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jessica tassone

Theoretical Practical
Objectives Task / content Resource/ Diagram Differentiation
Component Component

Lesson Focus – Reflection on prior Introduce netball Introduction See appendix 1 Explicit teaching
1 Introduction to Netball topic- Introduce new sport of Netball. Class discussion
T as a sport. Pre-assess Acute responses See appendix 7 Flexible grouping
theoretical knowledge to exercise. Pre-Assessment: what do we know
about netball?
E What do we know about invasion
O games? (Appendix 7)
R Ask students in groups to:
Y Draw a netball court.
List the positions of netball.
Identify where these positions on
the court can go.
And 3-5 basic rules

Body of lesson

Prior introducing next theoretical

topic, students will:

Create a Mind map: students will

identify which movements/skills
utilise the ATP-PC system,
Anaerobic System and Aerobic

Class discussion on today’s content
via verbal exit card.
2 Lesson Focus –
Fundamental skills of ATP-PC system, Review basic skills, Introduction
D Anaerobic System game play for Teacher explicit
O netball and rules. and Aerobic initial review. Begin the lesson with an teaching
U Game play system. Basic rules. introduction of the basic and
B fundamental skills we will be
E Defending a holding shooter
Going for an interception
P Overhead pass
R Shooting technique Activity 1:
A Two handed bounce pass adaption: 5
C passes to then be
On the board we will write a list of able to score
the skills we will be visiting. (open task,
I Reflect on the basic rules, from last increase
C lesson inclusivity)
A Activity 2:
L Body of lesson Task card will be given to the students
where the individual will label if they
Activity 1: are: Activity 2:
Begin practical lesson with a game Vary
Autonomous drills/activities to
Activity 2: Associative suit each
In small groups of 4 students will Or developing group/pair
focus on the basic fundamentals
Individually reflect and rate out of 10.
Defending a holding shooter What they rate there skills are out of Pair work
Going for an interception 10. Group and class
Overhead pass discussion
Shooting technique This self-assessment will provide the Flexible grouping
Two handed bounce pass student’s knowledge on their starting
point and where they can improve.

3 Basic skills error Refine basic skills. In groups of 4 – 5 students will Umpiring session
identification & Continuing on from the last lesson participate in the following activities: (afterschool)
passing, catching, Activity 1:
footwork, leading, Change of direction activity:
general attacking.
Focussing on catching, passing and Activity 1:
footwork, leading

Activity 1 description:
The queueing players must sprint
and change direction before
receiving the ball from the feeder.
Once they've received the pass the
ball is then passed onto the
receiver (red 2) who passes back
to the feeder
Activity 2:
Activity 2 -
3 v 2 activity:
Focussing on catching, passing and
footwork, leading, general
attacking, game stimulation

Activity 2 Description:
The 3 defenders are covering the
space inside the circle - and a bit
like piggy in the middle they are
trying to win back the ball.
As one defender moves towards
the player with the ball and tries to
prevent one pass, the other
defender attempts to cover the
space for the other pass.
Finish lesson with a game,
practicing what has been learnt in
the lesson.
4 Lesson Focus – Introduction Explicit teaching
Introduction of energy Chronic Class discussion
T systems Responses to Introduce next topic Pair work
H Anaerobic  PowerPoint; Chronic Visual and audio
E Training (ATP-CP Body of lesson Responses. ques
O System) Engage in class discussion  Worksheet
R throughout PowerPoint, on white
Y Content to be board next to PowerPoint record
covered: class conversation discussing how
Improved capacity chronic responses to exercise can
of the ATP-PC assist performance in a game of
system netball and what how can this
Increased stores benefit professionals
of ATP & PC
Increased ability
to recruit motor
These responses
will result in
improvement in
strength, speed
and power.
5 Lesson Focus –
Comparing energy Introduction
T systems between
H games Introduce assignment.
E Introduce assignment
Body of lesson
Students will work on part 2 - With
reference to specific playing
positions compare the interplay of
the energy systems between the
two games. You must utilise data
in your response


