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Instrument-dependent method for

obtaining a nondepolarizing estimate

from an experimental Mueller matrix

Razvigor Ossikovski
Oriol Arteaga

Razvigor Ossikovski, Oriol Arteaga, “Instrument-dependent method for obtaining a nondepolarizing

estimate from an experimental Mueller matrix,” Opt. Eng. 58(8), 082409 (2019),
doi: 10.1117/1.OE.58.8.082409.

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Optical Engineering 58(8), 082409 (August 2019)

Instrument-dependent method for obtaining

a nondepolarizing estimate from an experimental
Mueller matrix
Razvigor Ossikovskia,* and Oriol Arteagaa,b
LPICM, CNRS, Ecole Polytechnique, Palaiseau, France
Universitat de Barcelona, Departamento de Física Aplicada, IN2UB, Feman Group, Barcelona, Spain

Abstract. We describe a numerical method for obtaining a nondepolarizing estimate from an experimental
Mueller matrix, a necessary preliminary step in determining the Jones matrix and the polarization properties
of the sample under study. The proposed method, being a variant of the general virtual experiment approach,
is based on minimizing the least squares distance between the light intensities virtually generated by the effec-
tively measured Mueller matrix of the sample and by its nondepolarizing estimate, while taking into account the
exact phenomenological description of the polarimetric instrument used. It can be applied to complete, as well as
to partial (12-element) experimental Mueller matrices. The application of the method is illustrated on experimen-
tal examples and its performance is compared to that of alternative approaches. © 2019 Society of Photo-Optical
Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE) [DOI: 10.1117/1.OE.58.8.082409]
Keywords: polarimetry; depolarization; Mueller matrix; Jones matrix.
Paper 181692SS received Nov. 28, 2018; accepted for publication Feb. 8, 2019; published online Feb. 26, 2019.

1 Introduction determined Mueller matrix and, being purely algebraic, is

The 2 × 2 complex Jones matrix is the complete phenomeno- computationally more straightforward. The second approach
logical descriptor of the totally coherent interaction of a lin- provides a nondepolarizing estimate virtually producing
ear medium or system with polarized light.1–4 The material light intensities that are as close as possible to those that
under study and the probing light can be considered to be the effectively measured Mueller matrix would produce.
interacting totally coherently whenever the spectral and spa- Necessitating numerical implementation, it is more demand-
tial variations in the optical response of the sample are much ing computationally but better takes into account the infor-
slower than the spectral resolution and the coherence area of mation available, namely the design of the polarimetric
the instrument. In particular, this is the case for the large and instrument. The VE method also has the unique advantage
practically important class of spatially homogeneous sam- of being applicable to partial 12-element Mueller matrices
ples. The experimental determination of the Jones matrix of with missing (unknown) last column (or row) elements, pro-
a totally coherently interacting sample is commonly per- vided by generalized ellipsometry experiments. Furthermore,
formed by using generalized ellipsometry1,5 or Mueller being of numerical nature, it can be implemented to yield
matrix polarimetry.2,3,5 These two polarimetric techniques Jones matrices of predefined specific forms, e.g., symmetric,
do not measure the Jones matrix directly, but rather deter- antisymmetric, or diagonal ones.
mine 12 or all 16 elements of the Mueller matrix, respec- The purpose of this work is to introduce and illustrate the
tively, and therefore, are referred to as partial and application of the instrument-dependent version of the VE
complete polarimetry, respectively. The Jones matrix can method. Unlike its conventional variant from Ref. 9, it is
then be derived uniquely from the measured Mueller matrix based on the exact phenomenological model of the instru-
elements.2,5,6 However, the experimentally determined ment (complete polarimeter or generalized ellipsometer)
Mueller matrix, be it partial or complete, not only unavoid- used to determine experimentally the Mueller matrix and
ably contains measurement noise but most generally also thus allows potentially for the minimization of the measure-
describes partially coherent, instead of totally coherent, ment noise bias. The performance of the method in the
light–matter interaction, commonly referred to as depolari- complete polarimetry case is further compared to that of
zation. Consequently, in order to determine the Jones matrix conventional Cloude decomposition and VE filtering.
of the sample under study, one first needs to obtain a non- Before proceeding, it should be emphasized that we are
depolarizing estimate from its experimental Mueller matrix. considering conventional instrument designs, both partial
This step, sometimes termed filtering,7 is accomplished and complete, and that the unique aim of the approach we
either by using algebraic decompositions, e.g., the widely propose is the recovery of the nondepolarizing estimate of
used Cloude sum decomposition,4,7,8 or by applying the vir- the Mueller matrix of the sample and the Jones matrix
tual experiment (VE) approach based on modeling the associated with it. To address the more general case of the
polarimetric experiment.9,10 The first approach yields the so-called adaptive polarimetry based on nonconventional
nondepolarizing estimate that is closest to the experimentally designs generating and analyzing predefined polarization
states11 or using “channels”12 containing responses of linear

