数 suìshu age; years trad:歲

pinyin meaning


pinyin meaning

pinyin meaning

pinyin meaning

Ex. 家庭 jiātíng household

Chinese Character Workbook
pinyin meaning

Ex. 校长 xiàozháng principal

pinyin meaning


pinyin meaning


pinyin meaning

Trad. 書 Ex. 书架 shūjià bookshelf

pinyin meaning

Ex. 本地人 běndìrén native/local person

pinyin meaning

Trad. 筆 Ex. 铅笔 qiānbǐ pencil

pinyin meaning

Ex. 支持 zhīchí to support

Chinese Character Workbook
pinyin meaning

Ex. 狗屁 gǒupì literally: dog’s butt

slang: bullshit

pinyin meaning

Ex. 只得 zhǐdé must; to be obliged to

pinyin meaning

Ex. 和好 héhǎo to become reconciled

Write the following sentences into 汉字,then translate each one into English or Filipino.
1. Tā de nǚ’ér sì suì le.

2. Wǒ yǒu liǎng běn shū.

3. Tā yǒu méiyǒu nǚ’ér?

4. Nǐ méiyǒu bǐ ma?

5. Nǐ érzì duō dà le?

6. Nǐ de péngyǒu jǐ suì?

7. Nǐ yǒu jǐ ge tóngxué?

8. Wǒmen jiā yǒu sān zhī gǒu hé yì zhī māo.

Chinese Character Workbook

Lesson 6

REVIEW. Translate the following sentences into Chinese. Write your answers in 汉字.

1. How many people are there in your family?

2. Do you have a pen?

3. I do not have a daughter.

4. My mother is fifty-nine years old.

5. How many cats do you have?

REVIEW. Fill in the proper radical component to come up with the correct 汉字 that matches the meaning
given. You may choose from the box below, but keep in mind that their forms may vary when used as a radical
component. You may use a dictionary to help you answer the exercises below. Write the Pinyin below each

言 水 目 口 走 火

1. 2.

word, speech,
stumble 列 à lyrics
司 à

3. 4.

blind 害 à bite,nip 交 à

5. 6.

fry 前 à river 可 à

Chinese Character Workbook
NEW WORDS. Practice writing the following Chinese characters. Follow the indicated stroke order.

pinyin meaning


pinyin meaning

pinyin meaning

TRAD. 歡 Ex. 喜欢 xǐhuān like

pinyin meaning

Ex. 做梦 zuòmèng to dream

pinyin meaning


pinyin meaning

Ex. 好看 hǎokàn good-looking

pinyin meaning

TRAD. 聽 Ex. 听见 tīngjiàn like

pinyin meaning

TRAD.寫 Ex. 写作 xiězuò to write compositions

Chinese Character Workbook
pinyin meaning

TRAD.讀 Ex. 读者 dúzhě reader

pinyin meaning

Ex. 吃饭 chīfàn eat

pinyin meaning

Ex. 喝醉 hēzuì to get drunk

pinyin meaning

TRAD. 飯 Ex. 米饭 mǐfàn rice

pinyin meaning

Ex. 菜单 càidān menu

pinyin meaning

Ex. 绿茶 lǜchá green tea

pinyin meaning

Ex. 怎么 zěnme how

Chinese Character Workbook
pinyin meaning

TRAD. 難 Ex. 困难 kùnnan difficult

pinyin meaning

Ex. 一些 yìxiē some

Fill in the blanks to form words equivalent to the given translations.
1. 2.
欢 to like 饭 to cook

3. 4.

吃 to eat 书 to read / study

5. 6.
字 to write 茶 drink tea

7. 8.
怎 how

见 see

Write the Pinyin representation of the following words and write their meaning in English.
1. 好看 _______________ 5. 这些 _______________
2. 好吃 _______________ 6. 那些 _______________
3. 难看 _______________ 7. 哪些 _______________
4. 难喝 _______________ 8. 中国菜 _______________

Write the following sentences in Chinese characters then translation into English or Filipino.
1. Nǐ xǐhuān zuò shénme?

2. Wǒ huì shuō Hànyǔ.

3. Zhè ge Zhōngguó cài hěn hǎo chī.

4. Nà ge Hànzì zěnme dǔ?

5. Tā bù xǐhuān hē chá

Chinese Character Workbook

Lesson 7

REVIEW. Translate the following sentences into Chinese. Write your answers in 汉字.