Theoretical Practical
Objectives Task / content Resource/ Diagram Differentiation
Component Component
1 Lesson Focus – Understand, explain and
Introduce chronic Chronic analyse the chronic responses
T responses to adaptions and to exercise which include, short
exercise. responses to
H term and long-term responses
physical activity
E to exercise while at rest, sub-
O maximal.
2 Lesson Focus – Heart rate Introduction Group and pair
Using HR monitors monitors to be activities with
D to gather data worn – this will Reflect on basic skills visited last reciprocal
Defence strategies build ion and
O lesson teaching
Peer monitoring make connections
U to content of last
B lesson and focus Body of lesson Explicit teaching
L on: short term Appendix 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 Peer
responses to
E Game – emphasise and take learning/peer
exercise while at
rest, sub-maximal note when students execute the assessment
and maximal skills effectively and
exercise successfully.
Students will complete one of
the worksheets analysing their
peers (see appendix 2,3,4,5,6)

3 Build on from last lesson

P Body of lesson
R Defence focus – Activity: Activity:
A individual The attackers (blue) have to try
C defence and keep the ball, passing from
T strategies and the left side of the playing area
I techniques, and taking it through the
C including circle defender's territory into the
A defence 'restricted area'. Attackers must
L complete 5 passes before being
allowed to enter the restricted
zone - if they manage to do this
they score a point.
To prevent the attackers from
Team defensive scoring though the defenders
strategies – have to use the 3 stages of
defending to gain possession of
working with
the ball.
tactics, team
defence circle Students will discuss team
defence defensive strategies:
strategies, base - Moving to space
line throw ins, - Applying pressure
side lines, etc - Reduce options for
- Man on man

Game to end lesson focusing on
defensive strategy’s discussed
Extra points when defensive
strategy is implemented

4 Lesson Focus –
T collection of Body of lesson
H evidence and
analysis of the
E Movement data analysis from
performance of
O physical activities videos collected in class last
R week.

5 Lesson Focus – Chronic Introduction

Chronic responses Responses to
T to exercise Anaerobic Understand, explain and
H Training (Lactacid analyse the chronic responses
E System) to exercise which include, short
O Increased term and long-term responses
R glycogen stores to exercise while at maximal.
Y Increased lactic
acid tolerance
and utilisation of
lactic acid
anaerobic enzyme


Theoretical Practical
Objectives Task / content Resource/ Diagram Differentiation
Component Component
1 Lesson Focus – Chronic Responses to Explicit teaching
Chronic responses Chronic adaptation Anaerobic Training Paired questioning
T to exercise the body makes is (Flexibility) Reciprocal teaching
(anaerobic training)
H specific to the Increased joint range
E training stimulus the of movement
O person is exposed Increased resting
R to. length of muscles
Y tendons and
Decreased resistance
to joint movement

Provide worksheet
on response to
anaerobic training.
2 Lesson Focus – Centre pass plays – Introduction
Tactical focus attack and defense.
D Offensive and General play Discuss theoretical
defence strategies
O strategies. knowledge from last
Decision making
U lesson learnt.
B Encourage students
L to write on the board
E throughout the
lesson how flexibility
would enhance your
skills as a netball
player throughout
the lesson.

Game – mention last

lessons defensive
skill and see if
students make
adaptions in the
game to revisit
defensive strategies.

Introduce todays

Body of lesson

Activity 1 Activity 1
The WA and GA will
start in a staggered
position, with one
player (GA in this
example) on the line
and the other (WA)
positioned off the
Both the WA and GA
will offer for the
centre pass
GA receives the ball
from the C
WA recognises that
they did not receive
first ball and drives
deep down court to
receive the second
phase ball from the
The GS will hold their
space until the WA
has released the ball
and the GS will
receive the ball into
The GS will put the
ball up for a shot
3 Goal shooting, Activity 2 Activity 2 Adapt games to each
general C pass GA and WA start on performer – service
P attacking plays, the line squeezing rules, etc
feeding the circle, their defenders into
shooter movement. the middle. Adaption: GS has to
pass the ball twice in
C This opens up space
to run into and out of the D
before shooting
I Has to be two
C options therefore
A both players have to
L sprint off the line on
the whistle.