*Address all correspondence to Razvigor Ossikovski, E-mail: razvigor 0091-3286/2019/$25.00 © 2019 SPIE

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combinations of Mueller matrix elements, one needs to Mueller matrix M is the one that would produce light inten-
modify and extend the approach presented below. sities that are as close as possible to those potentially gen-
erated by M.9,10 If least squares estimation is supposed,9 then
2 Formal Description of the Method one must minimize the normalized residual δ2 given as
A Mueller matrix polarimeter measures the M × N positive 1
matrix I of light intensities in accordance with the fundamen- δ2 ¼
EQ-TARGET;temp:intralink-;e004;326;708 kA M W − A Mnd Wk2
tal measurement relation
¼ kAðM − Mnd ÞWk2 ; (4)
I ¼ A M W;
EQ-TARGET;temp:intralink-;e001;63;674 (1) MN

where W and A are the 4 × N and M × 4 matrices of where the notation k: : : k stands for the Frobenius matrix
the polarization state generator (PSG) and the polarization norm.
p (The ffi Frobenius norm of the matrix B is kBk ¼
state analyzer (PSA) of the instrument, respectively, M is trðBT BÞ, where “tr” is the matrix trace, so that kBk2
the 4 × 4 Mueller matrix of the sample, and NðMÞ is the equals the sum of the squares of the elements of B.) The min-
number of polarization states generated (analyzed) by the imization parameters are the four complex elements J ij ,
PSG (PSA).2,5 i; j ¼ 1; 2, of the Jones matrix J through which the non-
The two instrument matrices W and A have the respective depolarizing estimate Mnd is expressed as1
Mnd ¼ TðJ ⊗ J ÞT−1 ;
EQ-TARGET;temp:intralink-;e005;326;561 (5)

EQ-TARGET;temp:intralink-;e002a;63;555 ½ sð1Þ
si :::
si ; (2a)
where the transition matrix T is given as1
and 21 0 0 1 3
A ¼ ½ sð1Þ
so :::
so  ; (2b) 61 0 0 −1 7

5: (6)
0 1 1 0

ðkÞ ðkÞ
where si ðso Þ
is the input (output) Stokes vector describing 0 i −i 0
the k’th polarization state generated (analyzed) by the PSG
(PSA). [The superscript T in Eq. (2b) stands for matrix (The asterisk stands for complex conjugation; the symbol
transpose.] “⊗” denotes the Kronecker product.) Since Mnd is real,
The above measurement formalism holds for a Mueller one can assume that one of the elements J ij of J is real
polarimeter employing M × N discrete polarization states
too which reduces the number of real fitting parameters to
(e.g., a ferroelectric liquid crystal based one). If continuous
4 × 2 − 1 ¼ 7. Once the Jones matrix elements are deter-
periodic modulation of the polarization state of light is used
mined by the minimization procedure, the nondepolarizing
instead (e.g., in a rotating compensator or a phase-modulated
instrument), then the PSG and the PSA matrices are time- estimate Mnd is obtained from Eq. (5).
dependent, WðtÞ ¼ ½si ðtÞ and AðtÞ ¼ ½so ðtÞT . However, Clearly, the PSG and PSA matrices W and A depend on
the discrete forms from Eq. (2) can still be used provided the specific design of the instrument. For a discrete state
the continuous periodic signals are sampled in accordance complete Mueller polarimeter, such as a ferroelectric crystal
with the Nyquist criterion based one, one typically has M ¼ N ¼ 4 for the number of
generated and analyzed polarization states. If the Stokes
WðtÞ → W ¼ ½ si ðt1 Þ
EQ-TARGET;temp:intralink-;e003a;63;327 si ðt2 Þ ::: si ðtN Þ ; (3a) vectors sðkÞ of these states, assumed identical for the PSG
and the PSA, are uniformly distributed in polarization
and space, i.e., form a regular tetrahedron on the Poincaré sphere,
AðtÞ → A ¼ ½ so ðt1 Þ so ðt2 Þ
EQ-TARGET;temp:intralink-;e003b;63;285 ::: so ðtM Þ T : (3b)
W ¼ AT ¼ ½ sð1Þ sð2Þ sð3Þ sð4Þ 
To measure the complete 4 × 4 Mueller matrix M, the