1. Can you speak in Mandarin?

2. How do you write this Chinese character?

3. My mother and father like drinking tea.

4. Does your boyfriend like reading books?

5. These dishes are very delicious!

Practice writing the following words in the box provided below. Follow the stroke order indicated below.

pinyin meaning

Ex. 如今 rújīn nowadays

pinyin meaning

Ex. 聪明 cōngmíng smart

pinyin meaning

Ex. 昨晚 zuówǎn last night

Chinese Character Workbook
pinyin meaning

Ex. 新年 xīnnián new year

pinyin meaning

Ex. 明星 míngxīng celebrity

pinyin meaning

Ex. 学期 xuéqī school term, semester

pinyin meaning

TRAD. 號 Ex. 号码 hàomǎ number

pinyin meaning

Ex. 早晨 zǎochén (early) morning

pinyin meaning

Ex. 午休 wǔxiū noon / lunch break

pinyin meaning

Ex. 晚会 wǎnhuì evening party

Chinese Character Workbook
pinyin meaning

Ex. 上课 shàngkè to go/hold class

pinyin meaning

Ex. 下课 xiàkè to finish/get off class

pinyin meaning

TRAD. 請 Ex. 請客 qǐngkè treat


pinyin meaning

TRAD. 問 Ex. 问题 wèntí question

pinyin meaning

pinyin meaning


pinyin meaning

Chinese Character Workbook
pinyin meaning

Trad. 課 Ex. 课本 kèběn


pinyin meaning

Fill in the table with the days of the week. Write your answers in 汉字. The first one has been done for you.

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday

Fill in the blanks to form words equivalent to the given translations.
1. 2.

上 morning 下 afternoon

3. 4.

晚 evening 年 this year

5. 6.
明 next year

年 last year

家 go back home 8.


Write the following in Chinese characters then translate each into English or Filipino.
1. Nǐ de shēngrì jǐ yuè jǐ hào?

2. Qǐng wèn jīntiān xīngqi jǐ?

3. Wǒ hé māma sì yuè qù Zhōngguó.

Chinese Character Workbook
4. Tā zuǒtiān huí jiā ma? 37

5. Nǐ xīngqi rì xiàwǔ zuò shénme?

6. Lǎoshi qù nǎr?

7. Nǐmen míngtiān wǎnshàng lái wǒ de jiā chīfàn.

WRITING PRACTICE。Write about the things that you do in a regular week. Write in 汉字. Minimum of five (5)
sentences. Below your account, write the English/Filipino translation (so that I can check if what you wrote in
Chinese matches what you were thinking in your own language). Limit your writing to the sentence patterns
that we have learned so far.

Chinese Character Workbook

Lesson 8

REVIEW. Translate the following sentences into Chinese. Write your answers in 汉字.

1. What are you doing on Saturday night?

2. I am going to school tomorrow morning to read book.

3. Where did your older sister go this afternoon?

4. Mother’s birthday is on August 17, 1953.

5. We have Chinese class on Tuesdays and Thursdays.

Practice writing the following words in the box provided below. Follow the stroke order indicated below.

pinyin meaning

Ex. 想念 xiǎngniàn miss, long for

pinyin meaning

Ex. 要求 yāoqiú request

pinyin meaning

Trad. 買 Ex. 买单 mǎidān bill

pinyin meaning

Ex. 很多 hěn duō a lot

Chinese Character Workbook
pinyin meaning

Ex. 减少 jiǎnshǎo reduce, lessen

pinyin meaning

Trad. 錢 Ex. 钱包 qiánbāo wallet

pinyin meaning

Ex. 一块 yíkuài one piece, one (money)

pinyin meaning

Ex. 元旦 Yuándàn New Year’s Day

pinyin meaning

Ex. 毛笔 máobǐ writing brush

pinyin meaning

Ex. 三角形 sānjiǎoxíng triangle

pinyin meaning

Ex. 百分之百 bǎifēn zhī bǎi 100%

pinyin meaning

Ex. 千万 qiānwàn ten million; be sure to

Chinese Character Workbook
pinyin meaning

Trad.萬 Ex. 万能 wànnéng all-powerful; all-purpose

pinyin meaning

Ex. 共产 gòngchǎn communist

pinyin meaning

Trad. 東 Ex. 东南亚 dōngnányā Southeast Asia

pinyin meaning

Ex. 东西 dōngxi thing, object

pinyin meaning

Ex. 米酒 mǐjiǔ rice wine

pinyin meaning

Ex. 烧包 shāobāo steamed bun

pinyin meaning

Ex. 干杯 gānbēi drink a toast, Cheers!

pinyin meaning

Ex. 酒店 jiǔdiàn wine shop, hotel

Chinese Character Workbook
pinyin meaning

Ex. 商品 shāngpín commodity, goods

Fill in the blanks to form words equivalent to the given translations.
1. 2.
少 how many 西 object, thing

3. 4.

