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Yijie(Jack) Shen ENGL111

This infographic is about one of the most meaningful projects I did

in ENGL 11000 and its connection to the course concepts and ready
player one. 

ENGL 111 The project 2 in ENGL 111 is group

p r e s e n t a t i o n s a b o u t A m e r i c a n f a m i l y,
Project 2 government, business, and etc. When I heard
that I need to do a 45 minutes presentation on
the US government, I thought this is going to
be the hardest project I have ever done.
However it turned out to be great. I learned a
lot from the making of this project. It really
helped my academic, social, and personal life.
T h i s i n f o g ra p h i c w i l l s h o w w h a t I h a v e l e a r n e d .

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“You’d be amazed how much

research you can get done 1
when you have no life
whatsoever.” (Ready Player
One chapter 6) Academic

I learned how efficient self regulated

learning is from the making of this project. At
first I was worried because I have to talk
about 10 minutes about government. I have
never talked for so long in my life. Also it is
about government, which is in my opinion
one of the most boring topics. I knew that I
have to be very well prepared to do this
presentation. I need to do a lot of researches.
So I spent one entire day to do this project
with my group member. I did a lot of reading
and researching. I completed the slide show
in the end of that day. Like Wade said, people
can get lots of research done with no life
whatsoever. The college life is basically just
learning and learning. Self regulated learning
8/03/06/self-regulated- can really help me learn a lot everyday.  

“The farther I
went, the more
2 confident I
became.” (Ready
Player One
chapter 3)

sociocultu Group work

ral I was always not very confident about

group work. I did not have many
excellent experiences. When doing
group works, I am always thinking what
should I do, am I doing this right, is
everyone else doing their work
r i g h t ?   H o w e v e r, I a m p l e a s e d w i t h t h e
group work in project 2. My group
members all did their work very well. I
learned a lot of group working skills
from this projects. I learned that first
of all I need to have the right
groupmembers. Everyone should be
good at something different. Then I
need to know my groupmembers so we
can have better communications.
Respect and understand each
g r o u p m e m b e r i s t h e k e y. G r o u p
conference is very impor tant, for
project 2 we had two group
conferences. We discussed many
possible plans in each conference such
as what par t should each group member
have and how do we do the
presentation. I was very glad that for
this project I had a great group. 

“Whenever I saw the sun, I reminded
myself that I was looking at a star. One
of over a hundred billion in our galaxy.
A galaxy that was just one of billions of
other galaxies in the observable
universe. This helped me keep things in
perspective.” (Ready Player One
chapter 1)


Listening to the other presentations is also a part of project 2. It is quiet

interesting listening to others talking about a topic from different
perspectives. There are always something that amazed me. Some
presentations were very objective, there were many facts, graphs, and data,
but not much opinions. Some presentations were very subjective. There
were many radical ideas and opinions. I learned a lot from each
presentation. This class taught us that we should not judge others easily. My
mom always tell me to think from other people's perspective before saying
something. I believe this is a very important when talking to others. I like to
be objective because being subjective makes a person seems very rational
and unreasonable and I like to view something from multiple perspectives. I
rarely judge others because I believe people do things for a reason that they
think is right. If a person always judge others, others will view him as
arrogant and self centered. Listening to all the presentations helped me
understand this concept more because after listening to these
presentations I felt like I do not understand the US at all although I have
lived in the US for a long time. The values and concepts in the presentations
are so different from what I have experienced. In college we have to
understand that people are complex and different in order to have better
relationship with others and ourselves.  


ENGL 110 and ENGL 111 have taught me how to

adapt to the college life. Both classes have taught
me a lot of values and concepts that are very
important. These projects helped me prepare for
the projects that I will do later in more difficult
classes. I have learned many crucial skills such as
thinking skills, group working skills, writing skills,
and so on. 

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