21 1 1 1 3
number of polarization states generated and analyzed by
the instrument must be N ≥ 4 and M ≥ 4. Furthermore, 6 a −a a −a 7
¼4 5; (7)
ðkÞ ðkÞ
the input and output Stokes vectors si and so entering a −a −a a
the instrument matrices W and A from Eq. (2) must be com- a a −a −a
plete, i.e., they must not contain any identically vanishing pffiffiffi
components. The instrument is then termed a complete where a ¼ 1∕ 3. This is the conventional version of the VE
ðkÞ ðkÞ method.9 Since the value of the residual defined by Eq. (4) is
Mueller polarimeter. If N < 4 or M < 4, or if si or so independent of the way the PSG and PSA regular tetrahedra
are incomplete, the Mueller polarimeter is partial. An impor- are oriented in polarization space, Eq. (7) can be used to
tant special case of a partial polarimeter is the generalized
ðkÞ ðkÞ
model any 16-state Mueller polarimeter that is optimal,
ellipsometer where si (so ) contain exactly one vanishing i.e., whose four PSG and four PSA polarization states are
ðkÞ ðkÞ
component whereas so (si ) are complete; such an instru- both uniformly distributed in polarization space, regardless
ment measures 12 out of the 16 elements of the Mueller of their specific orientation. Complete Mueller polarimeters
matrix with a column (a row) missing. based on continuous time modulation, e.g., the dual rotating
The principle of the VE method states that the best non- compensator (DRC)3,5,13 or the four photoelastic modulator
depolarizing estimate Mnd of the experimentally determined (4PEM)14 polarimeters, have time-dependent (and generally

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Ossikovski and Arteaga: Instrument-dependent method for obtaining a nondepolarizing. . .

different) PSG and PSA matrices WðtÞ and AðtÞ. If the the PSA are mirror images of each other, then WðtÞ ¼ AðtÞT
arrangements of the optical components in the PSG and in and si ðtÞ ¼ so ðtÞ. For the DRC polarimeter, one then has

si ðtÞ ¼ so ðtÞ ¼ 1

cos2 R2C þ sin2 R2C cos 4ωC t sin2 R2C sin 4ωC t sin RC sin 2ωC t ; (8)

where RC and ωC are the retardance and the angular speed of the PSG (PSA) compensator, respectively.5,13 For the 4PEM
si ðtÞ ¼ so ðtÞ ¼ ½ 1
EQ-TARGET;temp:intralink-;e009;63;650 cos Rm1 ðtÞ sin Rm1 ðtÞ sin Rm2 ðtÞ sin Rm1 ðtÞ cos Rm2 ðtÞ T ; (9)