Game practicing
what has been learnt
Verbal exit card via
group discussion

4 Lesson Focus – Tiered lesson

Small sided games :
P focusing on tactics Teir 1 – refresh skills video session to then analyse
and strategies learnt
R Open to closed skills learnt in a game Statistics/ Game Data (possessions, Progress students as
in previous lesson.
A situation. Teacher movement performed) they are ready for the
C will work with small next drill, give one-
T groups to assist with on-one or small group
I anything that the instruction to those
C students wish to that require it
A revisit.
Teir 2 –
Game stimulation.
Taking time to reflect
on what needs
improvement as a
Collaborating and
adjusting students
positions to their

5 Lesson Focus – Assignment:

Reviewing video Statistics and game
T footage and peer data analysis
assessment tools.
O analyse
R Statistics/ Game Data
Y (possessions,
performed) from
footage taken in
previous class in
coherency with the
assessment task


Objectives Practical Component Task / content Resource/ Diagram Differentiation
1 Lesson Focus – Investigate and Introduction Explicit teaching;
Understand benefits of understand questioning; individual
T chronic responses to Chronic Responses to Introduce the based learning (incl
aerobic training.
H Aerobic Training objectives of today’s reading and complete
Physiological changes.
E Increased availability, lesson questions in text);
O delivery and brainstorming; 1-on-1
R utilisation of oxygen Body of lesson clarification where
Y as a result of: possible
Increase capillarisation Power point and
Increase red blood worksheet and
cells Increase youtube video to assit
myoglobin students develop a
Increase pulmonary deeper understanding
diffusion of lesson content (see
differentiation column)

Kahoot exit card to
illustrate student

2 Lesson Focus – Heart rate monitors to Transition, team Introduction

Tactical focus be worn defense & attack. Every 15 minutes
D Defence strategies Zones on the court. students will record
Small sided games
O Strategies their heart rate
U Activity 1
B Body of lesson
E Activity 1

3 attackers positioned
around the ouside the
circle with 1 ball and 2
defenders inside the

The two defenders are
covering the space
inside the circle - and a
bit like piggy in the
middle they are trying
to win back the ball.
As one defender
moves towards the
player with the ball
and tries to prevent
one pass, the other
defender attempts to
cover the space for the
other pass.
Play full court small
sided game to utilise
activity 1
Continue onto next
3 Transition, team Activity 2
Heart rate monitors to defense & attack.
P be worn Zones on the court. To be played in groups
of 8.
R Strategies
2 defenders stand in
A each section of the
C court.
T 2 attackers work their
I way down the court
C passing the ball
A between them. They
L must make a given Activity 2
number of passes in
each third before
progressing to the next
Defenders must stay
within their own third.
You could put 3
defenders in each third


Play full class game to

conclude lesson
applying what we have
learnt about zone
defence in activity 2.

Students will sharea

brief analysis of how
their heart rate has
changed over the
course of the lesson.

