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Submitted by: Rameen Ismail.

Submitted to: Mr. Hasnain.
Department: BS Psychology II.
Subject: Mass Communication.

Role of Media in Opinion Formation

The role of media is bigger than it has ever been. The best part is that media is still growing and
influencing our lives as the days go by. The media plays a central role in informing the public
about what happens in the world. People rely on media such as television, the press and online to
get news and updates.

Audiences form their beliefs and attitudes, either by themselves or with others, in response to
media messages. The level of influence of media varies, however, and messages from the media
are not received uniformly by all audiences. Direct experience, knowledge from other sources
and logic are a few factors that contribute to the degree to which audiences accept or reject
messages from the media. The agenda-setting theory is the primary emphasis on shaping public

According to Lumen Learning, “Two basic assumptions underlie most research on agenda-
setting: One, that the press and the media do not reflect reality, they filter and shape it; and two,
that media concentration on a few issues and subjects leads the public to perceive those issues as
more important than other issues.”

Opinion Formation:
Opinion formation is the process of how individuals process information (either from direct or
indirect experience) when forming an attitude. It is defined as an individual's overall evaluation
of an object with some degree of favor or disfavor. In this view, an attitude consists of three
types of elements: cognitive (beliefs); affective (emotions or feelings); and behavioral (intent to
act). These elements can affect one another. While they are usually consistent, they may not be.
Attitudes are also related to one another.

Opinion Leaders and their role:

Opinion leaders are influential members of a community, group, or society who others turn to for
advice, opinions, and views. Opinion leaders have to be deemed credible by the audience

listening to them. If you have friends who you trust and rely on for advice, you certainly respect
their opinions on some topics because you find them to be credible. They have a breadth of
knowledge of a particular topic and you can see it in their eyes and hear it in their voice how
passionate they are about a cause. If you have a friend who loves technology and is a gadget
freak, you probably ask them for advice when you buy, say, a new smart phone or a TV.

Opinion leaders are the influencers of their respective niches. They influence the choices and
beliefs of their followers towards or against a specific agenda, message or propaganda They
interpret the media messages and put them into context for the wider population. They have a
giving spirit and often share their knowledge with the followers on social media.

True opinion leaders have a strong impact on their audience’s choices and have a higher social
status among their friends, family, and followers. Opinion leaders are considered to be expert in
a particular area and their influence sphere is limited there. Their opinion over other areas holds
little to no importance.

For example, Your friends are people you trust who are a part of your group and community.
They are the ones you count on to give you some insight on something you are not very familiar
with. They are your opinion leaders in some regards. The people in your immediate circle or
second- or third-degree connections who are your acquaintances can have an influence in your

 In political campaigns, the media may not be effective in swaying public support toward
or against a particular issue or candidate. But by continuously raising particular questions
and issues, or simply by showing an interest in a particular political candidate or issue,
the media can lead the discussion toward or away from issues important to the candidate
and even to the public (as identified through polls). Thus they make their audience think
about what is right or wrong and make them form their opinion about a particular party.

 Through initial reporting, the media may present the facts of a story in such as way that
the audience is given a particular point of view or frame of reference and interpretation.
The media may report that, A political candidate has extreme views on an issue. A budget

proposal is harmful to a particular group. A new medicine is of questionable safety, and

so on.

By such reporting, the media thus have presented a frame through which the story is
interpreted by audiences. It also sets the baseline for future reporting on the issue.

 The Clinton scandal is one of the prime example.

The Clinton scandal, sexual affair of Bill Clinton (U.S. President) and Monica Lewinsky
ted a media frenzy and became sensational news for years. Media gave full pages news as
top stories. The media influenced the mindset of people so much and the news got viral to
result in a presidential impeachment. And later, Clinton was acquitted for the crime.

 The Watergate scandal was also exposed by media and blown out of proportions. The
issue of burglars breaking in at the Watergate office complex was exaggerated by
involving President Richard M. Nixon in this scandal. Media created different myths like
corruption, the post uncovering the story in the beginning before police, and an increase
in enrollment in journalism universities due to the incident.

Media has a magnificent role to play in the upcoming days, provided it realizes its mistakes and
corrects itself. It has to be unbiased while presenting the news. The Information though the
media reaches door to door and hence it is the social and moral responsibility of them to present
a factual and authentic picture of any incident without thinking much about money making or
profit generation. With such a huge responsibility towards the people, media should be more
sensible and alert instead of a casual approach towards an event because it is they on whom the
general public is relying. I am sure media will do so, and thereby win the respect of the people
along with the support of the people.

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