where Rm k ðtÞ ¼ Am k sin ωm k t is the sinusoidally varying 1

retardance of the k’th PSG (PSA) photoelastic modulator δ2 ¼
EQ-TARGET;temp:intralink-;e012;326;612 ðkAI M W − AI Mnd Wk2
with amplitude Am k and cyclic frequency ωm k (k ¼ 1; 2).14
þ kAII M W − AII Mnd Wk2 Þ; (12)
All input and output Stokes vectors from Eqs. (8) and (9) feature
nonvanishing components, so that both DRC and 4PEM polar-
imeters are complete. where AI and AII are the discrete (sampled) counterparts of
Generalized ellipsometers being a practically important the time varying PSA matrices AI ðtÞ and AII ðtÞ for configu-
class of partial Mueller polarimeters, we report the explicit rations I and II, obtained from soI ðtÞ and soII ðtÞ in
forms of the W and A matrices for two common designs, the accordance with Eq. (3). Notice that, like the RPCE instru-
rotating polarizer-compensator ellipsometer (abbreviated ment, the RPPME one is a generalized ellipsometer measuring
RPCE) and the extended photoelastic modulator ellipsome- only the first three columns of the Mueller matrix, since both
ter (PME) representing a rotating polarizer-photoelastic instruments have in common a rotating polarizer-based
modulator ellipsometer design (abbreviated RPPME).5 The incomplete PSG. As a result, the values of the elements of
PSG of both instruments is based on simple rotating polar- the fourth column of the experimental Mueller matrix M
entering Eqs. (4) and (9) are immaterial if M has been partially
izer design generating a time-dependent input Stokes vector
determined in a generalized ellipsometry experiment.
si ðtÞ given as
As mentioned, the Jones matrix whose elements are
si ðtÞ ¼ ½ 1 cos 2ωP t sin 2ωP t
EQ-TARGET;temp:intralink-;e010;63;436 0 T ; (10) treated as fitting parameters in the process of numerical min-
imization of the estimator defined by Eq. (4) or Eq. (9) can be
where ωP is the angular speed of the polarizer. The PSA of of special form, accounting for the available a priori infor-
the RPCE instrument contains a rotating compensator mation on the structure of the sample or on the experimental
(a waveplate retarder) followed by a fixed analyzer and configuration. For instance, if the sample exhibits mirror
analyzes the following output Stokes vector so ðtÞ given by symmetry with respect to the incidence plane (in either
Eq. (8). Since so ðtÞ is complete whereas si ðtÞ has its fourth reflection or in transmission measurement configuration),
component identically equal to zero, the RPCE instrument then its Jones matrix is known to be diagonal.15
measures only the first three columns of the Mueller matrix Consequently, the number of real fitting parameters reduces
of the sample, i.e., only 12 out of its 16 elements. from seven to only 2 × 2–1 ¼ 3. A second example is pro-
The PSA of the RPPME instrument consists of a photoelas- vided by the relatively common backscattering (or backre-
tic modulator (an electrically driven variable retarder) and an flection) experimental configuration in which the incident
analyzer whose transmission axis makes a fixed azimuth of and the outgoing light beams follow the same path albeit
45 deg with the modulator fast axis.5 The analyzed output in opposite directions. It can be easily shown that in this con-
Stokes vector so ðtÞ depends on the azimuth θm of the modu- figuration the Jones matrix of the sample is antisymmetric,
lator with respect to the incidence plane (the plane defined by JT ¼ −J,15,16 and the number of real fitting parameters is
the incident and the outgoing light beams) and is given as reduced to 3 × 2–1 ¼ 5. More generally, this symmetry
property holds if a 180-deg-rotation of the sample about
soI ðtÞ ¼ ½ 1
EQ-TARGET;temp:intralink-;e011a;63;240 0  cos Rm ðtÞ sin Rm ðtÞ T ; (11a) its normal brings it to its initial position.15

if θm ¼ 0 deg (90 deg) (called configuration I) or by

3 Application of the Method to Experimental
soII ðtÞ ¼ ½ 1
EQ-TARGET;temp:intralink-;e011b;63;197  cos Rm ðtÞ 0 sin Rm ðtÞ T ; (11b) Mueller Matrices
To apply the instrument-dependent VE method, one needs to
if θm ¼ 45 deg (configuration II) where Rm ðtÞ ¼ sample the periodically varying input and output Stokes vec-
Am sin ωm t is the sinusoidally varying modulator retardance tors si ðtÞ and so ðtÞ from Eqs. (8)–(10) in order to construct
with amplitude Am and cyclic frequency ωm. Since the second the discrete counterparts W and A of the time-dependent
and the third component of soI ðtÞ and soII ðtÞ, respectively, PSG and PSA matrices WðtÞ ¼ ½si ðtÞ and AðtÞ ¼ ½so ðtÞT
vanish identically, to achieve complete analysis of the output in accordance with Eq. (3). If ωmax is the highest (rotation
Stokes vector two consecutive series of measurements in con- or modulation) cyclic frequency present in si ðtÞ or in so ðtÞ,
figurations I and II have to be performed. Consequently, the then it is enough to sample uniformly its period 2π∕ωmax in
normalized estimator from Eq. (4) takes the following form for only N ¼ 3 number of points defining the corresponding
the RPPM instrument: time instants tk

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k − 1 2π ρpp ρps
tk ¼ ; k ¼ 1; 2; : : : ; N: (13) J¼ ; (15)
N ωmax ρsp 1