4 Lesson Focus –
Recap of previous Assessment: Unit over
T content covered. Quiz view so far –
H Students working in
E pairs will go through a
O quiz.
Y Or
exam conditions ( if

at the end of the quiz

the students will peer
mark each - others

5 Lesson Focus – Investigate and Introduction

T Chronic responses understand Introduce the Explicit teaching
H from aerobic training Chronic Responses objectives of todays
and how this benefits
E Other Changes to lesson
O Aerobic Training
R Cardiac Hypertrophy Body of lesson
Y Increased number and Power point and
size of mitochondria worksheet and
Increased fuel stores youtube video to assist
Increase respiratory students develop a
function deeper understanding
Increased plasma of lesson content


Objectives Theoretical Component Practical Component Task / content Resource/ Diagram Differentiation

1 Lesson Focus – Chronic effects from Introduction

Understanding of extensive ‘aerobic’ Introduce the objectives
T chronic effects through training at Rest of todays lesson
aerobic training at rest.
H Cardiac Hypertrophy Body of lesson
E Analyse heart rate data
O Increased stroke volume Analysis of individual
R Decreased heart rate Heart Rate monitor data
Y and Blood pressure in pairs/ small groups
Increased blood volume
and haemoglobin Relate to theoretical
component of this week
via class discussion and
working through a
PowerPoint that is
supported with a
worksheet providing
information and
definitions of the
theoretical component

2 Lesson Focus – Lesson to be filmed Review technique, Introduction Open to class if they
Skill development. decision making, team 15 minute games want to make any
D Review peer assessment play and tactics Review what we have adaptions.
O In smaller teams (5 learnt thus far.
U minimum) List adaptions and after
B Body of lesson each game cross one off
L the list.
E Small sided games To therefore go from a
Skills review closed to an open
Round robin environment.

3 Conclusion
Class discussion on
P theoretical component
R for this week. Write
A what the classes answers
C and what the class is
I discussing on the white
C board

4 Lesson Focus – Lesson to be filmed for Game play. Demonstrate Introduction

Match simulations and analysis proficient game play, See appendix 2 for skill Class discussion
P skill development apply tactics Review what we have review Self-evaluation
R learnt thus far.
C Body of lesson
I Large games
C Skills review
A Round robin
Class discussion on
theoretical component
for this week. Write
what the classes answers
and what the class is
discussing on the white
5 Lesson Focus – Analysis of video Analyse Appendix 1
T Collecting, analysing, and Statistics/ Game Data
H representing data and (possessions, movement
visual evidence
E performed) from footage
O taken in previous 2
R classes in coherency with
Y the assessment task
Lesson WEEK 6

Objectives Theoretical Component Practical Component Task / content Resource/ Diagram Differentiation

1 Lesson Focus –
Collecting, analysing, and Analyse Appendix 1
T representing data and Statistics/ Game Data
visual evidence
H (possessions, movement
E performed) from footage
O taken in previous 2
R classes in coherency with
Y the assessment task
2 Lesson Focus – heart rate monitors to Review technique, Extra help provided for
Match simulations. Small be worn. decision making, team Introduction those that want it at
D sided games and full To reflect on this weeks play and tactics lunchtimes and before
O content: Chronic effects Review what we have school
U Chronic effects from from extensive ‘aerobic’ learnt thus far.
B aerobic training training at Rest
L Cardiac Hypertrophy Body of lesson
E Increased stroke volume
Decreased heart rate Small games onto bigger
and Blood pressure games.
Increased blood volume Round robin
and haemoglobin
And create ideas for our
next topic: From this we
can then relate the data
to our VO2
- did aerobic activity
take place?
- When did it take
3 Game play. Demonstrate Conclusion
P proficient game play, Class discussion on
R apply tactics theoretical component
A for this week. Write
C what the classes answers
T and what the class is
I discussing on the white
C board.
4 Lesson Focus – Chronic effects from What sports utilise VO2 Reflect back to previous
Chronic effects from ‘aerobic’ training during the most? lesson and utilise data to
T aerobic training. Sub-maximal exercise teach students about
V02 max
H An increase in stroke today’s theoretical
E volume combines with a content
O decrease in heart rate
R during sub-maximal
Y exercise resulting in
cardiac output remaining
the same.
Increased a-vO2
The VO2 max tends to
decrease because of
increased body efficiency
5 Lesson Focus – Revision & assignment –
T Work on summative final chance to ask
H assignment questions.

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