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How is mass different than weight?

mass remains constant; weight depends on the pull of gravity.

You are given a mystery object in science class. Your teacher asks you to determine if
the object is more or less dense than water. When you put it in water, it sinks. What
does this mean?
The object has a greater density than water.
The formula for finding density is...
Mass/Volume or Mass divided by volume. Remember I Heart Density!
You have 2 plastic vials. One has 40 mL of water and the other has 40 mL of alcohol.
What does this measurement tell you?
The 2 volumes are the same.
Mass is...
The amount of matter in an object.
A graduated cylinder is used to measure...
liquid volume
What tool do we use to measure mass?
triple beam balance
If we use the units (g) for grams and (cm cubed) for volume, what are the units for
g/cm cubed
The mass of an object is 6 kg on earth. What would the mass be on the moon?
6 kg Mass doesn't change.
A cube has a side of 5 cm. It has a mass of 250 grams. What is the density? Hint:
Volume of a cube = L x W x H
Volume = 5 x 5 x 5 = 125 cm cubed
Density = 250/125 = 2 cm cubed
What is the correct explanation for why ice floats?
Ice is less dense than water because it takes up less space even though it is the same
Which of the following will cause the mass of a metal block to increase?
Nothing. Mass doesn't change unless you add matter to it.
Density is defined as...
Define Volume
The amount of space an object takes up.
What is the density of a substance that has a mass of 55.4 grams and a volume of 10
cm cubed?
5.54 g/cm cubed
An object will float in liquid if it is...
Less dense than the liquid surrounding it.
What is the density of water?
1 g/mL
Density measurements and weight measurements are the same thing. True or False
False. Weight depends on the pull of gravity. Density depends on Mass and Volume.
How are density and buoyancy related?
If an object is less dense than a liquid, it will float or be "buoyant."
A submarine is able to move throughout the water by...
Changing or altering its density.
When two materials have different densities, like oil and water, they will...
Separate according to their densities.
Find the density of an object that has a mass of 34 grams and a volume of 14 mL.
34 g/14 mL = 2.43 g/mL
Volume of a solid is shown in units of...
Volume of a liquid is shown in units of...
These two units are EQUAL (True/False)
Solid = cm cubed
Liquid = mL
Substance A (Mass = 12 g, Volume = 4 cm cubed)
Substance B (Mass = 16 g, Volume = 4 cm cubed)
Substance C (Mass = 20 g, Volume = 4 cm cubed)
Substance D (Mass = 24 g, Volume = 4 cm cubed)
What is the density of each substance?
A = 3 g/cm cubed
B = 4 g/cm cubed
C = 5 g/cm cubed
D = 6 g/cm cubed
If a mineral has a density of 3 g/cm cubed, and a mass of 48 g, then what is its volume?
V = M/D
V = 48/3 = 16 cm cubed

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