Thus, for the rotating polarizer PSG and the rotating com-
then Table 1 reports the values of the elements of J obtained
pensator PSG (PSA) ωmax ¼ 2ωP and ωmax ¼ 4ωC ; see
Eqs. (10) and (8), respectively. These are the values used with various methods.
in modeling the RPCE and the RPPME instruments, as The first two lines (header excluded), named “Cloude”
well as the DRC complete polarimeter. For the phase modu- and “VE,” report the Jones matrices of the nondepolarizing
lated PSA in the RPPME instrument ωmax ¼ ωm , whereas estimates obtained with the Cloude decomposition8 and the
for the 4PEM complete polarimeter, ωmax ¼ ωm1 ¼ ωm2 . conventional VE9 methods. The values in the next two lines
The retardance of the compensator(s) was set to result from DRC and 4PEM complete polarimeter VEs. The
RC ¼ π∕4; the modulation amplitude Am of the PSA of last column of the table reports the root mean square (rms)
the RPPME instrument, as well as those of the PSG and deviation ΔM of the matrix elements of the experimental M
the PSA of the 4PEM complete polarimeter, assumed from those of its nondepolarizing estimate Mnd
equal, Am1 ¼ Am2 , were all set to 2.405 rad. By using the sffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
above values, the W and A matrices of all four instruments 1 X
(RPCE, RPPME, and DRC, and 4PEM polarimeters) were ΔM ¼
EQ-TARGET;temp:intralink-;e016;326;607 M − Mndij ;
i;j ij
computed. In accordance with the fundamental measurement N
relation Eq. (1), the W and A matrices will generate, in the
case of N ¼ 3 sampling points, a total of N × N ¼ 3 × 3 ¼ 9 in which the sum runs either over all 16 matrix elements in
virtual intensities which is the minimum number making the case of complete polarimetry (and N ¼ 16) or over the 12
possible the determination of the seven-parameter Jones elements belonging to the first three columns in the case of
matrix J from either the complete, 16-element, or the partial, partial polarimetry (generalized ellipsometry; N ¼ 12). It
12-element, experimental Mueller matrix M by using should be mentioned that, in the partial polarimetry case,
Eqs. (4)–(6). the Jones matrix quality factor18 can be used instead of
ΔM. The evaluation of ΔM allows for the assessment of
3.1 First Example the quality of the nondepolarizing estimation. The ΔM val-
ues for all four complete polarimetry methods are compa-
Consider the experimental Mueller matrix rable in magnitude and lie below 0.3%; to be compared
2 1 −0.8351 0.1757 0.1525 3
to the experimental error which has been estimated to be
below 0.5% for the 4PEM polarimeter.14 It should be
6 −0.8245 0.9268 −0.1075 −0.2692 7
M1 ¼ 6
4 −0.1761
7; (14) noted that in the case of the 4PEM VE we had to oversample
−0.5129 0.0424 5 the period in five instead of in only three points, i.e., we set

0.1510 −0.2673 −0.0399 −0.4426 N ¼ 5 in Eq. (13), to be able to achieve accuracy comparable
to that of the other three methods.
of a diffraction grating measured in a reflection configuration The last three lines of Table 1 report the Jones matrix esti-
at the wavelength of 540 nm and at the incidence angle of mates obtained from RPCE and RPPME partial polarimetry
65 deg by using a 4PEM polarimeter.14 Details on the struc- VEs. The last but one line, named “RPCE with sym.” gives
ture of the diffraction grating sample can be found in Ref. 17. the Jones matrix with the imposed symmetry condition
The matrix M1 is only very weakly depolarizing; its Gil- ρsp ¼ −ρps ; it was therefore obtained by fitting only five
Bernabeu depolarization index (DI)2,4 equals 0.995 (recall instead of all seven Jones matrix elements, as explained at
that DI ¼ 1 for a nondepolarizing Mueller matrix). the end of the previous section. Indeed, the grating sample
Assuming that the Jones matrix J corresponding to the is invariant with respect to a 180-deg-rotation about its nor-
best nondepolarizing estimate Mnd of the experimental mal and therefore, it should feature an antisymmetric Jones
Mueller matrix M1 is normalized to its J 22 element matrix.

Table 1 Jones matrix elements associated with the best nondepolarizing estimates of M1 obtained with various methods.