商 store 包 wallet

5. 6.
饭 rice 子 cup

子 siopao 8.
一 total

Write the following numbers in Chinese characters and Pinyin.

a. 745 ______________________________________

b. 801 ______________________________________

c. 3260 ______________________________________

d. 29 912 ______________________________________

e. 651 738 _____________________________________

Write the following in 汉字,then write what they mean in English.

1. Tā zuǒtiān mǎi hěn duō dōngxi.

2. Nǐ yǒu méiyǒu yì bái kuài?

3. Zhè ge duōshǎo qián?

Chinese Character Workbook
4. Nà ge shāngdiàn de bāozi hěn hǎochī.

5. Wǒ xiǎng mǎi liǎng ge bēizi.

6. Xuéshēngmen dōu yào huí jiā le.

7. Nǐ xiǎng hē shénme?

8. Wǒ míngtiān zǎoshàng yào qù péngyǒu de jiā.

Fill in the blanks to complete the sentences. Write the Pinyin below each character.
1. How much is a cup of coffee?
一 咖 啡 多 ?
yì kā fēi duō

2. What would you like to buy?

你 买 ?
nǐ mǎi

3. How much is this book?

这 书 多 少 ?
zhè shū duō shǎo

4. Two buns are 24 bucks in total。

个 子 一 共 。
ge zi yí gòng

5. Do you like Chinese food or Japanese food?
中 国 是 菜 ?
Zhōng guó shì cài

Chinese Character Workbook

Lesson 9 - 10

REVIEW. Translate the following sentences into Chinese. Write your answers in 汉字.

1. How much is that cup?

2. She would like to eat a bun and drink a cup of tea.

3. These three books cost 754.25 bucks in total.

4. I will go to the store to buy some stuff tomorrow.

5. We don’t have a million bucks.

NEW WORDS. Practice writing the following words in the box provided below. Follow the stroke order
indicated below

pinyin meaning

pinyin meaning

Ex. 坐下 zuòxià sit down

pinyin meaning

Ex. 能够 nénggòu to be capable of

Chinese Character Workbook
pinyin meaning

Ex. 工作 gōngzuò work

pinyin meaning

Ex. 公园 gōngyuán park

pinyin meaning

Ex. 司机 sījī driver

pinyin meaning

trad. 醫 Ex. 医生 yīsheng doctor

pinyin meaning

Ex. 影院 yǐngyuàn movie theater

pinyin meaning

Ex. 上课 shàngkè to go/hold class

pinyin meaning

Ex. 下课 xiàkè to finish/get off class

pinyin meaning

trad. 裡 Ex. 里面 lǐmiàn inside

Chinese Character Workbook
pinyin meaning

Ex. 外国 wàiguó abroad, foreign

pinyin meaning

Ex. 前面 qiánmiàn front

pinyin meaning

Trad. 後 Ex. 后面 hòumiàn behind

pinyin meaning

Ex. 面条 miàntiáo noodles

pinyin meaning

Ex. 左手 zuǒshǒu left hand

pinyin meaning

Ex. 右转 yòuzhuǎn turn right

pinyin meaning

Trad. 邊 Ex. 路边 lùbiān roadside

Chinese Character Workbook
pinyin meaning

Ex. 桌子 zhuōzi table

pinyin meaning

Ex. 椅子 yǐzi chair

pinyin meaning

Trad. 電 Ex. 电影 diànyǐng movie

pinyin meaning

Trad. 腦 Ex. 脑袋 nǎodài head, brains

Fill in the blanks (write in 汉字). Use the English translation as your clue. Then write the sentences in Pinyin.

笔在桌子____________. (The pen is on top of the desk.)

狗在_________________. (The dog is inside the house.)


Chinese Character Workbook

张先生_______________. (Mr. Zhang went abroad.)


她____________________. (She works in a store.)


(Little brother went to the hospital to see the doctor.)

Write the following in 汉字 then translate into English or Filipino.
1. Wǒ néng zuò zài hòumian ma?