Method ρpp ρps ρsp ΔM

Cloude −0.2672 þ 0.0227i −0.0788 − 0.1170i 0.0792 þ 0.1170i 0.0027

VE −0.2689 þ 0.0228i −0.0795 − 0.1176i 0.0790 þ 0.1175i 0.0023

DRC −0.2679 þ 0.0219i −0.0802 − 0.1179i 0.0790 þ 0.1168i 0.0026

4PEM −0.2706 þ 0.0225i −0.0772 − 0.1187i 0.0792 þ 0.1168i 0.0027

RPCE −0.2692 þ 0.0205i −0.0760 − 0.1164i 0.0809 þ 0.1120i 0.0036

RPCE with sym. −0.2683 þ 0.0182i −0.0791 − 0.1146i 0.0791 þ 0.1146i 0.0034

RPPME −0.2638 þ 0.0228i −0.0785 − 0.1149i 0.0800 þ 0.1113i 0.0036

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Table 2 Jones matrix elements associated with the best nondepolarizing estimates of M2 obtained with various methods.

Method ρpp ρps ρsp ΔM

Cloude −0.8017 þ 0.3527i −0.1420 − 0.1459i 0.1517 þ 0.1440i 0.0160

VE −0.8013 þ 0.3570i −0.1388 − 0.1451i 0.1486 þ 0.1436i 0.0163

DRC −0.7833 þ 0.3810i −0.1568 − 0.1421i 0.1597 þ 0.1424i 0.0197

RPCE −0.8044 þ 0.3171i −0.1205 − 0.1370i 0.1535 þ 0.1553i 0.0203

RPCE with sym. –0.7993 þ 0.3463i −0.1455 − 0.1560i 0.1455 þ 0.1560i 0.0192

Like in the complete polarimetry case, the partial polar- depolarization metrics, e.g., the depolarization index, are
imetry VEs feature comparable rms deviation values (last based on the complete, 16-element experimental Mueller
column in Table 1). More specifically, the ΔM values in matrix.
the partial polarimetry case are higher than those of the com- Another “effect” of the higher depolarization of M2 is the
plete polarimetry (DRC and 4PEM) ones (by about 40%); larger asymmetry between the two off-diagonal Jones matrix
nevertheless, they are still of the order of the experimental elements ρsp and ρps . Indeed, these are supposed to be oppo-
error of the 4PEM polarimeter (<0.5%). It should be stressed site to one another (ρsp ¼ −ρps ) because of the symmetry
that the neither the Cloude nor the conventional VE properties of the diffraction grating sample (note that the
approaches can be applied to the partial polarimetry case, presence of depolarization does not affect the symmetries).
since both require a complete experimental Mueller matrix. Close inspection of the respective table entries indicates that
the PRCE partial polarimetry VE features larger asymmetry
3.2 Second Example between off-diagonal matrix elements than the complete
polarimetry ones (Cloude, VE, or DRC). Thus, the violation
The experimental Mueller matrix
of the expected symmetry relations between the estimated
2 1 −0.1261 0.2189 −0.0418 3 Jones matrix elements in the partial (12-element) polarimetry
case appears as an extra (indirect) indicator, besides the rms
6 −0.1280 0.8674 −0.0677 −0.3254 7
M2 ¼ 6
4 −0.2140
7 (17) deviation value, for the presence of high depolarization in
−0.8924 0.3744 5

0.0508 the measurement. To apply the instrument-dependent VE

−0.0424 −0.3276 −0.3609 −0.7686 method in this case, one then must include explicitly
the symmetry conditions in the fitting procedure; thus, the
was obtained on the same sample, in the same measurement results for the RPCE instrument case are reported in the
configuration and with the same instrument as M1 but at line named “RPCE with sym.” Doing so has the further
the wavelength of 290 nm. The probing spot partially hit advantage of decreasing the number of fitting parameters,
the substrate surrounding the diffraction grating thus intro- as discussed before.
ducing depolarization through the incoherent mixture of the
responses of the two juxtaposed media.17 As a result, the Gil-
Bernabeu DI of M2 , equal to 0.959, turns out to be lower 4 Conclusion
than that of M1 (equal to 0.995). We have proposed a numerical method for obtaining a non-
Table 2 summarizes the Jones matrix elements, normal- depolarizing estimate from an experimental Mueller matrix.
ized in accordance with Eq. (15), obtained with a part of Based on the VE approach, the method takes into account the
the nondepolarizing estimation methods (the 4PEM com- specific design of the measurement instrument and can be
plete polarimetry and RPPME partial polarimetry VEs have applied to both complete and partial, 12-element, Mueller
not been applied). The notations are identical to those of polarimetry. We have illustrated the method on two experi-
Table 1. mental examples with different levels of depolarization and
Inspection of the last column of the table containing the have compared it to other existing approaches, such as
rms deviation (ΔM) values shows that all, complete and par- Cloude decomposition and conventional VE filtering. We
tial, polarimetry methods feature comparable performance. believe that this method will be of use to experimentalists
However, the ΔM values in Table 2 are several times higher performing Mueller polarimetry on nondepolarizing samples
than those in Table 1 from the previous section and exceed and willing to extract all phenomenological information
the 4PEM measurement error (<0.5%) more than three times. available from the experiments.
This is due to the higher depolarization of M2 (DI2 ¼
0.959 < 1) with respect to that of M1 (DI1 ¼ 0.995 ≈ 1).
The level of depolarization present in the experiment clearly Acknowledgments
sets an upper limit on the applicability of all nondepolarizing This work was partially funded by the European
estimation methods (both algebraic and VE ones); in prac- Commission (Polarsense, MSCA-IF-2017-793774). The
tice, the methods are applicable so far as rms deviation authors are grateful to their colleague Dr. E. Garcia-Caurel
ΔM is of the order or the experimental error of the instrument for having provided them with the diffraction grating sample.
used. Note that the level of depolarization cannot be evalu- The authors declare that there are no conflicts of interest
ated directly in the partial polarimetry case, since all related to this article.

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3. D. H. Goldstein, Polarized Light, Marcel Dekker, New York (2003). polarimetry in presence of strong depolarization due to finite spot
4. J. J. Gil and R. Ossikovski, Polarized Light. The Mueller Matrix size,” Opt. Commun. 282, 735–741 (2009).
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Surf. Sci. 96, 108–140 (1980).
6. E. Kuntman, M. Ali Kuntman, and O. Arteaga, “Vector and matrix states Razvigor Ossikovski is a professor at École Polytechnique, France.
for Mueller matrices of nondepolarizing optical media,” J. Opt. Soc. Am.
A 34, 80–86 (2017). He received his engineering degree from the Technical University,
7. J. J. Gil, “On optimal filtering of measured Mueller matrices,” Appl. Rousse, Bulgaria, in 1990. He was an international student (X88)
Opt. 55, 5449–5455 (2016). at École Polytechnique wherefrom he received his MS and PhD
8. S. R. Cloude, “Conditions for the physical realizability of matrix oper- degrees in physics in 1991 and 1995, respectively. He is the author
ators in polarimetry,” Proc. SPIE 1166, 177–185 (1989). of more than 120 journal papers and has written two books and three
9. R. Ossikovski, “Retrieval of a nondepolarizing estimate from an exper- book chapters. His current research interests include the theory of
imental Mueller matrix through virtual experiment,” Opt. Lett. 37, 578– polarimetry and tip-enhanced Raman spectroscopy.
580 (2012).
10. A. Aiello et al., “Maximum-likelihood estimation of Mueller matrices,”
Opt. Lett. 31, 817–819 (2006). Oriol Arteaga is an associate researcher at the University of
11. S. N. Savenkov, “Optimization and structuring of the instrument matrix Barcelona, Spain, and École Polytechnique, France. His research
for polarimetric measurements,” Opt. Eng. 41, 965–972 (2002). focuses on light–matter interaction and the measurement of the
12. A. S. Alenin and J. Scott Tyo, “Structured decomposition design of par- optical properties of materials, with special interest to chiral media.
tial Mueller matrix polarimeters,” J. Opt. Soc. Am. A 32, 1302–1312 He worked as a postdoctoral researcher in the Molecular Design
(2015). Institute of New York University, and later he was reincorporated to
13. O. Arteaga et al., “Mueller matrix microscope with a dual continuous the European Research System as a Marie Curie Fellow. He has
rotating compensator setup and digital demodulation,” Appl. Opt. 53, authored more than 70 publications in international journals.
2236–2245 (2014).
14. O. Arteaga et al., “Mueller matrix polarimetry with four photoelastic
modulators: theory and calibration,” Appl. Opt. 51, 6805–6817 (2012).

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