2. Tā de érzì zài yīyuān gōngzuò.

3. Wǒ huí jiā le.

4. Nǐ zài nǎr xuéxí?

5. Nǐ qù nǎr?

6. Tā méiyǒu gōngzuò.

7. Wǒmen gōngsī qiánmiàn yǒu yí ge shāngdiàn.

8. Lǐmiàn yǒu méiyǒu rén?

Chinese Character Workbook

Lesson 11

REVIEW. Translate the following sentences into Chinese. Write your answers in 汉字.

1. Can I sit here?

2. Is there a person outside?

3. Where is the hospital?

4. The person in front is our teacher.

5. There are a lot of books on top of the table.

6. He works in the store behind the bookstore.

NEW WORDS. Practice writing the following words in the box provided below. Follow the stroke order
indicated below.

pinyin meaning

Trad。現 Ex. 现在 xiànzài now

pinyin meaning

Trad. 點 Ex. 点心 diǎnxīn snack

pinyin meaning

Ex. 分手 fēnshǒu split / break up

Chinese Character Workbook
pinyin meaning

Ex. 立刻 lìkè immediately, at once

pinyin meaning

Ex. 一半 yíbàn one half

pinyin meaning

Trad。時 Ex. 時間 shíjiān time

pinyin meaning

Ex. 时候 shíhòu time

pinyin meaning

Trad. 從 Ex. 从前 hòumiàn before, in the past

pinyin meaning

Ex. 收到 shòudào receive, get, obtain

pinyin meaning

Ex. 住院 zhùyuàn to be hospitalized

pinyin meaning

Ex. 起飞 qǐfēi take off (aircraft)

Chinese Character Workbook
pinyin meaning

Ex. 睡回笼觉 shuìhuílóngjiào

to go back to sleep (instead of rising
up in the morning); sleep in

pinyin meaning

Trad. 覺 Ex. 午觉 wǔjiào afternoon nap

pinyin meaning

Ex. 起床 qǐchuáng get up from bed

pinyin meaning

Ex. 电影 diànyǐng movie

Write the time in 汉字。

_______________________ _______________________ _______________________

4:20 PM 7:35 AM 11:50 PM

_______________________ _______________________ _______________________

Chinese Character Workbook
Write the Pinyin and meaning of the following words.

1. 现在 _______________________ 7. 睡觉 _______________________

2. 半天 _______________________ 8. 起床 _______________________

3. 半年 _______________________ 9. 上课 _______________________

4. 一起 _______________________ 10.下课 _______________________

5. 电影 _______________________ 11.一点儿 __________________________

6. 时候 _______________________ 12.从早到晚 _______________________

Write the following in 汉字 then translate into English or Filipino.
1. Qǐng wèn, xiànzài jǐ diǎn?

2. Nǐ jǐ diǎn shuìjiào?

3. Nǐ zhōngwǔ jǐdiǎn chīfàn?

4. Tāmen yào zài Běijīng zhù wǔ tiān.

5. Wǒ néng bù néng xiàwǔ wǔ diǎn qián huíjiā?

6. Nǐmen shénme shíhòu qù kàn diànyǐng?

7. Wǒmen wǎnshàng liù diǎn yí kè yìqǐ chīfàn.

8. Wǒmen cóng shíyī diǎn bàn dào yī diǎn shàng Hànyǔ kè.

Chinese Character Workbook

Lesson 12

REVIEW. Translate the following sentences into Chinese. Write your answers in 汉字.

1. What time is it now?

2. The movie is from 7:50 until 9:30.

3. We met yesterday at 5:00 in the afternoon.

4. When did you go to China together with your friends?

5. It’s already 11:45PM, I want to go to sleep.

6. I woke up at 6:00 in the morning. I went to school to attend class at 8:30AM.

NEW WORDS. Practice writing the following words in the box provided below. Follow the stroke order
indicated below.

pinyin meaning

Trad. 氣 Ex. 天气 tiānqi weather

pinyin meaning

Ex. 怎么 zěnme how

pinyin meaning

Trad. 樣 Ex. 一样 yíyàng same, alike

Chinese Character Workbook
pinyin meaning

Ex. 太太 tàitai wife; Mrs.

pinyin meaning

Trad. 熱 Ex. 热闹 rènào lively

pinyin meaning

Ex. 冷饮 lěngyǐn cold beverage

pinyin meaning

Ex. 雨衣 yǔyī raincoat

pinyin meaning

Trad. 愛 Ex.爱情 àiqíng love (romantic)

pinyin meaning

Ex. 身材 shēncái stature, figure

pinyin meaning

Trad. 體 Ex. 整体 zhěngtǐ whole

Chinese Character Workbook
pinyin meaning

Ex. 一些 yìxiē some

pinyin meaning

Ex. 果汁 guǒzhī fruit juice

Fill in the blanks to form words.

1. weather 2. to rain 3. cold water

⽓ 雨 ⽔

4. fruit 5. heavy rain 6. body

果 ⼤ 体

7. cute 6. lover, spouse 7. fall in love

可 爱 上

Write the following sentences in 汉字 then translate into English or Filipino.
1. Míngtiān de tiānqi zěnmeyàng?

2. Jīntiān tài rè le! Wǒ bù xiǎng qù wàimiàn.

3. Qǐng gěi wǒ yì bēi rè shuǐ.

4. Tā shuō tā zhè ge xīngqiwǔ bú huì lái shàngkè.

5. Nǐ māma de shēntǐ zěnmèyàng??

6. Yīshēng shuō nǐ yào duō chī xiē shuǐguǒ, yě yào duō hē shuǐ.

Chinese Character Workbook

第⼗三- ⼗四课
Lesson 13 – 14

REVIEW. Translate the following sentences into Chinese. Write your answers in 汉字.

1. Will it rain tomorrow?

2. How was the movie?

3. Your dog is too cute!

4. I am not fond of (don’t love) drinking tea.

5. Read more books.

Practice writing the following words in the box provided below. Follow the stroke order indicated below.

pinyin meaning

Trad. 給 Ex.送给 sònggěi to give as


pinyin meaning

Trad. 話 Ex. 说话 shuōhuà talk, speak

pinyin meaning

Trad. 視 Ex. 视频 shìpín video

pinyin meaning

Ex. 打球 dǎqiú play ball

Chinese Character Workbook
pinyin meaning

pinyin meaning

Trad. 開 Ex. 开门 kāi mén open the/a door

pinyin meaning

Trad.車 Ex. 停车场 tíngchǎng parking lot

pinyin meaning

Ex. 漂流 piāoliú drift, float

pinyin meaning

Ex. 天亮 tiānliàng daybreak

pinyin meaning

Ex. 内衣 nèiyī underwear

pinyin meaning

Ex. 服务 fúwù service, to serve

pinyin meaning

Ex. 条件 tiáojiàn condition, term, requirement

Chinese Character Workbook
pinyin meaning

Ex. 大都 dàdōu mostly,

on the whole

pinyin meaning

Ex. 跟着 gēnzhe follow

Fill in the blanks to form words
1. television 2. telephone 3. talk

电 话 说
4. work part time 5. open the door 6. raincoat

打 门 衣

7. clothes 8. outer clothing 9. drive a car

服 衣 开

Write the Pinyin of the following sentences and then translate each into English or Filipino.
1. 你在做什么?

2. 他十点半吃了午饭。

3. 妈妈现在在睡觉,她身体不太好。

4. 王先生给你打电话。

5. 下课后,我要去商店买东西。

Chinese Character Workbook
Write the following in Chinese characters, then translate into English or Filipino.
1. Zhè jiàn yīfu tài piàoliang le!

2. Nǐ jīntiān wǎnshàng zuò le shénme cài?

3. Wǒmen zài xué Hànyǔ.

4. Nǐ huíjiā hòu néng gěi wǒ dǎ diànhuà ma?

5. Tā shénme shíhòu mǎi le zhètái shǒujī?

6. Nǐ jīntiān hē le bùshǎo kāfēi, bú yào hē le ba!

Fill in the blanks based on the English translation given.

1. All of these clothes are very beautiful. I don’t know which ones to buy!

这 ______ 衣服 _______ 很漂亮!我 ______ 知道要买哪些!

2. He will come back after 30 minutes.

他三十 ______ 钟______ 要回来。

3. I saw Ms. Zhang at the bookstore.

我在 ______ 看______ 张小姐。

4. The children all like eating apples.

孩 ______ 们都 ______ 吃 ______。

5. They are playing ball outside the house。

他们 ______ 家 ______ ______ 球。

6. I am not surfing the Net, I am doing my homework.

我 ______ 在 ______ 网,我 ______ 做 ______。

7. Would you like to drink a bit of tea?

你 ______ 喝 _________ 茶吗?

Chinese Character Workbook

Lesson 15

REVIEW. Translate the following sentences into Chinese. Write your answers in 汉字.

1. Will it rain tomorrow?

2. How was the movie?

3. Your dog is too cute!

4. I am not fond of (don’t love) drinking tea.

5. Read more books.

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